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Human & Experimental

Metals and female reproductive toxicity

P Sengupta, R Banerjee, S Nath, S Das and S Banerjee
Hum Exp Toxicol published online 25 November 2014
DOI: 10.1177/0960327114559611

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Human and Experimental Toxicology
Metals and female reproductive toxicity ª The Author(s) 2014
Reprints and permission:
DOI: 10.1177/0960327114559611

P Sengupta1, R Banerjee2, S Nath3, S Das2 and S Banerjee2

Research into occupational exposure of metals and consequences of reproductive systems has made imperative
scientific offerings in the preceding few decades. Early research works focused on possible effects on the repro-
ductive functions rather than the complete reproductive health of the woman. Later, it was realized that metals,
as reproductive toxins, may also induce hormonal changes affecting other facets of reproductive health such as
the menstrual cycle, ovulation, and fertility. Concern is now shifting from considerations for the pregnant woman
to the entire spectrum of occupational health threats and thus reproductive health among women.

Arsenic, cadmium, fertility, lead, zinc

Introduction such as sampling time and the matrix (maternal or

fetal blood, cord blood, or placenta) in which indica-
Effects of metals on female reproduction may arise
tors of prenatal exposure should be determined. To
from their action in several stages beginning in fetal
better assess early exposure to metals and the trend
life, during early development or maturity, and
of absorption through pregnancy, at least one sample
include indicators such as subfertility, infertility,
should be taken during the first trimester and another
intrauterine growth retardation, spontaneous abor-
during the last 6 weeks of the pregnancy. This will
tions, malformations, birth defects, postnatal death,
facilitate the assessment of effects on the various
learning and behavior deficits, and premature aging.
stages of development and organogenesis.
Because it is difficult to obtain detailed information
Knowledge about pathogenetic mechanisms of
regarding effects on the reproductive system in
female reproductive damage is limited. Effects may
humans, the evidence is usually limited to animal data
be direct, when environmental or occupational metals
or studies on fertility and spontaneous abortions. Preg-
interact with specific reproductive target organs, or
nancy loss is the end point most frequently used to
indirect, when metals act on endocrine or other sys-
monitor effects on female reproductive function, start-
tems. The ovaries and ova are susceptible to direct
ing from early losses, which contain a large proportion
damage by metals for an extended period of time, from
of chromosomal abnormalities and may represent 35–
meiosis through ovulation. Some experimental studies
40% of human pregnancies. The remaining 10–15%
suggest an increased risk of miscarriage, fetal mal-
later abortions are clinically manifested, and some
formation, placental insufficiency, and premature
have been linked to environmental factors.1 Thus, there
seems to be a remarkably high background rate of fetal
loss in humans. The clinical and epidemiological find- 1
ings related to metal-induced effects on female repro- Department of Physiology, Vidyasagar College for Women,
University of Calcutta
duction are often difficult to interpret because many 2
Department of Physiology, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, West
other factors may influence the outcome such as age, Bengal, India
ovarian reserve, hormonal imbalance, behavior, genet- 3
Department of Genetics, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, West
ics, male fertility factors, or sexually transmitted dis- Bengal, India
eases. In addition, timing, duration, and intensity of
Corresponding author:
exposure are important in assessing reproductive P Sengupta, Department of Physiology, Vidyasagar College for
adverse effects. Ernhart and Greene2 pointed out some Women, University of Calcutta.
critical aspects in measuring the dose indicators, Email:

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2 Human and Experimental Toxicology

birth because of metal exposure.3 Metals such as lead been reported in individuals exposed to metals and pes-
(Pb) may interfere with the hypothalamic–pituitary– ticides. Indeed, cycle irregularities have been noted in
ovarian axis at different levels by modifying the secre- women whose mothers were exposed in utero to EDC.13
tion of prolactin, adrenocortical steroids, or thyroid Uterine fibroids (or leiomyomas) are the most
hormones; vascular effects on the placenta have also common tumor of the female reproductive system,21
been suggested.4,5 occurring in 25–50% of all women. The risk of the
Current evidence provides warning signals; the development of uterine fibroids increases with age
female reproductive system is vulnerable to toxic during premenopausal years, but tumors typically
agents, and the number of working women poten- regress with the onset of menopause.22 Studies have
tially exposed to metals is increasing worldwide. It shown that exposure to metals increases the incidence
is estimated that most of the working women are in of fibroids in these animals.23 The potential for EDCs
reproductive age; about half of working women are to cause uterine fibroids in humans is less clear.
exposed during pregnancy, and about 20% are In summary, both animal and human studies sug-
exposed to chemicals of potential concern.6 Reviews gest a role of environmental metals and other EDCs
on female reproductive effects include Gold and in altering female reproductive development. Data
Tomich,7 Gardella and Hill,8 Foster,9 and Kumar.10 from animal experiments show that EDC exposure
during critical periods of development, both prenatal
and neonatal, can induce functional changes that
Metals as EDCs and female appear later in life. There are data gaps in under-
reproduction standing the mechanisms by which EDCs carry out
The ability of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) their action, but it is clear that to reduce the risk of
to alter reproductive function in females has been reproductive disorders we must take action to reduce
clearly demonstrated by the consequences of syn- exposure to these chemicals.
thetic estrogen use and environmental or occupational
exposure of metals in women. They are reported to
have decreased fertility11 and early menopause.12 Arsenic
Many of these disorders have been replicated in The effect of arsenic (As) on female reproductive
laboratory animals treated with EDCs during different function has not been studied sufficiently and is not
phases of reproductive age.13–15 As earlier studies clear. The effect on human reproduction of As was
point out the lessons learned from several years of investigated in females exposed by means of air or
EDCs research in humans and animals are that the drinking water. Tabacova et al.24 examined the rela-
female fetus is susceptible to environmentally tionship between As exposure from a copper smelter
induced reproductive abnormalities, that gonadal area in Bulgaria and oxidative damage during preg-
organogenesis is sensitive to synthetic hormones and nancy. Placental levels of As were highest in areas
hormone mimics during critical exposure windows, with the highest environmental contamination, and
and that reproductive disease may not appear until exposed pregnant women were at higher risk of oxi-
decades after exposures. dative damage during pregnancy. Aschengrau et al.25
Proper development of ovarian follicles in the fetus is investigated the relationship between community
dependent on estrogen exposure during critical periods drinking water quality and spontaneous abortion.
of development. For instance, mice treated with different Type and concentration of trace elements were gath-
metals and other EDCs on postnatal day 1 to 5 develop ered from routine analyses of public tap water supplies
multioocytic follicles as adults.16 Disturbances in hor- of areas where the women resided during pregnancy.
mone signaling resulting from chemical exposures dur- After adjustment for potential confounders, an increase
ing developmental periods could contribute to ovarian in the frequency of spontaneous abortion was asso-
disorders and declining conception rates in human popu- ciated with high levels of As. In a case-control study
lations.17 While the mechanisms by which EDCs alter of stillbirths, Ihrig et al.26 included the assessment
follicle development are not fully understood, there is of environmental As exposures and analysis of con-
evidence that these chemicals are contributing to founders (race, ethnicity, maternal age, median
increased rates of aneuploidy, polycyctic ovarian syn- income, and parity). There was a statistically signif-
drome,18 premature ovarian failure,19 and altered cycli- icant increase in the risk of stillbirth in the group
city and fecundity.20 In humans, altered cyclicity has with the highest exposure to As. Further analysis

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Sengupta et al. 3

showed that the increase was limited to Hispanic studies have revealed the involvement of boron in
people, possibly because of a genetic impairment the synthesis of estrogens, vitamin D, and other ster-
in folate metabolism. However, this study had a oid hormones, it being essential in the process of
small number of cases in the high-exposure group, hydroxyl group addition in steroid biosynthesis. The
lacked data on smoking, and did not consider poten- presence of hydroxyl groups can lead to large differ-
tial confounding exposures to other chemicals. As a ences of hormonal activity, the difference between
whole, the studies on As reproductive effects have testosterone and estrogen, for example, being due
been criticized because they did not adequately mea- to the presence or absence of a single hydroxyl
sure exposure to As and other metals and did not group. In some studies, it has been reported that post-
evaluate other potential confounding factors.27 In the menopausal women supplemented with about 3 mg
multigenerational experimental study by Schroeder of boron/day had a significant increase in 17- estra-
and Mitchener, female rats continuously exposed to diol and concentration of testosterone; precursor of
arsenate in drinking water did not show decreased estradiol was also reported to get increased.34,35
fertility.28 Two other studies demonstrated that Conversely, it was shown experimentally that boron
reproductive functions (included precoital interval, affects the development of human fetus. Fetal toxicity of
mating index, and fertility index) were not affected boron was observed in mice, rats, and rabbits. The
in female rats orally exposed to trivalent As by reported developmental toxicities occurring after boron
gavage from 14 days before mating through gesta- exposure include high prenatal mortality and reduced
tion.29 Some effects were demonstrated in female fetal body weight. Placenta-crossing ability of boron
mice exposed to monomethyl arsenic acid before is still unknown.32 In some other animal studies, boron
mating and during pregnancy with production of was also found to cause a reduction in ovulation in
fewer litters than normal, but this effect was attribu- female rats.32 Whorton et al.36 showed a statistically sig-
table mainly to decreased fertility of the males.30 nificant increase in fertility as measured by live births
Also rats treated with As by daily gavage (before among the employees of the inorganic borate facility.
mating and continuing through gestation) had signif- Boron does not appear to be causing any decrease in fer-
icantly reduced fetal body weights and significantly tility. A nonstatistically significant increase was
increased skeletal malformations that the researchers detected in the percentage of female offspring. Accord-
considered to be consequences of growth retarda- ing to Whorton et al. Na2B4O710H2O miners had a non-
tion. In mice treated with As acid, there was a signif- significant excess of births compared to the general
icant increase in the number of resorptions per litter population and a nonsignificant excess of female births
and significant decreases in the number of live pups compared to males.32,33 According to earlier studies,
per litter and mean fetal weight. However, overt plasma oestradiol increases in peri-menopausal women
maternal toxicity (including death) was found at the supplemented with 2.5 mg boron/day for 60 days. In ani-
same or lower doses as those leading to developmen- mal study, boron compounds have moderate acute toxi-
tal effects.31 city, with lethal doses and developmental toxicity being
reported, following administration of boron to pregnant
rats and rabbits. There is a marked decrease in weight of
Boron ovaries with the increasing dose of boron.33 In some
Boron is found abundantly in nature, though only in other studies, no evidence was found to suggest that
compounds and in combination with sodium and boron interferes with human fertility and reproduction
oxygen. Examples of compounds containing boron and no adverse effects were reported on fertility over
are borax (Na2B4O710H2O) and boric acid.32,33 three generations. Exposure to inorganic borates does
Relatively little is known about the occurrence of not affect fertility adversely. Boron-caused infertility
boron in the food chain and hence a biomarker that are only supported by animal toxicity studies, which
reflects its intake is required.34 Boron complexes employ higher concentrations of boron than the levels
with organic compounds containing hydroxyl groups of environmental or occupational human exposure.32
and those with more than two hydroxyl groups react
more strongly. The simplest hydrogen compounds of
boron act as mild reducing agent, readily reducing Cadmium
aldehydes, ketones, and acid chlorides; some of them Few data are available on the effects of cadmium on
are derived from lipid peroxidation.34 Previous human female reproductive function. Epidemiological

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4 Human and Experimental Toxicology

studies have not revealed reproductive effects in con- Chromium

trast to experimental evidence in animals. Studies are Few studies in human females have addressed potential
needed to determine whether cadmium at low doses adverse effects of chromium and chromium compounds.
may act as reproductive and developmental toxicant The effect of chromium (VI) on human pregnancy out-
and whether the fetal toxicity is related to placental comes was examined in females working in manufac-
defects or to accumulation of cadmium in the fetus. turing facilities in Russia.45 Complications during
In vitro studies have shown effects on calcium and pregnancy and childbirth were reported in women with
oxytocin activities in myometrial strips from term higher levels of chromium in blood and urine than the
pregnant women37 and on steroidogenesis in granulosa control group. However, the quality of the data and
cells obtained from ovarian follicular aspirates.38 reporting limits their interpretation regarding the poten-
However, the lowest cadmium concentration that tial ability of chromium to produce reproductive effects.
reduced progesterone production was about 3.5 times Bonde46 studied the spouses of stainless steel welders
higher than levels reported in the ovary of a female exposed to chromium (VI) for spontaneous abortions
smoker. After acute and at high-dose administration and congenital malformations. The author concluded
in rats, cadmium has been shown to affect various that the weak indications of an increased risk of sponta-
female reproductive end points, resulting in hemorrha- neous abortion among partners of stainless steel welders
gic changes in the ovary and uterus or in persistent (odds ratio (OR), 1.9; 95% confidence interval (CI),
estrous and ovulation; these effects can be prevented 1.1–3.2) needed to be corroborated. In a subsequent
by coadministration of selenium.39 The effects of investigation of a similar population by Hjollund
cadmium vary according to the sensitivity of early et al.,47 information was collected on exposure and out-
embryos, and studies on cadmium acetate exposure comes for 245 clinically recognized pregnancies. Male
indicate no effects on fertilization but only at the blas- welding of stainless steel was associated with an
tocyst stage or in vitro reduction of development to the increased risk of spontaneous abortion in spouses
morula stage.40 Exposure of experimental animals to (adjusted relative risk, 3.5; 95% CI, 1.3–9.1). The muta-
cadmium increased uterus weight accompanied by genic effect of chromium (VI) previously found in both
proliferation of the endometrium and induction of pro- somatic and germ cells could be responsible for the
gesterone receptors, mimicking the effects of estro- abortions, which in this case would be a male-
gens. Female offspring experienced an earlier onset mediated effect. In an earlier study, the same group
of puberty and growth of the mammary gland. In rats, examined outcomes in 2520 pregnancies of spouses of
exposure to cadmium oxide dusts increased the dura- Danish metal workers exposed to chromium (VI) from
tion of the estrous cycle, decreased the preovulatory 1977 to 1987.47 The number of spontaneous abortions
luteinizing hormone levels in blood, and inhibited was not higher for pregnant women whose spouses
ovulation. These effects were generally observed worked in the stainless steel welding industry compared
after high-dose, acute exposures and, therefore, pro- with controls (OR, 0.78; 95% CI, 0.55–1.1). At present,
vide little information for current human exposures.41 the effects of chromium on female reproductive func-
Cadmium given before mating may lead to sterility in tion in humans remain unclear. Reproductive effects
a dose-dependent fashion, because of anovulation have been observed in the offspring of mice exposed
resulting from reversible pituitary dysfunction. How- to chromium (III) after oral maternal exposure. Signifi-
ever, animals may develop tolerance and remain fer- cant decreases in the relative weights of reproductive
tile despite cadmium treatment, with normal fetal tissues (ovaries and uterus) were observed in the off-
outcome and postnatal development.38 Piasek and spring of exposed BALB/c mice. A significant delay
Laskey42 evaluated the direct effects of in vitro cad- in timing of vaginal opening was also noted.48 Cultured
mium exposure on steroidogenesis in Sprague Daw- mouse embryos were sensitive to chromium (VI) expo-
ley rat ovaries; production of progesterone and sure in vitro; incubation of blastocysts with potassium
testosterone was affected in proestrous rats and preg- dichromate inhibited inner cell mass growth and
nant dams, whereas estradiol was not affected. They differentiation, whereas hatching, attachment, and tro-
concluded that cadmium interferes with the ovarian phoblast outgrowth were not affected.49 Murthy
steroidogenic pathway at more than one site. These et al.50 reported a number of reproductive effects
effects may be mediated by interference with DNA- (reduced number of follicles at different stages of
binding zinc in steroidogenesis or by estrogen-like maturation, reduced number of ova/mice, increased

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Sengupta et al. 5

estrous cycle duration, and histological alterations) in by reactive oxygen species, perhaps combined with inhi-
the ovaries of female mice exposed to potassium dichro- bition of DNA repair.56 Chronic overexposure to Co may
mate in drinking water for 20 days. The severity of the result in toxic effects and exposure of pregnant and lac-
reproductive effects seemed to be dose related. Other tating rats resulted in the development of oxidative stress
experimental studies reported increased preimplanta- and the impairment of defense systems. Several studies
tion losses and resorptions in rats and mice exposed have been conducted with Co compounds to explore their
to chromium (VI).51 A decrease in the number of potential effect on fertility. Studies show that in animals
pregnant females was observed after the mating of long-term exposure to Co-containing aerosols has
unexposed females with male mice exposed to chro- resulted in effects on reproductive end points. A signifi-
mium chloride, whereas an increase in relative ovar- cant increase in the length of estrous cycle was reported
ian weight was observed in female mice exposed to in female mice exposed to 11.4 mg of Co/m3 for 13
potassium dichromate. Impaired fertility was weeks.57 No effects on the female reproductive systems
observed in females exposed to chromium (III) mated were observed in rats similarly treated for 13 weeks.58,59
with unexposed males. In females of different species Co administration increases stress reactions in the ovar-
fed with potassium dichromate (VI), microscopic exam- ian fragments by accumulation of heat shock protein
ination of the ovaries revealed no treatment-related 70, which increases the activity of super oxide dismutase
effects.52 Additional studies were carried out in rats to enzyme and catalyzes the rate of hydrogen peroxide for-
assess reproductive effects from exposure to potassium mation, overwhelming cell antioxidant defense. This
dichromate in drinking water. At the highest level of affects the normal physiological functions of ovaries.
exposure, there were a decreased number of implanta- Co radiation at high doses has been shown to elicit pro-
tion sites, number of live fetuses, and fetal weight. There found decrements in reproductive ability in animal spe-
were also increases in the number of resorptions and the cies. Single doses of >100rad of 60Co radiation cause
number of preimplantation and postimplantation losses. decreased fertility in exposed female mice.60 Continuous
There was also a significant reduction in ossification of exposure of female mice to an average daily dose 8–16
fetal bones.53 In a second study, female rats were rad/day causes a decreased number of offspring per litter
exposed to potassium dichromate for 20 days before and decreased reproductive performance, with 100%
mating.51 Similar effects were observed on gestational sterility occurring at 32 weeks of exposure at 8 rad/day.
weight, postimplantation loss, number of live fetuses, Pedigo and Vernon61 reported that cobalt dichloride
and fetal ossification (in fetal caudal bones). In a third (400 ppm in drinking water for 10 weeks) increases pre-
study, female rats were exposed to potassium dichromate implantation losses of pregnant female rats. In utero Co
for 3 months premating.51 Reduced maternal gestational exposure has been extensively studied in animal species
weight gain, increased preimplantation and postimplan- and may elicit many substantial effects across many
tation loss, reduced fetal weight, fetal subdermal hemor- organ systems in developing organism. Organs known
rhagic thoracic and abdominal patches, and increased to be affected include the brain,62,63 eyes,64 hair,63 kid-
incidences of reduced ossification in fetal caudal bones ney,64 liver,65 and so on. Devi et al.66 exposed pregnant
were observed in all treatment groups. In addition, the mice to a single dose of 0–50 rad of 60Co radiation on day
highest dose group exhibited increased resorptions, 11.5 of gestation. A significant decrease in pup brain
reduced numbers of corpora lutea and fetuses per litter, weight and an increase in the incidence of micropthalmia
reduced implantations, reduced placental weight, and was seen at 10 rad, with decrease in head width, head
reduced fetal length. No treatment-related gross visceral length, body length, and body weight occurring at higher
abnormalities were seen in these studies. doses. Effects of Co on female reproductive system of
human includes menstrual problems, altered sexual
behavior, infertility, altered onset of puberty, altered
Cobalt length of pregnancy, lactation problems, altered meno-
Cobalt (Co) has important role in many processes, pause problems, and so on.
including female reproduction54; it is an essential
element, but at high concentrations is toxic.55 However,
Co can be also acutely toxic in larger doses, cytotoxic, Copper
and induce apoptosis and at higher concentrations causes Copper in metallic form is not poisonous, but some
necrosis with inflammatory response. Co metal and salts of its salts are poisonous such as blue vitriol and sub-
are also genotoxic, mainly cause oxidative DNA damage acetate. Copper is a powerful inhibitor of enzyme.

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6 Human and Experimental Toxicology

Sources of copper are common in the diet, particu- common recommendation for pregnant women to pre-
larly in vegetarian diets, and can be found in the vent iron deficiency during pregnancy, the beneficial
water due to copper plumbing.67 Many multiple vita- effects of general iron supplementation on pregnancy
mins contain relatively high doses of copper. The outcomes are a controversial issue.74
hormone estrogen promotes the retention of copper Until the past 10 years or so, the risk of iron
and this is why women are particularly vulnerable deficiency in Korean pregnant women was high with
to the problem of copper toxicity. Copper toxicity a prevalence of approximately 20%,75 and a number
may lead to poor fertility rate.68 of reports are available on inverse association
between maternal iron status and pregnancy out-
Gold comes.76,77 Recently, there has been an increasing
concern that pregnant women in Korea might be con-
Little is known about the maternal and fetal toxic
suming excessive iron from supplements without
effects of gold-containing compounds in rodents. Kid-
considering their dietary iron intake or iron status.
ston et al.69 found that the injection of gold sodium
A recent survey has reported that 30–40% of Korean
thiomalate into pregnant rats resulted in malformed
women in their childbearing age consumed one or
offspring. The administration of two gold-containing
more dietary supplements, and 47.3% of supplement
compounds to rats, one orally and one subcuta-
users took supplements on their own, without any
neously, reported to cause maternal and embryo toxi-
prescription.78 The amount of iron intake from sup-
city at high doses. At lower but still substantial
plements alone was already twice the level of the
doses, a range of malformations resulted from expo-
estimated average requirement (18.5 mg/day) for
sure to gold sodium thiomalate.70 Some other reports
pregnant women in Korea.79
suggested beneficial effects of gold on female repro-
The relationship between maternal hemoglobin
ductive functions. They reported significant increase
(Hb) concentrations and birth weight has been reported
in ovarian and uterine weight and stimulation
to be of U-shaped.80 Recent studies have reported neg-
of ovarian 5-3 -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
ative associations between high Hb concentrations
(5-3 -HSD) activity and elevation of serum estra-
(>130 g/L) and pregnancy outcomes in diverse popula-
diol level were observed, following subcutaneous
tions in China,81 United States,81 Sweden,82 and
administration of gold chloride (0.2 mg/kg body
Korea.83 A possible explanation for this negative
weight/day) in immature female albino rats. More-
association is that excessive iron could lead to oxi-
over, normal cyclic changes of estrus were found
dative damage84 and decrease in the absorption of
in vaginal smears of these rats, whereas the rats of
copper and zinc,85 which are the important micronu-
other groups showed diestrus phase throughout the
trients for fetal growth.
period of experiment. Histological study of ovary
Previous studies have reported that general iron
also showed Graafian follicle with ovum in rats
supplementation have harmful effects on pregnancy
treated with 0.2 mg/kg/day of gold proving stimula-
outcomes.86 However, those studies have not taken
tion of reproductive function, which was not found in
into account the levels of iron intake from food. Even
the ovarian histological study of other groups includ-
though previous studies in the United States87 and
ing controls. Thus, the results suggest a significant
England88 have reported no relation between iron
stimulatory effect of gold chloride on female repro-
intake from both food and supplements and preg-
ductive activity in immature rats. Further, since the
nancy outcomes, fetal growth during pregnancy has
above-mentioned changes were evident at a specific
not been considered.
dose of gold chloride, the data may have some clin-
ical implications on stimulation and enhancement of
fertility in immature female rats.71 Lead
People in the general environment are exposed to Pb
Iron via food, drinking water, ambient air, dust, and soil.
Maternal iron status has been a critical factor for preg- The adverse effects of Pb on both male and female
nancy outcomes because maternal anemia as well as reproduction have been known for as much as a cen-
iron deficiency increases the risk of adverse preg- tury. Infertility, spontaneous abortions, and fetal and
nancy outcomes such as preterm delivery72 and low neonatal death have been reported after either male
birth weight.73 Although iron supplementation is a or female occupational exposure to Pb.89 In the early

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Sengupta et al. 7

studies, such effects were usually associated with high increased risk of spontaneous abortion was seen in
exposure levels. The evidence for effects resulting pregnancies fathered by Pb -poisoned men. Murphy
from low to moderate exposure is less clear. In one et al.18 compared the rates of spontaneous abortion
investigation, 831 pregnant women living near a Pb among 304 women living in the vicinity of a Pb smel-
smelter in Port Pirie, Australia, were studied prospec- ter with those of 335 nonexposed women. The geo-
tively for Pb exposure and absorption, assessed by metric mean PbB concentrations in the sample were
blood Pb and pregnancy outcome.12 The exposed around 150 mg/L in exposed versus 50 mg/L in the not
women had a mean blood Pb concentration (PbB) of exposed group. The rates of spontaneous abortions in
100.6 mg/L and control women 76 mg/L. Preterm first pregnancies were similar, suggesting that the
delivery was significantly associated, in a dose- reported low levels of exposure from the general envi-
response manner, with maternal PbB. No association ronment were not associated with increased risk of
was detected for spontaneous abortion, low birth abortion. The risk of spontaneous abortion of spouses
weight (for births at term), intrauterine growth retar- of male occupationally exposed to Pb seems less con-
dation, premature rupture of the membranes, and con- sistent. Anttila and Sallmén19 summarized the epide-
genital anomalies. Falcon et al.13 assessed the miological studies on the possible impact of parental
relationship between placental Pb concentration and occupational exposure to Pb or other metals on spon-
outcomes of pregnancy. Higher placental Pb levels taneous abortion. They stated that no clear conclusion
were measured in premature rupture of membranes could be reached for maternal exposure. The investi-
and preterm pregnancies (gestational age 37 weeks) gation by Borja-Aburto et al.20 on pregnant women
compared with term pregnancies. The proportion of environmentally exposed in Mexico City concluded
abnormal pregnancy outcome associated with placen- on the contrary that Pb exposures in the range
tal Pb concentrations above 120 ng/g was 40.6% ver- 100–250 mg/L could have adverse effects on preg-
sus 8.8% in placentas below this concentration. nancy and that some of the effects were noted close
Higher placental Pb levels were not generally related to 100 mg/L. In a review, some researchers examined
to reduced size at birth. The literature on high Pb studies conducted among populations with low-to-
exposure and abortion provides consistent evidence.14 moderate exposures, most of which provided little
In this study, spontaneous abortions were reported in evidence of an association with pregnancy loss or
24% of women exposed to Pb, with a relative risk of spontaneous abortions. However, these studies were
5.3, and an infant mortality more than doubled the Ita- hampered by small sample sizes, problems in defini-
lian national rate at that time. In a survey carried out tion or ascertainment of outcome, lack of controls for
by a questionnaire in more than 500 women, who had confounding variables, and/or deficiencies in the
worked at a smelter and were born between 1930 and exposure assessment and evaluation of accumulated
1959, the spontaneous abortion rates were highest dose. The author concluded that exposures compara-
when the mother was employed during pregnancy ble to US general population levels during the 1970s
(13.9%) or had been employed before and was living and to many populations worldwide today (i.e. far
close to the smelter (17%). The frequency rate was lower than many occupational exposures) may
higher (19.4%) when the father worked at the smelter. increase the risk for spontaneous abortion. Further
Because the smelter produced copper and Pb in addi- research is needed to confirm the association, to
tion to other metallurgical and chemical products, the delineate the role of maternal versus paternal expo-
effects reported may not necessarily be attributed to sures, and to assess increases in menstrual variability
Pb alone.15 Other reports provide virtually no evi- as an explanation for these findings.
dence that low-to-moderate Pb exposure is associated In experimental animals, Pb has been shown to
with an increased risk of spontaneous abortion.16 Hu reduce litter size, weight of the offspring, survival
et al.17 provided interesting data on the pregnancies rate, and to alter the maturation of the female repro-
of women who experienced Pb poisoning during their ductive system or to interfere with the function in the
childhood between 1930 and 1944. Because Pb is sexually mature animal.21 Examination of 48-h
stored in bone for decades, it was hypothesized that embryos of dams exposed to Pb in their diet revealed
demineralization of the skeleton might occur during delays in early cell divisions, with fewer embryos
pregnancy. The proportion of pregnancies ending in reaching the 8-cell stage. Although blastocyst forma-
spontaneous abortion or stillbirth was approximately tion seemed to be relatively resistant to Pb, impla-
30% among cases and 15% among controls. No ntation of blastocysts was impaired. Pb-exposed

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8 Human and Experimental Toxicology

blastocysts were able to implant when transferred to a circulating LH and FSH and estradiol without produc-
Pb-free environment, although neither estrogen nor ing overt effects on general health and menstruation.94
progesterone levels in Pb-treated mice were signifi- The overall results of these investigations suggest that
cantly altered; the maximum binding capacity of uter- different levels of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonad
ine cytosolic receptors for estradiol was increased in axis can be affected by exposure to Pb, mainly when
the Pb-treated animals. Coadministration of estrogens structures are undergoing rapid proliferation.
and progesterone with the Pb treatment prevented
implantation failure. The normally occurring increase Manganese
in estrogen and progesterone after implantation was
Manganese (Mn2þ) is a trace element that is essential
not observed in Pb-treated mice. These data suggest
for normal physiology and is predominantly obtained
that Pb interferes with ovarian steroid stimulation of
from food. Several lines of evidence, however, demon-
the endometrium.22,23 The onset of puberty was
strated that overexposure to manganese chloride exerts
delayed in female rats receiving Pb in drinking water
serious neurotoxicity, immunotoxicity, and develop-
from the time of weaning. Delays in vaginal opening
mental toxicity.95–97 Occupational exposure to Mn2þ
were also observed in their offspring exposed continu-
could occur often at the workplaces such as mines and
ously from conception to doses of Pb from 25–250
dried battery factories. In this respect, most studies on
ppm. No other effects on fertility or reproductive per-
the toxicological effects of Mn2þ have been focused on
formance were noted.90 Several studies have exam-
the men. Thus, reports in humans on the association
ined the importance of the exposure period. For
between Mn2þ exposure and adverse reproductive out-
example, Epstein et al.91 evaluated mice exposed at
comes in females are limited. A survey carried out in
premating, prenatal, and postnatal conditions. Com-
Australian general population found more frequent
pared with controls, prenatally and postnatally
stillbirths than expected in the group exposed to
exposed mice had slowed brain weight development,
Mn2þ.98 In rats, Mn2þ exposure reduced the number
lowered brain weight, and decreased DNA per brain,
of ovarian follicles and induced persistent corpora
but there was no effect on proteins per brain. In con-
lutea.99 Some researchers reported when Mn2þ admi-
trast, premating Pb exposure significantly increased
nistered acutely into the third ventricle, it has shown
brain weight and protein but significantly lowered
dose-dependent stimulation in LH release in prepuber-
DNA per brain. The latter effects could be due to
tal female rat, and this effect was due to a Mn2þ-
action of Pb on the developing maternal reproductive
induced stimulation of gonadotropin-releasing hor-
systems or on ovulation–fertilization. Time of expo-
mone. They have demonstrated that Mn2þ can stimu-
sure was also investigated by Ronis et al.92 when rats
late specific puberty-related hormones and suggested
were exposed to lead acetate in drinking water in
that it may facilitate the normal onset of puberty.
utero, pre-pubertally or post-pubertally. The most
According to them, Mn2þ may contribute to preco-
severe effects were observed in the ‘‘in utero’’-
cious puberty if an individual is exposed to elevated
exposed group, with delayed vaginal opening and dis-
levels of Mn2þ too early in developmental process.
rupted estrous cycling. These effects suggest Pb
They have also reported that rats exposed to Mn2þ for
actions on the hypothalamic pituitary axis and on
4 or 13 weeks showed a progressive and significant
gonadal steroid biosynthesis directly. McGivern
decrease in hypothalamic dopamine (DA), whereas
et al.93 administered lead acetate in drinking water
prolactin and pituitary transcription factor-1 messen-
to Sprague Dawley rat dams. Female offspring from
ger RNA (Pit-1 mRNA) levels increased in response
Pb-treated dams had significantly delayed vaginal
to Mn2þ exposure. These results suggest that exposure
opening, and 50% of them exhibited prolonged and
to Mn2þ decreases hypothalamic DA and promotes the
irregular periods of diestrus, accompanied by an
production of prolactin in the pituitary and that Pit-1
absence of observable corpora lutea. The release of
might be a regulator of DA and prolactin.97 In mice,
gonadotropins revealed irregular patterns of both
exposure during gestation led to fetal growth retarda-
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing
tion and anencephaly.98
hormone (LH). Alterations in pubertal progression and
hypothalamic–pituitary–ovarian–uterus functions
have been confirmed in female monkeys prenatally Mercury
or postnatally exposed to Pb. Blood levels of approxi- Limited data are available from epidemiological studies
mately 350 mg/L resulted in subclinical suppression of showing that mercury (Hg) disrupts female reproductive

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Sengupta et al. 9

function. One recent study in girls examined the relation- FSH and LH in hamsters treated with HgCl2 by
ship of organic Hg and other toxicants to timing of injection.109 The role of these alterations in regula-
menarche.99 No effects of Hg were found, although Hg tion of ovulation is not clear. Early development of
levels in the study population of girls were at or below mouse embryos was disrupted after exposure to
background levels observed in the general population. methylmercury in vitro.110 Treatment of female
However, earlier studies had noted menstrual cycle mice with 0.5 or 1 mg Hg/kg of methylmercury
changes in women who were exposed to higher levels chloride or HgCl2 on day 0 of gestation did not result
of Hg vapor (metallic) in the workplace.100 Decreased in increased abnormalities in embryos recovered on
fertility was noted in some dental health care workers day 3.5 of pregnancy. Exposures to higher levels of
with increased exposure to Hg vapor and inorganic Hg Hg (up to 20 mg Hg/kg methylmercury and 2.5 mg
compounds.101 In contrast, a number of effects have Hg/kg inorganic mercury) resulted in some abnorm-
been described in experimental animals exposed to Hg, alities. However, embryos exposed in vivo were less
including alterations in ovulation and estrous cycle. Hg sensitive to damage than those exposed in vitro.111
vapor (metallic) exposure resulted in prolonged estrous
cycles and alterations in progesterone and estradiol lev- Nickel
els, but primarily in animals with weight loss; morpholo-
The effects of nickel (Ni) exposure on female repro-
gical changes in corpora lutea were also observed.
ductive function remain unclear, and available infor-
However, no adverse pregnancy outcomes (rate or num-
mation is sparse in both human and experimental
ber of implantation sites) were observed.102 Exposure of
studies. An investigation carried out in the arctic
nonhuman primates to 50 or 90 mg/kg/day methyl mer-
region of Russia showed a spontaneous abortion rate
cury did not alter menstrual cycles or menses length
of 15.9% in 356 women from a Ni refining plant com-
through four cycles. However, reproductive effects,
pared with 8.5% in a control group of 352 females
including failure to conceive and resorptions were
working in construction industry. Exposure concen-
related to increased Hg blood levels.103 In female maca-
trations were 0.08–0.196 mg Ni/m3, primarily as
ques, blood levels greater than 1 ppm were associated
nickel sulfate, and Ni concentrations in the urine ran-
with decreased pregnancy rates and increased abortion
ged from 3.2 to 22.6 mg/L.112 Ni exposure is reported
rates.104 Inorganic Hg was detected by photochemical
to affect early embryonic events in mice. Injection of
techniques within ovarian follicles and in the corpora
nickel chloride on the first day of pregnancy led to
lutea of rats after chronic ingestion of mercuric chloride
decreased implantation frequency and reduced litter
(HgCl2; 1 mg/day) for 12 weeks. Estrous cycles were
size, whereas the administration on days 2–6 signifi-
prolonged in these animals.105 In golden hamsters, mer-
cantly reduced litter sizes but did not modify implan-
cury (HgCl2) was also localized to the corpora lutea after
tation. In vitro incubation inhibited growth of two-cell
inorganic mercury administration.106 Decreased ovula-
stage embryos and development to blastocysts.113 In
tion was observed at the third estrous cycle in these ani-
more recent animal studies, no effect was demon-
mals, which received 1 mg HgCl2/kg on the 4 days of the
strated on the length of the estrous cycle or micro-
estrous cycle. Progesterone levels in inorganic Hg-
scopic changes in the reproductive organs in mice
treated animals were also different from controls.106
or rats exposed to air concentrations of nickel sulfate,
Watanabe and coworkers107 reported similar decreases
nickel oxide, or nickel subsulfide, ranging from 3 to
in ovulation in golden hamsters injected (subcuta-
0.11 mg Ni/m3, respectively.114–116 Fertility was not
neously) with 6.4 or 12.8 mg Hg/kg but found no altera-
adversely affected in female rats exposed to nickel
tions in ovulation in animals treated with the same
chloride in drinking water.117 Other studies on histo-
amounts of methylmercury chloride. In a more recent
logical alterations in reproductive tissues of rats
study, reproductive performance was evaluated for
exposed to Ni or to nickel sulfate in drinking water
mice, males and females, exposed to inorganic Hg pre-
failed to show relevant effects.118
mating, during mating and during gestation and lactation
(females only). Fertility and offspring survival were sig-
nificantly reduced, although litter size was not Platinum
affected.108 There are few mechanistic studies related After the introduction of automobile catalytic con-
to Hg effects on female reproduction. Morphological verters, platinum, palladium, and rhodium have been
alterations in the actuate nucleus of the hypothalamus emitted with exhaust fumes, and increasing levels
were associated with changes in pituitary levels of have been found in different environmental matrices

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10 Human and Experimental Toxicology

such as road dusts, soils along heavily frequented sodium selenite at 0.02 mg per embryo.128 But, on the
roads, and sediments of urban rivers. Compared with opposite end of the scale, eggs also have a very low
other heavy metals, the biological availability of rate of hatching when hens are fed a diet of very low
platinum, palladium, and rhodium in some experi- Se concentrations.129 One field study demonstrated
mental studies on road dusts ranged between that that egg production and hatchability were decreased
of cadmium and Pb.119 As stated by the same when hens were fed a diet with Se at 1.55 mg Se/kg
researchers, chronic effects on the biosphere cannot dry matter.130 Studies with mallard eggs have shown
be excluded because of (1) their cumulative increase that selenomethionine is more embryotoxic than sele-
in the environment, (2) their unexpected high biolo- nite and its increased toxicity is likely due to its
gical availability and bioaccumulation, and (3) their increased accumulation in the eggs.131 Accumulation
unknown toxicological and ecotoxicological pot- of Se was approximately 10 times greater for groups
ential. Many clinical cases of pregnant patients fed selenomethione in their diet than those fed sodium
affected by cancer treated by chemotherapy with selenite. When adult ducks were given Se at 10 mg
platinum complexes have been reported in the obste- Se/kg as seleno-DL-methionine, seleno-L-methionine,
trical and gynecological scientific literature, with or selenized yeast, hatching of fertile eggs was sig-
births at term and normal infants. Male-mediated nificantly lower for ducks fed seleno-DL-methionine
effects on Sprague Dawley rats treated with a single or seleno-L-methionine than for controls.132 Both
intraperitoneal injection of cis-platinum were stud- seleno-L-methionine and seleno-DL-methionine sig-
ied by Kinkead et al.120 Significant preimplantation nificantly decreased the number of 6-day-old duck-
loss was seen in the treated groups. The weights of lings per hen and the former also decreased the
the fetuses were also significantly lower than those survival percentage to 6-days-old. Recent studies
of the control group. These results suggested that on adverse effects of high dietary Se on reproduction
cis-platinum has a deleterious effect on the female of birds have been reviewed by Hamilton133 and
reproductive system. Morphological and functional Hoffman.134
effects on rat ovaries,121 embryotoxic effects in Historically, Se toxicosis has been reported to
rat122, embryo lethality, and teratogenic effects123 cause abortion in many species.135 The reports in
have been demonstrated after exposure to platinum mammals have been difficult to prove, and there are
complexes. likely other factors that have in some cases led to mis-
diagnosis. However, teratogenesis due to selenosis is
well documented in avian species. Selenosis in poul-
Selenium try results in birth defects that include deformed or
Many species of animals have reduced conception lack of legs, toes, wings, beaks, and eyes in the
rates when exposed to high concentrations of sele- young.136 Field and research studies can differ in
nium (Se). Both rats exposed to 3 ppm Se as selenifer- interpretation of the effects of Se. Smith et al.137
ous wheat124 and mice exposed to 3 ppm selenate in reported congenital alkali disease in a 14-day-old colt
their drinking water125 had abnormally low rates of that was born to a mare that developed clinical signs
conception. Decreased conception rates and increased of selenosis during gestation. The clinical signs
fetal resorption rates in cattle, sheep, and horses were observed in the young foal were very similar to those
observed when they were fed natural diets containing normally observed in adult horses. Malformations of
20–50 mg Se/kg diet.126 In contrast, in a study of lambs born to ewes that grazed on seleniferous soils
pigs sows were fed a basal diet (0.13 mg Se/kg) were reported by Beath et al.138 The eyes of the
supplemented with sodium selenite at 0, 2, 4, 8 or lambs had cystic elevations that protruded through
16 mg/kg from the first estrous cycle though 9 weeks the lids in addition to microphthalmia, rudimentary
postpartum demonstrated that conception rate, num- development, and microcorneas. Many of the lambs
ber of offspring and mortality rates of piglets were could not stand because of deformed legs with
unaffected by increase of Se concentration in the thickening of the joints. However, different results
feeds.127 These differences in clinical outcome could were observed when yearling ewes were fed high
simply be due to the differences in chemical form of concentrations of sodium selenite (24 mg Se/kg
the Se. Embryos of avian species are very sensitive of diet) or Astragalus bisulcatus (29 mg Se/kg) as
to Se toxicosis. In one study, there was 100% mortal- part of an alfalfa pellet for 88 days, as there was
ity of embryos within 48 h postadministration of no difference in the number of lambs born nor

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Sengupta et al. 11

were there any defects.139 Se reportedly accumu- includes food items rich in probiotic cultures.
lates to higher concentrations in the fetus at the Although the pH level will remain modified during
expense of the dam.140 This is thought to be a pro- the whole pregnancy period, at least the yeast infec-
tective mechanism to allow neonates to have ade- tion will be under control. In addition, there are no
quate body reserves to sustain them until they indications that colloidal silver has any harmful
begin eating foods that would contain Se, as milk effects on the baby or the evolution of the pregnancy.
has very little Se. Thus, the increased accumulation Conversely, studies showed that colloidal silver
of Se in the fetus may result in abortions, stillbirths administered during pregnancy helps the baby’s
or weak/lethargic calves. In a field investigation, healthy development, it also makes delivery and
Yaeger et al.141 reported that a 200-cow beef herd post-delivery recovery easier.142 While some other
in a high Se region of South Dakota fed alfalfa studies reported intrauterine injection of 1% silver
with elevated Se concentrations experienced an nitrate on pregnancy resulted in vaginal bleeding,
abortion/stillborn calf rate of 7%. Six of the seven beginning 1 or 2 days after treatment, that lasted for
fetuses tested had markedly elevated hepatic Se an average of 5.3 days. In all cases, pregnancy was
concentrations (11.36, 10.8, 6.15, 5.01, 3.59, and terminated. Injection of normal saline had variable
3.33 ppm wet weight; normal range ¼ 0.3–1.2 sequelae, but four of six monkeys were delivered
ppm), while hepatic copper concentrations were as healthy offspring. They have also reported that after
within the normal range. Hair sampled from the animal recycling, two of the seven silver-treated ani-
cows contained 6.01 + 1.26 ppm dry weight (nor- mals subsequently became pregnant again and deliv-
mal range ¼ 0.50–1.32 ppm). The data reported ered normal healthy infants. This study demonstrates
suggested that subclinical Se toxicosis in pregnant the efficacy of intrauterine injection of 1% silver
cows resulted in clinical Se toxicosis in the devel- nitrate in terminating early pregnancy.143
oping fetus. However, they reported that in an
experiment, in which pregnant cows were fed a diet
with high concentrations of selenite, they were Vanadium
unable to successfully cause abortions and only one Vanadium is an important environmental and indus-
cow in the high-dose group had a weak calf that trial pollutant. It is a dilatory micronutrient and also
died shortly after birth and had increased hepatic has been recently considered as a pharmacological
Se concentration. agent. Vanadium oxide (Vþ5) is a reproductive tox-
icant and exposure to it has the potential to nega-
tively influence the human reproductive system.
Silver The severity and nature of the adverse effect is
Although the potential risk of silver nanoparticles variable and can be influenced by factors such as sex,
or colloidal silver to humans has recently increased level of exposure, and individual sensitivity to the
due to widespread application, their potential effects chemical. Effects on the female reproductive sys-
on embryo–fetal development have not yet been tems can include menstrual problems, altered sexual
determined. Effect of silver, particularly in females’ behavior, infertility, altered puberty onset, altered
reproductive functions, is quite contentious. Some length of pregnancy, lactation problems, altered
reports suggested silver has no known function in menopause onset, and pregnancy outcome. Adverse
the body and is not an essential mineral supplement. effects of vanadium depend on the circulating levels
Some women take colloidal silver during pregnancy of this element. Among those effects, it is now well
to aid the baby’s growth and health as well as the established that vanadate (Vþ5) and vanadyl (Vþ4)
mother’s delivery and recovery. Some articles may be reproductive and developmental toxicants in
reported that during pregnancy, due to increased hor- mammals. Decreased fertility, embryolethality, feto-
mone levels, the pH in the vagina drops to values that toxicity, and teratogenicity have been reported to
are proper for the proliferation of Candida albicans, occur in rats, mice, and hamsters following vana-
the fungus responsible for yeast infections. Regular dium exposure. The reproductive vanadium toxicity,
antifungal substances cannot be used because of the maternal and embryo/fetal toxicity of this trace
the prohibition during pregnancy. Thus, colloidal sil- element, the perinatal and postnatal effects of vana-
ver has been reported to be highly efficient in the use dium as well as the prevention by chelating agents
against candidiasis particularly if the regular diet of vanadium-induced developmental toxicity are

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12 Human and Experimental Toxicology

reviewed here. The developmental effects of vana- Studies of human pregnancy and zinc supplementa-
dium in pregnant diabetic rats are also reported.144 tion, including those from developing countries,
Environmental exposure to trivalent and pentava- have failed to document a consistent beneficial
lent inorganic vanadium compounds has been effect on fetal growth, duration of gestation, and
related to impaired different phases of reproduction. early neonatal survival.147 Zinc can also impact the
Some researchers have investigated the effects of a developmental potential of oocytes. Acute zinc defi-
pentavalent inorganic vanadium compound on gen- ciency causes meiotic defects in ovulated oocytes,
eral reproductive performance and fertility in both whereas dietary zinc deficiency in rats centered on
male and female rats. Sexually mature female rats ovulation and fertilization results in lower quality
were exposed to 200 ppm ammonium metavanadate blastocyst embryos. Meiotic arrest before ovulation
in drinking water for 70 days. The effects on female and cumulus expansion are two zinc dependent
fertility as well as developmental and postnatal essential ovarian process. Cumulus expansion
effects were evaluated throughout the exposure requires activation of MAPK3/1 by EGF-LP and of
period. The fertility was significantly reduced in the pSMAD2/3 by oocyte-secreted factors that together
treated group. The number of implantation sites and stimulate the expansion-related transcripts Has2,
the number of viable fetuses were significantly Ptgs2, Ptx3, and Tnfaip6 mRNA. Zinc deficiency
reduced in pregnant females of both treated groups. caused defects in oocyte maturation, cumulus expan-
However, the number of resorptions, dead fetuses, sion, and gene expression in vitro.148
and pre- and postimplantation losses were reported The teratogenic effects of severe zinc deficiency
to be significantly increased. The incidence of were first observed in chicks hatched from hens fed
resorptions was significantly increased in the treated zinc-deficient diets. The offspring had numerous
female group compared with the untreated female skeletal defects and abnormalities of the brain.149
group. The behavioral responses as well as fetal Subsequent studies soon showed that severe zinc
survival and viability indices were decreased in deficiency was also teratogenic in mammals. Hurley
both treated groups during the lactation period. The and Swenerton reported that rats fed a zinc-deficient
incidence of these effects was more pronounced in diet throughout pregnancy had fewer offspring and
the treated female group. The morphological, visc- that they were growth retarded with multiple anoma-
eral, and skeletal anomalies were recorded signifi- lies.150 Every organ system displayed abnormalities
cantly increased in fetuses of the treated group, of development; malformations of the heart, lungs,
with more pronounced effects.145 Vanadium also brain, and urogenital system were common. External
reported to cause fibrosis in stroma, disorganized defects included misshaped heads and fused or miss-
uterine glands, and disruption of columnar epithelial ing digits of the feet. Similar defects were reported
cells.146 later in zinc-deficient mice, sows, and ewes.
The underlying mechanism whereby severe zinc
deficiency causes developmental defects is not known
Zinc with certainty; however, it is likely to be the result
Zinc is a cofactor for many proteins, including tran- of the impairment of several metabolic functions.
scription factors and enzymes, important for a vari- Abnormal synthesis of nucleic acids and protein,
ety of cellular and developmental processes. Thus, impaired cellular growth and morphogenesis, abnor-
zinc deficiency is common in many parts of the mal tubulin polymerization with resultant reductions
world and in certain populations in the United States. in cellular motility and development, chromosomal
Dietary zinc deficiency is known to cause develop- defects, excessive cell death, and excessive lipid per-
mental problems throughout pregnancy. Maternal oxidation of cellular membranes may all occur in
zinc deficiency during pregnancy has been related severe zinc deficiency and contribute to teratogenic
to adverse effects on progeny, and there are data effects.
showing that mild to moderate zinc deficiency (as Studies in experimental animals showed that the
assessed by available indicators) is quite common only source of maternal tissue zinc available for the
in the developing world. Observational data relating developing fetus is that released from catabolized tis-
zinc deficiency to adverse fetal outcome have pro- sue during anorexia. With diets totally devoid of zinc,
duced conflicting results, mainly because of the lack cyclic periods of anorexia occur throughout gestation.
of a valid indicator of zinc deficiency in pregnancy. However, this does not prevent multiple anomalies.

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Sengupta et al. 13

Very little zinc is required to prevent these anomalies; women in the community and for wives of men
as little as 4 mg/g diet was sufficient for normal devel- employed at the metallurgy factory compared with
opment in rhesus monkeys. This is comparable with the wives of all industrial workers. The number of
2 mg/day in human diets. With marginal intakes in the pregnancies among the female workers at the metal-
rat ranging from 2.5 to 9 mg/g diet, the onset of anor- lurgical factory was too low to be evaluated. However,
exia coincides with the sharp increase in placental data gathered from census and hospital records showed
zinc transfer. Birth weights of monkeys with marginal that the rate of abortions among welders (9.5%; n ¼
zinc intakes were higher in those animals with lower 28) was higher than for all industrial workers (8.2%;
plasma zinc concentrations and a higher degree of n ¼ 2260).153 The effects of co-exposure to metals
anorexia. To what extent catabolism of maternal tis- on female reproductive function was demonstrated
sue and subsequent zinc release offset insufficient in a study carried out by Belles et al.,154 focusing
intakes in humans is unclear. However, taken on the developmental toxicity in mice of lead nitrate
together, the data from animal studies support the (25 mg/kg, subcutaneously), methylmercury chlor-
need for information on maternal energy and zinc ide (12.5 mg/kg, orally), and sodium arsenite (6
intakes along with measures of plasma zinc concen- mg/kg, subcutaneously). Metals were administered
trations to clarify the relation between maternal zinc on gestation day 10 separately or in their binary and
status and pregnancy outcome.151 ternary combinations. Maternal toxic effects were
more remarkable in the group concurrently exposed
to Pb, Hg, and As than in those given binary combi-
Mixed metal exposure nations of the elements and in those given the metals
For humans, there are few recent studies on mixed separately.145–160 With regard to developmental
exposures to metals. Nordstrom and coworkers15 toxicity, the most relevant effects, namely decreased
reported on the frequency of spontaneous abortions fetal weight and cleft palate, corresponded to the
and birth weights of children born near a copper Hg-treated groups. These data suggest that at the cur-
smelter in northern Sweden that emitted Pb, As rent doses, the interactive effects of Pb and As on
compounds, and sulfur dioxide. The comparison of Hg-induced developmental toxicity were not greater
women working at the smelter with women not occu- than additive. In contrast, exposure of pregnant mice
pationally exposed suggested increased frequencies of to Pb and As at doses that were practically nontoxic
abortions and depressed birth weights related to expo- to dams, but administered concurrently with organic
sure. Because of the low levels of exposure in the non- Hg at a toxic dose, caused supra-additive interac-
occupationally exposed population and the inclusion tions in maternal toxicity.
of smelter workers in the regional analysis, great care
must be taken in interpreting the results. Similar
results relating metal exposure to spontaneous abor- Conclusion
tions have been reported by Hemminki and cowor- Most published studies have reported the effects of a
kers.152 Hospital records, union memberships, and single metal, although human exposure combines
census data were used to identify groups with poten- toxic and essential metals that can interact. Influence
tial metal exposure. In women belonging to the union of other risk factors that can affect metal concentra-
of metal workers, the rate of abortions was slightly tion and reproductive parameters in female is rarely
higher (7.82%, number of abortions; n ¼ 195) than the considered. Further research evaluating the effects
national average (7.34%; n ¼ 24,107). The rate of of a particular metal on reproductive health in female
abortions for women belonging to union branches should take into account the contribution of other
with possible exposure to metals such as zinc, Co, metals, agents, and the lifestyle. A combined analysis
and As was compared for pregnancies during mem- could provide useful information about individual
bership or for pregnancies before or after member- health risk. Different scientific studies indicated that
ship. The rate of abortions for conceptions during the degree of toxic manifestation of different metals
membership was again slightly higher than for non- depends on dose, duration, route of administration,
membership periods. In a community study in which type of metal, condition of workplace, socioeconomic
the major site of employment was a factory pro- status, history of disease, and other physiological fac-
ducing zinc and Co, increased abortions were noted tors. But extensive literature study has explored that
for economically active women compared with all there is a gap of knowledge in the proper toxicity

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14 Human and Experimental Toxicology

survey. Current ongoing research projects will pro- pregnancy outcome. Epidemiol Commun Health
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