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Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM)

- VM-Ware: AirWatch
- MicroSoft: InTune
Apple: TestFlight
Xamarin: HockeyApp
Pages, Layouts, Views, Cells
Pages: VisualElements, IPageCntrol
- ContentPage,
- MasterDetailPage
- TabbedPage
- NavigationPage,
- CarouselPage
Layouts: Layout<View>
- StackLayouts,
- AbsoluteLayout,
- RelativeLayouts,
- Grid,
- ContentView,
- ScrollView,
- Frame
View: VisualElements
- Image,
- Label,
- ListView,
- OpenGLView,
- Picker,
- ProgressBar,
- SearchBar,
- Slider,
- Stepper,
- TableView,
- TimePicker,
- WebView
- EntryCell
- SwitchCell
- TextCell
- ImageCell
Custom Renderer

public enum StyleType {

public class StyledLabel : Label
public StyleType Style {get; set;

using Android.Graphics;
using Customization.Droid;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android;

[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(StyledLabel), typeof(StyledLabelRenderer ))]

namespace Customization.Droid
public class StyledLabelRenderer : LabelRenderer {
protected override void OnElementChanged(
ElementChangedEventArgs <Label> e ) {
base.OnElementChanged( e );
var styledLabel = (StyledLabel)Element;
switch (styledLabel.Style) {
case StyleType.Bold:
Control.SetTypeface(null, TypefaceStyle.Bold);
case StyleType.Italic:
Control.SetTypeface(null, TypefaceStyle.Italic);
case StyleType.BoldItalic:
Control.SetTypeface(null, TypefaceStyle.BoldItalic);

PCL: Accessing Native Features
Use Dependency Service - i.e. dependency injection (DI) or inversion
of control (IoC)

1. Define an interface:

public interface ISomeService

void PerformActivity( );

1.1 Retrieval :
var service = DependencyService.Get<ISomeService>( );

2. Implement that interface on each platform:

iOS :
public class Service_iOS : ISomeService
 public void PerformActivity( ) {
// Native iOS implementation

Android :
public class Service_Android : ISomeService {
public void PerformActivity( ) {
 // Native Android

3. Register the implementation with Dependency Service:

[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(Service_iOS))]
[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(Service_Android))]

by placing the above attributes outside of the namespace declarations in

each platform in order to take effect.

Retrieval :
var service = DependencyService.Get<ISomeService>( );
XAML Data Binding using markup extension

BindingContext is a special property of Bindable Objects. All

Xamarin.Forms objects are subclasses of BindableObject.

1. Define Data Binding using XAML markup extension:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ContentPage xmlns=""
xmlns:x="…" x:Class="…">
<Button Text="Click Me" Clicked="Button_Clicked" />
<Label Text="{Binding LabelText}" />
<Entry Text="{Binding EntryText}" />

2. Drive from INotifyPropertyChanged interface:
public interface INotifyPropertyChanged
event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
to implement PropertyChangedEventHandler event and handler:

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