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5 Proven,
Remarkable+ Stinging Nettle Benefits
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Have you ever walked by a seemingly harmless plant and accidentally brushed
up against it, only to feel a slight stinging or prickly pain? Chances are you have
… and you very well may have come in contact with a stinging nettle plant. 7/16/17, 6:15 AM

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While you may curse the plant for the temporary discomfort, stinging nettle is
actually a beneficial perennial that treats several conditions. Perhaps its most
popular use is turning the leaves into stinging nettle tea, which is a common
natural allergy relief remedy. It’s also proven to benefit skin, bone and urinary
health as well.

So how can this plant that seems like something to stay away from at first contact
actually become a medicinal go-to? Let’s find out.

What Is Stinging Nettle?

Stinging nettle, or urtica dioica, is a perennial flowering plant that has been used
medicinally for ages, dating back as far as Ancient Greece. Today, stinging nettle
can be found all over the world, but its origins are in the colder regions of Europe
and Asia. The plant usually grows between two to four feet high and blooms from
June to September. It grows best in nitrogen-rich soil, has heart-shaped leaves,
and produces yellow or pink flowers.

While best known for the stinging reaction that occurs when the skin comes into
contact with the fine hairs located on its leaves and stems, when processed and
used medicinally, stinging nettle has a number of helpful health benefits,
according to the Department of Dermatology at the Penn State University
College of Medicine. (1)

Most stinging nettle products are made from the stem and leaves, but the roots
also have pharmacological qualities. The herb has anti-inflammatory qualities that
can affect treatment of many health issues. (2) The aboveground parts have
typically aided in allergy relief and other breathing-related problems. The roots
are able to provide relief for urinary disorders and enlarged prostate as well.

Why Does It Sting? 7/16/17, 6:15 AM

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Stinging nettle contains a number of chemicals, such as serotonin, histamine and
acetylcholine, some of which can be very irritating. These chemicals cause the
stinging irritation on skin and are found at the base of the fine hairs on the nettle.

When brushed up against, the fragile tips of the hair break off and the remaining
hair becomes a small needle, able to deliver the chemicals into the skin. The
reaction can cause pain, redness, swelling, itching and numbness.

5 Benefits of Stinging Nettle

Despite its reputation for pain, stinging nettle is used to help a number of
ailments. Studies have shown stinging nettle has antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-
ulcer, astringent and analgesic capabilities. (3)

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the plant has been used
most commonly throughout history as a diuretic and for treating painful muscles
and joints, eczema, arthritis, gout, and anemia. Today, it’s used primarily to treat
urinary issues, as well as allergies and joint pain.

The most proven health benefits of using stinging nettle help with the following:

1. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and Urinary Issues

BPH symptoms are caused by an enlarged prostate gland pressing on the

urethra. BPH sufferers experience varying levels of increased urges to urinate,
incomplete emptying of the bladder, painful urination, post urination dripping and
reduced urinary flow.

Doctors are still not entirely sure why stinging nettle alleviates some of these
symptoms, but many clinical studies infer that it contains chemicals that affect the
hormones that cause BPH. When taken, it also directly affects prostate cells.
Stinging nettle root extract has also been shown to slow or stop the spread of
prostate cancer cells. (4) It’s usually used in combination with saw palmetto and 7/16/17, 6:15 AM

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other herbs. The root of the plant is primarily used in connection with urinary

Stinging nettle is used as a successful general diuretic and can help urine flow as
well. It’s also used in home remedies for bladder infections.

2. Osteoarthritis and Joint Pain

Arthritis sufferers often experience joint pain, typically in the hands, knees, hips
and spine. Nettle works alongside nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
to allow patients to decrease their NSAID use. Because prolonged use of NSAIDs
can cause a number of serious side effects, this is an ideal pairing.

Studies also show that applying nettle leaf topically at the site of pain decreases
joint pain and can treat arthritis. Nettle can also provide relief when taken orally.
Another study published in the Journal of Rheumatology shows stinging
nettle’s anti-inflammatory power against other autoimmune diseases like
rheumatoid arthritis. (5)

3. Hay Fever

Histamine production in the body creates the adverse reactions related to

allergies. Allergies cause uncomfortable congestion, sneezing, itching and more.

Stinging nettle’s anti-inflammatory qualities affect a number of key receptors and

enzymes in allergic reactions, preventing hay fever symptoms if taken when they
first appear. (6) The leaves of the plant contain histamine, which may seem
counterproductive in allergy treatment, but there is history of using histamines to
treat severe allergic reactions. (7)

There is also evidence that in severe reactions, low plasma histamine levels (as
opposed to high levels) are present. Another global study from the National
College of Naturopathic Medicine found that stinging nettle use for allergy relief
was rated higher than placebos in a 98-person, randomized, double-blind study. 7/16/17, 6:15 AM

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(8) 7/16/17, 6:15 AM

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4. Bleeding

Certain products containing stinging nettle have shown, when applied to the
skin, can reduce bleeding during surgery. The product, called Ankaferd blood
stopper, is made up of alpinia, licorice, thyme, common grape vine and stinging
nettle, and has also shown evidence of reducing bleeding after dental surgery.

5. Eczema

Eczema is a dry, itchy rash that can last on sufferers for a very long time. Because
of stinging nettle’s antihistamine and anti-inflammatory qualities, it can be
a natural treatment for eczema, as the Penn State University College of
Medicine study referenced above notes. Sufferers can use a combination of
nettle taken orally to tackle the eczema internally, as well as a cream to provide
relief from the rash’s itch and redness. 7/16/17, 6:15 AM

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More research is needed, but stinging nettle is also said to:

Promote lactation
Stimulate hair growth
Help control blood sugar in patients with diabetes
Reduce bleeding connected to gingivitis
Treat disorders of the kidneys and urinary tract
Provide relief from water retention
Prevent or treat diarrhea
Decrease menstrual flow
Provide asthma relief
Heal wounds
Treat hemorrhoids
Stimulate contractions in pregnant women
Treat insect bites
Treat tendonitis
Treat anemia

How to Use Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle can be harvested or products can be purchased from a local
health food store. Before purchasing or making a stinging nettle product, it’s
important to identify whether your ailment needs the aboveground parts or the
roots, as they have different pharmacological qualities.

Stinging nettle products come in dried or freeze-dried leaf form, extract, 7/16/17, 6:15 AM

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capsules, tablets, as well as a root tincture (suspension of the herb in alcohol),
juice or tea. There is currently no recommended dose, because so many stinging
nettle products have varying amounts of active ingredients. Work with your
doctor to determine the right dosage.

Some of the more common stinging nettle uses include:

1. Nettle Tea

Stinging nettle leaves and flowers can be dried, and the dried leaves can be
steeped and made into a tea. There are many variations of nettle tea recipes that
feature a number of other herbs like raspberry leaf, echinacea or goldenseal.

2. Cooked Nettle

Stinging nettle leaves can be stemmed and cooked similar to spinach. Once
cooked, they can be added to soup or stew. Nettle has also been pureed and
used in recipes like polenta, green smoothies, salads and pesto.

When cooked, the nettle has a flavor similar to spinach mixed with cucumber.
Cooked nettle is a great source of vitamins A, C, protein and iron. (10)

3. Topical Nettle

Stinging nettle extract and root tinctures can be applied directly to joints and
painful areas of the body. Stinging nettle is also available in cream form.

4. Stinging Nettle Capsules and Tablets

Stinging nettle capsules and tablets can be taken orally. There is inconclusive
evidence on whether stinging nettle capsules or tablets for allergy relief are
better ingested on an empty stomach or not. If there is concern about upset
stomach and other side effects, take stinging nettle with food. 7/16/17, 6:15 AM

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How to Treat a Stinging Nettle Sting
If stung by the stinging nettle plant, it’s important not to touch or scratch the area.
The chemical irritants can dry on the skin and be removed with soap and water.
(11) Touching and scratching can push the chemicals further into the skin,
extending the irritation time for days. Using duct tape or a wax removal product
can help remove any additional fibers.

There are many people who choose dock plant for relief from nettle stings,
despite studies showing it does not provide any medicinal benefits aside from
making the irritated area feel cool. Crushed leaves from other plants like
jewelweed, sage, as well as the stinging nettles leaves themselves release juices
that can provide relief from the sting. Other traditional anti-itch treatments like
aloe vera, calamine lotion and cold compresses can be used as well.

Once nettle is soaked or cooked in water or dried, the stinging quality is

removed. 7/16/17, 6:15 AM

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History & Interesting Facts About Stinging Nettle
Folklore features stinging nettles often across many cultures and beliefs. Much of 7/16/17, 6:15 AM

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the lore involves suffering from a sting in silence or without itching or scratching
the burning area.

In ancient Greece, nettles were used as a diuretic and a laxative by physicians

Galen and Dioscorides. In Medieval Europe, stinging nettle was used to treat and
naturally reduce joint pain and also as a diuretic. People used to believe pulling
stinging nettle by the roots and shouting an ill person’s name would eliminate a
fever as well.

Stinging nettle has been used to make textiles like cloth and paper since
Neolithic times. With fibers similar to hemp and flax, it’s a great alternative,
sustainable fiber. Because the fiber is hollow, it provides natural insulation. The
German army used nettle for their uniforms in World War I and used its leaves to
dye uniforms in World War II.

Stinging nettles also were used to treat certain diseases by urtication, which is
the process of beating the skin with nettles to stimulate blood circulation.

Precautions When Using Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle is a very safe herb when used appropriately — although, there are
a few precautions to take when starting to use stinging nettle.

When harvesting: Always harvest stinging nettle with thick gardening gloves to
avoid being stung. It’s also best to harvest young plant parts, preferably in the
spring. They become more bitter after they flower and as they age.

When using with other herbs and supplements: As with any herb or
supplement, it’s important to be cautious when mixing to avoid adverse side
effects. You should always start an herbal supplement plan under the care of
your health care provider. Patients may have to change their dosages of other
supplements if they choose to take stinging nettle. 7/16/17, 6:15 AM

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When pregnant: There is debate whether or not pregnant women should use
stinging nettle. Because stinging nettle affects the menstrual cycle and can
stimulate uterine contractions, it could potentially lead to miscarriage. Therefore,
pregnant women should not use stinging nettle.

When you’re a diabetic: There is evidence that shows stinging nettle’s ability to
affect blood sugar and interfere with controlling diabetes. It can also affect the
strength of diabetes drugs and increase the risk of hypoglycemia. Diabetics who
want to use stinging nettle should only do so under the supervision of their
health care providers. Patients may have to change their dosages of medications
if they choose to take stinging nettle.

When you first start: Some people have upset stomach, diarrhea or other mild
reactions when they first take stinging nettle. It’s best to ease into usage, starting
with a small dosage.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center and WebMD, stinging

nettle can interact with the following medications:

Blood thinners such as Warfarin (Coumadin), Clopidogrel (Plavix) and aspirin

because stinging nettle contains large amounts of Vitamin K, which can help
the blood’s ability to clot. Taking stinging nettle can decrease the effects of
these drugs.
Drugs for high blood pressure such as ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers and
calcium channel blockers because stinging nettle can lower blood pressure
and strengthen the effects of these drugs.
Diuretics and water pills such as Furosemide (Lasix) and hydrochlorothiazide
because stinging nettle is also a diuretic and when used together can cause
Lithium because of stinging nettle’s diuretic qualities. It may reduce the 7/16/17, 6:15 AM

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body’s ability to remove this drug, resulting in higher than recommended
levels of lithium.
NSAIDs because stinging nettle can enhance the anti-inflammatory effect of
some of them. Despite the evidence that combining stinging nettle and
NSAIDs leads to more pain relief, it should be taken under supervision.
Sedative medications (CNS depressants) such as clonazepam (Klonopin),
lorazepam (Ativan), phenobarbital (Donnatal), zolpidem (Ambien) because
when large amounts of aboveground parts of stinging nettle are taken,
sleepiness and drowsiness can occur. Taking sedatives along with stinging
nettle might cause too much drowsiness.

Read Next: 8 Natural Allergy Relief Remedies

From the sound of it, you might think leaky gut only affects the digestive system,
but in reality it can affect more. Because Leaky Gut is so common, and such an
enigma, I’m offering a free webinar on all things leaky gut. Click here to learn
more about the webinar. 7/16/17, 6:15 AM

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