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1 The polarizing microscope

1.1 Microscope components and analyser. This is a second polarizer with the privi-
leged direction in N-S orientation (parallel to the
their function vertical line of the cross-hairs in the ocular). If an
object is viewed with the analyser inserted, it is
The polarizing microscope is a specialized magni- said to be viewed under crossed nicols or crossed
fication instrument. It is equipped with two polars. In older microscopes the privileged direc-
polarizers which enable minerals to be examined tions of the polarizer and analyser can be
under plane-polarized light, for their bire- reversed. .
fringence and refraction characteristics. Below the rotatable microscope stage is the
Modern microscopes are of a box-like con- condensing unit (Fig. 2). In the case of
struction equipped with the optical parts as orthoscopic observations at low magnifications,
shown in Fig. 1. The polarizer converts the upper condensing lens is not used and is
unpolarized light, which is emitted from the swung out of the path of light. When working at
microscope's light, source and which vibrates in high magnifications (using a xlO objective lens or
numerous directions, into polarized light, which higher) or looking at interference figures in the
vibrates within a single plane. The vibration di- conoscopic path of light, the upper condensing
rection of the plane-polarized light traditionally lens is used.
has an E-W privileged direction parallel to the Care must be taken to ensure that the condens-
horizontal line of the cross-hairs in the ocular. As ing lens is positioned directly below the object,
polarized light, it travels through the thin mineral thus providing optimum illumination. At low
section and undergoes a number of changes magnifications and during orthoscopic viewing,
which can be examined either with or without an

Fig. 1 Components of a student microscope

(LABOR-LUX 11 POL, Leitz).
1 Ocular with cross-hair and adjustable eye-piece.
2a Iris diaphragm.
2b Amici Bertrand lens.
3 Analyser (withdrawal, far side of microscope).
4a,b Mechanism to slot in, exchange or remove the
microscope tube.
5 Intermediate tubus piece.
6 Compensator slot.
7 Objective.
8 Microscope stand.
9 Circular rotatable stage with a vernier index and
a pair of stage clips.
10 Combined coarse and fine adjustment to set the
position of the stage.
11 Condensing lens and iris diaphragm.
12 Rotatable polarizer.
13 Microscope light source with adjustable aper-
14 Adjustment of light.

H. Pichler et al., Rock-forming Minerals in Thin Section

© Chapman & Hall 1997
Microscope components and their function 3
the condensing lens might have to be slightly The rotatable microscope stage should rotate
lowered to achieve the best illumination. freely around the microscope axis and be cali-
The substage assembly consisting of condenser brated so that degrees of rotation can be deter-
lenses and an iris diaphragm are used to provide mined on a vernier index. This allows precise
the best illumination for the object. The iris dia- angular measurements to be made.
phragm (Fig. 2) may be opened or closed as de- Modern microscopes tend to have several ob-
sired by the turn of a lever. In orthoscopic light it jective lenses that can be rotated into the path of
is kept at a narrower setting than in conoscopic light. Generally three objectives suffice for a stu-
light. dent microscope: a low-power objective (x2.5 or
4) provides a good overall view of the thin sec-
tion, whereas at medium (xlO) and high (x40, 45
or 63) magnification more detailed observations
can be made, such as determination of the ex-
tinction angle, cleavage intersection angle and
1--- indicatrix observations in the conoscopic light
2 The engravings on the objective lenses (Fig. 3)
\ give the following characteristics: 160/0.17 means
that the achromatic objective has a free working
distance of 160mm and the thin section must
have a cover glass which is 0.17mm thick. The
engraving 25/0.50 gives the magnification (x25)
and the aperture width of 0.5 mm. Letters such as
NPI (not present in Fig. 3) give additional infor-
mation (NPI = plane chromatic); an additional P
means that the objective is tension free.
The ocular increases the convergence of light
rays from the objective lens so that the real image
can be seen. It should have a pair of mutually
Fig. 2 Example of a substage polarizer and con-
densing lens set-up.
perpendicular cross-hairs, which mark the two
privileged directions of the polarizer and
1 Exchangeable condensing lens head. analyser.
2 Adjustment levers for swinging the condensing lens The Bertrand lens is used when the object is
into and out of the path of light.
viewed in the conoscopic light path. This lens
3 Centring screws for adjusting the condensing lens.
4 Lever to adjust the iris diaphragm. tends to be positioned above the analyser on the
5 Slot for inserting the fJ4 plate for circular polar- right-hand side (Fig. 1) and can be inserted into
ization. the light path as desired.
6 Rotatable polarizer. The different light paths for orthoscopic and
7 Screw to control the pOSition of the polarizer. conoscopic observations are shown in Table 1.

Fig. 3 Objectives (LABORLUX 11 POL, Leitz).
1 Lever to fix or loosen the intermediate micro-
scope tube.
2 Microscope tube slot with inserted compen-
3 Centring screw for objective.
4 Objective showing engravings (explanation in
text) .
5 Springs to hold the thin section in position.
6 Rotatable microscope stage with degree mark-
ings engraved around its edge.
7 Nonius to read off rotations of the microscope
stage to~O accuracy.

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