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Topic Approval Form

Student Name: Ryan Carricaburu Period: ___2__

Topic Statement (full sentence):

I am attempting to increase recycling in the city Riverside by inspiring elementary school classes to recycle
through a children’s book written, illustrated, and presented by me, as well as an interactive competition within
the classes to encourage recycling, involve the children personally, and impact them for the rest of their life.

Answer the following about your topic:

1. What is your prior knowledge about this topic?

I have an in depth knowledge of this topic as I took AP Environmental Science last year where we
covered recycling as well as its environmental impacts on communities. We also learned the best ways to both
locally and nationally work towards a cleaner world.

2. What problem(s) could you attempt to solve/address in connection with this topic?

The problems I am attempting to solve is that of playing the biggest role that I can, as a senior in high
school, in increasing recycling in Riverside as well as provide education on recycling that is sparse at the
elementary school level.

3. How can you attempt to solve one of these problems at Poly or in the local community (not globally)?
What type of product do you anticipate completing (see ideas for final product).

I am attempting to solve this problem by creating a children’s book that I will read and present to
various elementary school classes that provides information on not only the benefits of recycling, but ways in
which the kids themselves can participate in recycling. I will also encourage the kids to recycle as often as they
can and once a month collect recyclables from the class.

4. Explain how you might spend a minimum of 10 hours outside of the school day in the community
working toward this solution.

I will spend a minimum of 10 hours outside of school working on this as I will need to create a the
children’s book and spend time reading it to multiple elementary school classes. I will also spend time each
month visiting the classes to check on their recycling progress as well as take these recyclables to be recycled
every month for each class.

5. Explain how you might provide evidence of your work throughout the experience.

I will provide evidence of my work through photos and videos of me reading to the classes, collecting
recyclables from the school, and spending time recycling the bottles and cans personally.

6. Explain any obstacles you might encounter in your attempt to address this problem.

Some obstacles I might encounter would be getting the children to commit to the cause of recycling as
well as finding a teacher that would permit me to take time out of their class.
Your topic is Approved __________ Your topic is NOT Approved ________

Your next step is to complete the research questions. Recommendations:

Remember, if you change your topic, you must
resubmit this form for your NEW topic.
You will need to revise your topic and resubmit this
form BEFORE you begin work on the research

Teacher’s Signature: __________________________________________________________

Date: ___________________

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