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Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 287 (2001) 329±333

Mechanically alloyed low-nickel austenite Fe±Ni phase:

evidence of single-phase paramagnetic state
S.D. Kaloshkin a,*, V.V. Tcherdyntsev a, Yu.V. Baldokhin b, I.A. Tomilin a,
E.V. Shelekhov a
Department of Physical Chemistry, Moscow State Steel and Alloys Institute, Leninsky prosp. 4, 117936 Moscow, Russia
Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kosygina str. 4, 117334 Moscow, Russia

Fe100 x Nix alloys were obtained by a mechanical alloying technique (MA) from elemental metals. The alloys consist
of: single body-centered cubic phase (bcc) at nickel concentrations 6 22 at.%, single face-centered cubic phase (fcc) ± at
x > 28 at.% and two of these phases ± at 22 6 x 6 28 at.%. Annealing results in formation of single fcc phase structure in
the samples with x P 22 at.%. According to the M ossbauer spectrometry data these annealed alloys with 22±28 at.% Ni
were not ferromagnetic at room temperature. Cooling austenitic samples in liquid nitrogen as well as mechanical de-
formation stimulated austenite±martensite transformation accompanied by the appearance of ferromagnetism. Ó 2001
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction their magnetic and mechanical properties. There

are several studies, where structure and properties
Mechanical alloying (MA) is a simple method of MA Fe±Ni alloys were investigated [5±9]. It was
of the most severe mechanical treatment of mate- found that MA [5], as well as the ®ne grain
rials at a relatively low temperature (0.4 Tm ) [1]. structure produced by rapid quenching of Fe±Ni
Since the MA method is used mostly for powders [10] results in a change in the transformation of the
and it is not necessary to retain a macroscopic face-centered cubic (fcc) phase into a body-cen-
structure of the sample, the deformation degree of tered cubic (bcc) one. Also it was shown that me-
material in this method is unlimited. Besides pro- chanically alloyed iron-based binary alloys
ducing new unstable phases in di€erent metallic posseses wider single-phase concentration ranges
systems after such a severe treatment [2,3] the well- in comparison with those obtained by conven-
known alloys and phases may attain new proper- tional techniques [11±15]. And as expected [15]
ties too [4]. Iron±nickel alloys are of interest due to annealing usually causes the decomposition of
supersaturated phases and narrowing of single-
phase concentration ranges. This tendency may
change in the case of non-di€usion austenite±
Corresponding author. Tel.: +7-095 230 4667; fax: +7-095 martensite transformation. As will be shown below
247 6001.
E-mail addresses: (S.D. Kaloshkin),
annealing may result in an increase of the con- (V.V. Tcherdyntsev), iat@phch.misa. centration range of the metastable austenitic (I.A. Tomilin), (E.V. Shelekhov). phase. The aim of the present work is to study this
0022-3093/01/$ - see front matter Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 2 - 3 0 9 3 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 5 7 5 - 0
330 S.D. Kaloshkin et al. / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 287 (2001) 329±333

phenomenon and to show the possibility of pro-

ducing austenitic Fe±Ni alloys with <28 at.% Ni,
which in particular are not ferromagnetic.

2. Experimental techniques and materials

The MA of carbonyl iron (99.95%) and elec-

trolytic nickel (99.5%) powders was carried out in
a planetary ball mill (AGO-2U) with a rotation
speed of 675 min 1 . About 15 g of material and
150 g of steel balls with 8 mm diameter were loa-
ded into steel hermetic vials (160 cm3 ) for prepa-
ration of Fe1 x Nix alloys (10 < x < 90 at.%). Each
specimen was milled for 1 h at speci®c power of the
process about 20 W/g of material. To reduce
heating of the material the vials were water-cooled
and every 5 min operating time of processing was Fig. 1. Phase composition of MA Fe±Ni samples, as-milled and
after annealing at 650°C for 0.5 h.
interrupted with a 5 min pause. Such a processing
heated the material not more than 200°C. X-ray
di€ractometry and M ossbauer spectroscopy were also [17,18]). Fig. 1 shows that concentration
used to determine the structure and phase com- ranges of single-phase solid solutions on the base
position of the samples. Chemical composition of of a-Fe and c-Ni(Fe) are larger in MA alloys
samples after milling was measured by local X-ray compared with the equilibrium phase diagram. In
microanalysis method [16]. Deviation of chemical contrast to the stable diagram, the FeNi3 com-
compositions of samples from the nominal ones pound was not observed in MA alloys.
was 61%. Contamination of about 0.3 at.% Cr As reported in [18], a wide distribution of hy-
was found in samples because of the wear of Cr- per®ne ®elds is typical for M ossbauer spectra of
containing steel surfaces of vials and balls. An most Fe±Ni alloys. For every as-prepared MA
analysis of gaseous impurities showed the presence sample the sextet component in the M ossbauer
of about 1.0 wt% of oxygen and 0.05 wt% of ni- spectra was observed. The average value of hy-
trogen in four randomly selected powder samples. per®ne ®eld on iron atoms versus MA alloy com-
As X-ray analysis did not detect oxide phases, we position is plotted in Fig. 2. These data are close to
concluded that gases were mainly adsorbed on those obtained for Fe±Ni alloys by other tech-
intergrain and intergranular surfaces of powders. niques [5,7,20], where the correspondence of sextet
Annealing of samples was carried out in an argon component to one or another ferromagnetic phase
atmosphere. in Fe±Ni alloys was shown. We suggest that the
hyper®ne ®eld depends only on the phase compo-
sition of an alloy and does not depend on the way
3. Results of its preparation. In the same ®gure the Curie
temperatures of bcc and fcc phases are plotted as a
According to X-ray di€raction data Fe±Ni MA function of the composition of each phase. These
samples contained bcc and fcc phases, but in the data are extrapolated to larger concentration
concentration ranges di€ering from those of ranges assuming identical atomic compositions of
equilibrium bulk alloys. As-milled Fe±Ni alloys coexisting phases, in agreement with data previ-
consist of: single bcc phase at nickel concentration ously obtained for MA binary alloys [11±15].
6 22 at.%, single fcc phase ± at x > 28 and mixture Annealing of as-milled samples at 650°C
of these two phases ± at 22 6 x 6 28 (Fig. 1, see changes the phase compositions of several alloys.
S.D. Kaloshkin et al. / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 287 (2001) 329±333 331

Fig. 2. Room temperature hyper®ne magnetic ®eld (experi-

mental points connected by the solid line) and corresponding
Curie temperature [19] of as-milled Fe±Ni samples (dashed

As Fig. 1 shows after annealing the concentration

of Ni in single fcc-phase alloy at room tempera-
ture decreases to 22 at.%. Only the single para- Fig. 3. Mossbauer spectra of MA Fe100 x Nix …x ˆ 20; 22; 24; 26;
magnetic component was observed in the 28† alloys annealed at 650°C.
M ossbauer spectra of alloys with 22 6 x 6 28 at.%
(Fig. 3). The fcc alloys change from paramagnetic
to ferromagnetic state with increasing Ni content. 4. Discussion
For x ˆ 28 at.% broadening of the single com-
ponent, which corresponds to the appearance of It was rather unexpected to us to ®nd a com-
ferromagnetic interactions [21], was observed. pletely paramagnetic state of alloys in binary
Martensitic transformation of annealed Fe±Ni Fe±Ni system. Explanation of this phenomenon is
alloys with 22±26 at.% Ni may be induced by illustrated in Fig. 5. The alloys with x > 20 at.%
cooling at liquid nitrogen temperature and by after annealing possess only one fcc phase. On the
mechanical deformation. M ossbauer spectroscopy other hand the Curie temperature of fcc phase
(Fig. 4) as well as X-ray di€raction analysis detects decreases with decreasing Ni content lower 6 35
martensite in the initially fully austenitic Fe78 Ni22 at.%. At about x ˆ 28 at.% we expect the Curie
(b) alloy after cooling it in liquid nitrogen (c) or point to decrease up to room temperature. The
crushing the powder in mortar (d). The same dependence of hyper®ne ®eld on phase composi-
procedure with an alloy containing 28 at.% Ni had tion also decreases with decrease of Ni in the same
no e€ect. concentration range. Because of the increase of the
Long-term annealing of the MA samples re- single fcc phase concentration range, MA Fe±Ni
sults in the appearance of the austenite±marten- alloys with 22±28 at.% Ni are paramagnetic at
site transition at cooling to room temperature. room temperature (Fig. 5).
Experiments with Fe78 Ni22 MA alloy showed As low-nickel (<28 at.% Ni) austenitic phase is
that after annealing at 700°C for 12 h it became not thermodynamically stable at room tempera-
almost completely martensitic at room tempera- ture it has a tendency to transform into martensitic
ture. phase. But the fact that an alloy with 28 at.% Ni
332 S.D. Kaloshkin et al. / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 287 (2001) 329±333



Fig. 5. Room temperature hyper®ne magnetic ®eld (experi-

mental points connected by the solid line) and Curie tempera-
ture [19] of MA Fe±Ni samples annealed at 650°C (dashed line).

formation shows that the depression of this

(c) transformation in MA alloys is mainly caused by
the procedure of sample preparation. We conclude
that the mechanical treatment mainly suppresses
the austenite±martensite transformation. It seems
that the main cause of this suppression is grain size
of the MA fcc phase, but such structure defects as
dislocations, stacking faults and their interaction
also may a€ect the transformation.

5. Conclusion

The martensite transformation was suppressed

in Fe±Ni alloys prepared by MA technique. As a
result at room temperature non-ferromagnetic al-
loys with single-phased fcc structure were obtained
Fig. 4. M ossbauer spectra of MA Fe78 Ni22 alloy: (a) as-milled in the concentration range 22±26 at.% Ni. This
alloys; (b) annealed at 650°C for 1 h; (c) annealed as (b) and structure and magnetic state, however, may be
then cooled down to liquid nitrogen temperature; (d) crushed in changed inducing martensite transformation by
low-temperature treatment or mechanical defor-
did not transform into martensitic state shows the
decreasing tendency of Fe±Ni alloys to form
martensite phase with increase of Ni content (see Acknowledgements
also [5,22]). On the other hand, the fact that long-
term annealing of austenitic samples caused an This work was supported by RFBR (00-03-
increase of the temperature of martensite trans- 32529a) and INTAS (99-01741).
S.D. Kaloshkin et al. / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 287 (2001) 329±333 333

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