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PERGAMON ‘Computers and Structures 79 (2001) 1097-1107 Computers & Structures ‘wor: cleviercomMocatelcompstrue Nonlinear analysis of frames with flexible connections Miodrag Sekulovic, Ratko Salatic * Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73, 11000 Belgrade, Yugoslacia Received 15 October 1999; accepted 16 October 2000 Abstract “The effects of flexibility and eccentricity in the nodal connections of plane frames due to static loading are considered in this paper. A numerical model that includes both nonlinear connection behavior and geometric nonlinearity of the structure is developed, Two types of geometric nonlinear analysis are considered: with and without the bowing effect influence. The stiffness matrix for the beam with flexible eccentric connections is developed based on the analytical solution of the second-order analysis equations, The numerical model presented has the same number of degrees of freedom as the corresponding model in the conventional analysis used for the frames with fully rigid connec- tions. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. ‘Keywords: Steel structures; Plane frame; Semi-tigd connection; Eocentric connection; Nonlinear analysis; Bowing effect 1. Introduction Standard analyses procedures for frame structures fare based on the assumption of the ideal nodal con- nections, Thus, two extreme idealizations for connee- tions are used: perfectly rigid and ideally pinned. Models with ideal connections simplify the analysis procedure but often cannot represent the real structural behavior. This discrepancy is reported in numerous experimental investigations of steel frames with different types of connections [1]. Making an ideal connection is very difficult, impractical and is not economically justified. Hence, real connections are more oF less flexible or semi- rigid, The flexibility of connections is the subject of ‘many current building codes for steel structures such as British Standards, Eurocode 3, and the specifications of the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) In general, nodal connections of plane frames are subjected to the influence of bending moments, axial forces and shear forces. The effects of axial and shear forces can usually be neglected, and only the influence of * Corresponding author. Exmail address: (R. Salaic) bending moments is of practical interest. The constitu. tive moment-rotation relation, M-a, depends on the particular type of connection. Most experiments have shown that the curve M-a is nonlinear in the whole domain and for all types of connections. Therefore, ‘modeling of the nodal connection is important for the design and accuracy in the frame structure analysis. ‘There are several approaches on how to incorporate the flexibility of the nodal connections in the discrete analysis of the frames. The simplest and the most com= ‘mon are linear models. Often, many authors use the so- called corrective matrices to modify the conventional stiffness matrices of the beams with full fixity at both ends [2-7], Elements of the corrective matrices are functions of the particular nondimensional parameters ~ fixity factors (2), or rigidity index (3). In Ref. [8], such an approach is used in the context of the optimization of steel frames with flexible connections. In addition to the linear behavior, many papers focus con the nonlinear analysis of the static and dynamic be- hhavior of the frames with flexible connections using different models of geometric nonlinearity of elements ‘and nodal connections [9-16]. Influence of flexibility and cecentricity in connections on the dynamic behavior of plane frames, within the linear theory, is investigated in Reef. (17) (0045.7949)0/8 - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: $0045-7949(01)00008-9 1098 1M, Soladovi, . Saltie | Computers and Structures 79 (2001) 1097-1107 This paper deals with the static nonlinear behavior of plane frames with semi-rigid connections. Two types of nonlinearities are considered: geometric nonlinearity of the structure and material (constitutive) nonlinearity of the connections. These nonlinearities are interactive. The eccentricity of the connections is also considered. The stiffness matrix and the vector of equivalent nodal forces for the prismatic beam with eccentric flexible connections are developed using the variational ap- proach. The matrix of the interpolation functions is obtained applying analytical solutions of the governing. differential equations second-order analysis, o that each ‘beam represents one finite element. Therefore, an in- crease in the number of elements and degrees of freedom in the discrete analysis is avoided. Nodal displacements and rotations are chosen as the primary unknowns, while displacements and rotations of the element ends are eliminated. Thus, the number of degrees of freedom is the same as for the system with ideally rigid connee- tions. The proposed stiffness matrix is more general than the corresponding matrices obtained by other authors Some of previously developed matrices are special cases of the herein developed matrix and can be obtained by its simplification, ‘Two models of the second-order analysis for the geometric nonlinear analysis of a member are consid ered: with and without the bowing effect. In many cases, such as orthogonal frames with rigid or flexible con- nections, differences in the accuracy between these two models are very small, In these cases, the simpler and more economical model without bowing is recom- mended to be used. However, in the case of other structures, such as shallow arches, the difference between these two models can be significant. In that case, use of the model that includes the bowing effect is necessary. To describe the nonlinear behavior of the connec tions, different models are used in researeh work. In this paper, the three-parameter power model is used (18,19) Based on theoretical problem formulation, a com- puter program was written that covers the above men- tioned models as well as the linear analysis of plane frames with flexible eccentric connections. ‘The applica- tion of the program is illustrated by several numerical ‘examples presented at the end of this paper. 2, Eaquilibrium equations for the beam with fixed ends ia the second-order theory Differential equations of the plane straight beam in the second-order analysis is developed from the principle of virtual work [11,20]. They can be expressed in the following form, with displacements as primary un- knowns [2T} EAC +402 —a)], = 0, (1a) [(Ele + hex [EAlus +40 — eo)e, — PCa) (1b) here w nd » are the axial and lateral displacements of the beam centerline, Fis modulus of elasticity, A and 7 are cross-sectional area and moment of inertia, % and Ky are initial deformations (dilatation and flexure change), (c) is lateral distributed load, while subseript (—), ddenotes partial derivative with respect to x. gs. (1) with appropriate boundary conditions define stress strain state of the straight beam, These equations are nonlinear and coupled, and hence, an analytical solution cannot generally be obtained, Nonlinearity and coupling in Eqs. (1) is the consequence of the term 1/2 in Eq, (a), which introduces the influence of bending t0 axial deformation (bowing effect). Relations between internal forces, axial forees N and bending moments M, with displacements w and © are given as: EAs +H, %0)s (2a) Elta, + 4) (2) (Ga) k= —ty (3b) From Eqs. (Ia) ant (2a) it can be concluded that the axial force N is constant along the beam axis, ie, N=ER, (4a) where: #4 (uth -a) (4b) Substituting Eq. (4a) into Eq. (1b), ia the case of prismatic beam (EI = cons!) and compressive force, tends to 2p,, =P, Ps — Bae = FP ~ (8) a 9) AAs a result, simplified Eqs. (4a) and (5) for the axial ‘and lateral beam deformations are derived that are formally decoupled. Analytical solutions for these equations are readily obtained and can be found in the literature (11,21). However, Eqs. (4a) and (5) are indeed coupled through the parameter K?, which is the function ‘of both displacement components. Based on Eqs. (4a) and (5), the stifiness equations in the second-order analysis can be presented indepen- , = «al i “ Fig. 2. A beam with flexible and eccentric connections. (2) where a; are the additional end rotations due to flexi- bility of connections which are modeled with rotational springs. Rotations a; depend on the springs stiffness ¢, and bending moments Af, at the ends of the beam as: % (13) Starting from Eq, (Ia) and taking into account Eq, (12), end moments can be expressed in the following way: {}-8 [ 416, ~6b; 2d, MJ ~F (6d, 21d, -66) lds =HG@-), (14) ot on} (15a) {0 1 0 a} (130) Substituting Eq, (13) into Eq, (14) leads to: Wy _ BL [1 +4nbs ] Myf SPL 2904 1 +4105 (2 416 60, 24) ol ug 64, 2d, —69; 4144] ) where: A= (1 +4gids)(1 + 4e2¢s) — 4eusada, (17a) El =p tah (176) Substituting Eqs. (13) and (16) into Eq. (15b), the additional end rotation force vector a can be expressed through the end displacements vector 4 a=S4, cas) where: 0 0 0 0 L]sa sa sa su alo o 0 of (19) Sa Sa Sa Su whose nonzero elements are defined as: $a = 83 = fg + 2g.82(2bs — de)lbo (20a) sn =4[eids + gie2(403 - 63), (200) su = 2aiba (206) $4) = 805 = flea + 2e182(2d4 — dalla (20a) (208) sigsl4d3 — 63) (or) ‘The function describing lateral displacement r(x), for the element with flexible connections, can be written in the usual way using interpolation functions and the nodal displacements vector: ¥(3) = Ne} =a) = Nes)(k-S)a ey where N(x} =[Nilx) Noe) a(x) Na(x)] (22) u ee [or [8+ Low SU+U + Uy, Ql) wher EP v= ee, (22) El f's 3 fae om (32) denoting deformation energy of the beam, axial (U,) and flexural (Uj), and potential energy of the springs (U2) Potential energies due to axial deformation and bending are coupled, since parameter from Eq, (4b), includes derivatives of both axial and lateral displace- ments. With the assumption that & = const, internal energy of the beam with exible connections corre- sponding to the bending, can be expressed independently of the energy corresponding to the axial deformation Thus, after substituting Eq. (25) into Eq, (32b), the following can be obtained ualearer{ ['aforwrso)e} x(1+G)q, (33) o in other form: U:= {9 hu + he), (3 where matrices ky and ker are defined as: wy =r [ “[orwyx] as, (35a) ky = G'ky +kuG + GTkuG, (356) denoting beam stiffness matrix with the rigid connec: tions according to the second-order analysis and cor- rection matrix that accounts for the effects of flexibility and eccentricity respectively. Elements of the matrix ky, which is nonlinear, are ‘computed from the analytical solutions of the differen- tial equations of the second-order analysis, Eq. (5). In (M. Sckulovie, R. Salat { Computers and Structures 79 (2001) 1097-1107 1103 particular cases, the simplified form of this matrix cor- responding to the linearized second-order analysis and presented by Eq, (11b) can also be used. Potential energy of the springs, Eq. (32c), can be expressed in the following matrix form: (36) 0000 0 00 nmanonG G7) 0004 Substituting Eq. (18) into Eq. (36), and considering, Eq. (23), leads to: U,=$a"G"CGq (38) where k= 6'C6, (3%) ° 0 0 0 0 6-44 ronal (39) & fa fo £0 Bu From Eqs. (34) and (38), the total potential energy due to the bending for the beam with flexible and ec- centric connections can now be written as: Jal (ha + ke + ks)q. (40) ‘The equivalent generalized end force vector due to distributed loads along the beam, p(x) is obtained in the usual manner: a= [ neontonar—aeey p(x)N(x)dx. (41) Components of the vector Q, for some simple load distributions and temperature change are given in the closed form by Sekulovie and Maleevie [21]. In general case, elements of the vector Q are computed numeri- cally 4, Numerical examples Based on theoretical observations presented in pre- vious sections, a computer program has been developed and numerical analysis of plain single bay frames with different number of storeys has been performed. For il- lustration, only the results of Wo simple cases are pre- sented herein: a simple portal frame and a two-storey single bay frame (Fig. 4). In both cases, ideal connec tions (rigid and pinned) as well as two types of semi-rigid ‘beam-to-column connections (DWA — double web angle and TSDWA ~ top and seat angle with double web angle) were considered. For the semi-rigid type of con- nections, database developed by Chen and Kishi [24] was used. Characteristic results for the horizontal displace- ‘ments at the top and bending moments at the base of the frames corresponding to the ideal and semi-rigid con- nections according to the linear and three different levels 40m 40m Fig. 4, Simple portal frame and two-storey simple bay frame. 1104 1M, Sokulovie, R Salatie | Comput of approximations in the second-order theory are pre- sented in Tables 1 and 2. In addition, the critical load of bifurcation stability is also given in the table. For the cease of connection eccentricity, the corresponding re- sults are presented in Table 3. From these tables, itis clear that there is a significant difference between results for the frames with ideal and with semicrigid (DWA and TSDWA) connections. In- fluence of the second-order theory can be seen from the difference between the results obtained using linear and. second-order analysis. Also, it should be noted that different levels of approximation in the second-order analysis do not produce the difference of practical in- terest. Bowing effect is negligible in both connection ccases: ideal and semi-rigid, Change in horizontal displacement of node 2 and bending moment in node | as.a function of fixity factors between the column and the beam for the different load levels are shown in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively. Dis- placements and moments are normalized by dividing ‘their values with the corresponding values forthe pinned type of connections. It can be concluded that both mo- ment and displacement lines have the same character ~ they have lower values for the higher values of fixity ters and Structures 79 (2001) 1097-1107 actors. Inthe eas of near analysis, the results decrease independently of the load level, while in the ease of the second-order analysis the decrease is greater for the higher load levels. Fig. 7 shows the difference (in percent) in displace- ‘ments and bending moments obtained by the second- order analysis and linear analysis for two different load levels (P = 100 KN and P = 400 KN). These differences are significant forthe case of the higher load (for DWA thy = 308674, hy = 26.67% for fixed connections "iy 25.86% jg = 22.3%) and it should be taken into ac- ‘count during the design of frame elements. Fig. § shows the change in the critical load of furcation stability for the portal frames with diferent ‘number of storeys as a function of fixity factors, Critical force is normalized by dividing it with the corresponding results for the case of fully fixed joints. It ean be con- cided that critical force increases with the increase in the fixity factors almost linearly (for the portal frame from 0.337. to LOP,, for the three-storey single bay frame from 0.05Pz 10 LOPs, where Pu, is the critical toad forthe same frame with fixed joints). Tis clear that frames with semi-rigid connections can stand significantly higher loads before they buckle than Table | ‘The simple portal frame (P = 450 kN, #1 = 0.005P, 1 “Type of connection — Displacement of node 3 (x10 m) Bending moment of node | KNm) Critical Fint Second order First Second order ba fonder Simpiv Without with = °%**" Simpl Without_—-With fied bowing bowing fed bowing bowing Rigid B19 «4638 ~«OGAZ=~=~*«CRAZ=SC*CSMSCTCTS8TG«S TSDWA 12870 42.4 A239, 2.392639 3.665 3.663 3.663 1395 nh BIT «4DSD 26S AHS 26D 367 36TS 36751383 DWA 1 3095 a7at 4749 aT49«2728— 3910-3908 3.908189 nh M25 «GLUG=—LIG.—=«GLIG.««28OZ_—4STS 4.575 4.575189 Pinned 557386869 93621 987.19 4803435914669 47.674 48D ‘Table 2 The two-storey simple bay frame (P = 100 kN, H = 0.008P, e, =e: = 0) “Type of connection Displacement of node 5 (x10 m) ‘ending moment of node 1 (Nea) Critieal First Seoond order First Second order ae ‘order Simpl; Without With °%%*" Simpl; Without With fied bowing _ bowing fied bowing bowing Rigid Bassas saS ASCII TSDWA 1 28s 10 B10 S108 BSS NSB RL ® 279] 311838 MAB 128013361336 1.38698 DWA I 31S1 3578 3578 3S.78—«282_—LaOS NOS 1405806 ” 3806 4103 4L0¢ ATO 1348 aS 8S RS BOD Pinned 17661 945.63 94739 92541_—_—3.001_—124S7_—_—DSTH 12.665 122 ‘Table 3 IM, Sekulosc, R. Salatic 1 Computers and Soructres 79 (2001) 1097-1107 0s The simple portal frame (p = 250 kNimn) Thre of Easy Rowan of pale Sw) Tending moment oF a0de 1 ON) ee First order ‘Second order First order ‘Second order Simple Witowt Simplied—Witow bowie roving ago go 65 86 IT Twat 00 ‘Sater tes aoomeaesata Dwar 00 the sy args 19308 200 ek Rit 01 ee ee ee ee ee TOWAL Ot Iss ds@s ase ales aezT bad Dwat Ot tao ss sess sas id 02 ima 2906 TSDWAI 02 tines —stssss eg ane = aatog en Dwal 03 tase eras reels a3 19 : c : of wl asl Foie >| | i Asaivis 7) Ht 3 3 oy] i | of = Pay ~—. 3 os = oa A | i Sa | os : i “Sek faa eer a = 2 OK Order Analysis, on 0001-03-03 04 0506 OT 08 05 Fixty factor To Fig, 5. The influence of connection flexibility on the horizontal displacement oo 01 03-03 04 05 06 07 08 0910 Fhxty ctor Fig. 6, The influence of connection fexbilty on the bending rome at the base Fig. 7. The difference in (a) displacements and (b) moments obtained by second-order and linear analyses. 1106 [M, Seleulovic, R. Satie | Computers and Structures 79 (2001) 1097-1107 19) T wer fH Le _| oa» 0 os aul ‘Normalized critical load P 03] od] I a Dwi | - T i T L t 1 i L t 1 001-03 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Fixity factor Fig, § The influence of connection flexibility on the critical load the frames with pinned connections, but also significantly lower than the frames with fully rigid connections, 5. Conclusion ‘This paper deals with the static nonlinear behavior of plane steel frames with flexible and eccentric connec- tions. A numerical model that includes both nonlinear connection behavior and geometric nonlinearity of the structure is developed. The stifiness matrix and the vector of the equivalent nodal force for the prismatic ‘beam with eccentric flexible connections are developed using analytical solutions of the governing differential equations of the second-order analysis. The proposed stiffness matrix is more general than the corresponding matrices previously obtained by other authors. To de- scribe the nonlinear behavior of the connections, the three-parameter power model is used. A computer pro- gram is developed for the analysis and design of steel frames. [Based on the above investigations and the numerical results it can be concluded that the connection flexibility has significant influence on the behavior analysis of the frames. Both the eects contribute to significant increase in the point displacements and to change in the dist bution of internal forces in the system. The influence of the geometric nonlinearity inreases with the load. It is higher when semi-rigid type of connections are used than in the case of fully rigid connections. 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