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Gotta Catch It Review

Variation One Directions:

1. The classroom will split into two teams. Each team will send a representative to the front of the
room where the cards with questions on them will be faced down so only the numbers on the back
are showing. The cards can be spread out on the floor or hung stuck to the board. The cards
should be placed at random and not in numerical order
2. The teacher will begin the game by tossing the ball to a student. The ball will continue to be
tossed around until the teacher says STOP.
3. The student who is holding the ball when the teacher says stop looks at the number on the beach
ball that their right thumb is on, or is closest to. The student should then announce what number it
4. When the number is announced the representatives from each team at the front of the room must
race to find the card with that number on it. Whoever gets the card first reads the question on the
backside to their team and their team has a chance to answer the question.
5. The teacher will have a sheet that consists of the answers for each question. If the first team
answers the question correctly, they get a point. If the first team gets the question wrong the
second team has the opportunity to answer the question. If the second team gets the answer
correct, they get a point. If both teams get the question incorrect the teacher should read aloud the
correct answer, but no points are awarded.
6. Each team should then send up two different representatives to the front of the room and the
second round should begin when the teacher tosses the ball again to a different student.
Variation Two Directions:
1. The game starts by the teacher tossing the ball to one student. As the student catches it they
should look where their right thumb lands. The student should announce the number their thumb
lands on or the number that their thumb is closest to.
2. The teacher will then read off a question that corresponds to that number. The student must then
respond to the question and the teacher will either agree with the answer given or announce the
correct answer.
3. Then the student will toss the ball to another classmate and the process repeats until there are no
more questions.
1. Students are to TOSS the ball gently to one another. There should be no forcefulness or
intentional aggressiveness in this game.
2. Everyone must receive the ball at least once.
3. Students cannot pass it back to the person who gave it to them.
4. In the event of a repeated question the teacher can decide whether they would like to go over the
question again if it is of significant importance and thinks it will be beneficial or just have the
student read off another number that was close to their thumb.
Grade Level:
This game can be adapted to fit any grade level and any subject. The difficulty depends on how
demanding the questions are that are written by the teacher. This game could simply be a review of
numbers one through twenty for first grade or could access high school student’s knowledge of
material before a final exam.

Why use this game?

This game provides a safe, fun way to review either a single topic or an entire semester worth of
material. This game would be great to use after you complete a lesson or as a review the day before a
test. This game provides kinesthetic learners and very active children with an outlet for all of their
energy. This game can also create healthy competition in the classroom.
Variation Two:
Health Review Questions
1. What is the most widely implemented youth drug prevention program? –DARE
2. What ratio of children and adolescents may have a diagnosable health problem? -1/5
3. True or False: The roots of most mental disorders lie in one’s environment. –False, it is a
combination of genetic and environmental factors.
4. What is the single most preventable cause of death in the US? –cigarette smoking and tobacco
5. What factors are contributing to the obesity epidemic? –poor diet and physical activity
6. What are the five sections of My Plate? –Dairy, fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein
7. When reading a food label what should you start with? –Serving size
8. What are the eight National Health Education Standards? –core concepts, analyze internal and
external influences, access information, interpersonal communication, decision making, goal
setting, self-management, advocacy
9. What is Rubistar? –A website that helps teachers create rubrics for project based activities
10. What are some short term and longer term consequences of smoking tobacco? –increased heart
rate and blood pressure, decreased skin temperature and hand steadiness, increased carbon
monoxide levels, bad breath, lung cancer and cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive lung
disease, aesthetic and second hand smoke effects
11. What is the likely hood of tobacco users to start using other drugs? –Tobacco users are seven
times more likely to progress to other drugs than individuals who have never used tobacco
12. True or False. Most adults started smoking before the age of 18. –True
13. What is the Resiliency Theory? –The belief in the ability of every person to overcome adversity if
important protective factors are in their life.
14. What does the HECAT help do? –The HECAT helps educators evaluate curriculum
15. True or False. Mental disorders and mental health problems can appear in families of all social
classes and of all backgrounds. –True
16. When untreated what can mental health problems lead to? –school failure, drug abuse, family
conflict, violence and suicide
17. What age do half of all lifetime cases of mental illness begin by? -14
18. How many young people with mental health problems are not getting the help they need? -2/3 of
young people with mental health illnesses are not getting the help they need
19. True or False. Research has shown that academic performance decreases in schools that take time
to teach students to manage their emotions. –False. Academics improve in school that teacher
their students about emotions and practicing empathy.
20. Who is considered a mandated reporter? –Counselors, lawyers, nurses, physicians, social
workers, and teachers
Variation One:
Answer Key
2. 1/5
3. False, it is a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
4. Cigarette smoking and tobacco products
5. Poor diet and physical activity
6. Dairy, fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein
7. Serving size
8. Core concepts, analyze internal and external influences, access information, interpersonal
communication, decision making, goal setting, self-management, and advocacy
9. A website that helps teachers create rubrics for project based activities
10. Increased heart rate and blood pressure, decreased skin temperature and hand steadiness, increased
carbon monoxide levels, bad breath, lung cancer and cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive lung
disease, aesthetic and second hand smoke effects
11. Tobacco users are seven times more likely to progress to other drugs than individuals who have never
used tobacco
12. True
13. The belief in the ability of every person to overcome adversity if important protective factors are in
their life.
14. Helps educators evaluate curriculum
15. True
16. School failure, drug abuse, family conflict, violence and suicide
18. 2/3 of young people with mental health illnesses are not getting the help they need
19. False. Academics improve in school that teacher their students about emotions and practicing
20. Counselors, lawyers, nurses, physicians, social workers, and teachers
1. What is the most widely implemented youth drug prevention

2. What ratio of children and adolescents may have a diagnosable

health problem?

3. True or False: The roots of most mental disorders lie in one’s


4. What is the single most preventable cause of death in the US?

5. What factors are contributing to the obesity epidemic?

6. What are the five sections of My Plate?

7. When reading a food label what should you start with?

8. What are the eight National Health Education Standards?

9. What is Rubistar?

10. What are some short term and longer term consequences of
smoking tobacco?

11. What is the likely hood of tobacco users to start using other
12. True or False. Most adults started smoking before the age of

13. What is the Resiliency Theory?

14. What does the HECAT help do?

15. True or False. Mental disorders and mental health problems

can appear in families of all social classes and of all backgrounds.

16. When untreated what can mental health problems lead to?

17. What age do half of all lifetime cases of mental illness begin

18. How many young people with mental health problems are not
getting the help they need?

19. True or False. Research has shown that academic

performance decreases in schools that take time to teach students
to manage their emotions.

20. Who is considered a mandated reporter?

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