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Lupita Osorio

Ms. Trotter

English Literature

28 September 2017

Annotated Bibliography

Pohoriski, Susan. “4 benefits of career and technical education for all students”.College and

Career. 31 January 2014.


In this article, susan answers my question of what are the benefits the students have when taking

career and technical education. After looking at many articles about the benefits in career and

technical classes, susan got straight to the point of the benefits and made them really clear the

benefits you get from cte. The site where I find susan article was on a college information page

where they help you plan your college experience which I found very important because college

and high school need to know information about career and technical education. Suan states in

her article that the four benefits a student can get from cte classes are students are more likely to

graduate, the student develops employment skills because they’re practicing their

communication skills, time management, and critical thinking. The students achieves more in

other subjects because cte just helps the students use the skills they have learned in other classes

in the cte classes, and the student gains job-specific skills related to a specific career pathway.

This article provides a straight to the point and excellent overview of the most important benefits

of career and technical education, it explains how cte not only teaches skills for specific career

fields, it also teaches skills for life.

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Petrill J. Michael “How career and technical education improves student outcome”. Thomas B.

Fordham Institute. 8 April 2016.


In this article, Michael talks about how career and technical education in high school improves

student outcomes. Michael is the president of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, which is an

ideologically conservative American nonprofit education policy. Based on my knowledge the

information Michael is implying about students outcome improve when taking career technical

education is accurate and similar to the information I already knew about the subject. The site the

article is on publishes research on education policy in the United States which is convenient for

my research. Michael implies students learn skills that will help them prepare for stable careers

and success in a modern, global, and competitive economy. Michael also provides research other

schools did to prove that students exposed to career and technical education are more likely to

graduate, enroll in a two-year college, be employed, and have higher wages. CTE is Connecting

more young people with available opportunities by giving them the skills employers are seeking

should be a national priority.

Wright V.L. Mary. “three ways to improve employability skills during CTE month”. Jobs for the



In this article Mary implies the employment skills career technical education has for the student.

Mary’s article is posted on jobs for the future which is a website dedicated to preparing for

college and career, earning postsecondary, and advancing careers and economic growth. The

information Mary states is similar to what I already know about how does CTE courses help

students college and the world outside of education. Mary implies in her article that cte helps
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students succeed in school and in their chosen career fields by providing opportunities to interact

with employers and offering real-world learning opportunities. Mary’s also talks about the skills

given in cte are general skills that are necessary for success in the labor market, the skills are

communication, problem- solving, and the ability to work well with diverse colleagues, which

with help the student with a hiring position, all those skills are needed in the world outside of

education to succeed and plus the skills are critical to success in career and civic life.

DiMemmo, Kristine. “Career and Technical Education.” Career Technical Education,

In the article, Kristine implies what courses are covered by the career and technical education

program. Kristine is the dean of career and technical education and the information she states is

reliable. Kristine article is on the riverside community college which helps my topic of career

and technical education. Kristine implies in her article that cte faculty embraces the core values

of academic achievement, intellectual curiosity, and life-long learning. She mention some of the

career technical courses which are culinary arts, a daily operation in a professional kitchen and

full-service restaurant ran by their students. Early childhood education, which focuses on the

education of young children around the age 8. CTE offers more like cosmetology or business

administration. Career technical education offer so much for students to get hands on experience.

and provides the necessary education and training that prepares students to compete in an

increasingly competitive job.

Career/Technical Education (CTE), 15 June 2012,

In this article, the student can be given the information about career technical education and

answers my question of why don’t students take advantage of cte courses. Students don’t take

cte classes because they’re not well informed and don’t know of the benefits that are
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given when taking the course. The website implies that students grades 9 through 12 and

people in public community college can take career technical education. Students in high

school should know that they can get college credit for their courses they’re taking. Many

students don’t take career technical courses because they don’t know that it free in high

school and in a community college you have to pay tuition and fees. The website also

states that if the student has any questions about career technical education, they should

get informed by their counselor. Career and technical education gives you the chance to

gain a deeper understanding of academic concepts.

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