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Running head: EDID 6506 Emerging Trends and Issues in ID, IT & DE 1

Team Innovation Project

Genevieve Cox

Gloria Butcher

Leiba Legall

Marvin Thompson

Nyeisha George-Minott

A Paper Presented in Partial Fulfilment of

EDID 6506 - Emerging Trends and Issues in ID, IT & DE

Date of submission: 10 July 2016


University: University of the West Indies (UWI) Open Campus

Course Coordinator: Dr. Camille Dickson-Deane

EDID 6506 Emerging Trends and Issues in ID, IT & DE 2

SEAL - Student Empowerment & Achievement Learning

The innovation team project is a multi-purpose student support system which utilizes
artificial intelligence in the form of a mobile app entitled SEAL (Student Empowerment
and Achievement Learning). The SEAL app offers the student support by providing
instant feedback, alerts or academic notifications and mentorship. It also conducts
environmental scanning, personality detection and provides support tips that would Innovative Team:
enhance the students’ emotional intelligence level. The SEAL app can be integrated into Lifelong Brain
an LMS and utilized to track the authenticity of course content. Moreover, the app can be Boosters
linked to open educational resources (OER) which will aid the students as they engage in Team Members
the research process.
Genevieve Cox
Ideally, the SEAL app is most appropriate for secondary and tertiary level students. In Gloria Butcher
order to facilitate its implementation the SEAL app will be presented to the national Leiba Legall
governing bodies for the public educational institutions as well as the board of directors
Marvin Thompson
for the private educational institutions in the country.
Nyeisha George-
Evolving learner needs and the advancement of technology have induced a disruption in
the distribution of education worldwide. Mobile apps have a transforming influence on
this revolution in education because they can provide a platform for meeting multiple
needs in education instantly. Mobile apps can improve learner experience through Innovation
mentorship and timely feedback. Instant feedback is one of the most important aspects in Highlights
the learning process and alerts/notifications keep students organized in their whirlpool of 1. Creating Mobile
daily activities. Apps
2. Mentorship
Adhering to the trends of effective education systems which match students’ daily 3. Instant feedback
experiences with the way education is delivered; SEAL moves a step forward to include 4. Alert/notificatio
tools for effective collaboration such as personality and emotional intelligence testing. n system
These tools will support effective collaboration and promote deep learning. 5. Environmental
6. Authenticity of
Furthermore, the quest for quality content and equality in distribution is a major goal and
Course Content
concern for quality education worldwide. Access to Open Education Resources provides 7. Links to open
students with unlimited resources that facilitate their research process. Students can have education
access to valuable content and save on costs simultaneously. As a safeguard against resources (OER)
litigation regarding inferior content a new trend in education, environmental scanning 8. Personality
provides a platform for authenticating course content and updating students on current Tests
legal, technological and socio-economic issues. 9. Learning tool
for emotional
10. Support tool
A mock-up of the initial app design can be accessed via this link: that helps with collaboration
A prototype of the SEAL Mobile App can be accessed via this link:
July 2016
A PowerPoint presentation demonstrates the usefulness of the app to students.
Click to listen to a short audio pitch which can be used to persuade both public educational
institutions and the board of directors for the private educational institutions.
EDID 6506 Emerging Trends and Issues in ID, IT & DE 3

Atsloom, T. (2009). Artificial intelligence [Slide share slides]. Retrieved from

GoodWorkLabs, (2015). The Impact of Mobile Apps on Education Industry. Retrieved from

Hunt, P., (2008). Enhanced Learning through ‘Instant’ Feedback. Retrieved from

Pfeffer, F. T. (2012). Equality and quality in education. Retrieved from:

Robinson, K. (2010, February). Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution [video file].
Retrieved from

TeachThought Staff. (2016). 10 Roles for artificial intelligence in education. Retrieved from

Thomas, T. (2012, October 24). The biological basis of personality: “Dr. T” Tina Thomas
atTEDxCitedelPark. Retrieved from

Youth.Gov, (2016). Benefits for Young People. Retrieved from


Yu, A. (2015 Apr 02 ). How Mobile messaging is used for Campus Communication. Retreived
from: MODO Labs:

Zatarain-Cabada, R., Alor-Hernandez, G., Barron-Estrada, M.L., Colomo-Palacios, R., & lin, H.
C.K. (2016). Guest editorial: Intelligent and effective learning environments: New Trends
and challenges. Educational Technology and Society, 19 (2), pp.1-4. Retrieved from
EDID 6506 Emerging Trends and Issues in ID, IT & DE 4

Appendix A
Transcript of audio pitch
We understand that the need for quick reaction time to current and emerging issues and trends in the field
of education is paramount. With this in mind we have invented the ultimate app with in demand features
that gives your organization the ability to manage a multitude of user activities to track the impact of
learning while collecting data that will improve user experiences, and provide personalized services to
students. (Genevieve)
Our innovative App combines the power of intuitive design and ideation. SEAL (Student Enhancement
Achievement Learning) will give your institution the competitive edge in powering personalized student
engagement and feedback. The App has state of the art alert and notification tools to enable students to
seamlessly manage assignments and other interests. (Marvin)
SEAL is a mobile App that enhances learner experiences by gathering input data and analyzing user
experiences to provide instant feedback and mentorship in real time. Additional features of this creative
App includes environmental scanning of events in order to keep abreast of changing legal, technological
and socio-economic trends in higher education. (Leiba)
Moreover, the App will offer options for grouping based on personality tests and tips for improving
emotional intelligence for efficient collaboration. Seal can be installed on multiple devices, and integrated
into a Learning Management System (LMS) to track the authenticity of course content. In addition, the
app will support student collaboration and learning with links to Open Educational Resources (OER).
SEAL offers solutions to educational institutions that will completely change the way they currently
communicate and operate. Using the Internet of Things concept that enables interconnectivity of smart
devices to the internet, the App will revolutionize the speed of data transfer, the processing of incoming
data and response times. (Nyeisha)
The SEAL App can change the future of your institution’s communication. Continuous monitoring of the
external environment will identify core socio economic trends. You will realize increased student
academic performance, and experience a decrease in the drop- out rate. If you wish to explore our App,
we can provide you with a link. (Nyeisha)
EDID 6506 Emerging Trends and Issues in ID, IT & DE 5


Contribution write-ups
Genevieve’s Contribution
Brainstormed and collaborated with Nyeisha on generating ideas for innovative app and made
various suggestions for adapting features of innovative project to assignments done by team
members to come up with a meaningful name. Student Enhancement Achievement Learning
(SEAL) was chosen.
I communicated ideas to group members at the first group meeting held on June 23rd 2016, and
innovatively facilitated Nyeisha’s participation in the Skype meeting by calling her from my
phone during electricity power outage and placing phone on speaker on the computer to include
her in the group discussions. Shared sample of e-Brief created by Nyeisha with group and
collaborated online during the course of the meeting.
I communicated further ideas and thoughts on environmental scanning, and tracking authenticity
of course content for App creation at second group meeting held on June 29th 2016. Also
Participated in discussions put forward by group members present to adopt the idea of the App
for the innovative project.
Conducted extensive research on quality assurance and legal issues in higher education,
environmental scanning in higher education, and authenticity of course content.
I Participated in discussions for creation of Mock-up at group meeting on July 7, 2016, and in
discussions to clarify the assignment expectations.
I contributed to group idea generation for design, review and layout of e-Brief for innovative
project. In addition I came up with the idea for producing an audio to include all team members’
voices in an audio pitch to persuade educational institutions and board of directors to use/invest
in the innovative solution.
Authored the script for audio pitch recorded by team members in audacity, and produced my
section of speech.
Gave feedback and views on ideas put forward by other group members, and asked questions to
clarify meaning of issues discussed.
I participated in discussions for assignment of final roles and responsibilities for each team
member in production of the innovative project.
EDID 6506 Emerging Trends and Issues in ID, IT & DE 6

Gloria’s Contribution

Project Discussion Phase

Identified and discussed the trends identified in Assignments 2 and 3
Asked and answered questions to clarify and extend ideas
Created google docs document for innovative contributions

Individual innovation Phase

I Suggested I Graphing (IG) an analytic tool using artificial intelligence to facilitate

collaboration. Programmed to assess and provide tips for dealing with different personalities;
support collaboration through source data bases; assess substantive contributions; track for
contribution frequency, graph contributions, analyze interactions and provide automatic
distribution of data at the end of discussion period, start time and end time of meetings.
Explained innovation and answered questions.
Asked questions about peers’ innovation

Project Assembling Phase

Ideas Contributed to Innovation-personality and emotional intelligence assessment and tips for
improved group collaboration; collaboration options for app- use of artificial intelligence to
support collaboration

Carried out research and provided links to support usefulness of artificial intelligence in
education; importance of emotional intelligence and personality awareness in education; trends
in education; and equality and quality education. Created a mockup for initial app design.

Assembled write-up and insert links for supporting evidence for SEAL for e-brief
Participated in discussions
EDID 6506 Emerging Trends and Issues in ID, IT & DE 7


Discussion- I participated in all group brainstorming sessions and made valuable suggestions for
example during the first meeting on 23rd June, 2016, I suggested we select an innovation idea
that changes the approach to education with the aim of improving student’s performance and
attendance. I explained my individual project and contributed to every group discussion as we
explored ideas and clarified issues. At the first meeting Nyeisha and Genevieve also shared an e-
brief document sample with the group.
At our second meeting on 29th June, 2016, Nyeisha and Gen presented the mobile app SEAL we
discussed the features that should be included in the app. I made suggestions as to how each
individual’s emerging trend could be represented and incorporated in the project which was a
mobile app. At the end of the meeting we had a list of ten topics to be researched. During our
third meeting on July 3rd, 2016 Gloria re-directed us to the rubric and we analyzed carefully
what was required. We determined that a mockup and prototype was needed. We also decided to
create an audio recording explaining the purpose and benefits of SEAL.
During our fourth meeting on 6th July, 2016 we addressed Gloria’s concerns regarding meeting
the requirements of the rubric regarding ‘representation of innovation’. We resolved the matter
by deciding to create a PPT presentation in addition to an audio recording. We held the final
meeting on 10th July, 2016 to complete and proofread the document before final submission.
Research, write-ups and recordings- I compiled the introduction required for the innovation
based on research and information provided. Also, I selected 3 out of 10 topics assigned and
conducted extensive research to locate the most appropriate links for the e-brief document and
supplied the succinct statements for each topic along with the relevant references. The topics I
selected were:
 The benefits of creating a mobile app,
 The importance of mentorship
 The need for instant feedback
The information listed above was inserted onto a Google doc generated by Gloria. All group
members were required to place the requisite information on the Google doc entitled Lifelong
Brain Boosters: Innovative Project.
In addition, I prepared the PPT presentation by inserting the screenshots supplied by Nyeisha and
creating the write- up for each screenshot as it would appear on the mobile app. I also recorded a
section of our group presentation prepared by Genevieve.
Editing- When necessary I edited contributions made by my teammates and made suggestions
regarding formatting.
Peers Interaction - I engaged in frequent discussions with my teammates via WhatsApp, Skype
and telephone calls. We had five skype meetings for the duration of the group project during
which I communicated ideas and opinions and listened to those of my peers. At the end of
meetings I willingly summarized ideas discussed and roles/ responsibilities assigned. All major
decisions regarding the project were made after group discussions.
EDID 6506 Emerging Trends and Issues in ID, IT & DE 8

Marvin’s Contribution

I participated in the group meetings except for the first 2 which I missed due to work.
Contributed to inputs of the app with regards to tool that support collaboration. I lent my voice to
the audio recording. Collaborated with peers in the meeting and discussions with technologies
such as Skype, google docs and whatsapp. I also contributed to aligning my assignment 2
submission to the SEAL project. Proposed in relating my project to the SEAL app important
questions that could form part of the offering of the product and provided links to legal issues
surrounding my assignment 2.
EDID 6506 Emerging Trends and Issues in ID, IT & DE 9

Nyeisha’s contribution
Initial Discussion
The trends and issues that were submitted for assignment 1 and 2 were discussed in our first meeting June
23rd. I described my submission for assignment 2, the Information of everything (IoE) and the Internet of
things (IoT) and how this and all the other group member’s projects can be blended together into an
Coming up with an innovation
In collaboration with Genevieve, we brainstormed the creation of a Mobile App as a student support
system. This was building on the idea contributed by Leiba of using technology to change the approach to
education. I came up with the name SEAL, then Genevieve and I figured out a meaningful names/words
to match the Acronym and settled with Student Empowerment & Achievement Learning. A few key
features of the App were explored which Gloria and Leiba added to, which initially included mentorship,
instant feedback, alert system, environmental scanning, tracking authenticity and links to OER. We
shared this with the group on our second meeting June 29th 2016.
Assembling the project
I contributed to the following tasks
 Researched the concept of an e-brief and assembled the e-brief document which included the
hyperlinks. The cover, references and appendix pages were also included.
 Researched two topics which were included in the features of the Mobile app 1. Alert and
notification system 2. Linkage to Open Education Resources (OER’s). Short statements and
references were provided for inclusion in the e-brief.
 Recorded a part of the group audio presentation that Genevieve prepared. I also compiled all 5
audio voice recordings and edited the final audio presentation which included background music
using the Audacity software.
 Created the prototype Mobile app using the Invision prototyping software. I provided screenshots
for use in the PowerPoint presentation created by Leiba.
Interacting with peers
As the group lead I made group calls using Skype we held 5 meetings in total. During meetings I gave
suggestions and took suggestions on how to move forward and improve the quality of the project work.
Other interactions were via WhatsApp, phone calls and comments made in the google doc. Assisted
Genevieve between July 8 – 10, 2-16 in keeping up to date with final tasks for the group project as she
was away traveling and had internet connectivity issues. Final group editing and proofreading of the e-
brief document closed off the last meeting session on July 10th, 2016.

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