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Is God for, does He promote, does He condone _____.

A. Divorce? No. Show one verse.

B. Adultery?
Sexual Immorality?
Any unfaithfulness?

C. Remarriage? (Widows only; in Caution.)

Has He ever Before, or is He now? No.

God commands:

A. Fidelity, not Divorce.

B. Loyalty, not Adultery

Purity, not Sexual Immorality.
Faithfulness, not unfaithfulness.

C. Allegiance, until death.

A. God commands Fidelity, not Divorce.
1. Read (Scripture) v.4
2. He created v.4
3,4. From the Beginning v.4 2x Mk 10:6
5,6 Made them v.4 2x Mk 10:6
7,8 Hold fast v.5 2x Mk 10:7
9,10 Become One Flesh v.5,6 “4x” Mk 10:8
11,12 God has joined v.6 2x Mk 10:9
13,14 Let no man separate v.6 2x Mk 10:9
15. Pharisees understood “No Divorce.” v.7

16,17. hard hearts v.8 2x Mk 10:5

18. from the beginning v.8
19. it was not so. v.8
20. Disciples understood “better not to marry”

21. Mal 2:16 Hates divorce.

22-28. 1 Corinthians 7 7x No divorce concept.

II. God commands Loyalty, not Adultery.
Exo 20:14 at least 60 texts against

A clear “no” to:

> Divorce 28 subpoints.
> Adultery 60 subpoints.
> Unfaithfulness
C. God commands Allegiance till death,
not Remarriage.

1. [Divorce and Remarriage] is Adultery. Mk 10:11

2. Mk 10:12

Remarriage is the issue, and is called adultery.

3. A divorced person remarrying is Adultery. Lk 16:18a

4. Marrying a divorced person is Adultery. Lk 16:18b

5. Matt 5:32b
6. Matt 19:9b
7. Only death allows remarriage. 5X; Rom 7:1-3
8. Remarriage restrticion issue. Deut 24.
9-14. 6x Restriction on Remarriage. 1 Cor 7.

15. No marriage to divorced. Lev 21:7

16. No marriage to divorced. Lev 21:14
17. No marriage to divorced. Ezek 44:22

a. Remarriage is a clear no, ** “by default” **;

b. Remarriage is a clear no, 17 points.

c. Remarriage is only to the widow, even so in caution.

A. 28 subpoints: no Divorce, but Fidelty.

B. 60 subpoints: no Adultery, but Faithfulness

...nor Unfaithfulnes.

C. 17 subpoints: no Remarriage, but Alleganice.

What about the TWO phrases?

Are there “exceptions?”; No.

> Matt 5:32. > Matt 19:9a

Matt 5:32: he “makes her” commit adultery.

1. Does not talk about remarriage by either spouse.

2. If she was already sexually immoral,

then she “made herself” commit adultery.

3. All divorces are wrong.

a. some divorces are adulterous too,
b. some divorces are not adulterous.
c. some assualts are manslaugher,
others 1st degree murder.

4. By forcing a divorce he limits her faithfulness, and

“makes her” lose faithfulness, and be adulterous
in the mind and heart.
Matt 19:9

1. “Adulterous” is an adjective describing the Divorce.

> All divorces are wrong.
a. some divorces are adulterous too,
b. some divorces are not adulterous, yet still wrong
c. some assualts are manslaugher,
others 1st degree murder.

It does not say: one “can” and “should” divorce.

one “can” and “should” remarry.

If a man stabs his friend, except for provoked self-defense,

and runs to the mafia for friendship, he committs assault.
2. The disciples heard something difficult.

3. Lust is Adultery, and sexually immorality.

Everyone is free to A. Divorce, Remarry.
Undermines and eradicates the entire

4. Forgive 7x70;

If it is a firm lifestyle, then separate, until death.

5. Safegaurd all precurors:

Time, Prayer, Scripture, Spiritual depth.
6. Drunk driver wreck takes legs of a true victim,
victim cannot avenge his own comfort by aggression.

7. 33 year old spouse hospitalized by mental disease.

Spouse loses many blessing of marriage, but not free.

8. Vast majority do not even fit this category anyway.

9. The World does not care either way.

Premarital Sins.
Adultery Sins.
Emotional, Mental Sins of Unfaithfulness.
“Fun, Easy, Comfort, Pleasure, Popular”

10. Suffer for righteousness sake, doing the will of God.

A. Examine Scripture, Pray, Confess.

B. Commit to God's Will from Now On.

C. Commit to Testify of God's Will from Now On.

D. Do not sin that grace may abound.

Do not live out, “It is easier to ask for forgiveness,
than Permission.”

E. Expect the World to Scoff, be Callous, and Easy Way.

F. Realize the only hope for sinners is the blood of

Jesus to justify and sanctify.


We exhort you

to fight the good fight of faith

to stand strong in God's glorious might

to be ambassadors of Christ.

Without faith it is impossible to please Him,

and what is not of faith is of sin,

so we glady accept this charge

and thank God for the faith He has given us.


We exhort you

to Abide in Christ

to bear much fruit in every good work

to love one another as Christ as loved you.


Apart from Christ we can do nothing;

in bearing much fruit the Father is glorified;

They will know we are Christ's disciples

by our love for another.


We exhort you

to be on guard in all manners and matters

to know your adversary is like

a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.


Our diligence is firm,

Our prayers are steadfast,

God shall complete the good work

which He began in us.


We encourage you

to make use of every second

to labor for the Master,

to redeem the time in every way.


We shall indeed be found

watching, waiting, and working in joy

for we know not

what hour our Master returns.


Finally, we charge you to serve

in God's Word alone, through Christ alone,

by God's Grace alone, and for God's glory alone.

Hereby, you have our fullest prayers and blessings.


This is our deepest conviction.

This is our heart, our mission,

and the fire within our bones.

We are firmly resolved to this purpose.


We then commission you for this task.

We are delighted to see your testimony spread,

We commit our prayers to you this week,

We rejoice in the work of the Potter's hand.

[ Prayer]

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