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Introduction to the organs involved in the respiratory system

The respiratory system consists of a set of organs that help in breathing of air
in and out of the body. They provide a passage way for air to flow in and out o
f the body. The air taken in is stored in the lungs where oxygen from the air is
diffused into the blood stream, and carbon di oxide from the blood stream diffu
ses out of into the air. Thus, the air which we breath in contains more Oxygen w
hile the air which we breath out contains more of Carbon di oxide.
The main respiratory organs are as follows:-
Structure and Functions of Organs Involved in the Respiratory System
The nose has two external nostrils . These are separated by a cartilaginous (mad
e up of cartilage) structure called septum. Hairs are present in the inner linin
g of the nostrils. The nostrils open up into a wide cavity, the nasal chambers.
The nose has many important functions as follows:-
Prevents entry of dust particles. Otherwise, these particles could cause many pr
oblems for the smooth flow of gases in and out of the lungs.
The mucus traps microorganisms, like bacteria and fungi and thus prevents them f
rom entering the human body.
Air breathed in is moisturized and warmed up on coming in contact with mucus.
Sense of smell is provided by the sensory cells located in a pocket in the nasal
The nasal chambers open into a wide cavity called the pharynx.
It is a common path for food and air.
Prevents entry of food from into the wind pipe.
The epiglottis is a covering over the wind pipe.
If one talks during swallowing, the epiglottis is forced to open (to allow air t
o go outwards), and food enters the wind pipe, causing cough.
It is made up of two cartilaginous chords. They are located at eh point of joini
ng of the pharynx and trachea.
It is also called the voice box, or Adam's apple.
It is the part which rises and falls when one swallows food.
It produces sound as air passes through the hollow in the middle.
The trachea, or the wind pipe, emerges from below the larynx and goes down below
through the neck.
Walls of trachea are made up of C shaped cartilaginous rings, which provide stre
ngth to the trachea and keep it fully distended.
The trachea divides into two tubes called bronchi, which enter each lung respect
ively. The bronchi divides further into secondary bronchi, tertiary bronchi, and
then bronchioles. The bronchioles further divide into small air sacs called alv
The alveoli are small sacs of air so thin walled that their walls are just one c
ell thick. These provide an interface for the
diffusion of respiratory gases in and out of the blood stream, because the air s
acs containing respiratory gases are in contact with the blood stream of blood v
They are the main centers of respiration.
The one cell thick walls of alveoli, on one side of which is present the air bre
athed in and on the other side of which is present the blood stream of blood ves
sels, provides for the diffusion of respiratory gases in and out of the blood st

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