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Solar Power: An Eternal Source of Energy

Solar power refers to the conversion of energy from the radiant power
from the sun’s rays into electricity. The energy is converted into electrical current
by using solar panel, and other modern methods. Modern technology has opened
up various ways to harness and utilize solar energy. Solar energy is by far the most
potential renewable source of energy.
Many efficient means has been invented to help harness and store solar
power. The invention of solar panels and batteries is noteworthy in this respect.
When the solar rays fall on the panels, they induce certain chemical changes,
which in result converts solar energy into electricity. Eventually, the energy is
stored in the batteries. Then the stored energy can be used to run electrical
equipment and operate machinery. At night, since energy conversion is not
possible the excess solar power from battery storage is used to power electrical
appliances and different machineries.
There are some different techniques used for the generation electricity
from solar power. The first method is the use of solar cell which is technically
called photovoltaic cell. They produce electricity when they are illuminated by
solar rays by converting the energy into chemical energy and stored in batteries.
The other method requires the use of steam turbines. The solar rays are
concentrated into a beam and focused in some direction. Then the highly
concentrated energy heats up the stem in steam turbine which in turn generates
Solar power is normally known as the green energy source, generally because it is
environment friendly. In case of other traditional power sources, they produce
some byproducts which after being disposed hampers environmental equilibrium.
Fossil fuels are the striking examples of this kind. But solar power has no such
known problems. Different developing as well as developed nations are tending
towards solar power use at an increasing number. It is estimated that by the year
2050 solar power would become a prominent energy source worldwide.
Solar energy systems are relatively cheaper in comparison to the high cost of
installing conventional power systems. Furthermore, solar energy is affordable
and efficient to households and businesses. This is why solar energy is more
appealing to most households. Moreover the energy source is environment
friendly thus more acceptable. In recent times increasing sectors in Bangladesh
are also becoming interested in this source of energy. Therefore it is turning out
to be the most potent energy source in near future.

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