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1/16/2018 Word formation prov v.


Word formation prov v.47

Word formation prov v.47 - en övning gjord av maaaliiinnn på
1. Vik bak högra delen av pappret så att svaren inte syns.
2. Skriv ner svaren på frågorna i utrymmet under dem.
3. Vik tillbaka pappret och rätta genom att jämföra med svaren till höger.

(dead) the doctor gave him an injection to ... the pain deaden

(compare) scientist have

made ... tests on the new
comparative drugs

(economy) this car uses

a lot of petrol. It's
uneconomical terribly...

(admire) I approve of
him wholeheartedly. He
admirable is an ... man

(hero) she was described as a... heroine

(pay) please make your

cheque ... to john
payable watson

(comfort) she sat in terrible ... on the hard chair for over an hour discomfort

(demonstrate) grandfather rarely showed the affection he felt for his family. He
was a very ... person undemonstrative

(produce) ... of the new sports car has been halted by a strike production

(imitate) small children are very ... in their behaviour. They just copy what they
see imitative

(admire) she was a pleasant, attractive girl, always surrounded by... admirers

(economy) we're
spending too much. We
economize must...

(produce) China is one

of the world's leading ...
producers of rice 1/4
1/16/2018 Word formation prov v.47

(beauty) she's training to be a... beautician

(explain) his
disappearance is very
inexplicable strange, in fact quite...

(receive) ask for a ... when you buy something, in case you need to return it receipt

(demonstrate) what you

say is ... false. Let me
demonstrably show you the facts

(comfort) in that tense situation I found the good news very... comforting

(stable) the exchange rate is going up and down dramatically. It's very ... at the
moment unstable

(demonstrate) the ...

marched through the
demonstrators streets chanting slogans

(hero) they fought ... in

heroically the war

(receive) I made several

suggestions to improve
production, but the
management was not
receptive very ... to my ideas

(comfort) I felt rather ...

so I put a soft cushion
uncomfortable behind me

(receive) she works as a ... at a hotel in scotland receptionist

(compare) this is ... better than that. In fact, there is really no... comparison

(explain) an ... leaflet is given to all purchasers of the machine explanatory

beautiful (beauty) she is very...

(argue) she is ... the

finest pianist in the
arguably world 2/4
1/16/2018 Word formation prov v.47

(economy) the Chancellor (minister of finance) is responsible for ... affairs economic

(reside) there's no
industry or
entertainment here. It's a
residential ... district

(advise) until the situation has settled down, it is ... to travel to that country inadvisable

(dead) be careful! that's a ... poison! deadly

(imitate) the bag is

imitation made of ... leather

(hero) he recieved a medal for his... heroism

(stable) to ... the boat in rough sea, we redistributed the weight stabilize

(pay) to buy this car i

made a monthly ... of
payment £280 for two years

(advise) the government

set up an ... body on the
advisory use of drugs in sport

(argue) he's very bad-

tempered, ... chap. He's
argumentative always quarrelling

(imitate) his acting style is ... No one can copy him inimitable

(produce) I'm afraid the talks were totally ... We didn't reach agreement on
anything unproductive

(pay) the person a cheque is made out to is called the... payee

(advise) I doubt the ... of

drinking alcohol while
undergoing that medical
advisability treatment

(admire) I am full of ...

for what she has
admiration achieved 3/4
1/16/2018 Word formation prov v.47

(stable) between 1860

and 1900 the country
had a number of
revolutions and
uprisings. It was a time
instability of great...

(argue) she had an ...

with her husband last
argument night

(beauty) they're going to

... the town with more
beautify trees and parks

(reside) this is the president's official... residence

(dead) the increasing

number of ... in traffic
deaths accidents is alarming

(reside) all ... of the

neighbouring houses
were warned of the gas
residents leak

(explain) I think you owe me an ... for your behaviour explanation 4/4

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