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@ C.C/Sez. Conn. Ambasciata d'Italia Accra Accra, 07/09/2017 e-mal:vist.acera @esteriit FIRST ATLANTIC BANK INTERNAL CONTROL ie yb for h ad oe ry, HEAD OFFICE g a ale : KIND ATTENTION: THE MANAGER Aedes 1£ evein pve Subject: Verification of bank statement Account No.: 0576782701014 currency GHS Account Holder: Rosemond AFRIYIE Dear Sir, I would be most obliged if you could kindly confirm that the abové named account exists with your bank and that the attached statement was indeed issued by your bank and all the figures correspond with what you have on your system. Thank you once again for your usual co-operation. Yours faithfully, Head of Visa Office Irene LANZA CL (o> Account Statement AccountName: arrivicRoseons J Branch sontex Ct Adsrone” UNNUMBERED HBS TESHIE NEAR TOTAL PALM /* curener ——_nanncens pening Balan. rot 3500000 y cchelieer Kanualranssdig Ge vaiabie Balance: 36,000.00, Tur PeRion: 06:SEP.2017 To o7-sePz017 / Unceared eect: one Aecoume: osroeaero1s 7 locked Amouat aco fpostoare aa NARRATION Dear RED] _ BALANCE] loesee.2017 [oeisep.2017 |casn Devos: AY KINGSLEY ce] 2.00.00] z lr-sep-20r7 [ar-sep-2017 |caen Depos:-RITA SARPONG ooo] 3 c Sam: a] se.o9p.09

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