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Genetic Report

LIFE CYCLE Drosophila melanogaster

Muh. Khaliq Ma’ruf L

131 444 1012
ICP B 2013


Complete report of Basic Biology with the title “Life Cycle Drosophila
melanogaster”. Which made by :
Name : Muh. Khaliq Ma’ruf L
ID : 131 444 1012
Class : ICP B 2013
Group :

After checked by assistant and assistant coordinator, so the report accepted

Makassar, January 2015

Assistant Coordinator Assistant

Rachmayani Ardiansyah,S.Pd Haryadi Muaharram

ID : 1114040182

Lecture of Responsibility

Dr. Muhiddin P, S.Pd, M.Pd


A. Background
Alleles can indicate the degree of dominance and recessive different from
each other. In Mendel's pea crosses, the offspring of F1 always looks like one
of the two parent varieties because one allele in one allele showed allelic
dominant perfect for one another. In such a situation, heterozygous and
homozygous dominant phenotype indistinguishable
When we hear the word allele, then in our minds always pictured a pair of
genes consisting of two members, each of which is located at the same locus
in homologous chromosome pair. The location of a gene on chromosome
known as a locus.
As we know new variations occur because the incidence of gene
mutations. But the mutated gene does not always produce the same variant. A
mutated gene into a1, a2 or a3, each of which produces a different phenotype.
Thus the A gene mutation can produce 4 kinds of variants, while the members
of his alleles not only two, but there are 4 A, a, a2 and a3. one pair of alleles,
then called allelic. Examples of multiple alleles that are already widely
known is that the ABO blood group system in humans.
However, the reality is actually more common is that at a certain locus of
possible emergence of more than just two kinds of alleles, so the locus is said
to have a series of alleles. Such phenomenon is called as allelic. Nonetheless,
the diploid individuals, ie individuals who each chromosome consists of a
pair of homologous chromosomes, no matter how many alleles exist at a
locus, which appears just a pair (two pieces).
On this practicum we will know the characteristic ancestry of human that
determine by multiple alleles and try to determine genotype blood group their
B. Purpose
1. Know the characteristic ancestry of human that determine by multiple
2. Try to determine genotype blood group their self.
C. Benefit
We will know the characteristic ancestry of human that determine by
multiple alleles and try to determine genotype blood group their self.

Some genetic studies begin (and end) with an investigation into traits that
only have two versions of an allele. Think middle school biology. In humans, this
is limited to items such as ear lobes (attached vs. unattached), your hairline
(widow's peak vs. non widow's peak), or some similar, less complex
characteristic. But, life is rarely so simple. People have somewhere around 23,000
different genes! Most of these genes have more than two versions. In fact, several
have many different versions. Consider all the different shades of hair that exist
within a population. Or, take a look at something as familiar as your own eye
color. With all the variation that exists in us, we need to go beyond the two
version traits (i.e. blue eyes vs. brown eyes), and we need to consider something
bigger. We need to consider genes with multiple alleles. Multiple alleles are the
many different versions of a trait that exist within a population (Rive D, 2016).
Multiple alleles is a type of non-Mendelian inheritance pattern that involves
more than just the typical two alleles that usually code for a certain characteristic
in a species. With multiple alleles, that means there is more than two phenotypes
available depending on the dominant or recessive alleles that are available in the
trait and the dominance pattern the individual alleles follow when combined
together. Gregor Mendel only studied traits in his pea plants that showed simple
or complete dominance and had only two alleles that could contribute to any one
trait the plant showed. It wasn't until later that it was discovered that some traits
can have more than two alleles that code for their phenotypes. This allowed many
more phenotypes to be visible for any given trait while still following Mendel's
Laws of Inheritance (Scovile H, 2014).
There are only two alleles for the characters studied by Mendel's pea, but
most of the genes present in two or more forms of alleles. ABO blood groups in
humans, for example, is determined by three alleles in a single gene IA, IB, and i.
a person's blood type (phenotype) may be one of four types: A, AB, AB, or O.
The letters refer to the two carbohydrate-A and B- can be found on the surface of
red blood cells. Blood cells A person may have carbohydrates (blood group A),
carbohydrate B (blood group B), both (blood type AB), or both (blood type O)
(Campbell, 2010).

A. Time and Place

Day / Date : Tuesday / November 03rd, 2015
Time : At 10:00 to 12:30 am
Place : Biology Laboratory 2nd floor of the east, Faculty of
Mathematic and Science University of Makassar.
B. Tools and Materials
1. Tools :
a. Their finger and blood
2. Materials :
a. Antiserum A, B and Rh (D)+
C. Work procedures
a. Each practitioner took their blood from their finger with needle that
have been prepared.
b. Blood that have been take, put in to object galas and dropped
antiserum with following this table

If Dropped Have Aglutinasi/No Blood Group

Just Antiserum A Have A

Just Antiserum B Have B
Antiserum A & B Have AB
Antiserum A & B Haven’t O
Antiserum Rh (D)+ Have Rh+

A. Result
Table of Blood Type in Class
No. Probandus Name A B AB O

1. Nur Azizah Kaharuddin - - √ -

2. Dian Pratiwi - - - √

3. Fitriyanti Arifin - √ - -

4. Haeruddin √ - - -

5. Nur Mukaramah √ - - -

6. Bunga Gautami √ - - -

7. Alamsyah - √ - -

8. Vina Harviana - - - √

9. Veggy Plentisari - - - √

10. Pratiwi Indah K - - - √

11. Evi Dalviyanti - - - √

12. Velayaty Hakim - √ - -

13. Nur Suhaiba Sinusi √ - - -

14. Asti Novita Sari - √ - -

15. Zulfi Sam Syuaib - - - √

16. Annisa Suwahru - - - √

17. Muh. Richsan Yamin √ - - -

18 Muh. Khaliq Ma’ruf L - √ - -

19 Siti Harianti Asnur - - - √

20 Muh. Afdal Fadli - - - √

21 Kamaliah Guntur - - - √

22 Dewi Adyani - - - √

23 Hamria Pratiwi - - - √
24 Vina Harviana - - √ -

25 Devi Putriana √ - - -

26 Evi Febriani - - √ -

27 Fathul Jannah - - - √

28 Elisa Putri Agung - - - √

29 Muh. Chaeril Ikramullah - - - √

B. Data analysis
The data analysis get with the calculate by the formula:
Total of Blood type
𝐵𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑡𝑦𝑝𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑓 𝐴𝑝𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑥 100%

a. Percentage Blood Type For Group III

Blood Type A = x 100 % = 28,57 %
BloodType B = x 100 % =0%
BloodType AB = x 100 % =0%
BloodType O = x 100 % = 28,57 %
b. Percentage Blood Type For Class ICP B
Blood Type A = x 100 % = 20,69 %
Blood Type B = x 100 % = 17,24 %
Blood Type AB = x 100 % = 10,35 %
Blood Type O = x 100 % = 51,72 %
C. Discussion
Multiple alleles are the many different versions of a trait that exist within a
population. On this practicum about multiple alleles that is blood group in class
ICP B 2013. That have total 32 person but two people is absent, so just 29 people
that have been knowing the blood group. On observation we found four different
blood type, that is 6 person that have A blood type, 5 person that have B blood
type, 3 person that have AB blood type and blood type O have much than other
blood type that is 15 person.
From the data of group, we get the percentage type A is 28,57 %, type B is
42,85 %, AB is 0 %, and type O 28,57 %. And the data in class we get the
percentage type A is 20,69 %, type B is 17,24 %, type AB is 10,35 %, and type O
is 51,72 % from 29 person in class.

A. Conclusion
From observation that we have do about multiple alleles can be conclude if
from 29 person we get the percentage type A is 28,57 %, type B is 42,85 %,
AB is 0 %, and type O 28,57 %. And the data in class we get the percentage
type A is 20,69 %, type B is 17,24 %, type AB is 10,35 %, and type O is
51,72 % in class ICB 2013.
B. Suggestion
We recommend that the tools used in order lab propagated more
effectively and also imroved hygiene tools to support. We recommend that
the assistant noticed the activeness of each member of the group in the lab.
while do this practicum student should be careful and meticulous in observing
that the results obtained are more accurate and reliable.

Campbell, N.A., Reece, J.B., Mitchell, L.G., 2010. Biologi Edisi Kedelapan Jilid
1. Erlangga. Jakarta.

Hartati. 2006. Penuntun Praktikum Genetika. Makassar: Jurusan biologi FMIPA


Rive D. 2016. Multiple Alleles: Definition & Example.
quiz.html. Accessed on Januari 20th 2016 In Makassar.

Scovile H. 2014. Multiple Alleles.

Glossary/g/Multiple-Alleles.htm. Accessed on Januari 20th 2016 In

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