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This is my diary fron the day I left

overseas until f was shot Cown.
to btnrry
The following are my rnissions with the
highlights ctrcled.
December 22, L943
Deeenber 30
December 31
4, January 4' 1944 llunster
5. January 5 - Bordeaux
6. January 21 Calais
7. January 24 Frankfort
8. January 29 Frankfort
9. January 30 Braunschweig
10. February 3 - Hilhelmshaven
11. February 5 - Nancy, France
L2. February )0 Braunschweig
13. February 13 CaIais
1.4. February 20 Tutow, Poland
15. February 24 Rosfack, Poland
16. February 25 Regansburg
1.7. !4arch 3 - Berlin
1.8. Harch 4 - Berlin
19. March 6 - Berlin
20. March I - Berlin
21 . !{arch 23 Bruanschwelg
22. March 28 Chatteaudun
23, April 8 - Braunschweig
24. April 9 Poznan, Poland
25, April 10 Coast of France
26, April 13 Augsburg

My reason for keeping this diary is to have a detailed day-to-day account
of ny overseaslife. I dedlcate it to my wife and in case of my death, I wish it to
be sent to her.

October 2!, 1943- Friday

tfe left Grand Island early this m o r n i n g , l a n d i n g a t D e t r o i t f o r f u e l , then
continuing on to Wilnington, Del. Show in e v e n i n g .

October 30 - Saturday
Arose early to leave for Presque I s I e . CouldnfL get breakfast. Left at
noon - saw numerouslange cities enroute. Wrote Vera in evening.

Octoben 31 - Sunday
Picked up aII equipment for overseas flight. Took off for Gander,
Newfoundland but landed at Stephensville because of weather. We got, very good
quarters and rode 1n first right-hand drive vehicle. Saw 'tCrash Dive'r 1n evening.

November , 1943 - Monday
L e f t H a r m o nF i e l d , StephensvilLe afLer an enJoyable overnight and morning
stay. Flew above clouds aII the way hitting Gander at sundown. Temp. zero degrees
Cenblgrade. 32o F.

November 2 - 6
We were held here at Gander this ent,ire week due to weather. Spent time
bowling, playing cards and seeing every show in camp. Had snow one morning but
melted during the next 24 hours. We liked our stay here because we had steam heated
quart,ers and good food wlth plenty to do.

November7 - Sunday
L e f t G a n d e ra t 1 : 0 0 a . m . f o r N u t t s K o r n e r , I r e l a n d . F l e w o v e r o v e r c a s t a l l
the way at 1 1 1 0 0 0f e e t . H i t l r e l a n d a b o u t 9 : 3 0 i n m o r n i n g . I r e l a n d v e r y b e a u t i f u l
from air. L o o k s l i k e s o m eo f W a l t D i s n e y r s w o r k . A t e d i n n e r i n R . A . F . m e s s h a l l ,
s u p p e r i n O f f i c e r t s c l u b i n B e l f a s t . F o o d i s u n a p p e t , i z i n gt o u s . T o w ni s v e n y d a r k .

Ncvember8 - Monday
Left Nutts Korner in afternoon by t,ruck. Took ferry over to Scotland and
irain rest of way. Trip on ferry was very interesting. Diner and bar on board.

November9 - Tuesday
Arrived in Stone, England around noon. Our train ride was inieresfing due
to scenery, compartmenbcars and odd trains. Class distinction of England very
n o t i c e a b l e o n t r a i n . W e0 f f i c e r s r o d e f i r s b c l a s s .

They told us werd be here 48 hours. tle dontt mind though because we have
good quarters and food. Been spending tine sorting and censoring nail. Have seen

moviesr tfTalk of the Townil, rfTexasfr and others. Met part of the group who came over
on Queen Elizabefh. Learned how to play cribbage. Understand pounds and shillings
well now. Wrife Vera every other day.

Novemben19 - Friday
Censoredmail all day - show in evening. Decided today to keep a diary.
l{rote Vera.

November20 - Saturday
Most of our group left boday. Found mail for a couple friends but none for
ne. Wrote Vera.

November21 - Sunday
!{ent to churcb and communionthis norning. Saw tfBahamaPassage'rin
afbernoon. We leave here tomorrow.

November22 - Monday
lient to Bovington by train - no room f o r u s s o w e n t o v e r t o C h e d d i n g t o n f o r
few days. Cold and disagreeable - went t o b e d e a r l y .

Novenber 23 - Tuesday
Fire wenL out during night and we nearly froze. Got up at'11:00, ate
dinner a n d walked into Tring, which is about'l] miles. Bought a transforner for my
el-ectric and lhis diary. Canals golng toward London interest me. Boats haul
about 2 0 "azo"

November 24 - Wednesday
Got up every 2 bours during night to keep fire going. Again slept till
1 1 :00. Jones and I went for walk in aftennoon, sahr nuch of interest. Men wene
faking up tank traps - They nust feel safe now. Wrote Vera and Folks in eve.

November 25 - Thursday, Thanksgiving

Had turkey dinner aL 2200 p.m. - dressing, cranberries, candy and alt the
trimmings. Stayed in our rooms all afternoon. Wrote botb grandparenLs in evening
t,hen played cards until late.

Novenber26 - Friday
Slept late again. After dinner few of crew went back to Bovington. Went
for walk ending uo in Aylesbury nine miLes away. Had first ride in English car.
Saw two double features - rode homeon double decker-tram. Wrote Vera.

Novenber 27 - Saturday
Had a really good nightrs sleep last night - unden7 blankets. Sinus
bot,hened aII night and day. Went oven bo Bovingdon this afternoon and got our
baggage. Also bought a palr of G.I. shoes there at the Q.M. Sat around in evening
and had h o t s o u p J u s t b e f o r e g o i n g t o b e d a t ' 1 1 : 0 0 .

November 28 - Sunday
Arose for breakfast (for a change)1 going to chunch afterwards. No
chaplaln so a corporal took charge. He did very we}l, no doubt a student pastor.
Steak dinner, then received word we were going to Bovingdon. Annived here and
checked in; saw some of our own group, they are leaving in the morning. Am going to
ask for 96th Group in morning. Wrote my Darling a short letter.

November29 - Monday
Went to school aII day, nothing exciting. Gof ny weekly rations and wrote
Vera again.

November 30 - Tuesday
School again i o d a y . T r i e d B r i b i s h j . n s t r u n e n t a p p r o a c hi n l i n k t r a i n e r .
Heard lol about combat because all insbructors have run 25 misslons. Rumorsays we
s h o u l d f i n i s h o u r s i n five nonths. May gef homesoon affer our baby 1s born.

Decenber 1 - Wednesday
Another day o f s c h o o l a s u s u a l . Expenienced my fj.rst air raid alert this
e v e n i n g . S t i l 1 d o u b t , i f e n e m yw a s o v e r . M e t a f e l l o w w h o l o s t a date because of me,
back when I left Pi-ne B l u f f . Small worLd isn't it?

December 2 - Thursday
Only one more day of school then off to our pernanent group and squadron.
H o p e w e g e t o u r r 2 5 r s t a n t e d s o o n . C o u l d b e h o m e b y e a r l y s u m m e rt h e n . W e n t f o b e d
late after greasing myself well for my cold.

December 3 - Friday
Finisbed school foday but our assignments havenrt come in. Will gef them
in morning. Boys are buying bicycles here. Irm g o i n g t o w a i t t 1 1 1 I get my
squadron. Some new men came in tonight who had been at Rapid City.

Decemben4 - Saturday
Received our assignment this morning. We got the 96th and it is the first,
time I ever got what I wanted since Ifve been in the army. Not leaving till Monday
so we decided to go to London. Arrived there at 3:00 p.m. Wenbto Picadi-l}y Circus
and looked around there t111 dark. Ate supper in a Greek rest,aurant, say show "Ginf
Crazytt. Ate funch in a Danish restaurant. Looked around town for while; gocd moon
so not very dank. Saw newsreeL then back to Officer's Club. Couldn't get a bed so
slept in two chairs under two blankets. Slept weII too.

December 5 - Sunday
!{ould have liked to have gone to Westmin ster Abbey for church but had to
come back to canp. Subways, on underground as they call thern, are fun to ride and
not at all hard to find your $ay after a few rides. Got back to camp about 10:30 a.m.
Heard 96th Group is a good place fnom a navigator who jusl came from there.

December 6 - Monday
Arose early to leave for 96th but were late leaving and train was slow so
didntt get there till late afternoon. Tnuck driver got lost comlng after us and
again on vray back to field. Ate supper bhen went t,o 338th Sqdn. Flipped coin with
other crew for choice. Moved in barracks with two crews fron Savoie group. Several
other of same cre$rs are on field.

December 7 - Tuesday (2 years at war)

Spent day cbecking in evenywhere on field. Put in for oun per diem; wrote
couple V-mail in evening. Several boys have instrurnents so have quife a din

December 8 - !{ednesday
Ground school aII day - quiLe interesting. Wrote to Guy, John and Tommyin
evening. AIso had a prisoner of war lecture.

December 9 - Thursday
Nothing of interest - only school foday. Saw my finst rfGeefrboxl if looks
like something from Flash Gordon. Wrote letters in evening. Very lone1y for my
Darl ing.

D e c e m b e r1 0 - F r i d a y
Another day of sctrool and no exciLement. Beriont's crew came back from
lpndon on pass. Most beautiful noon tonight; brightest I have ever seen. Had an
alert and saw flares and ack-ack. Got $96.26 per diem.

D e c e m b e r1 1 - S a t u r d a y
The boys were called out at 3:30 this morning. They left. about 8:00 on a
raid to Emden. No losses. frm sfill going to ground school. Wrote Vera in evening.

December 12 - Sunday
Crews were called out aL 2230 this morning but the mission had been
scrubbed. Later in affernoon, I was going to co-pilot, for Ford but it got too late.
Big party and dance at Officer's Club tonight - buffet supper. Jones and I wenL to
evening senvices. Wrote Vera.

December 13 - Monday
All the other cre$ts went to Kiel today. Hope we get started soon. Did get
to slow-t,ime a ship today. Supposed to do it during afternoon but it was dark
before we took off. This country is sure black from up there but the field lighting
is good.

December 14 - Tuesday
The nen were awakened at 1:30 this morning and briefed first for Berlin
then for Kiel but both were scrubbed. No school at aII boday. tfrote Vera.

D e c e m b e r1 5 - Wednesday
H a d a liLtle ground school today then spent afternoon building a box for my
transforrner. Irm assigned as co-pilot for a few missions. Another pilot is taking
ry crew.

Decenber 16 - Thursday
Ifm a happy man tonight - finally mail got through. One from Grandma and
best of all one from my Darling. The boys cane back from a raid today - lost several
planes. At last Irve been alerted so will be going on the next one.

December17 - Friday
Only ground school today. No mail - Tellefsen did get some though. Wrote
letters in

December 18 - Saturday
School all day today. Spent aIl affernoon in ffbull-sessionff engineering
class. W r o L e V e r a i n e v e n i n g a n d s e n t h e r a $ ' 1 0 0m o n e y o r d e r f o r C h r i s t m a s .

D e c e m b e r1 9 - S u n d a y
Arose in tirne for church which was at 10:30. Had a practice mission this
a f t e r n o o n . F i n s t e x p e r i e n c ew i t h d e e p f o r m a t i o n . F i r s t l e t f e r f r o m t h e f o l k s .

December 20 - Monday
Up at 3:30 this morning for briefing. l,las assigned as tail gunner and
o b s e r v e r o n p a t h f i n d e r b u t t h e y d i d n r t n e e d m e . That plane aborted anyhow. Traded
my A-2 for a battle jacket. Show and letter in eve.

December 21 - Tuesday
Was called out for practice misslon this norning but the colonel took my
place so didn't go. lJent to pistol range in afternoon. Four letters today; 2 from
Vera - answeredwith 6 pages tonlghf. Not a dull momentin this barracks. Gasoline,
powder, Iighter fluld to build a fire with. Wonder w e d o n f t b u r n f h e p l a c e down.

D e c e m b e r ( 2 2 f W e d n e s d a y- M u n s t e r
last I got in my first raid. Got up at 5:30, took off at 10:00 and
landed at'16:00. Saw very little flak and doubtful of seeing any fighfers. Saw a
Fort loop and go down on way back. Actually it was a trmilk raidrr but I had quite a
headache when I got back. So cloudy over Germany vre never saw the ground. Some kind
of an explosion rocked our barracks tonight. Wrobe Grandma and GramdpaBevers.

December 23 - Thursday
Nothing of interest today; little school but nothing else. Fixed up a
Christmas tree in our baracks. If is quite pretty considering lte ilcookedtr up the
trimmings in our ninds. Took a bath, a real bath, this afternoon and did I soak.
St.arted a letter to Vera buL couldn't finish because we had to take a plane to
another field.

December 24 - Friday
Boys wenf on a rrmilk runfr today but we didnrt go. Took some boys up to the
ilflak'r home: near Liverpool by plane. Terribly hazy and we had a hard time finding
Lhe field on htay back. Big party at the club tonight. Nearly everyone was drunk.
Got to bed early.

December 25 - Saturday
Christmas, but oh how dul1. No snow and not very cold. Big dinner of
turkey and all the trimmings. Went for a long walk this afternoon and wrote Vera in

December 26 - Sunday
Missed church this morning because I slept loo Late. Had good dinner;
played checkers for awhile with Ford and cane back to barracks finding 12 lettens
awaiting me. Seven were from ny and how good it was to read that
handwriting. tlrole her a blg tetter tonight. Ate a toasted cheese sandwich then to

December 27 - Monday
Shot a few landings this afternoon and am glad bo know I havenft lost "thaf
old touch." Played a couple games of plnochle this evening and wrote Grandma D.

Decemben28 - Tuesday
Usual morning but had a practlce mission this afternoon. We led the high
squadron. Very hazy and we had trouble finding the field. Had letters fron Guy and
John when I got back. Know where John is now. I am pretty sure of Guyrs approximate
Iocation. lfrole Vera and Ouy in evening.

December 29 - WednesdaY
Anothen dull day with no excitement. I spent the afternoon 1n the
canpentry shop bullding a letter and stationery box. The crew went on 24 houn pass
this evening. Later a c a l l c a m e i n f o r v o l u n t e e r s lo look for a p1lot who had bailed
out near here. llrote letters t o t h e f o l k s , J o h n and Helen. Two more days of this
memorable y e a r left.

DecemberQ0 )- Tnursday - Ludwigshafen
R a i d n u m b e rt w o o n t h e b o o k s . G o t u p a t 3 : 3 0 t h i s m o r n i n g , t o o k o f f a t ,
8 : 2 0 a n d l a n d e d a L 1 6 2 4 5 . W e w e n t i n t o s o u t h e r n G e r n a n yv i a F r a n c e a n d w a s o v e r
enemyterritory neanly four hours. Met scattered flak along the way and nof much
over the target. It was heavy after vle crossed however. Had two letters from Vera
awaiting me when I got back tonight. Sbe misses me terribly and loves me so much.

December FT)- Friday

Y"o missions in two days; this time to Paris. Not a long mission but the
roughest one lfve been on yet. We had thnee holes in ihe plane and my outside
windshield pane broken. Again, saw no fighlers. Had excellent P-47 escort. Our
target was nonen building of a baII bearing factory and did we hit, it! Yesterdayrs
raid was quite successful fnon Germanbroadcasts. tle hit two towns, Ludwigshafen and
the !{annSelnwhich is right across the rlver. Lpst one plane today'

January 1, 1944 - Saturday
Hardly knew it was l\ew Years today except that we had turkey for
dinner. Little doing except we took off this afternoon for a practice mission
but it was call.ed off because the ceiling was only'1000 feet. I then spent
the afternoon finishing lny stationery box. It works well and everyone likes
it. I'lent up to the snack bar for lunch - doubt now if we bave a mission tomorrow.

January 2 - Sunday
Yissed church this morning because they called us out at nine o'clock
for a practice mission. Right after dinner, we reported to our planes for crew
picture but it didn't materialize. Took a shower this afternoon and cleaned up
before supper. Washed :ny pajamas too. Wrote Vera in evening before going up to
snack bar at 9 : 0 0 f o r a b i t e . Stopped t orderly room to see if we are alerted
for morning - found out my reconmendation for "first" will go in tomorrow. Possibly
I'11 g e t ny crew back soon.

January 3 - Uonday
The oroposed nission for today was cancelled; however we nere not to go
on it. Consequently, we slept till a b o u t ' 1 0 : 3 0 . P u t i n s o m el i n k t r a i n e r t h i s
afternoon then got a ner.rA-1.4 oxygen rnask and had it fitted and a nike put in it.
Saw Ahl',rardt this evening - he's stationed at the 94th. tJrote Aunt Emmaand the
folks this evening. 0f our group from the states I've heard Slater went down on
his first rnission and laeynlow's c r e w w a s b a d l y s h o t u p . S e v e r a l r n e nw e r e
Januar{'v 4./- Tuesday
Uy fourth mission toCay and second to Uunster. tle dropped our bombs
about 20 miles short of target on Pathfinder. lfy crew got their first mission
with Lt. Bald. Again ne saw no fighters and because we missed the target, 1itt1e
flak. Two pl.anes collided in mid-air. Davis being one of them. He was on his
5th or 6th mission but first one as pilot. Had his entire crew and from news, I
doubt if any got out. Letter from Vera written on Christmas. She is very lonely.
Heard through one of Lucille's l e t t e r s t o J o n e s y t h a t G r a n C m aB e v e r s d i e d .

January(5 | Wednesday
Another day, another mission. Saw fighters for the first time and boy
did they give us a work-over. Lost quite a few planes frorn both flak and fighters.
I{e lost 'lunber one engine over the target and cane all the way home on three
engines. l{e took off this norning before day light and assembled in the dark.
One of our planes crashed on take off with 2}i tons of bombs and 2700 gallons of
gasoline. Five planes failed to comehome. Our target toCay, Bardeaux took us
within 50 miles of Spain. Fighters got on our tail on the way hone but they were
both shot down. Letter fron Vera today.

January 5 - Thursday
W e g o t t o s l e e p l a t e t h i s m o r n i n g a n d w e r e a w a k e n e da t 5 : 3 0 f o r a r a i d .
I,le were briefed and out to planes when the nission was scrubbed. l{e were disappointed
because it was a nilkrun. Litowitz crew, on which I co-pilot got pass at noon so
I dressed and left for London on 3:00 o'c1ock train. l{ent to Bishops Startford
first and via the Red Cross Club, found Guy. We got a tlro day pass from his C.O.
and we nent on to London on the -t0:00 train. l{ent into the Rainbow Club and ran into
Notestein. Only talked a couple minutes so couldn't say much. He has only 3 missions
in and is in the 385th. I slept at the Jules Club.
January 7 - Friday
Met Guy at the Rainbow Club where we had breakfast. Then went over to the
Reindeer Club where we got a taxi and went on a tour on the City. l{e saw quite a
few of the points of lnterest such as Buckingham Palace, Westminster, Houses of
- Parlianent and Commons,nuch bomb danage etc. l{ent shopping in the afternoon, then
saw the show, "Strike a New Note" and a cinema "Lassie" in the evening. I had a room
in the Prinees Gardens but couldn't get a cab until after eleven so didn't tet to
bed ti1l nidnight. Saw Green in a restaurant at noon.

January 8 - Saturday
Again, net Guy at the Rainbow Club. I had eaten breakfast at the Princes
Gardens so ne went out to see MadamTussaud's l{ax Museun. It was certainly
interesting and looked so real. The final part of it was models of all the great
murdurers of the world. l{e caught the noon train back; f got back at four o'cl.ock,
had two letters awaiting me. One from Vera and the other from TommyEdmondson. The
old outfit is broken up now, Tommyand Block are separated. Block is now Tech. Sarg.
Uust write Vera now. f negleeted her while on pass. The boys went on a nission to
Ludwigshafen while I was gone.

January 9 - Sunday
No nission today so we slept late; getting up just in time for church at
10:30. HaC a talk this afternoon by three men who had walked out of France after
going down on the Schweinfurt raid. Cameback to bagacks and started a letter to
G r a n d m aD a i l y . After supper, I finished that one and one to Grandpa Bevers. Dempsey
is building cigarette lighters etc. from.50 caliber shells again and burning the
powder and tracer bulLets. What a stink they do make. Poker game goinB on now - Has
been raining all afternoon and evening.

January 10 - Monday
No excitement or anything of interest tcday. ilad a little ground school
but nothing else. They had a practice mission during the Cay and somenight flying
but f nissed all. Beriont's crehr has gone to the "f1ak home" so that helps quiet the
hut some. Ted is playing his accordian as usual and Johnny his guitar. Wrote Vera
a long letter and sent her a second $100 moneyorder in two days. She'Ll be surprised
to get them. Bet she'll think I've been ganbling and winning. Must drop the folks a
few lines yet tonight. Terribly lonesome tonight.

January 1-). - Tuesday

This mission was supposed to be the greatest air battle of war. I{e lost
60 heavy bonbers. tlission again today but f didn't go. l{e were alerted but cancelled
during the night. My crew went on their fourth. Ford went down in the channel on
the way back. I'm afraid none of the erew survived. The navigator and ball turret
eteren't with theo however. John DeBerg surprised me by walking in on me today. We
had a lot to talk about. He is staying overnight. Started a letter to James tonight
but quit when John came. I{ent to bed quite early. Swanson didn't go with Ford so
he didn't go down. He's quite broken up.

January 12 - I{ednesday
Took John to breakfast with me in the office?s mess. He left on the 9:50
train because I had ground school. Nothing doing all day so we laid around. I wrote
letters to James and Vera. In evening, I heard Stakes had gone down on the Bordeaux
raid. 0f the original seven of my classmates, there are three of us left. Schlicker,
Davis, Stakes and Ford have gone down. A.R. Smith, Gibson, and myself are left. Ford's
nvigator, Swanson, and ball turret gunner, Slarper Heren't with hin when he went down.
Swanson was nearly sick when he heard they had gone down.

January 13 - Thursday
Another quiet day with practically nothing to do. Slept late this
rnorning- Laid around a1l day except to report to one class which didn't materialize.
reard I will have my crew back when they get back from pass which they go on tomorrow.
boys are glad to hear the erew wil.l all be together again. They don't like
eneating out Bald's landings. The crew all received their promotions. Fleming and
Mishel are non Tech., the rest, Staff. Saw the show "Fired lfife" tonight - rf,rote
a short letter to Dale.

January 14 - Friday
l{e started out the day in the usual manner but an aLert was called about
ten o'clock. Never had an alert been called at that time of day so hre knew the
mission would have to be short and were pretty sure it was the secret targets ln France.
Being on Litowitz crew, I didn't Bo because they are holding him back. Consequently,
the crew caught ne but I'11 probably get a mission or two while they're on pass the
next couple days. l{ent over to the 452nd Group (a new group) this afternoon to ferry
planes but no gasoline in planes so we didn't to. Probably wouldn't have gotten back
tonight if we had. I{rote Vera and Grandma.

January 15 - Saturday
We got up at 3:30 this morning and were briefed for a mission deep into
Germany but before the briefing was over it was scrubbed. Everyone breathed a sigh of
relief because enemyfighters were forecast and they were heavy on the nission Tuesday.
Fog was very heavy all day. My crew is on pass again - they are flying one more mission
with Bald, that will finish hin up. Not much mail today - letter from Grandma and
stationery and hanky fron the folks. Been 45 days in the mail. Berry's crew going
on pass tomorrow. I'm broke so glad no pass is due me. Only 1-15-6.

January 16 - Sunday
'' Spent a big day doing nothing today. Got up for breakfast then did a few
odd jobs such as chopping wood, pressing trousers etc. I{ent to church at 10:30 coming
back to a turkey dinner. l{rote letters to Vera, Tornmyand Aunt Hazel during afternoon.
The fellow Jones is buying a radio from came baek and gave us a better one this
afternoon. Jones nent over and paid for it when he got home from London. Did nothing
during evening after a buffet supper, except start the book, "Get Thee Behind Me" and
solve a problem for Johnny. Party at the Club tonight.
.l7 -
JanuarY Monday
This really was a day with nothing to do. I didn't get up till 10:00,
then only so I could get dinner. Had Link at 1400, nothing else the rest of day. Got
my weekly rations and drew lots for a box of candy and lost. Spent the evening writing
a letter to the folks and playing a game of battleehips with Johnny. There was a
terrific explosion near by this evening that shook the barracks. Have no idea
what it was. Article in Stars and Stripes says Lt. Binghamlanded, after a nission on
A.F.C. E. No'nail today. Started reading the book "Get Thee Behind Me". Very Good.

January 18 - Tuesday
For once, I got up around 7:30 and got around for breakfast. Had ground
school all morning - they are trying to put a new system into effect no$r lrhete-by they
train everyone for lead crew. This afternoon, I started a salt and pepper project from
.50 caliber shells. Dempseygot a trumpet from special services tonight so will have
lots of noise now. I.lrote Vera tonight then rrent up to the snack bar for a bite to eat
before going to bed. Possible nission in the norning so must hit the hay. Tine 22:20.


January 19 - Wednesday
f must be getting to be a bad penny. Everytime I'n briefed for a
nission, it is scrubbed. The nission today was another milk run but again weather
interferred. t{e got a rumor (which was later found false) that Spain had entered the
war with Germany. I wonder what is behind that. Got three V-mail letters today' two
fron Grandma, one from Bud and Dora. More nail cane in this evening but none of my
lnen got any. It has been raining all evening so apparently we have another du1l
day ahead of us.

January 20 - Thursday
Another day, another briefing for a milk run, another scrubbing and
another candy bar. Before each mission, we pick up a P.W. (prisoner of war) kit
and they have a candy bar for each member of the crew. I went on a radio testing
mission this afternoon on which I flew aIl. the formations. Litowitz acted co-pilot.
After landing this evening, I watched a plane make a belly landing. He did well and
only the ball turret was hurt. Wrote Vera in evening - not having gotten any mail
for some time, I hardly know what to rrite.

January- 6, - f.ia"y
We finally got in a mission on those secret targets today. We weren't
alerted till about nine o'clock this morning and we briefed at 10:00. Took off at
noon went over the target four times between 10,000 and 12,000 feet. Bald finished
his missions today so I have my crew back plus plane 556 (Dear Mom). Finished my
letter of last night to Vera. The boys cameback from the snack bar trying to tell
us the mission today didn't count. They just now "fessed" that it wasn't so. I'le
brought our bombs back because of clouds over the target.

January 22 - Saturday
Guess I'm a full fledged pilot now. My crew was alerted both last night
and tonight. ff a mission comes up we'l1 go on it. One ground school class this
morning, nothing the rest of the day. A letter from Vera came this afternoon with
one of Lucille's enclosed for Jonesy. I answered it this evening. Three of our
C.0.'s who have gotten promotions recently set drinks up to anyone who wanted them
in the club this afternoon.

January 23 - Sunday
For sone reason, Johnny set his alarn clock last night so we all got up
early this nrorning - even Mack. Being Sunday there was no ground school but we had a
practice rnission this afternoon. I did pretty good so I feel f'm quite ready to
take my crew into combat now. Was scheduled to fly this evening too but weather
cancelled it. I{rote the folks this evening. Sti11 no nail today - I'm going to
hang me a rnail clerk if I don't get some soon.
January (24,;- nond"t
0n1y eighteen more to go now. We briefed for Frankfurt today and got
about'1.00 miles into France when we were recalled. What a relief that was because
it would have been plenty rough and on my first mission as pilot too. lle weren't
sure whether we would get credit for the mission until they told us this evening. Had
pleasant surprise this afternoon too $rhen I discovered I am now a lst Lt. How good
it feels to get a promotion and polish the gold off my bars. Letters from Vera and
the Folks today - l{rote Vera this evening. Took off in the dark this morning.

January 25 - Tuesday
FIew two practice missions today, both in a ship not my own. (920) The
first lras a squadron mission; the second a group mission. It was terribly windy and
plenty rough at low al-titudes today, resul,ting in two poor landings, the second of
which was made in a rain storm. The rnailman took good care of me today - four Christmas
cards and three letters. Two of the'lattet from Vera. At last, I know about when to
expect to become a father. lfrote Aunt Elizabeth.

January 26 - lJednesday
t r l e w e r e a w a k e n e dt h i s m o r n i n g a t 2 : 3 0 . B r i e f i n g a t 3 : 3 0 o n t w o t a r g e t s .
One in case we couldn't make the first. I{e got out to our planes and were all ready
to go when it was scrubbed. I was sorry too because I was flying a brand new plane.
We cane back then and went to bed and slept all morning. Got four letters and three
Christmas cards this afternoon. Vera is so lonesome without me and Loves me more
every day. I wrote her a big long letter tonight. George Binghan was here at the
field yesterday waiting to see us when we got down from practice mission.

January 27 - Thursday
Ground school and a practice rnission today. We took Off on a squadron
practice mission this afternoon but it was so rough we called it off and shot landings
instead. f made two very good ones proving to the boys I can still do it. I'lad a
very sweet letter fron Vera which came in nine days. I wrote to Aunt Florence and Ruth
Button in return for Christmas cards they sent me. For a change, f'm going to hit
the hay early tonight - I hope.

January 28 - Friday
I was scheduled for a high altitude practice mission this morning but
s o m e h o wd u r i n g t h e n i g h t , m y n a n e w a s t a k e n o f f t h e l i s t . I went up this afternoon
though with my flight leader. f nade an instrument take off then we went to a
practice range and dropped three practice bombs. Got four letters from Vera today.
Three of them were old but contained lot of news. This evening, I wrote both Vera
and CrandmanD. We've been having an uproarious time in the hut tonight. The radio or
record player is always going.

January ar- Saturday

My eighth and toughest nission today. I as a spare aircraft and
f1-ew ll2 position in the low squadron. We went after Frankfurt but whether we hit it
or not, we certainly hit fighters. We were under constant fighter attack for
45 'ninutes after dropping our bombs. Lost a half dozen or so aircraft and crews. How
happy I am to be back. Had a letter from Vera waiting for me. I{e had a late alert
last night. G e r m a n sd r o p p e d s c a t t e r e d b o m b s o v e r e a s t e r n E n g l a n d .

-\'/ib-) - s,rnaay
Another nission today and although it lrasn't very rough, we sweat
it out more than any other. l{e hit con- trailsand cirrus clouds over Germany
and had to clim to 2'!,000 over the target. We had trouble with three engines at
that altitude so couldn't stay in formation. We dropped behind then started
cutting corners to catch up and ran into lots of flak over what we thought was
Hanno'rer. We were hit but nanaged to get away. lile got back with a formation
and came on home. I{ent to church this evening.

-1 't_
January 31, - Monday
Boy were we a tired bunch when they called us out for briefing at
4:00 this morning. Uy plane being "out" ne were flying one just back fron the
depot as we had to load ammunition and everything. When we were about ready
mission was scrubbed so lte came back and hit the sack. Ground school and link
trainer in the afternoon lrith five letters from Vera to top the day off. Four
were from November. Hurriedly answered then this evening and then to bed. Today was
payday. $120.? 29 - 16-4.

February 1 - Tuesday
Another day and once again we brief for a rnission only to have it
scrubbed. Rumors running around here are to the effect that lre aren't going to
tet to go hone when we finish our "25". He'll probably be lucky if they don't
try to boost our missions or even nake us stay indefinitely. Personally I don't
thlnk they will do it because the men couldn't stand it. Took a bath and cleaned
up today for a change. Had a critique this afternoon on our last two nissions.
Wrote the folks this evening.

February 2 - l{ednesday
Ground hogs day, and our seventh monthly anniversary of our wedding.
A very quiet day indeed. t'le did nothing of importance all day. Stelzried and
Beam are all 'rhitrr up and getting their Distinguished Flying Cross and orders
to go home. I doubt very nuch if we go more than 25 missions but we may not get
to 8o home right away. No rnail today. I wrote Vera tonight. She is numbering
her letters now. f'm missing 3 somewhere. She is so happy planning for our baby.
Wish it grere possible for me to be with her.

- - Thursday
Got number "'l0" in today. We were called only 45 minutes before briefing
so had to hurry. It was another altitude race today, climbing through clouds up to
27'000 feet at 170 miles per hour. He camehome over the North Sea where we had
to feather /13 engine because it was pumping oil. f made about six landings into a
35 mph wind before f nanaged to stay down. Denpsey and most of his crew finished up
today and are they a happy bunch. Had a V-mail from Grandma and Christmas cards from
Cl.ifford and Carnen and Hazel Guyler today. Terribly tired tonight so I better go
to bed.

February 4 - Friday
Had to make my first abortion today. We had just gotten to altitude
and were leaving the English coast when both /11 anC 2 engines started running rough.
I took the plane up again this afternoon to check it but didn't get to altitude
so didn't do any good. If we have no mission in the inorning, f must check it well.
Had Christnas cards from Aunt HazeL and the Stones plus a letter fron llelen Fuller.
Wrote a letter to my Darling this evening - retired at 10 o'clock.

February 5 - Saturday
Apparently because of my abortion yesterdayrthey didn't send my
creld on today's mission. They did send Jones, Smith and Kennedy with another
crew. I took my ship up for an altitude check and stopped at Bovingdon to visit
the quarter master store there. Got a couple small articles myself and several
things for others. Had a sweet letter from Vera waiting me when I got home. Wrote
Grandmabefore going to bed. If they keep running missions as they have been,
we'11 finish next month early.

-I2- ./,,
February(V Sunday
Today was the fourth mission running for some of the boys and they
are getting tired. l{e flew "tail end Charlie" today until a fighter shot the
pLane down next to us and hit our /12 engine with a 20 mm. It $rent through the
-oil tank, lodging in the wing but didn't explode. The target was an airfield
in France but He eouldn't see the target so brought our bombs back. We were syphoning
gas fron ll3 tant this morning so had to land again with ful1 load - 3 tons demo's.
2200 gallons of gas. Four letters today - two from Vera.

February 7 - Monday
Last night about eight o'cIock, we discovered we had been on pass
since 5:00. We were too tired so waited t1II this morning then went to London.
Jonesy and I just shopped around all. day, saw the movie "Thousands Cheer" in
the evening. 0n the way to London, I met an oId friend whom I hadn't seen
since preflight In the evening, I saw Burrage, whom I graduated with; he is
co-piLot on a B-25. lly crew chief told us this morning that they were taking "Dear Mom"
off combat status. Uaybe I'1L get a new one now.

February 8 - Tuesday
Slept til1 eight this morning then had breakfast at the Jules
Club. Jones and I were going to go shopping again and just before we left the
club' we met Charlie Guyler. He was going to the flak hone. We did our shopping
at several big stores. I bought a grapefruit spoon set for Vera 1.3-7-6. I,le
took the noon train home and when almost here Lt. Fleming, one of our provisional
group, got on the train and came up here with us. Notestien and Palmer and Currence
have gone down now. Foley is aLso down.

February 9 - Wednesday
We arose at 3:30 this morning for a 4:30 briefing. l.le took off as
\-/ scheduled but because of "soupy" weather the mission was scrubbed. l.le came back
to the field and flew local forrnation until 11:00 when we came in and landed. l{e
had nothing on for this afternoon so slept and did odd jobs. I wrote three letters
then two more in the evening. Jones, Johnny and I, the onLy ones in the hut, had a
little song fest of our own to the accompaniment of Johnny's guitar. Don't think
there is a mission tonorrow so I should catch up on my sleep. It is raining'this

February(19- Thursday
]sother:nission and my tweLfth. It was the roughest one rde have been on,
in fact the roughest the 8th Air Force has experienced for sometime I'm sure. We
were under constant fighter attack for three hours - two of which hrere severe
when the fighters came in by groups of ten and nore at times. I{e lost heavily but
no doubt accomplished our purpose in hitting Braunsehweig. Fighter support was
very good going in but ste were late at the target so nissed most of it coming
out. Jones, Snith' and Kennedy got over the hump today (13). I'n very tired so
must go to bed quite early.

February 11 - Friday
t{e had a very much needed day of rest today. Sounds as thouBh }re
may have another tomorrow. f flew instruments on the bean this afternoon. According
to German news reports tonight, we lost 32 planes yesterday. Frankfurt was hit
again today by some other Division. Several Letters today, including two very
sweet ones fron my Darling. Answered them right away this evening. Also wrote
Grandma. 0n yesterday's missions, my gunners shot up 4200 rounds, 1000 more
than our Frankfurt raid.

February 12 - Saturday
Two nore letters off my ltst. Wrote to llelen and Arthur this
evening. Nothing doing again today. This was a practice formation this morning
but sonehow I missed it. Tellefsen had to go however. Got a couple booster
"shots" this afternoon in ny "throttle" arm. Another party up at the club this
evening. Only those who have dates are allowed in. That doesn't bother me
however. Letter from Towy today. He thinks I'm at one of his old stations.

February (t3,,- Sunday

not sure if this day was lucky or unlucky. At any tate, I'm here
to tell of lt. l{e had an alert around 9:00 o'clock so we had to go slow-time
our plane before dinner because ll3 engine had been just put on. I{e took off on
a nission at 1:20 assenbled and left for France. At the target just inside the
coast we received a direct hit by a heavy flak shell.. llost of our controls were
thot out so we left formation and headed for home. Over EngLand, I decided it best
to bail out so gave the order. Uack, Johnny and Uiskel went out but because
of the danger of throwing Flerning and Collier out we decided to land. l{e spotted
an RAF field and came in on three engines for a good landing. On the ground, we
discovered Collier was dead. After the usual routine questions we called our
fieLd then put up for the night after seeing Fleming. He was badly hit but holding
his own.

February 1.4 - l{onday

Today, the 14th, we inspected our plane closer. The radio room was
completely denolished and nearly every supporting member in the bomb bay shot
away. Iiow it kept from breaking in two is beyond me. After seeing Fleming, again
we came hone by plane sent after us. "Dea! Mom" is a complete loss.

February 1.5 - Tuesday

After congratulations from everyone todalr on getting hone the other
day' I feel no different than usual. We got some pictures that the photographer
took of our plane. They weren't too good. I gave ny story to the public relations
officer this afternoon. It'11 probably be in "Stars and Stripes" in a couple days
then possibly in our hone tosrn papers. The usual ground school today, nothing
else. Got my package fron Vera today. One box of tooth powder had broken and
was all over. IJrote the folks this evening.

February 15 - I{ednesday
We have ground school- this norning but luckily nothing this afternoon
because it was raining. Iile've probably run into a rainly season noril. Wrote
Letters this afternoon - a nice big one to ny Darling. Received a sweet Valentine
and letter from her too. She is very happy that fle have been able to Lay away
so much money lately. She wants to draw her money out of postal savings and put
it in bonds. For a variety this evening, I played blackjack and craps with the
boys. I won a little over six pounds. To bed early.

February 17 - Thursday
The proposed mission for today was scrubbed this morning before
they ever awoke anyone. We weren't to go on it holrever. Tried .to both rain and
snow all day. Only one class in ground school all day. f gave my last mission
story to the arrards officer this afternoon. f hear Colonel Tiller has
reconrmendedme for the D.F.C. Also we are hearing he is going to recomnend my
crew for Pathfinder. I'o not sure what we'l1 do about that. Ttre best thing ever
was when they gave tDe a nelt plane today, /t774. It has everything, electric
turbos, closed raists and all.


February 18 - Friday
Snow today, the first I've seen for two years. It came down in
great big flakes this evening. We did nothing today outside of ground school
except to swing the conpass in our new plane. No rnission again tornorrow so ne
probably still won't have a chance to f1y our plane. Lt. Stelzried walked in
on us this afternoon rhen we thought he was about hone by now. He is in a
transport group now. Two nore Valentines from rny slreetheart today. Wrote
Grandna and went to show in evening.

February 19 - Saturday
Another dull day of only a little ground school and a lot of killing time.
The day went quite fast for me. I{rote a six page letter to Vera this evening,
tell her a little of the horrors of war and a pretty good idea of our narrow
escape a neek ago. f hope she has faith enough and doesn't norry too much
about me. Changed our beds around in the hut today. No longer do I sleep "upstairs"
but on a single bunk. I expect a pass tomorroer night. l{atch for further developments.
In a proposed practice nission today, I was to be an element leader.
Februaryt20r/- Sunday
A whole week passed between the last raid and today. He arose at 3:30
this norning, taking off at 7:30 on the longest raid lre've nade yet. The trip,
far out over the north sea across Denmark and return, took us 10:65 hours. He
used a little over 2000 gallons of gasoline. Still had six or seven hundred left
however. This was the first mission on our new plane and our first flight in it.
It was "st{elL". Very tired this evening so }rent to bed early. !{e expected a pass
this evening but it didn't materialize.

February 21 - llonday
Johnny and Mack were called out at 4;30 this morning for a rnission with
another crew but only Johnny stent. Mack wasn't fit to fly physicatly. At 8:30 Jones
came back from breakfast with the news that we had a pass so we got ready to go. He
left to see his brother-in-1aw. I'n going to go see Guy this afternoon. f am going
to write to Vera before I leave. Maybe I'11 get some maiL before leaving. Went
down to Bishops Startford this evening and saw Guy. I ealled hin fron town and he
rode in on his bike. l{e saw a show and had a good talk before he had to bo back
to camp. f stayed in a hotel.

February 22 - Tuesday
Got up at 8:45 this morning and caught the 9:15 (9145 - it was late)
train back to canp. f had thought of stopping off at Cambridge but changed my
mind because f was hungry and ha*n't shaven. Made some changes in our barracks in
the afternoon - got a better bed. Went up to the snack bar at 9:30 - finished a
letter to the folks afterwards then to bed at L1:00. P.S. Got four letters from
Vera and one from Dale today. '
He is doing quite well now. Seaman C1ass. Jones
came in late this evening from London.

February 23 - l{ednesday
Being on pass yet today, we stayed in bed this morning while the rest
of the boys got up for a nission which was scrubbed before they tot off the ground.
I stayed in bed all morning getting up just in time for dinner. I{hile in the mess
hall, who should f see but Pat Howard. He had been up flying the weather ship and
his own field had reathered in. I was glad to see hin. He has 15 missions.
Wrote Vera this evening then went up to the Snack Bar before retiring.

February'.?!/- Thursday
ily fifteenth and aecond nisslon to Tutow. tle had quite a few bwin
engine flghters molestlng us for about two hours. They cane pretty close to us
several tines nlth both cannon and rockets. Te returned with a hole through our
vertical etabilizer and holes fron falling brass in the nose. Part of our groups
went clear over to Poland today, getting back two hours later than us. How tired
they nust be rhen I'n ready to drop. Muet get to bed now. llay God give us a day of
rest tonorrow!
February(25 | Friday
vlfe took a beating on today's raid but I don't know how many crews and
planes we loet. Berry failed to return but he landed in Southern England. l{e saw
dozens of fighters but our escort failed to show up. I{e had small groups to begin }tith
because of so many abortions that they really hit us. Also, we were ln the lead. f
think we dernoliehed the target ao we shouldn't be going back there. l{e're dog-tlred
so must get to bed. Certainly hope we don't have to go tomorrow but afraid we
may. God was $ith us all the way todayr oay He be with us again tomorrow if we
go. Target today was Regensburg. Another 10 hour ride.

February 26 - Saturday
I{e arose early again for briefing but luckiryl it was scrubbed before
lre took off . I{e were certainly glad to get back to bed. l{e slept all morning tetting
up only in time to eat dinner at 1 : 0 0 o ' c l o c k . l{e had a critique this afternoon on
our last two missions.
We have a new man in the hut tonight. He came from the 385th Group
after finishing his tour. He is supposed to fly our mandref ship fron nohr on.
Sounds serelry to me. lfrote Vera this evening. Dance at the club tonight - all
clear tonorrow.

February 27 - Sunday
For the first time in three or four fundays we had a chance to go to
church. They've had missions on the last couple Sundays. Jones and f went for a
bike ride this afternoon and got lost coming back. We nust have covered 20 miles
though. Then to top my day off, I played catch for a while. Finished off the
evening by writing to Grandna. Hope to sleep welt tonight which I haven't been
doing for several nights. Went to bed about 9.30.

February 28 - llonday
Another day of rest which was greatly appreciated. I{e had one class this
afternoon but nothing else all day. Tried a little catch this afternoon while the
sun lras shining but it started snowing before we had been out there ten minutes.
Possible nission tomorrow - sounds long too. Think I'11 run up to the snack
bar after finishing Vera's letter.

February 29 - Tuesday
I{e were awakened at 3:00 a.n, this mornlng for a mission
to Baunschweig but we were very unlucky in several ways. First, there was
a mix up on planes and because we were to fly spare we had to fly another ship
not our own. Being a spare we were to return at 3'East if no posltlon was
found. We did Just that. The misslon nas very successful - lots of eseort
and no opposition. Spent the evening at critique and club in evening. Patronized
the snack bar before coming baek to hut and finished a letter to the foLks. Today
was payday 37-12-9 ($15f.+;

- r .6-
llarch 1 - I{ednesday
Another rest day wlth little to do. Tried a Little volley ball this
afternoon for recreation but couldn't get a good team up. Spent the evening
rrrlting letters to Dale, Tomny, Rob and my Darling wife. Today was Dale's 21st
birthday. No mail again today! Expecting a nission tomorro$ - consequently
to bed early. Quite honesick, lgpg f dream of home.

March 2 - Thursday
Marrled eight nonths today, what a short tirne it seens yet those four
nonths ne 6pent together ttere so ful1 of fun and happiness. I{e went up this
efternoon and did some canera bonbing. f wrote two letters this evening after
another day of not getting any from hone except one from Grandma. There nras a
nission this afternoon but we weren't on it. An alert is on again for tomorrosr -
last night's was ecrubbed before we got up. The nission that did come off was
late this afternoon.
llarctr(\Y3 /- Fridav
The big deal itself came off today but it was recalled just as we
enteted Gerrnanterritory. For the first time, f was leading an eLement. We were
to go over the target at 21r000/but climbed up to 27 rOOOtrying to get over
lreather. The temperature at that altitude was 56 degrees below zero C.and our
heater didn't work. Just as we turned back we saw a terrific explosion off to our
1eft. At least two planes must have run together, possibly more. No doubt several
went do'm as a result of the explosion.
Coming home after the recalL today we had to go right down on the deck
to get below the weather. We flew the last 200 miles 500 feet off the lrater. Still
no mail - must write Vera before hitting the hay.

Marchi4 ) Saturday
Another day of failure when we tried for Berlin but failed. Same thing,
practically same circumstances; bad weather. He hear one combat wing didn't get
the recall and went on into the target. Rumor is they lost heavily. It made eighteen
missions for us. We can see the end now. I Led the 1ow squadron today when the
leader failed to get off the ground. Hope I don't get it too often from now on
out. Wore my heated suit so didn't get nearly as cold as yesterday. Clear so far
for tonorrow but must- hit the hay "in case". I{rote Grandma and sent her $40. Temp
today at a1t. - 50 degrees C.

March 5 - Sunday
No mission today so we had tine to go to church this morning. I
cleaned and dressed up completely to the surprise of the boys. Had a practice
mission this afternoon on which I led the high squadron. Possibilities for a captaincy
may be. No nail again today. tJrote Vera this evening, shaved and went to bed
early. An all. out alert is on for tomorrow so we may be trying for the big city

Marct{ 6 | }londay
The third tirne is the charm - we got to the Big -,,B,, today. Can't
say we were over Berlin because we went around it but we were in on the
first big raid to get there. Saw lots of fighters but our escort was perfect
so they did little danage. The group ahead of us lost heavily but we neren't
even touched. f led the second elementr high squadron. Dymond is one happy
boy having finished today. I'rn happy to have 19. Jonesy, Smith, and Kennedy
have 20; lliskel and Johnson 1?; l{ack 16, and Johnny same Es nyself. Still no
nail today.
March 7 - Tuesday
We were awakened for a 7 o'clock briefing this morning but lt was
scrubbed before briefing started. No ground school today but a practice rnission
this afternoon which I didn't go on. Jonesy and Johnny flew with Capt. Beriont though
on a check flight. Finally got a letter from my Darling wife today. How sweet lt
was after none for so long. llrote to her thls evening then. Uust get to bed novr -
everyone else is already there. Found out Flening is stlll at the same hospital
and room rondering where bis nail ls.

uarc(€- wednesday
BerLin again today and much rougher for us because $e lost heavily
from fighters. We saw note fighters today than we have ever seen before. They
threw everything up at us trying to stop us. Our leader nas hit and aborted and
miracul.ously made it back to England. That gave ne tbe lead of the high sguadron
till I was forced out. I{e got home without a scratch however. Have no idea of our
total losses yet but I'm sure they were heavy. The happiest nonent of the day was to
return to find 2 lovely and sweet letters from my Darling. Rumor tonight is that
we may have to run an extra mission or so.

llarch 9 - Thursday
He started out for Berlin again today but had to abort because of
supercharger troubl,e. IJe had used a lot of gasoline by the time we reached mid-
channel so no doubt we would have been very low on gasoline as many lrere by the
time we'd have gotten back. Slept this afternoon so we feel muchbetter. A11
clear for tomorrow so we wiLl get a good nights sleep. Wrote Vera and Fleming
this evening and am sending some of Herbs mail to him.

March 10 - Friday
For one norning we had a chance to sleep late but then f woke up
sick. I couldn't eat dinner so got some medicine and $rent back to bed. Ate a
little supper this evening and feel better now. Jones flew on new crew and
practice mission this afternoon. He doesn't !.tant to be checked out but they
seem determined to do so. I must put in a few words in his favor and perhaps
they'11 change their ninds.
Ilrote the folks this evening and so to bed. Ife're expecting to
go to the flak home next Thursday.

March L1 - Saturday
Lay abed this morning til1 late. Shortly after getting up, lre
learned we were on pass. Johnny and I went down right after dinner and swung
our compass€sr then caught the 3:00 o'clock train for London. Six of us went
down together after which Jones, Johnny and I went to a newsreel movie then so
to bed after writing letters to our wives. We had very good beds - all in one
room. The original Jules Club had been bombed out so they have a new headquarters

!,tarch 12 - Sunday
Jones' Johnny and I met Johnson and Kennedy this morning at 9 o'clock.
We had plenty of time before catching a train to see Fleming so spent it just looking
around. I{e got to the hospital about 3:00 and talked with Fleming over an hour.
He was very glad to see us and it certainly helped his moral. He is doing well,
however is a Long way fron complete recovery. His wounds were really worse
than we had expected. Went back to London and saw a show in the evening then had
dinner at a Danish restaurant.

-1 8-
Harch 13 - Monday
spent another night in the same room. Ate brakfast at the club this
morning then went to the officer's P.X. then grabbed our train for home. Upon
arriving here we learn we are to leave again tomorrost for the flak hone. Before
leaving however we have to stand for Capt. Lathan when he gets his D.S.C.
Incldentially my reconnendation for what I thought was D.F.C. and turned out be
the Silver Star came back and they made it out for D.S.C. to be sent in again.
Uust xrite Vera and the folks nolt tonight.

llarch 14 - Tuesday
Got up around 9:00 this morning, getting a haircut and cleaned up as
we expected to leave for the flak home today. Guy dropped in about noon. I
prornised to give him a rlde this afternoon but when we had to fly a practice
miesion of whlch I was group leader, he decided to go home as we wouldn't be
down ln time for hlm to catch his train. He enjoyed looking over ny plane though.
l{e had an air raid alert this evening during which bonbs were dropped nearby. l{e
ltent out to the air raid shelters for the first time since I've been here.

March 15 - l{ednesday
For once we eould lay in bed this rnorning while the rest of the boys
Bot up for a mission. f got up then in tine for breakfast then picked up the orders
for our "flak leave" got our warrant for tickets and got ready so !{e could catch
the 11 o'clock train. After riding off and on all the rest of the {sy we finally
got here to Southport about 23:30 this evening. It seems like a very nice place
here, lots of good cheer everywhere. The rest home is a big hotel or palace
with plenty of company around. Today was Vera's birthday and f didn't get a
tetter rritten.

March 16 - Thursday
Spent today Just looking this to!,rn over. First thing this norning,
we found out our next door neighbor is our friend Dymond whom we thought had
gone hone. He is up here from the 12th R.C.D. where he was sent. Johnny and I
looked the main street of town over this morning then Dymond and three of the E.M.
went with us this afternoon to look the resort over. We finally wound up going to
the show "Captains Courageous" this evening. While they stopped up town afterwards
for a few drinks, f came on back to the club and srote to Grandma.

llarch 17 - Friday
After tlro years I finally saw some of the old boys again. Block
certainly was happy to see ne. tje is chief hangar inspector so I just hung
around the hangar all day neeting some of the old boys I knew. After work we
went back to the barracks and after eating supper we just visited. I caught the
train back to Liverpool then back here. The train was derailed from Liverpool
here so I didn't get hone till l.:30 this rnorning. Tornmyis at another base so
f hope to see him yet before I go home.

March 18 - Saturday
Didn't get up till nearly noon today. After dinner I wrote to Vera
and the folks then finished the afternoon reading. llet Matis shortly before
supper. He is waiting at RCD to go horne. AIso saw Aratingstall who is also
over there. Uatis and I went to see "Flesh and Fantasy" then came back to the
club. Finally got to bed about one o'clock. Johnny isn't coming hone bonight so
llatls is sleeping in his bed.

-19- //'
March L9 - Sunday
I didn't get up for church this norning as I should have. I don't
know where any church I'd care to go to is ln this place. Spent the afternoon
writing letters then went to the show this evening with Dymondand a friend. I
was unlucky enough to have a waitress spill food all over my blouse this noon.
It cane off pretty well but left a couple spots. Found out this evening at supper'
which incidentlally was what f think the best meal I've had since in England'
(0fficer's ness in a hotel here), what happened to ny old crew (Ford). He's down -
crew still here.

March 20 - Monday
Couldn't sleep very well last nite for sone reason. l{hen I finally
did get to sleep I didn't awaken till 10:30. f grabbed a hasty bite and ran for a
train to go see Edmondson. Finally got a train at 12:45 and got out to his field
about 16:00. He managed to get the evening off so we cane back to Southport
after seeing Roger Carter. We spent the evening and part of the night together,
getting to bed quite late. Am going back in the norning so must 8et up early.
Hope the boys all get in tonight.

March 21 - Tuesday
We left Southport at 10:20 this morning; taking the electric train to
Liverpool then catching our train for home. We had no time to eat all the way
home so got alonB on sandwiches, cake, and tea which we could get at the stations.
Finally arrived at Eccleo Road but there were no trucks or anything there so we
had to walk up. A new crew had moved into the barracks just before we got here.
Our plane landed near the coast several days ago so we are out a pLane again.
To bed at midnight. Found out I have to do 27 missions.

March 22 - l{ednesday
Nothing to do today but get rested up and ready for the grind again.
These next seven look big yet but they'11 probably lrhittle off fast. The boys
lrent to Berlin today and saw no fighters. Had plenty of escort. Alert for
tomorrow so I better get to bed. May have to lead a squadron. Wrote to my Darling
this evening. Haven't told her we have to do extra nissions because she would
worry more.
/'- t
Marchtl]l- Thursday (40 " Mercury 2400 rpm)
Guess we had enougb excitement today to hold us for the duration. We
started out for Breunsehwei?,butgot hit by fighters near llannover. I.le lost {12 and 3
engines so dropped our bombs and hit the deck for home. 0n two engines we came horne
at tree top leve1 at 160 m.p.h. We had a rather interesting time scaring all the
farmer's horses but did sweat out the flak especially at the Zuider Zee coming
out. Our hydraulic system was out on the left brake so we ended up in a hedge
upon landing. No one $ras hurt however so we can consider ourselves quite lucky.

March 24 - Friday
Our division was "stood down" today. In other words - we weren't
going under any cireumstances. We weren't disappointed after yesterday's mission.
We had nothing whatever to do so took it quite easy. My pLane is back on the field
having an engine changed - 447, which I flew yesterday, won't fly for a few days.
"I" should be "ne" of course. A11 elear for tomorrow yet. Wrote Vera tonight -
no letters from her for several days now.

-20- tf. , /
.' ,
March 25 - Saturday
Outside of making three separate flights trying to get four hours
slow tine on an engine on out plane, today was quite dull. Nine of us shot
up about 20 boxes of shells on skeet this afternoon. Our shotguns were hot
- when we finished and we had used up several hundred ctay pigeons. I wasn't too
'hot. on it myself today. l{e didn't keep a score so don't know any actual results.
We're alerted for tomorrow so will probably be awaked early consequently early
to bed.

tlarch 26 - Sunday
The group ran a short mission to the coast today but we had to niss
it. These last six look awfully big yet. Played volley ball and softball this
afternoon. It was a very nice spring day out so we enjoyed oursel-ves. I have
qulte a sore arn tonight for it however. Went to church both this morning and
evening. l{rote a letter to Grandma and started one to Vera when f decided it
best I get to bed. There ls an alert on for tornorrow.

March 27 - Monday
Another mission today whieh we didn't go on. We did nothing a1l
day but lie around. Jonesy and I did saw up a little wood this afternoon, then
I wrote letters this evening before going up to the snack bar and staying for
part of the show. l{e're alerted for tomorrow. Stone, who is leaving, gave me
an alarm clock this evening. I'11 have plenty of time now. Still no mail today -
cettainly hope for some tonorrow.

March fl8)- tuescay

We got in another raid today and a pretty short one at that. No
fighters and flak only at the target. Our original take off was scheduled at
7:50 this morning but after setting it back twice, we finally took off in fog at
10:20. Had to go on insturments 200 feet off the ground. Even above the overcast
it was so hazy we couldn't see below 101000! Bonbed an airfield at Chatteaudun,
France - getting back home by 4:30 p.m. Mail had finally come in and I had
seven letters awaiting ne - 3 from Vera. 0n1.y five nore missions to go.

March 29 - l{ednesday
We had a standby today whiLe the other divisions nent on a raid.
l{e didn't do a thing today. Never went near operations all day. Spent the day
reading and writing. Four nore letters today, one of which was frorn Vera. Another
was from an ol.d cadet friend who got ny address fron the Stars and Stripes when he
saw my nane in it. l{e're expectinB a mission tomorrow so we better get to bed.

March 30 -'Thursday
That mission we expected for today was scrubbed during the night. We
led the high squadron on practice mission this afternoon. Upon landing, we
discovered we were on pass. f wrote four letters this evening then went up to the
snack bar and show.

l{arch 31 - Friday
Being the last of the month, lre naturally were paid today. I drew
$140.05; $100 of which I an going to send home. I still have some $80 after all
is done. Being on pass today and not going anywhere we had nothing nhatever to do.
As usual, I didn't get as nany letters written as I wanted to. Typed off the
story of our last escapade home fron Germany. It's quite a story. To bed by 9:00
p.n. Wrote Vera. No mail came in at all today.

- 21-
April L - Saturday
Nothing today in the line of business because we a?e still on pass.
The group did go out on a mission but were recalLed just past the French Coast.
l{e had a big banquet and dance tonight eelebrating the 100th mission of the 96th.
The banquet was stag with visiting dignitaries such as Gen's. Doolittle, Anderson,
Spaatz, LeMay, etc. I got the signatures of all but Spaatz on tny shortsnorter
Speeches at the banquet rrere very interesting - covering the history of the 96th
with sone extra comments.
I miss ny Darling so much tonight.

April 2 - Sunday
No mission today and so far none expected for tomorrow. ft was
ralning this norning so didn't get up to go to church. Did go this evening
however. The cl.ocks r.tete set ahead another hour today so we are now tlro hours
ahead of standard time. Have been thinking a Lot about the farn today and told
Vera so in ny letter. I guess I sti1l like the farn deep down in ny heart. Just
came down from the snack bar - went to bed at 9:30. Sent Vera another $100 today.
Nine nonths married to the sweetest girl ever.

April 3 - Monday
Boy have we been getting the sleep lately. Still no missions and we
s l e e p l a t e e v e r y m o r n i n g . S e e m st o l i k e t o r a i n a l l t h e t i n e l a t e l y . Raining
cats and dogs tonite. Spent the evening playing ball then went to the snack bar and
show "The Heat is On". The boys were showing me how to play poker before going
to bed - no money of course but had their been, I'd have won. Wrote the folks
this evening.

April 4 - Tuesclay
Overslept this norning and f missed ground school and got ca11ed on the
carpet for it. 0h well, we can't be perfect. Had a lecture on bailing out this
afternoon by a S/Sgt. who has made 160 jumps, nothing the rest of the day. Played
catch after suppet tonight till my arns ached. Last night all I could do was
fumble, getting better. Wrote my Darling a long Letter this evening after getting
honeys from her today.

April 5 - Wednesday
For the first time in a week f got up for breakfast. Had class at
9:30 then nothing till after noon. I looked over an English Halifax in the
morning. It certainly looks complicated and heavy. f wouldn't care to fly the things.
Had one class this afternoon then pLayed volley ball for a while. l{rote three
letters this evening before going to bed. No naiL for me at all today.

April 6 - Thursday
The expected mission for today didn't cone off. ft was scrubbed
during the night. Another alert for tornorrow however. Again the same day -
a Little ground school and lots of nothing. Took a good hot bath this afternoon.
We had evening comrnunionservices tonight which Jonesy and I went
to. Cane right home afterwards and wrote to Vera.

April 7 - Friday
We got as far as a briefing for a nission this morning when it was
cancelled. I{e were sti1l in the drying room just putting on our flying clothes. I{e
then had nothing to do the rest of the norning so I did a little badly needing
sewinS' After dinner I played pooL till we had a class. We had a wonderful meal
tonight - roast Dork, nashed potatoes and dressing, pork gravy, vegetables and to
top it all off, ice crean and cake and lots of it too. Must rrite a letter to
Grandna tonight - no nail today. ; / '. '
-22- /"i

AnriQ- Saturday
No tnenty-three today - a "no-ball" to Germany as someone called it.
The target was an airfiel-d just in Germany. l{e had wonderful fighter escort but
flak was heavy. I was more nervous and scared today then I have ever been. May
my next and last four not be too rough or I'11 really be getting shaky. We lost one
or trro planes today. Letter from Esther but none from ny Darling.
A mission is planned for tomorrow eo I must get to bed.
ApriL_9J Sunday
0f all things to do to spend Easter Sunday, we had to run a nission
not to Germany or France but to Po1and. The talget lras an aircraft plant in Poznan.
The round trip was over 2000 niles and took us a little over eleven hours. Going
in we saw nothing but flak over the target but flghters hit us on the way out. We
lost a number of planes from our already weak wing. The weather was terrible from
here to Denmark but good from there on. Some of the wings and groups aborted so
we were weak.

Three days running is quite a record for me. Our orginal target was to
salvage dump just inside France but because of clouds we finally ended up bonbing an
airfield. Yy second tirne as squadron lead - this tine the low. Smith and Kennedy and
Trbin finished today and Jones would have but they gave me another co-pilot today and
is he sore. possibility of another mission tomorrow and if they do f won't be able to
sit. Vust write my DarIinE - haven't done so for three days. No mail today.

April 1r - Tuesday
A n o t h e r m i s s i o n f o r t h e f o u r t h d a y r u n n i n g b u t $ r ew e r e n ' t c a l l e d t o d a y . It
turned out to be a rough one back to Poland again. Our group lost eleven planes;
five of them from our squadron. That leaves our squadron with 3 group leaders, 3
squadron leaders of wbich f am one and 3 wing men. We went down to see Fleming
today at Oxford. He has aLl his casts off and expects to be sent home in a month
or so. He was very surprised and happy to see us as we hadn't phoned ahead or
anything. No mail again today.

April 12 - l.lednesday
A scrub job today after we had gotten as far as the channel. Actually it
was a recall due to weather. f was hoping to reach the French coast and get a
nission out of it. llas very happy to find five letters from my Darling awaiting
rne. I{e certainly have been getting the publicity back hone from our buzz job.
l.lrote a letter to Vera tonight then lrent to bed.

April @ - rn.r."a"y
See Last l{ission -



0n the norning of April 13, llack and Johnny nere awakened at 4:00 A.U. for
prebriefing. As I rolled over I thought to myself that we were in for a tong one
today. I had another hour or Eo to eleep before the C.0. would call ne. At 6:00
I was awatened -- Just an hour before brtefing; plenty of time for breakfast, etc.

Take off was delayed that morning so lre didn't reach tbe enemy coast till
noon. tfe nere to have a long trip over enemy terrltory this day because the tarBet
was lrell ln.

I forgot to mentlon that Mack and Johnny had been called too early that
rnorntng so nhen brlefing Itas aB late as it was we had changed our conclusions from
that of a long mlssion and went to the llne expecting a "milk run". Te were rrrong
agaln rhen they pulled back thc curtaln beeause lt nas long as we had originally

As we crossed eneny territory it was a beautiful day and "because ne were

flying the choice position in the group I had more time than usual to enjoy it. We
met both our 47 and 51 escort as scheduled; they flew so thick and close around us
that we felt more than secure. Not an enemy fighter was sighted all the way to the

As we turned at the I.P. we couLd see terrific flak around the groups that
were before us over the target. Ile knew we were in for a tough ride.

Closer and closer we eane in to the target and the leader had still not
opened his bomb-bay doors. lle being the deputy lead would have to take over if they
could not drop. !{ack got on his target and I was about, to order bornb-bay doors
opened on a hunch they were calling us and we weren't receiving when their doors began
to open slowly. Ilhen they lrere open Mack and f breathed a sigh of relief. Flak had
been all around us for several rnoments and after what seemed a lifetime, "Bonbs

As soon as ne pulled off the target, one of the waist gunners called me
and said No. 4 engine was smoking. Jones and f checked it and noted there nas no
fire but it was purnping oil pretty fast. I told him to rratch the oil pressure and
feather it if it went down. I wanted to keep it till ne nere out of the flak if
possible. Finally when we were out and it was still purnping badly I reached down
and punched the feathering button. ?resuming it would feather because the pressure
had never dropped, I paid no attention to it. It was onl.y a moment when I realized
I couldn't keep up. l{hen I looked out, that prop hadn't feathered. I{e gradually
fe1l back out of formation till were nearly a half mile behind.

Jones called our escort on \rHF and they said they saw us and would keep
a n e y e o u t f o r u s . I t w a s o n l y a f e w m o m e n t st h e n t i l l , B A N G !a ] 9 0 h i t u s . N o t h i n g
left to do but bail out and here ne are for'the duration.

Prebriefing call ------4:00 A.U. P-47 -------Escort in to target.

Regular briefing ------7:00 A.M. P-51
Take Off -----9:00 A.M.
Enemy Coast -12:00 noon P-38 -------Escort at rally point.
t.t.---, -
to target
Target 3:00 p.m.
Shot dorn ----10 to 15 nln.
after Target.
-7h- //-

I hit the ground at approxirnately 15:30 (3:30), was picked up

immediately and rnarched to a nearby village. There I was searched and thrown
in a cell for an hour or so before they took me on a truck to a nearby railway
station. I was put on the train and taken to a Luftwaft station which much have,
some 20-30 kilometero array. On this train I met Mack, Johnny, Jonesy, t{iskel,
Johnson and Gaus. The rest of the boys were at the Luftwaft station.

In a hospital near the station Johnny's foot was bandaged and I had then
look at my knee which I had sprained upon hitting the ground. I also net the
German pllot who had shot us down here.

The next day (April 14) we were taken some 30-40 kilometers by truck
(leaving Johnny at tbe hospital on the way), to a prlson camp where we nere put in
solitare for the first time.

After an hour or Eo here we were taken from our cells individually and
searched again. Everything they took fronr us here nas put in an envelope and
returned to us upon leaving solitare at Dulag

l{e stayed here until about 4 o'clock in the morning of April 15 when we
were taken by bris to a raihray station where we caught a train for Dulagluft at
Frankfort, or more rightly speaking, Oberusal; which is several kilometers northwest
of Frankfort. I{e arrived here around 4:00 P.M.

f spent this night in a collective basement cell., more like a dungeon'

where we had nothing but a bunch of stooLs. Most of the boys had been taken out
of these cells that same night and put in solitare but I had to wait for these
comforts till the next day, April 16.

This afternoon, an interroBator interviewed me in my cell. 0f course' f

would give him nothing but rny name, rank and serial number. He surprised me however
by filling in the sheet with my group, wing, squadron, station, crew and all. He
knew more about me than I did myself. I think they got some of this information
from my plane because I think the tail did not burn. Also, they got some
information papers from me which I did not have a chance to destroy.

After spending the night of April 16 in solitare I was offically interrogated

the next day and released frorn solitare and sent the the nearby transient canp to wait
till we were sent out to a permanent camp. This was April 17 and we did not leave for
Stalag Luft ti1l April 19.

It was at DuLag when they stripped and searched me before putting me in

solitare that they finally got my watch, which they confiscated because it was gov't
issue, and ny escape compass which was in my shoe and f nyself thought nas lost. fn
other words f hadn't had ny shoes off in the three days I had been down.

-25- 1/
f'. ..

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