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Identifying Substances Using Properties

Purpose/Problem: To determine the six mysterious substances.

Materials/Apparatus: Refer to the handout.


Added: N/A

Removed: N/A

Procedure/ Method: Refer to the handout.

Modifications: N/A


Unknown Substances
Properties 1 2 3 4 5 6

State Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid

Colour White White White white White White

Clarity Opaque Clear Opaque Clear Opaque Opaque


Crystal Powder Hexagonal Granular Small Powder Granular

Shape cubes

What Insoluble Soluble Soluble Soluble Soluble Soluble

happens in
(soluble or

What Fizzes and Turns Soluble Dissolves Fizzes and Dissolves

happens in some cloudy dissolves
acid? dissolves yellow

Identity Chalk Sodium Sugar Salt Sodium Sodium

Thiosulphate Bicarbonate Nitrate


A) What was the identity of each of the six solids? Record their names in your data
table. Do your results support your hypothesis?
We identified solids one's identity as chalk. Solid two we identified as sodium thiosulphate.
Solid three was identified as sugar. Solid four we identified as salt. Solid five we identified as
sodium bicarbonate. Solid six we identified as sodium nitrate. Our results do support our
hypothesis. Our hypothesis is: an unknown substance can be identified by testing its properties
and comparing them with those of known substances. We did test the substances properties and
were able to compare them with those of known substances. Making our hypothesis well
supported and true.
B) For each of the six solids, explain how you decided on its identity?
We decided that solid one was chalk because it was one of the only insoluble solids when water
was added, it was opaque, it’s crystal shape was powder, and when we added acid it fizzed and
somewhat dissolved.We decided that solid two was sodium thiosulphate because it is a soluble
solid when water was added , it was clear, it’s crystal shape was hexagonal, and when we added
acid it turned cloudy yellow. We decided that solid three was sugar because it is a soluble solid
when water was added , it was opaque, it’s crystal shape was granular, and when we added acid
it just dissolved. We decided that solid four was salt because it is a soluble solid when water was
added , it was clear, it’s crystal shape was small cubes, and when we added acid it dissolved. We
decided that solid five was sodium bicarbonate because it is a soluble solid when water was
added , it was opaque, it’s crystal shape was powder, and when we added acid it fizzed and
dissolved. We decided that solid six was sodium nitrate because it is a soluble solid when water
was added , it was opaque, it’s crystal shape was granular, and when we added acid it dissolved.
C) Which physical and chemical properties did you examine in this activity?
The physical properties that we examined in this activity were the solids state, colour,
clarity(clear, translucent, opaque), crystal shape(cubes, powder, granular, hexagons),
solubility(soluble or insoluble in water). The chemical property that we examined is the solids
reaction to acids.
D) What other physical properties could have helped identify the mystery powders?
Why were these properties not tested in these activities?
Some physical properties that we also could of used to help us identify the mystery powders are
its texture because we would be able to determine if the solid was smooth or rough. The next
property we could have used was hardness because we could have tested if the solids were easily
dented or if they could scratch other items. Another one is lustre because we could have seen if
the solid was able to reflect light. The last two are melting and boiling temperatures. These
properties were not tested in this activity because we don’t have the necessary materials needed
to go through with the experiments.


In this lab, we learned how to test different white powders with acid. When we tested
these powders were able to see how they react with it. Also we saw the difference between the
activity of water and acid. Also, by identifying the physical properties we could try and figure
out the death powder. By doing these test we simplified the way to figure it out. Without the tests
and observations we did it would be very difficult to identify the powders we had, since they
were all white. The different properties also help make the identification easier because of the
colour and state of matter they were all in. Yet, one thing is for sure. This investigation is not
over quite yet. Many witnesses still to ask and many things to test.

Possible sources of error:

- We could of added too much of the acid into the powder.

- We could of not had enough of the powder in spot plate.
- We could have identified the powder incorrectly.

Student responsibility:

Title page: Daniel Casa

Photo editing: Daniel Casa
Purpose: Alessio Luciani
Materials/ Apparatus: Alessio Luciani
Procedure/ Method: Zachary Howell
Observations: Everyone
Discussion Questions: Matthew Kaczmar
Conclusion: Anthony Alfino
Possible sources of error: Anthony Alfino

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