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Stephane B I B I A N

Engineering Diploma
Ecole Superieure d'Ingenieurs en Electronique et Electrotechnique
Amiens, France, 1997

A thesis submitted i n partial fulfillment o f

the requirements for the degree o f

Master o f A p p l i e d Science



Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

W e accept this thesis as conforming

to the required standard


June 1999

© Stephane Bibian, 1999

In presenting this thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for an advanced
degree at the University of British Columbia, I agree that the Library shall make it
freely available for reference and study. I further agree that permission for extensive
copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by the head of my
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The University of British Columbia

Vancouver, Canada


DE-6 (2/88)

The control of switchmode dc power supplies has been traditionally implemented in analog
electronics for its low cost, high bandwidth, and proven technology. However, the emergence of
advanced microprocessors and Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) has made it possible for power supply
manufacturers to consider digital technology a suitable option.
As compared to analog control, digital control provides a number of advantages such as reduced
susceptibility to aging and environmental variation (temperature, humidity, etc.), better noise
immunity, ability to handle complex control schemes and monitoring functions, possibility to
implement communication functions for fault and status information, and easy re-programming for
different applications. With the downward trend of microprocessor prices and the versatility of the
hardware architecture, digital control offers a cost-effective solution which can compete with analog
However, one of the major drawbacks of digital control is the limited bandwidth caused by the
inherent time delay required for A / D conversion, computation and P W M generation. Such delay
degrades the control loop performance, which makes it difficult to comply with technical
specifications in many high-performance products.
In this thesis, a simple and straightforward predictive technique based on linear extrapolation is
presented to compensate for this delay. Two predictive controllers are derived and applied to a full
bridge dc power supply. Simulation and experimental results show that the performances of the
converter with respect to dc bus ripple and load disturbances can be significantly improved. Those
schemes are characterized by a low computational cost which makes them particularly attractive in the
demanding real-time environment due to the ever increasing switching frequency of the converter.

A similar prediction concept based on a second order parabolic extrapolation is also presented. This
predictor substantially reduces the amount of calculation needed to obtain similar results to a
conventional controller, thus freeing valuable processor resources. These resources can be used for
less critical tasks such as communication and user interface. As a result, the processor is not solely
dedicated to the control of the power supply but can incorporate other functions, thus adding
functionality and expandability to the system.

Finally, this thesis assesses typical digital control issues such as word length, A / D resolution and
fixed point programming.





Le controle des alimentations a decoupage a ete traditionnellement implements en analogique du

fait du faible cout, de la large bande passante et de la fiabilite reconnue de cette technologie.
Toutefois, l'emergence de microprocesseurs et processeurs de traitement du signal puissants a fait que
la technologie numerique est devenue une option viable pour les manufacturiers d'alimentations de
Compare au controle analogique, le controle numerique offre un certain nombre d'avantages, entre
lesquels une susceptible reduite au vieillissement et aux variations de temperature et d'humidite, et une
plus grande immunite contre le bruit. II peut gerer des algorithmes de controle complexes et des
fonctions de surveillance et de communication pour la detection de fautes. II permet aussi une
reprogrammation aisee pour differentes applications. Avec la baisse constante des prix des
microprocesseurs et 1'universalis de leur architecture, le controle numerique offre une solution
rentable qui peut aller jusqu'a concurrencer la technologie analogique.

Toutefois, un des inconvenients majeur du controle numerique est sa faible bande passante qui
resulte du retard pur provenant de la conversion analogique/digitale, des calculs de Palgorithme de
controle et de la generation des impulsions a largeur modulee. Ce retard reduit les performances de la
boucle de controle. II est alors improbable que des produits haute qualite remplissent le cahier des
charges qui leur est associe.

Une technique de prediction par extrapolation lineaire concue pour compenser ce retard est
presentee dans cette these. Deux controleurs predictifs en sont derives et sont appliques a une
alimentation a decoupage a pont complet. Des simulations et des resultats experimentaux montrent une
nette amelioration des performances du convertisseur soumis a des ondulations du bus continu et a des
variations de charge. Ces deux techniques de controle sont caracterisees par un faible cout calculatoire
ce qui les rend tres interessantes dans un environement temps reel deja fortement contraint par la
frequence de commutation elevee du convertisseur.

Un concept de prediction similaire utilisant une extrapolation parabolique du second ordre est aussi
presente. Cette methode de prediction reduit substantiellement la quantite de calculs necessites pour
l'obtention d'un resultat similaire a celui d'un controleur conventionel, ce qui libere de precieuses
resources calculatoires. Ces resources peuvent alors etre utilisees pour des taches a charactere moins
critique telles que la communication et l'interface utilisateur. En consequence, le processeur n'est plus
dedie uniquement au controle de 1'alimentation, mais peut incorporer aussi d'autres fonctions, ce qui
rend le systeme plus fonctionnel et extensible.
Finalement, les problemes typiques lies au controle numerique, a savoir la resolution limitee du
convertisseur analogique/numerique et du microprocesseur, et la programmation en point fixe, sont
etudies dans cette these.






LIST OF A C R O N Y M S xiii


Chapter 1 : INTRODUCTION 1

1.1 Digital Control of Switching Mode Power Supplies: Pros and Cons 1
1.1.1 Advantages 1 Better Hardware Stability 1 Cost Effective Solution 2 Computational Power 2
1.1.2 Drawbacks 2 Lower Performances 3 New Technology 3
1.2 Problem Statement and Literature Review 3
1.2.1 Derivative Action 4
1.2.2 Model Based Predictive Control 6
1.3 Thesis Objectives 8
1.4 Thesis Outline 9

Chapter 2 : S Y S T E M STRUCTURE 10

2.1 Power Circuit Topology and Modeling 10

2.1.1 Topology 10
2.1.2 Continuous Time Domain Model 13
2.1.3 Major Sources of Disturbance 16
2.2 Control Circuit Structure 17
2.2.1 Peak Current Mode Control 19
2.2.2 Average Current Mode Control 22 Inner Loop Control Design 22 Outer Loop Control Design 23 Load Current Feedforward 24
2.2.3 One-Cycle Control and Charge Control 24
2.3 Summary 26


3.1 From Analog to Digital 27

3.1.1 Quantization Effect of the A / D Converter 28
3.1.2 Computational Time Delay 30
3.1.3 Zero-Order-Hold 32
3.1.4 Anti-Aliasing Filter 33
3.1.5 Discussion 33
3.2 Discrete Equivalent of Continuous Time Domain Controllers 34
3.2.1 Approximation Methods 34
3.2.2 Matched Pole-Zero Method 35
3.2.3 Discrete PI Compensator 36
3.2.4 Effect of Quantization 37
3.3 Control Design and Application 37
3.3.1 Specifications 38
3.3.2 Analog Control Design 38
3.3.3 Digital Control Design 39
3.3.4 Simulation Results 41
3.3.5 Quantization Effect 45
3.4 Summary 46
Chapter 4 : PREDICTIVE C O N T R O L FOR T I M E D E L A Y 47


4.1 Proposed Predictive Control Technique 47

4.1.1 Prediction Concept 48
4.1.2 Modified and Simplified Predictors 49
4.2 Effect on the Control Design 53
4.2.1 Continuous Time Domain Analysis 54
4.2.2 Application to Switchmode Converters 57
4.2.3 Simulation Results 58
4.3 Extended Simplified Predictor 62
4.3.1 Derivation of the Prediction Function 63
4.3.2 Application and Comparison with Conventional Digital Control Performance 65
4.4 Summary 66


5.1 Experimental Setup 67

5.1.1 Power Stage Design 67 Diode Bridge and dc Bus Filter 68 Inverter 69 Transformer 69 Output Filter 70
5.1.2 Sensors 71
5.1.3 DSP Platform 72
5.1.4 Control Algorithm 74 Interrupt Routine 74 PI Algorithm 77 PWM Generation 78
5.2 Experimental Results 81
5.2.1 Control Performances 81
5.2.2 Computation Time 85
5.3 Summary 86

Chapter 6 : CONCLUSION 88

6.1 About Digital Control 88

6.2 Contribution 89
6.3 Suggestions for Future Work 90


A P P E N D I X A : S I M U L A T E D P E R F O R M A N C E S OF T H E XFR-2.8 kW 95


Table 3.1 Full bridge main parameters and specifications 38

Table 3.2 Analog control parameters 39
Table 3.3 Conventional digital control parameters 40
Table 3.4 Performance of analog and digital controllers 43
Table 3.5 A / D converter quantization effect 45
Table 3.6 A / D converter quantization effect with level shifting 45
Table 3.7 D / A converter quantization effect 46

Table 4.1 Simplified and Modified Predictor control parameters 59

Table 4.2 Performance of the predictive controllers 61
Table 4.3 Resulting delay associated with each control structure 66

Table 5.1 Computational time for different control schemes 86

Table A . l X F R 2.8 kW parameters and specifications 95

Table A.2 Control parameters 96
Table A.3 Control performances 98


Fig. 1.1 Block diagram of the control loop of a process with delay 4
Fig. 1.2 Effect of the derivative action of the interacting PID controller 4
Fig. 1.3 Smith Predictor structure 6
Fig. 1.4 Internal Model Control structure 7

Fig. 2.1 Full bridge dc-dc converter 11

Fig. 2.2 Switching pattern 11
Fig. 2.3 Qualitative switched waveforms of a full bridge converter in steady state 12
Fig. 2.4 States of the system (continuous mode) 13
Fig. 2.5 Line rectification 16
Fig. 2.6 Models frequency response 18
Fig. 2.7 Concept o f P C M C based controllers 20
Fig. 2.8 Peak current mode control schematic 21
Fig. 2.9 Average Current Mode Control block diagram 22
Fig. 2.10 Analog control structure for A C M C schemes 23
Fig. 2.11 Charge and Quasi-Charge control structure 25

Fig. 3.1 Digital equivalent of an analog control loop 28

Fig. 3.2 Phase lag of a pure time delay 31
Fig. 3.3 Duty ratio update in digital scheme 31
Fig. 3.4 Frequency response of a zero-order-hold 33
Fig. 3.5 Equivalent time-domain digital control loop block diagram 39
Fig. 3.6 Discrete PI structure 41
Fig. 3.7 Comparison between analog and digital control - dc bus ripple rejection 42
Fig. 3.8 Comparison between analog and digital control - step-up load change (28 % to full 43
Fig. 3.9 Comparison between analog and digital control - step-down load change (full load to 44
28 %)

Fig. 4.1 Discrete time domain feedback control system 48
Fig. 4.2 Typical step response of a second order process 49
Fig. 4.3 Control loop block diagram 51
Fig. 4.4 Representation of the prediction functions mechanism 52
Fig. 4.5 Timing sequence of the different control schemes 53
Fig. 4.6 Equivalent control loop for digital control design 54
Fig. 4.7 Inherent phase lag of the feedback path for different control structures 55
Fig. 4.8 Phase lag compensation factor 56
Fig. 4.9 Implementation of the Modified Predictor for a current mode controller 58
Fig. 4.10 Comparison between the two predictor schemes - dc bus ripple rejection 59
Fig. 4.11 Comparison between the two predictor schemes - step-up load change (28% to full 60
Fig. 4.12 Comparison between the two predictor schemes - step-down load change (full load 61
to 28%)
Fig. 4.13 Extended Simplified Predictor concept 63
Fig. 4.14 Extended Simplified Predictor Control loop block diagram 64
Fig. 4.15 Timing sequence of the Extended Simplified Predictor 64
Fig. 4.16 Comparison between conventional digital control and ESP control 65

Fig. 5.1 Power stage schematic diagram of the experimental setup 68

Fig. 5.2 Transformer winding schematic 70
Fig. 5.3 TMS320F240 internal structure 73
Fig. 5.4 Interrupt routine - Conventional Digital Control and Modified Predictor 75
Fig. 5.5 Interrupt routine - Simplified Predictor 76
Fig. 5.6 Interrupt routine - Extended Simplified Predictor 77
Fig. 5.7 PI algorithm 79
Fig. 5.8 Pulse Width Modulation scheme 80
Fig. 5.9 Simulation and experimental results of the output voltage ripple with the 83
conventional digital controller
Fig. 5.10 Simulation and experimental results of the output voltage ripple with the Modified 83
Fig. 5.11 Simulation and experimental results of the output voltage ripple with the Simplified 84

Fig. 5.12 Simulation and experimental results of the output voltage ripple with the Extended 84
Simplified Predictor
Fig. 5.13 Duty ratio for the different control schemes 85
Fig. 5.14 Computation time of the DSP with different control algorithms 87

Fig. A . l Harmonic spectrum of the output voltage 96

Fig. A.2 Load disturbance compensation (10% to full load) 97
Fig. A.3 Load disturbance compensation (full load to 10%) 97


A/D Analog-to-Digital
AC Analog Controller
ACMC Average Current Mode Control
AWG American Wire Gauge
CDC Conventional Digital Control
CMC Current Mode Control
D/A Digital-to-Analog
DSP Digital Signal Processor
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
ESP Extended Simplified Predictor
ESR Equivalent Series Resistance
IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
IMC Internal Model Control
IPM Intelligent Power Module
MBPC Model Based Predictive Control
MP Modified Predictor
PCMC Peak Current Mode Control
PI Proportional-Integral
PID Proportional-Integral-Derivative
PFC • Power Factor Correction
PSIM . Power Electronic Circuit Simulator
PWM : Pulse Width Modulation
rms Root Mean Square
SMPS : Switching Mode Power Supply
SP : Simplified Predictor
ZOH Zero-Order-Holder


I wish to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Hua Jin, for his valuable
support, advice, and guidance throughout the course of my research.
I am also indebted to Wayne Butner and Dr. Djordge Garabandic from Xantrex Technology
Inc. for sharing with me their practical experience and optimism in digital technology.
Thanks are extended to my colleagues in the Power Electronics Research Lab, who made the
period of my research more pleasant and fruitful. Special thanks are to A n i l Tuladhar, Yingran
Duan and Kenneth Wicks for many helpful discussions we shared and enjoyed.
Finally, I would like to thank all my friends here in Vancouver for providing unfaltering
support during those final hectic days, and in particular Dorothy Kieft and Sarah Walker for
reviewing part of this thesis.
Financial support from Xantrex Technology Inc. is also gratefully acknowledged.

Chapter I


The main reasons which spurred the interest of power supplies manufacturers in digital control are
identified in the first section of this introductory chapter. The problem we are addressing and the
literature review are presented in the second section, while the main goal of the thesis is summarized
in the third section. Finally, we conclude this first chapter by presenting the general outline of this

1.1 Digital Control of Switching Mode Power Supplies: Pros and Cons
The regulation of Switching Mode Power Supplies has been traditionally handled by analog
controllers, providing the user with a high quality voltage or current source. In this section, the
alternative consisting of replacing the analog board by a digital board is investigated in terms of its
advantages and disadvantages.

1.1.1 Advantages
As compared to analog control, digital control has a number of advantages [1-4]. Our goal in this
paragraph is not to redefine the functionality of a traditional supply using what digital technology has
to offer, but to give an overview of what benefits designers can expect from digital control. Better Hardware Stability

In digital control, the regulation of the power supply is done through computation rather than
through a combination of analog components. Microprocessor based devices are therefore used.
Instead of using analog signals, the computation is done internally inside the microprocessor by
manipulating streams of bits. Because of this, the controller is less susceptible to radiated noise than its
analog equivalent. This can be a major advantage where high power applications are concerned.

Also, quite often analog components may see their characteristics drift with time and temperature,
whereas a digital device will always give the user the same performance. From a manufacturer's point
of view, this can be a major advantage since the manufacturer can provide stable and consistent
products in different operating environments. Cost Effective Solution

Digital control boards are increasingly cost-effective as compared to analog control boards because
of a number of reasons briefly summarized below.
Due to its very nature, a digital control board has much less components. For instance, a digital
board will include a microprocessor, a crystal, most probably some memory banks and A / D converters
and maybe an additional D/A converter chip, whereas an analog board will have a number of resistors,
capacitors, analog components and possibly logic chips for protection purposes.
A digital control board is also versatile. The same board can be used on the products of the same
series, and can also be extended to different applications. As a result, since the only difference
between the two control boards resides in their program rather than the hardware structure, the
manufacturing process of the power supply can be simplified.
For a long time, one of the major disadvantages of digitally controlled power supplies has been
their rather high cost, limiting their use to only very limited applications. However, the current trend
shows that microprocessor based devices have begun to be cost competitive with analog components.
Today for instance, a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) can be bought for as little as $5 U S D . According
to some DSP manufacturers, the goal is to reduce their cost to less than $3 U S D in the near future [3].
The same trend can be observed in the microprocessor industry. Computational Power

Because of its programmability, a digital control board allows the designer to develop more
complex "intelligent" control schemes, including high level security, monitoring functions and
communication in the power supply. The same microprocessor or DSP can therefore be used for a
number of different tasks, ranging from the control to monitoring functions, thus eliminating the need
of having dedicated devices for each function.

1.1.2 Drawbacks
Despite the advantages of functionality, flexibility, and price, digital technology has several
disadvantages that must be overcome before it can be considered for wider applications.

2 Lower Perform ances
The major drawback of digital control is the limited control loop bandwidth. The additional delays
resulting from the computation time and the zero-order-holder degrades the stability of the closed loop
system. A s a result, the bandwidth of the controller is reduced. In SMPS applications, this could be a
major issue since the specification for power supplies are usually very tight, especially for high-end

Also, quantization errors and limited word length are known to affect the control algorithm. This
used to be a major concern in the early days of digital technology, where only-8 bit devices were
available. A lot of work has been done in this domain to reduce these factors by taking them into
account in the algorithm itself. Nowadays, with 16-bit technology, this problem tends to disappear or
be much less severe. However, in any case, quantization noise and limit cycle effects have to be
assessed beforehand to validate the viability of the new design. New Technology

For the majority of power supply manufacturers, digital technology is new, and the investments
needed to cross the gap between analog and digital are huge. The development costs associated with
the design of a digital control board is much higher than that of an analog control board and
manufacturing a prototype is a lengthy task. Moreover, new skills are needed for the digital control
design. For instance, the selection of the microprocessor is a key issue in the design. Designers have to
make sure that they will be able to meet the real-time constraints imposed by their control algorithm
and the additional functions they choose to implement.

1.2 Problem Statement and Literature Review

Nevertheless, the numerous advantages of digital control versus analog control make this
technology very attractive. The main issue addressed in this thesis is how to compensate for the time
delay inherent to the digital control structure, and how to enhance the control loop performances.
The problem of compensating for a time delay in a control loop can be considered either in the
continuous or the discrete time domain. In the first case, the time delay compensation can be achieved
using a derivative action. In the second case, a Model Based Predictive Control is used to predict the
future process output, thus compensating for the time delay. These two approaches are discussed

.2.1 Derivative action
Let's consider the analog control loop represented in Fig. 1.1.

G{s) r
Controller Delay Process

Fig. 1.1 Block diagram of the control loop of a process with delay

The delay x det is chosen to be a multiple of the sampling period T , that IS Tfel— rt" 1 •
s s

When dealing with analog control structures, a commonly used technique to improve the stability
of the system is the derivative action. It consists of adding an additional zero to the controller structure
which will eventually introduce a 90 degrees phase lead in the control loop.
To illustrate the effect of the derivative action, let's consider a classical PI compensator. There are
different ways to add a derivative action to this controller. The interacting structure is one of the most
commonly used:

G (S)PJD = K- 1+- (1.1)
X; • S
As shown in Fig. 1.2, the term (l + x • s) acts on the input of the controller as a linear extrapolation over

a span of xd seconds, thus providing the PI control structure with a prediction of the future error.

s(0 A

,e(f-x ) rf

e(t + x ) d

d e

Fig. 1.2 Effect of the derivative action of the interacting PID controller

Therefore, to compensate for the delay, we would choose x - d x .


There are three major limitations to this scheme. First, the addition of a zero increases the gain at high
frequency and thus increases the noise sensitivity of the controller. This limitation is particularly present
in switchmode power supplies where the feedback quantities have strong switching harmonic
components. This problem is usually solved by implementing an additional low pass filter with the
derivative action. The PID controller becomes:

G (S)
P!D = K- 1+- 1 + *d •• (1.2)
1+ ^ - 5 ,
Where TV is usually chosen between 4 and 20.
Second, another limitation is that the prediction is performed on both the process output and the
setpoint of the control loop. In servo problems, this has to be avoided in order to limit the overshoot of
the control action in presence of setpoint changes. In some applications, a setpoint weighting technique
[6] can be implemented using the expanded form of (1.2):

; x
\i x + x
d J
= - K
— 1+ -+ - (1.3)
\i x + x
d J N

The control action u(s) is calculated as:

x +x
d J
u(s) = k • — •Srf(-S) (1.4)
( i+ d)-
x x

v - d
x +X


^) = y (s)-y(s)


Zd( )= -y f( )-y( )
s b
s s

Where 0 < a < 1 and 0 < b < 1. It can be noted that a and b do not influence the response to load
changes. Decreasing a towards zero reduces the overshoot on setpoint changes, while setting b to zero
avoids the large derivative action on setpoint changes.
Finally, the third limitation of using a derivative action is that the prediction does not take into
account the future changes in the process output. As a result, the prediction span of the derivative action

is often limited to very short periods, and therefore cannot be used to predict over a large horizon [5]. In
many cases, the derivative action would only be efficient to compensate for a fraction of the delay.

1.2.2 Model Based Predictive Control

In computer controlled system, the compensation of time delays has been an early subject of study
and has led to a variety of techniques, all of them based on the knowledge of the process model. As
such, they are commonly designated as Model Based Predictive Control.

A popular model based predictive technique is the Smith Predictor introduced by O.J.M. Smith in

1957. The block diagram of the predictor is represented in Fig. 1.3 where H (z) m is the process model.

• e(z)
— Yl

G(z) H(z)

(\-z~")H (z)m


Fig. 1.3 Smith Predictor structure

The controller input s(z) results from the summation of the process true output y(z) with the

calculated response of the block (l-z~ JH (z). In the ideal situation of perfect modeling, that is

H (z)
m = H(z), the controller will behave as i f the controlled process was delay free. The additional

feedback from the actual process output is used to give information on load disturbances and modeling

The major drawback of the Smith Predictor comes from the heavy calculations needed to evaluate
the response of the process model. In some cases, the model used to represent the process can be
simplified to a lower order. Also, the Smith Predictor can be difficult to tune if the plant model is
poorly identified or i f large non-linearities in the process itself makes it difficult to formalize into a
difference equation.
It can be noticed that the Smith Predictor is not solely restricted to the discrete time domain but can
also be implemented in a continuous time domain scheme. A n interesting application of the Smith

Predictor can be found in [8] where the right half plane zero of a boost converter is compensated,
leading to a much improved phase margin.

The controller G(z) associated with the predictor is often a PI controller. However, this structure
leads to an easier tuning when using the Internal Model Control concept introduced in the early 80's
by C E . Garcia and M . Morari [7] (see Fig. 1.4). In this case, the controller is reduced to a simple gain
or filter followed by an approximation of the inverse of the process model without delay. In the ideal
case, i f the model and the inverse are exact, it is sufficient to take G(z) = 1 to get a perfect
compensation of any load disturbance. Quite often though, the inverse has to be multiplied by a pure
delay to keep the causality in the system. To improve the robustness and reduce the effect of model
uncertainties, it is common to use a first order low pass filter structure for G(z).

w(z) y(z)
G(z) -d H(z)

z-"H (z)


Fig. 1.4 Internal Model Control structure

The structure of the Smith Predictor has been the basis of a number of technical papers [9-12]. For
the major part, those papers assess the problem of the loss of robustness of the predictor in the
presence of unmodeled dynamics. It appears that special care has to be taken if the model of the
process is not fixed and perfectly defined. The eventual changes which can occur in the model have to
be assessed properly in order to determine if the close-loop system will remain stable in any operating
condition. This weakness of the Smith Predictor where robustness is concerned is one of the major
limiting factor of this technique. A solution consists of using an adaptive algorithm which modifies the
coefficients of the model by minimizing a performance index representing the difference between

model and process response when exited by the same inputs. Adaptive schemes are, however, very
demanding in calculation and are reserved mostly for slow processes with large non-linearities.

1.3 Thesis Objectives

In this thesis, we restricted our study to high-end dc power supplies. Because of their very tight
specification concerning the output voltage quality, their control is still mainly based on analog
technology, even though few attempts have been done in the past to develop fully digital prototypes.
One of the major reproaches was that there was no microprocessor which could provide enough
computational power to ensure the proper control of the power supply [2].

The primary objective of this thesis is to improve the control performance of a digital dc power
supply in terms of dc bus ripple rejection and load change compensation. This can be achieved by
compensating for the time delay introduced by the inherent digital structure of the controller. To be
considered practical, any new digital control scheme for this particular application must comply with
the three following requirements:
i. no modification of the circuit in terms of topology and sensors position should be
ii. the design of the controller parameters should not require any additional tuning as
compared to a conventional controller and should remain similar to the existing
traditional control design.
iii. since real time constraints can be very tight, the modifications of the control structure
in terms of algorithm complexity must remain as minimum as possible.
The second objective is to propose a control structure which improves the computational efficiency
of the algorithm. The advantage of using advanced microprocessors or DSPs is that these devices can
handle other functions than only the control of the power supply. B y reducing the amount of
computational resources needed for the control calculations, more functionality can be programmed
into the control board.
The other objectives are the assessment of the quantization, word length and limit cycle effects on
the control performance.
The validation of the new control concepts is provided through simulation and experimentation.

1.4 Thesis Outline
This thesis is organized as follows:
Chapter 2 details both the power circuit of a typical dc converter based on the full bridge topology
and different current mode control schemes. The main sources of disturbance are also investigated and
their influence on the output voltage quality discussed.
In Chapter 3, a conventional digital controller based on the average current mode control scheme is
designed and applied in simulation to a full bridge converter. The chapter begins with a description of
digital control specificity by comparing a digital control loop with its analog equivalent. Different
design approaches are presented. Simulations are extensively used in this chapter to assess both the
control performances and the influence of the quantization noise and the limit cycle phenomenon.
Finally, general comments concerning the choice of A / D and D / A converters are given in this chapter.
Chapter 4 proposes three control schemes, each of them based on a prediction technique. The first
two schemes, referred as Modified and Simplified Predictor, are designed to improve the control
performance through the compensation of the inherent time delay. A detailed analysis of these
schemes is provided and validated through simulations. Results have shown that both schemes
considerably improve the output voltage quality of the converter. The third predictive scheme is an
extension of the Simplified Predictor, and is aimed towards the improvement of the computational
efficiency of the control algorithm.
Chapter 5 presents experimental results. Even though a modern simulation package allows the
designer to simulate with good accuracy both power and control structures of any power electronics
system, validation through experimentation has to be carried out in order to confirm the simulated
results and identify eventual difficulties related to the implementation. The design of the converter is
detailed and comparison between experimental and simulation results is also provided.

Finally, Chapter 6 concludes this thesis and identifies some areas for future research work.

Chapter II


In this chapter, a dc switchmode power supply is investigated in terms of power circuit and control
structure. This system is subject to digital control techniques as proposed in this thesis.
The analysis of the power circuit topology and its switching sequence leads to the derivation of the
mathematical models describing the dynamic behavior of the converter. Different analog control
strategies based on Current Mode Control are then investigated and compared in terms of dynamic
response, noise immunity, circuitry complexity and functionality.

2.1 Power Circuit Topology and Modeling

In this section, the power circuit of a full bridge converter is described and modeled. We assume
the power converter is working in the continuous mode of operation at its nominal load.

2.1.1 Topology

A full bridge converter can be represented as in Fig. 2.1. A n unregulated dc bus voltage v dc is

derived from the ac mains by a diode rectifier. A full bridge inverter delivers a high frequency ac

voltage V] to an isolation transformer. Two diodes connected at the secondary of the transformer

rectify v, into a dc chopped voltage v . The switching harmonics of v are then filtered out by a low-
e e

pass L C filter so that only the voltage average value remains at the load. The rms amplitude of v can t

be modified by adjusting the switching pattern of the inverter, thus regulating the output voltage.

In Fig. 2.1, m is the transformer turns ratio, defined as the ratio of the number of primary turns over
the secondary turns. Both secondary have the same amount of turns.

'£11 Dl 1 X
OH ->-
AC- Vdc

ii H

PWM Generator

Fig. 2.1 Full bridge dc-dc converter

The switches gating pattern are shown in Fig. 2.2. To avoid short circuiting the dc bus, the gating of
the upper and lower switch of the same leg is complementary.

a ;04


to t4




Fig. 2.2 Switching pattern

In the figure, T xw represents the switching period. According to the switching pattern, we can
differentiate four states of operation which are represented qualitatively in Fig. 2.3.

Fig. 2.3 Qualitative switched waveforms of a full bridge converter in steady state
From those waveforms, we can notice that States 1 and 3 correspond to the active mode of
operation of the converter. During these states, energy is transferred from the source to the load, part
of it being stored in the output filter inductor L. Conversely, when the primary side of the transformer
is short circuited (States 2 and 4), the energy used by the load is taken from the output inductor and the
magnetizing current /,„ of the transformer is shorted by the inverter switches.
Since no power is drawn from the inverter, this mode of operation is called passive. The ratio
between the duration of the active state and the switching period T xw is called duty ratio and noted d.
We have the general relations:


It can be easily understood that increasing the duty ratio of the switches (i.e. the duration of the active
state) results in more energy sent to the load. Consequently, both inductor current and output voltage
rise. On the other hand, a low duty ratio results in a low output voltage. This relationship between duty
ratio and output voltage serves as a basis for the control of the converter.

2.1.2 Continuous Time Domain Model

A switched power converter is a highly nonlinear system because of the switching operation. The
main goal of the following analysis is to linearize the model so that classical control design tools such
as the Nyquist stability criterion, the root locus method, and the Bode plots can be used to design the
controller. The state space averaging technique, proposed by Middlebrook, Cuk, et al., is used here for
the linearization.
From the previous analysis, it has been shown that the operation of a full bridge converter can be
simplified to an active and passive state, such as represented in Fig. 2.4.

k k ~ k: iL i - k:

Fig. 2.4 States of the system (continuous mode)
a) Active state (0 < t < d. T ) b) Passive state (d. T < t < T )
sw sw sw

Let's consider that an equivalent resistive load R is connected at the output of the power stage. From the
analysis of the active and passive states, we can deduce two sets of equations:

at m (active state) (2.2)

[ -{'L
~ic) c
+ r -i =0
c c

r -i +L-^
L L + Rii -i )
L c =0
(passive state) (2.3)
->c) + v
c +r
c -'c = 0

Let's choose the inductor current i and the capacitor voltage v

L c to be the state variables representing
the system. Introducing:

C- (2.4)
(2.2) can be written under a state space form as:

X =A X+B
m (2.5)

r -r +R-r
c L L +R-r c R
L-(r +R) L-(r +R) R-r R
Where X = ,B = T , c =
c c r

c R 1 r +R r +R
0 c c

C-(r +R)
C-(r +R)_

Using the same notation, (2.3) becomes:


The active and passive state duration are respectively d-T and sw (\-d-T ).
sw Averaging the state

equations over one switching period leads to:

X = A - X + B- d-
v -C-X

Considering that the state vector X, the duty ratio and the output voltage of the system are the sum of
dc and ac components, we can extract from (2.7) two sets of equations corresponding to the dc and
small signal ac models of the converter:

R+r L m

(dc) (2.8)
R+r L m
R Vdc
R+r L m

x = A x+B I
\ m m (small signals) (2.9)
v =C-x

Where the superscript"~" denotes small signal ac values.

Given the nominal dc output voltage V on as well as the output power rating P 0 of the supply, we

define the nominal equivalent resistance R„ as:

R„=- (2.10)
•* o,n

As shown by the steady state model, it is possible to pre-calculate the duty ratio for which output
voltage and output power reach their nominal value. For instance, the nominal duty ratio of the
converter can be determined as:

in (2.11)

Supposing v dc constant, the s-domain transfer functions can be easily derived from (2.9) by using

the Laplace transform operator. We find:

vd )s
T As)-
C + L + RC• r ) + (R + r ) m
d(s) s -L-C-(r
c +R) + s-(R-C-r c +r -r c L L L

kM =
C -(R + r )-s c +l dc
d{s) s -L-C-(r
c +R) + s-(R-C-r c +r -r -C + L +R-C-r )
c L L + (R + r ) m

Vg(£)_ RCr -s r +R V,dc

d(s) s •L-C-(r +R)

c + s-(RC-r c +r -r c L C + L + RC-r )L + (R + r ) m

Since the capacitor voltage cannot be measured, only the inductor current and output voltage are of
interest. As shown in (2.12), they are both modeled by second order transfer functions of identical
natural frequency oo and damping £ . To simplify (2.12), we adopt the following notation:

s + a„
T (s) = K.

s +2-£,-(0 -s+
o (£>0


' C-(R + r ) c
'dc 1
L-(R + r ) m a.


R+r L

L-C-(R + r ) c
]_ R-C-r +r -r -C
c c L +L+ RC-r L

~T jL-C-(R + r )-(R + r )
c L

These models result from the averaging of the converter operative states over one switching period. As
such their validity is limited to a frequency range lower than the switching frequency.

2.1.3 Major Sources of Disturbance

Dc bus ripple and load variations are the two major sources of disturbance encountered in the
First, let's consider the dc bus voltage supplying the inverter. Such a voltage is generally obtained
from the ac mains by a classical diode bridge rectifier such as shown in Fig. 2.5. For higher power
outputs this structure would be replaced by a three phase diode bridge rectifier.

5 c.
(120-240) A

Voltage doubler link

Fig. 2.5 Line rectification

In many commercial power supplies, a link between the middle point of the input filter and the bridge
allows the use of the supply in a 120 V or 240 V environment. In both cases, the theoretical nominal dc
bus is 310V. However, the source resistance R and the limited action of the input filter capacitors have

to be taken into account. For instance, the source resistance reduces the average voltage of the dc bus
whenever the load power becomes high. In an industrial environment, the resistance can be as high as
half an ohm, resulting in a substantial voltage drop which has to be taken into consideration when setting
the nominal operating point of the converter. Also, there is a low frequency voltage ripple which reaches
its maximum amplitude when the converter is operating at the nominal power. For a single phase input,
this ripple is essentially composed by harmonics at 120 Hz, 240 Hz and 360 Hz. These harmonics
usually cannot be filtered out by the output filter. Other means must be used to reduce their effect on the
output voltage quality.

The second source of disturbance is related to the load itself. Power converters are designed to
supply a wide variety of loads whose value and nature can change suddenly. Without any proper
compensation the output voltage cannot reach its nominal dc value, resulting in steady state error. To
evaluate the performance of the control action for load changes, the dynamic response of the converter
is compared in terms of settling time and maximum overshoot and undershoot.

2.2 Control Circuit Structure

Specification concerning the output voltage quality of SMPS can be quite stringent. As illustrated
in the previous section, load changes and dc bus ripple have a great adverse effect on the output.
Control loops must be properly designed to compensate for those effects.

A common and straightforward control technique achieving the regulation of the output voltage can
be performed by using a single feedback loop based on the output voltage itself [13]. However, the
frequency response of the output voltage transfer function reveals that the stability margin is quite
limited due to the second order L C filter.

For application where the natural frequency co is high enough, a controller designed in the stable

frequency range would be sufficient to offer a proper regulation of the converter. Also, to further
improve the control loop bandwidth, controllers offering a lead action can be considered. Techniques
such as the K factor [14] have been developed to tune those controllers.

For high power low switching frequency converters, the natural frequency co is seldom higher than a

few hundred hertz. In this case, even the lead action provided by an additional zero would not be
sufficient to compensate for the phase margin. To solve this problem, an inner current loop, so called
current mode control, is introduced. To present this control method, let's first consider the inductor
current transfer function 7} (5). As compared to J (s), T (s) has its numerator zero at a very low
v t[

frequency. This zero has a strong cancellation effect on one of the pole, resulting in a much lower
phase lag characteristic. Indeed, as shown in Fig. 2.6(b), the maximum phase lag does not exceed 90

(a) (b)

Fig. 2.6 Modelsfrequencyresponse

(a) Output voltage transfer function (gain and phase) (b) Inductor current transfer function (gain and phase)

In current mode control, the higher stability characteristic of the inductor current is used to achieve
a better bandwidth in the regulation of the output voltage. Instead of designing a controller which sets
directly the duty ratio of the switches according to the output voltage feedback, in current mode
control the output voltage loop sets a reference for the inductor current. A faster inner loop based on

the current feedback will then track this reference by updating the duty ratio of the switches. Assuming
the inner loop is much faster than the outer loop, the regulation of the output voltage is not based on
the second order transfer function T (s) any longer, but on a first order function defined as:

vT (s) K v s + a

T utis) = —— = —
0 (2.16)

There are many different current mode control schemes. Only those based on a constant switching
frequency are investigated in this work. They can be classified into two groups, that is Peak Current
Mode Control (PCMC) and Average Current Mode Control ( A C M C ) . A recent control scheme called
One-Cycle Control (OCC) is also briefly discussed at the end of this section.

2.2.1 Peak Current Mode Control

In the Peak Current Mode Control scheme the instantaneous value of the inductor current is used to
control the switches. To illustrate the concept of P C M C , let's consider a one-quadrant buck topology
(see Fig. 2.7).

Fig. 2.7 Concept of PCMC based controllers
a) Application to a buck converter b) Principle c) Slope compensation technique

Let i / be a fixed peak current reference for the inductor current. The reference is compared to the

measured current i . As long as i

L L is below the reference, the inverter is maintained in its active state.

At t = t AP (see Fig. 2.7(a-b)), the transition from the active to the passive state is triggered by the flip

flop circuit. In order to guarantee a fixed switching frequency, all inner loop control operations are

hold till the next switching period.

Because the instantaneous value of the inductor current is used in the feedback loop, this control
scheme has high dynamic performance. Another interesting feature is that a very efficient protection
against short circuits is automatically provided by setting properly the maximum allowable peak
current. Whenever this limit is reached, the inverter is switched to its passive state. We can also note
that any ripple present on the dc bus is automatically compensated at each switching cycle, which
guarantees an almost ripple-free output voltage. Furthermore, applied to the full bridge topology, a
peak current mode controller based on the primary side current feedback corrects automatically the
transformer flux unbalance, improving the reliability of the power supply.
However, a peak current mode controller is inherently unstable for any duty ratio greater than 0.5.
To prevent the subharmonic oscillations resulting from this instability, a slope compensation
waveform is added to the current reference, as shown in Fig. 2.7(c). Typically, the slope of the
compensation waveform is equal to one half the decaying slope of the inductor current. Taking the
nominal operation point as a reference, the slope a of the compensation waveform is approximated as:

=1.1.V -T (2.17)
® 2 Z v

(2.17) shows that a depends strongly on the output voltage. In applications where the output voltage
can be set by the user, the slope compensation waveform has to be modified accordingly. As a result,
the complexity of the circuitry is increased. Another important limitation of the P C M C scheme is its
high sensitivity to measurement noise, which perturbs greatly the inner loop controller.

The voltage compensator G (s) is designed using (2.16). Indeed, we can consider that the inner

current loop has a much higher dynamic than the outer voltage loop, and as such it can be represented
by an unitary linear gain. A PI structure is selected so that there is no steady state error on the output

G (S)
V =K V 1+- (2.18)

Non-linearities such as saturation blocks and saturable integrators for anti-windup have to be added to
the control structure. It's important to note that the mathematical design of the control parameters is
limited to linear systems and therefore does not take into account those non-linearities. Since they have
important effects on the dynamic behavior of the converter during large transients, tuning based on trial
and error is sometimes needed to set the control parameters more adequately.

The resulting control structure of peak current mode controllers is represented in Fig. 2.8.

slope compensation

saturation flip-flop
o,ref trigger
v active state


Fig. 2.8 Peak current mode control schematic

2.2.2 Average Current Mode Control
In the Average Current Mode Control scheme [15], the inner loop controls the average of the
inductor current. The control problem is reduced to the classical design of two compensators, G (s) and

Gj(s) . The block diagram is shown in Fig. 2.9.

o,ref d(s) v (s)

G (s)
v T
out( )

Fig. 2.9 Average Current Mode Control block diagram

To provide the control loop with the mean value of the inductor current, a first order low pass structure
is generally added to G ( s ) . This filter acts not only on the measured current but also on the reference

provided by the outer loop, and by extension on the measurement of the output voltage. In some cases,
a PI structure might already provide a good enough filtering action. For higher rippling currents, a
stronger second order filter might be needed. Having it on both the outer and inner loop will reduce the
bandwidth of the whole system. A more appropriate solution is to implement the filter only in the
feedback path of the inner current loop.
The advantage of A C M C as compared to P C M C is that it has a higher noise immunity. Also, since it
controls the average inductor current, this scheme is useful in applications where a constant current
source is needed, such as battery charger circuits [16]. However, this kind of controller does not provide
an efficient protection against short-circuits and some additional circuitry might be needed.
General guidelines concerning the design of the outer and inner loop compensators are given
below. Inner Loop Control Design

A common choice for Gj(s) is a conventional PI control structure.

1+ (2.19)
i -j

The advantage of this compensator is that it introduces a pure integral action in the inner open loop.
Noticing that the average of the inductor current is equal to the output current, the inner loop can

therefore be used to provide an output current regulation. In some cases, a single proportional gain can
also be considered [17], thus offering lesser complexity and higher phase margin. However, depending
on the value of its gain, a steady state error will appear.
The first step in calculating both proportional and integral gains consists of defining the cross over
frequency of the controller. Since the current loop phase delay does not exceed 90 degrees, the cross
over frequency can be set quite high. However, it's common practice to limit its range to around one
fifth of the switching frequency. Outer Loop Control Design

In Average Current Mode Control, the bandwidth of the inner current loop is not wide enough to

neglect its effect on the outer loop. A s a consequence, the inner close loop transfer function has to be

taken into account in the design of G (s). The equivalent open loop transfer function is:

(s + a )- 1 + -

T (s) =
eq K -K
V I (2.20)
s +2-£ -(£> -s + Q>l+K -K -(s
> 0 J i + a )-


Since T (s) does not have any pole at the origin, the proper regulation of the output voltage cannot be

achieved without including an integral action in the compensator. The commonly chosen structure for

G (s)
v is also a PI. A derivation action might be needed in some specific cases. In order to limit the

high frequency amplification associated with the derivative term, an additional first order low pass

function is generally added.

G (s)
v can be evaluated by defining the minimum allowable phase margin at the cross over

frequency. The integrator time constant and the gain of the controller can be set accordingly.

The analog control structure corresponding to the A C M C scheme is represented in Fig. 2.10.

V,o,ref saturation saturation
r ^ > K,
s + a,

iAvh i
saturable saturable
integrator integrator

Fig. 2.10 Analog control structure for ACMC schemes

23 Load Current Feedforward
It can be easily shown that the open loop system controlled by the output voltage compensator is

strongly dependent on the output load resistance/?. For instance, the gain of T (s) is equal to:

T (0) = R
eq (2.21)

As a result, the close loop system will behave differently when connected to different loads. In some
specific cases, the system might even become unstable. Since it would be difficult to guarantee
mathematically the stability for any load, a common practice is to reduce the controller bandwidth to
improve the robustness of the system. Load sensitivity can be a very serious issue when designing
power supplies for highly demanding applications. For instance, to power the new generation of
microprocessor chips, as the device voltage goes down, a higher current is needed and the rate of load
current step changes can reach high values such as 30 A p s " ' [23].

To reduce the influence of the equivalent load resistance, a solution using the load current as a
feedfoward quantity was introduced in [21] and [22]. It can be shown that the control law (2.22)
reduces significantly the load sensitivity [24] for any buck-type topology:

d(s) = K [i ( )-(i (.s)-i {s))]

r Ltref S L 0 (2.22)

This control law is equivalent to a conventional A C M C based on the capacitor current feedback. The

gain of the equivalent transfer function T (s) is then :


V°) =T ^ — K
< - — ( 2
" 2 3 )

As compared to (2.23), the use of the capacitor current reduces considerably the influence of the load on
the gain of the equivalent system, thus ensuring that the design of the voltage compensator leads to a
stable controller for any passive load.
However, this particular implementation is not often used since it is generally difficult and expensive
to measure the capacitor current. Also, this scheme does not provide any control on the average current
delivered to the load. It is therefore difficult to limit the maximum average inductor current which can
flow through the inductor without saturating its core.

2.2.3 One-Cycle Control and Charge Control

One-Cycle Control is a recent current mode control scheme, proposed by K . M . Smedley and S.
Cuk in 1991 [18,19]. The interest relies on the fact that this technique takes advantage of the nonlinear
nature of the converter by controlling the average value of a switching quantity (primary side current,

chopped voltage of the output rectifier, etc.) at every switching cycle, thus providing fast dynamic
response and automatic dc bus ripple compensation. Also, this scheme is quite insensitive to noise
measurement and its implementation is simple.
In the Charge Control scheme proposed in [19], the instantaneous switch current is integrated and
compared to a fixed reference (see Fig. 2.11). In this particular case of O C C , the integrated value of
the current corresponds to the total charge drawn from the source to the load. In the same fashion than
in peak current mode control, when the reference is reached the inverter is turned into its passive state
and the integrator performing the calculation of the charge is reset and disabled till the beginning of
the next switching cycle. Charge control is characterized by subharmonic oscillations when operating
at low loads.


(a) (b)

Fig. 2.11 Charge and Quasi-Charge control structure

(a) Schematic (b) Waveforms

In [20], a Quasi-Charge Control scheme is proposed. Instead of using a pure resetable integrator at
the output of the current sensor, a R C circuit providing low pass filtering is connected in parallel to a
switch which is turned on during the passive state of the converter (see Fig. 2.11(a)). According to its
authors, this hybrid solution between an average current mode control and a charge control scheme
provides a better noise immunity.

2.3 Summary
In this chapter, the switching circuit and the different applicable control structures have been
reviewed. Depending on the application, designers will have to choose between either a peak current
mode control or an average current mode control structure.
For conventional converters working at a fixed output voltage, a peak current mode controller
should be a better solution since it offers high bandwidth, inherent short circuit protection and
automatic dc bus ripple and flux-unbalance compensation.
For more sophisticated power supplies where the user can set the output voltage level at any desired
value or can choose between having the supply delivering a constant voltage or a constant current, the
average current mode controller represents a better solution in term of circuit complexity and
One-cycle control and charge control schemes present interesting features but the design of the
control structure is more difficult. Also, they do not offer any short circuit protection or average
current limiting characteristic. To comply with existing specification, additional circuitry is therefore
needed, reducing the economic interest of these schemes.
The use of instantaneous values in peak current mode control and one-cycle control makes them poor
candidates for an implementation on microprocessors. In some cases though, the voltage compensator
can be implemented in digital while the inner loop remains implemented in analog. But since the
objective of this work is to implement a fully digitally controlled SMPS, the average current mode
control will be used since it is the only current mode control scheme which exhibits the properties of a
sampled system [16].

Chapter III


In this chapter, a conventional digital control based on the average current mode control scheme is
designed and applied to a full bridge converter. Simulations are provided to validate the results of the
In the first section, the inherent elements in digital control, that is zero-order-hold, analog-to-digital
converters, computational time delay and anti-aliasing filters are discussed. Then, a control design
based on the digitalization of continuous time domain controllers is introduced and applied to a given
converter. Comparisons between analog and digital control in terms of dc bus ripple rejection and load
change are also provided. Finally, the quantization effects due to the inherent digital structure is
assessed and conclusive remarks are provided at the end of this chapter.

3.1 From Analog to Digital

As compared to a classical analog feedback control system, a digital structure will include new
elements affecting the control loop internal gains and stability. To illustrate those effects, let's
consider the analog close loop system of Fig. 3.1(a) where a controller G(s) regulates the output of the
process H(s). A small first or second order low pass filter represents the limited bandwidth of the
sensor or any eventual additional filter designed to damp unwanted high frequency noise. The
parameters of such a filter are usually selected so that the associated lagging effect does not have
noticeable effects on the overall stability of the system. In some very noisy applications, however, a
stronger filtering action might be needed and the control parameters must be derated accordingly.

Let's consider the equivalent digital representation of the analog system in Fig. 3.1(b), where T is s

the sampling period of the sampler. Four new elements are added to the forward and feedback paths:
i. two quantization blocks representing the A / D and D / A limited resolution,
ii. a time delay accounting for the computational time,
iii. a zero-order-hold representing the holding effect of the D / A converter,
iv. an anti-aliasing filter.

y r e f ^ y Y - > G(s)


Zero-\>rder- Computational
Quantization hMd time delay
D(z) ZQH

< o
7 "
Quantization Anti-aliasing

Discrete time domain Continuous time domain


Fig. 3.1 Digital equivalent of an analog control loop

(a) Analog control loop (b) Digital control loop

Those elements are inherent to any digital control systems. Their effect on the control loop design and
the control performance is discussed below.

3.1.1 Quantization Effect of the A / D Converter

Whenever a measured analog signal is sent to a digital control structure, an analog-to-digital
converter is needed to perform the discretizing and quantization of the incoming signal. A / D
converters are characterized by a maximum sampling rate and a limited resolution expressed in bits.

The resolution of the A / D converter determines the number of discrete steps which can be used to
represent the measured quantity. Let R be the desired measurement range of y(s). One quantization

step q is equal to:

q = R -2~

Where b is the resolution of the converter and q is expressed in the same unit as R . When selecting the

A / D converter, the designer has to make sure that the desired accuracy of the regulated output of the
process is greater than q, otherwise the digital controller will not be able to get a proper feedback when
reaching the steady state which will lead to a large offset. Let qj .i be the minimum desired accuracy.

The minimum requirement of the A / D resolution is given by:

b > ^\n{R
j J )-\n(q )
( 3 2 )

In 2
The quantization of the analog signal does not have any influence on the stability of the close loop
system [25]. The only effect is the addition of measurement noise which will induce a limit cycle

The quantization effect of the analog signal used to be a major issue in the early days of
microprocessor controlled processes. In those days, only the 8-bit technology was available, offering a
maximum resolution of 256 discrete steps. In order to increase the accuracy of the measurement,
different techniques can be implemented:
i. Level shifting: In many case, it is possible to reduce the measurement range to a
smaller window around the nominal working point of the output process. The
quantization step q is then reduced.
ii. A / D cascading: When the output of the process can vary across a wide range of values,
such as in ac power supplies, multiple A / D converters are cascaded over the
measurement range, each of them measuring only a specific window. The signal is then
reconstructed by the microprocessor. This technique results in higher complexity and
cost since more analog parts and A / D channels are needed.
iii. Over-sampling: Instead of acquiring the input just once at every sampling time, a fast
succession of conversion can be done. The sampled output is then calculated taking the
mean value of the group of samples. This technique can be implemented only if high
sampling rate A / D converters are available. Also it increases considerably the
computational time since more sampling is needed.

Nowadays, with the common use of 16-bit technology, the limitation of digital control structure due to
the quantization problem tends to disappear and those techniques are used only in systems having very
tight specifications.

Quantization effects can also be generated by D / A converters. However, the D / A converter has less
impact on the controller performance since no more calculations are performed on the D / A output
data. If the resolution is poor, the control variable will then oscillate between two levels in the steady

3.1.2 Computational Time Delay

Once the A / D conversion is achieved, the quantified output value y„ is processed by the control
algorithm in order to determine the proper control action u„. Between the sampling of the process
output and the moment the control variable is updated, some time will have elapsed due to the limited
working frequency of the microprocessor and the A / D - D / A conversion time. This delay is referred in
this thesis as computational time delay. The Laplace transfer function of a pure delay is given by:

G (s) = e-^'

Where x del is the total duration of the delay. xdet depends mainly on how the control algorithm is


The more straightforward implementation consists in updating the input of the control variable as
soon as the calculations are achieved. The resulting delay only depends on the C P U frequency clock,
the A / D sampling rate and the eventual D / A conversion time. Thus, x del can be minimized by
choosing higher rated components. In systems where the computational delay is small as compared to
the sampling time, this implementation is preferred.

A n alternative is to update the control variable only at the beginning of the next sampling period,

thus ensuring a fixed and known delay which does not depend on any software glitches which might

shorten or lengthen the number of computational cycles. In this case x del is equal to a complete

sampling period T . In systems where T is only slightly longer than the computational delay, this
s s

implementation is often preferred.

A pure delay is a non-minimum phase element which degrades considerably the stability of the
system. The lagging effect of (3.3) is represented in Fig. 3.2.

Phase (deg.)

100-r. io-r,
Fig. 3.2 Phase lag of a pure time delay

In switchmode power supplies, only the last option can be considered due to the switching nature of the
process. To illustrate this last point, let's consider the switching pattern of a buck converter. Typically,
the sampling time is equal to the switching period. The duration of the control algorithm is equal to x . c

It is shown in Fig. 3.3(a) that updating the control variable right after the control calculations does not
have any noticeable effect on the switching pattern before the next sampling period. It might even cause
serious problems during large transients since the gating of the switch can be triggered twice in one
switching cycle, such as shown in Fig. 3.3(b).

PWM carrier &

duty ratio


(a) (b)

Fig. 3.3 Duty ratio update in digital scheme

(a) Late duty ratio update (b) Two switching actions during the same switching period

However, this can be avoided by designing a P W M generator which includes additional circuitry
preventing multiple switching during one cycle. Also, it can be noticed that, as long as:

d-T >x
s c (3.4)
The first implementation can be used successfully. However, as the power supplies are operating at
increasingly higher switching frequency, the condition (3.4) is difficult to meet in the majority of

3.1.3 Zero-Order-Hold
The interface between a discrete signal and its continuous equivalent is achieved by a zero-order-hold
which reconstructs the continuous signal based on a train of pulses by holding its input during a complete
sampling cycle. The effect of the hold circuit is described by the following Laplace transfer function:

l-e~ '- T s

GHO(S) = — (3-5)
T -s

When plotting the Bode plots of this function, it appears that the gain of a zero-order-holder is similar
to the gain of a first order low-pass filter whose time constant is half the sampling period, with the
advantage that any frequency multiple of the sampling frequency is completely filtered out. However,
it is also clear that the lagging effect of (3.5) is much stronger than a single first order filter (see Fig.
3.4). In fact a zero-order-hold has a non-minimum phase characteristic which reduces the stability of the
open loop. It can be shown that the phase of a zero-order-hold is similar to the phase of a pure delay of
half of the sampling frequency.

Fig. 3.4 Frequency response of a zero-order-hold

3.1.4 Anti-Aliasing Filter

For applications rich in noise, a strong additional low-pass filter is needed to damp the analog high
frequencies contained in the measured signal so that the frequency folding effect inherent to any
sampled system is avoided.
Anti-aliasing filters are generally high order filters. Depending on the specification of the filter,
different structures can be used. One of the most commonly selected structure for high-performance
systems is the Bessel structure which offers a linear phase lag, and can be approximated as a pure
delay in the control design [6]. Depending on the order of the filter, the equivalent delay can reach
several sampling periods.
For switchmode power supplies, where the sampling frequency is much higher than the highest
dynamic of the process, the anti-aliasing filter can be reduced to a high frequency low-pass filter with
a high cut-off frequency whose influence on the stability of the open loop system can be neglected in
the frequency range of the cross-over frequency of the controller.

3.1.5 Discussion
The above discussion shows that the inherent structure of a digital controller degrades seriously the
stability of the overall system.
Elements such as zero-order-hold and computational time delay must be taken into account in the
controller design. As a consequence, the bandwidth of the controller will have to be reduced as
compared to a pure analog control design. To benefit from the inherent filtering action of the zero-order-
hold, it is clear that the sampling time T, should be a multiple of the switching period T . Also, in order

to reduce the phase lag introduced by the zero-order-hold and the computational time delay, the best

choice is to take 7^ = T .

The quantization effect of the A / D and D / A converters, as well as the limited word length of the
microprocessor will also degrades the performances. However, this problem is less critical when using
16-bit technology.

3.2 Discrete Equivalent of Continuous Time Domain Controllers

Two basic approaches can be used in designing a digital controller.
The first approach is to first design the controller in the s-domain. However, as compared to other
analog control design, the zero-order-hold effect and the computational time delay have to be included
in the calculation. The resulting compensator is then digitized in order to obtain a difference equation
which can be directly programmed. The advantage of this approach is that the control design is
achieved using well-known tools such as frequency analysis and Nyquist stability criteria.
The second approach is to calculate a discrete equivalent of the process model and use the root
locus method in the z-domain to design a proper compensator. This technique is more difficult to use
since there is no clear representation of the effect of the compensator poles and zeroes.
In this project, we chose to design the controllers with the first approach to be able to compare the
control performance with existing analog controllers. The main issue of this approach resides in the
derivation of the equivalent z-domain transfer function D(z) from the s-domain compensator G(s):

G{s) = if (3.6)


This particular problem has been the subject of many technical papers [1, 27-29]. Only the most
common methods are briefly reviewed below.

3.2.1 Approximation Methods

In many cases, a z-domain equivalent of G(s) can be approximated by substituting the Laplace
operator s with a function of the discrete operator z. The common approximation functions are the

Backward Euler method and the bilinear transformation (also called Tustin approximation). They are
expressed as:

1 z-l
s= (Backward Euler) (3.7)

2 z-l
s= (bilinear transformation) (3.8)
T, z + l
Using (3.7) and (3.8), D(z) is given by:

' z - l v

D(z) »=0
s v * J (Backward Euler) (3.9)
" 1 ' z - l v

s v * J

f „ V z-l
2> z+l
D(z) = (bilinear transformation) (3.10)
Z«/ z +l

Those methods are accurate when the sampling rate is in the order of ten times smaller than the smallest
time constant of the compensator. The bilinear transformation gives a better mapping than the Backward
Euler method in terms of the location of the pole and zeroes of the transfer function.

3.2.2 Matched Pole-Zero Method

The operator z _ 1
denotes a pure delay and can be written as :

z- =e-° *
x T
In the pole-zero match method, the compensator G(s) is first factored so that each pole and zero are
explicitly defined:

G(s) = K-^ (3.12)


Then, the poles and zeroes of D(z) are calculated using (3.11) so that they "match" the analog poles
and zeroes of G(s). Please note that D(z) has to be adjusted so that both D(z) and G(s) have the same
gain. The equivalent discrete compensator can be written as:

D(z) = K ;=0
n \.\-e-*- ' j


z—e Pi
1- -Pr s

The pole-zero match method is also called w-prewarping method [6, 26-27]. For high sampling rates,
this method gives similar results than the bilinear transformation.

3.2.3 Discrete PI Compensator

As stated in Chapter 2, a commonly used compensator found in switchmode power supplies is the
PI structure:

G (S)
PI = K- i -L

Expressing (3.14) in the form of (3.6) and using the approximation functions and the pole-zero match

method, we find the following discrete equivalents for G (s): P}

1+- •z-1
D (Z)
P1 = K- (Backward Euler) (3.15)

T +2 •T T 4- 9 (3.16)
Dpi (z) = K — 2-T z-1 (bilinear transformation)
1 z-e
D ,(z).
P (matched pole-zero method) (3.17)
l-e / x

Each of those expressions includes an integral action due to the presence of the unit pole. Also, when
the sampling time becomes small as compared to the integrator time constant, those expressions tends
to be equivalent.

3.2.4 Effect of Quantization
When the sampling period is much smaller than the smallest time constant of the compensator, the
location of poles and zeroes are close to each others and near z = 1. When implementing the difference
equation on a microprocessor, the designer is confronted to the problem of rounding the compensator
coefficients. As a consequence, the location of the poles and zeroes might shift, resulting in large
discrepancies between the desired and actual behavior of the compensator [26]. In some cases, the
resulting digital compensator might even lead to internal instability.
In order to reduce the sensitivity of the rounding and quantization effects, it is preferable to expand
D(z) into a series of elementary functions and use parallel programming to implement their discrete
equivalents. In the case of the PI compensator, better discrete equivalents are obtained by keeping the
proportional and integral actions separate:

D (z)
PI = K +K — (Backward Euler) (3.18)
x z-l

T z+l
D (Z)
P1 =K+K (bilinear transformation) (3.19)
2-x z-l
T z
D P 1 (z) = K + K (matched pole-zero method) (3.20)
T z-l

Also, since the integral action appears clearly in the difference equation, a structure similar to the anti-
windup feature of the analog PI controller can be easily implemented in the control algorithm. Then,
from a structure point of view, those functions are closer to an analog PI compensator.
We can notice that both Backward Euler and matched pole-zero structures lead to the same

controller. As a matter of fact, the polynomial ( l - z ) happens to be the exact equivalent of a pure
_ l


3.3 Control Design and Application

In this section, a digital controller regulating the output voltage of a full bridge converter is
designed. The dc bus ripple rejection and load change compensation capability of the controller is
compared with the performance obtained with an analog structure. Both analog and digital designs are
based on an average current mode control scheme and follows the general guidelines given in the
previous chapter.

3.3.1 Specifications
The converter under study is an 1 kW full bridge power supply whose specifications and power
circuit parameters are summarized in Table 3.1. The dc bus is obtained using a voltage doubler, such
as indicated in Chapter 2. The resulting dc bus ripple at nominal load is about 16 V peak-peak. Other
practical details concerning the hardware structure are given in Chapter 5.

Table 3.1 Full bridge main parameters and specifications

Symbol Value Unit
Nominal values :
Output voltage V 100 V
' o,n
dc bus voltage ^'dc,n
280 V
Output power P 1 kW
Switching period T 100 us
Transformer :
Turns ratio m 2
Input filter
Capacitor C, 2.6 mF
Output filter :
Inductor L 1.8 mH
Capacitor C 6.9 mF
Parasitic elements :
Capacitor ESR r
c *20 mQ
Inductor winding resistance « 150 mQ

The maximum allowed output voltage drift is fixed to 100 mV rms, which corresponds to 0.1% of
the nominal output voltage. This value is typical of high performance commercial power supplies.

3.3.2 Analog Control Design

Following what has been presented in Chapter 2, the design of an average current mode controller
for this converter is straightforward. A double PI structure is selected and the control parameters are
derived based on the model transfer functions. They are summarized in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 Analog control parameters
Outer loop:
Cross-over frequency 0.9 kHz
Phase margin 75 °
17 A - V 1

v 180 u.s
Inner loop :
Cross-over frequency 2 kHz
Phase margin 45 °
0.12 A" 1

80 u.s

The maximum average inductor current is set to 15 A . The duty ratio is bounded between 0.05 and
0.95. The saturation blocks and anti-windup integrators are adjusted accordingly. Finally, a first order
low-pass filter is connected at the output of the inner loop PI. Its cutoff frequency is set to 10 kHz.
This filter does not have any noticeable effect on the stability of the system.

3.3.3 Digital Control Design

The design of the digital controller is first carried out in the continuous time domain. The resulting
compensators are then discretized using the Backward Euler transformation method.
The design of the inner and outer loop compensators follows the same steps as in analog control,
with the exception that the effect of the computational time delay and zero-order-hold is added to the
forward path of the control loop as shown in Fig. 3.5. As a result, the phase margin of the inner loop
controller drops significantly and the cross-over frequency of the controller has to be reduced by more
than 85%. Similarly, the outer loop bandwidth is also greatly reduced. The resulting control parameters
are given in Table 3.3.

o,ref d{s) v (s)


G (s) G l(s) G (s) v T (s) T

out( )

^ w
v h
de h0

Fig. 3.5 Equivalent time-domain digital control loop block diagram

The maximum average inductor current and duty ratio limits are set to the same values as in the analog
case. Also, since the zero-order-hold filters out the switching harmonics, there is no need of extra

Table 3.3 Conventional digital control parameters

Outer loop:
Cross-over frequency 115 Hz
Phase margin 45 0

2.9 A - V 1

1.38 ms
Inner loop:
Cross-over frequency 280 Hz
Phase margin 35 °
0.0165 A - 1

570 us

The resulting analog PI.controllers are discretized using (3.19). D (z) v and D (z)
t are therefore

expressed as:

D (z) = 2.9 + 0.21-

v —
D (z) = 16.5-10" +2.9-10~ • —
3 3


There are different ways to implement the anti-windup for the integrator. One scheme is the

incremental algorithm, where the integral action / „ is calculated as the sum of the past action I_
n x

and a function of the error at time n:

+/(e„) (3-22)
/ „ is then compared to an upper and lower limit corresponding to the anti-windup saturation block. If
the limit is reached, the integral action is clamped to this limit. This method of calculating a discrete
integral with anti-windup is represented in the block diagram of Fig. 3.6.

Fig. 3.6 Discrete PI structure

In Fig. 3.6, P„ represents the proportional action. The sampling delay is equal to TX}

3.3.4 Simulation Results

The simulations of both analog and digital controllers and the full bridge power circuit have been
carried out using PSIM, a simulation package specifically designed for power converter simulation.
P S I M also integrates a complete set of tools for the simulation of analog and digital control systems,
which makes this package particularly helpful in the scope of this work.
In Fig. 3.7, the digital controller is compared with the analog controller in term of dc bus ripple
rejection. It shows clearly that the reduced bandwidth of the digital controller results in lower
performance. The output voltage is perturbed by a substantial low-frequency ripple. The rms noise
reaches 150 m V which is greater than the maximum allowed ripple. It is also interesting to note that,
as compared to an analog controller, the duty ratio given by the digital controller is free of any
switching harmonics. This is due to the strong filtering action of the zero-order-hold.

100.40 i 1
1 t
v (V) i
0 y (y)
1 ^\
' 1 1 1 100.20 i f \
~ I V

\ JA-
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
_ _ J 99.80 .
i_ i
1 1 i
1 (5!ms/div) (5;ms/div)
1 1

d 1

0.76 I _ _A J


/ 1
1 /
1 1 J
1 1 f
1 1
(5 ms/Wv)
0.68 i

(a) (b)

Fig. 3.7 Comparison between analog and digital control - dc bus ripple rejection
(a) Analog controller (b) Digital controller

In Fig. 3.8, a large load change from light load to full load is simulated. In order to be consistent
with the experimental setup, a light load corresponds to 28 % of the nominal power, that is 280 W. It's
also assumed that the dc bus is free of any ripple. The dynamic response of the controlled system is
quite slow. A s a result, the settling time of the output voltage is longer than in the analog controller
case. Also, the overshoot and undershoot are larger.

Similar remarks can be drawn for a step-down load change (full load to 28 %). The corresponding
simulations are given in Fig. 3.9.


(lOms/div) (lOms/div)
^ (V)
0 V Qf)



(lOms/div) (10ms/div)

| | 1.00
d 1
1 d

f-'i T

1 0.60
(lOms/div) (lOms/div)

(a) (b)

Fig. 3.8 Comparison between analog and digital control - step-up load change (28 % to full load)
(a) Analog controller (b) Digital controller

The different results obtained in the simulation can be summarized in the Table 3.4.
Table 3.4 Performance of analog and digital controllers
Analog Digital
Controller Controller
Output voltage quality:
R M S noise 4mV 140 mV
Setting time for load change :
28 % to full load 2.6 ms 12 ms
Full load to 28 % 2.1 ms 17 ms
Step-up load change:
Overshoot 0.1 V 0.2 V
Undershoot 0.25 V 1.2 V
Step-down load change:
Overshoot 0.2 V 1.2 V
Undershoot <0.05 V 0.2 V

i 1.20K

0 pm 0

(10ms/div) (10ms/div)

101 .SO
V (V)
v (V)
0 :
A, i
101.03 I \ '
J \ I

J \ i
J \ i
1 \ i
* r V r — — i

i V
h 100.00
1 i \

1 *V

(lOms/div) 1
(10 ms/div)
09.93 1

d d
1 1
1 1
—-—" »—n
: : 0.93
i r

i i
i i
• i
i i

; | (lOms/div) (10ms/div)

(a) (b)

Fig. 3.9 Comparison between analog and digital control - step-down load change (full load to 28 %)
(a) Analog controller (b) Digital controller

The large discrepancies between analog and digital control performances are partially caused by the
very low switching frequency of the experimental setup. The choice of 7^^ for this particular
converter was limited by real time constraints (see Chapter 5). In Appendix A , a similar comparative
study has been conducted on the X F R 2.8-kW from Xantrex Technologies Inc. It can be noticed that
the bandwidth of the digital controller is also reduced by 80%. However, in the X F R 2.8-kW case, the
loss of performance is not as dramatic as in this case.

3.3.5 Quantization Effect
The limited A / D converter resolution is included in the simulations. We assume that both current
and voltage are sampled by the same converter. In order to evaluate the effect of the quantization on
the output voltage, the resulting rms noise and dc offset is compared for different resolutions.
In the first set of simulations (see Table 3.5), the measured range of the current is 0-20 A , and the
measured range for the voltage is 0-120 V . It is noted that the minimum acceptable A / D resolution is
12 bits. Indeed, a lower resolution will lead to a significant increase of the dc offset and slightly higher
rms noise.

Table 3.5 A/D converter quantization effect

16 bit 14 bit 12 bit 10 bit 8 bit
Quantization step:
Current 0.3 mA 1.2 mA 4.9 mA 19 m A 78 mA
Voltage 1.8 mV 7.3 m V 29 mV 117mV 470 mV
Output voltage:
R M S noise 140 mV 140 mV 145 mV 150 mV 160 mV
dc offset 1 mV 5mV 15 mV 60 m V 250 mV

As stated previously, the A / D resolution can be improved by reducing the measurement window.
However, the level shifting technique can be carried out only on the output voltage since the current
level depends on the load. With a measurement window reduced to 90-110 V , the following results
were observed:
Table 3.6 A/D converter quantization effect with
level shifting
10 bit 8 bit
Quantization step:
Current 19 mA 78 mA
Voltage 4.9 mV 78 mV
Output voltage:
R M S noise 150 mV 150 mV
dc offset 6 mV 36 mV

Using a 10-bit A / D converter with the level shifting technique leads to similar results as with a 14-bit
converter. This result is particularly interesting when poorly accurate converters have to be used.

In Table 3.7, the D / A limited resolution is simulated. We suppose the A / D resolution is fixed to 10
bit. The current measurement range is kept to 0-20 A , while the level shifting technique is
implemented for the voltage measurement. According to the simulations, the quantization effect of the
D / A converter can be easily neglected, even for low resolution D / A .

Table 3.7 D/A converter quantization effect
Mbit 12 bit 10 bit 8 bit 6 bit
Quantization step:
Duty ratio 4.8 u 19 u 76 u 305 u 0.015
Output voltage:
R M S noise 150 mV 155 mV 150 mV 155 mV 150 m V
dc offset 6 mV 5 mV 6mV 6 mV 7 mV

3.5 Summary

In this chapter, a digital controller based on a continuous time domain approach is designed and
applied to a full bridge converter.
It has been shown that the computational time delay and the zero-order-hold introduced by the digital
control structure introduces a large phase lag on the close loop system. To compensate for this effect, the
bandwidth of the inner and outer controllers have to be significantly reduced, resulting in low control
The effect of quantization was also discussed. Results show that the resolution of the A / D converter
has to be chosen with care in order to avoid the limit cycle phenomenon. However, the resolution of the
A / D converter has negligible effects on the system stability.

Chapter IV


In the previous chapter, it was shown that the delay introduced by the calculations and the zero-
order-hold significantly reduces the system stability, and thus the controller bandwidth. The
compensation of the computational delay is the prime objective of this chapter. The phase boost
resulting from this compensation is used to increase the controller bandwidth, thus improving the
performance of the regulation.
In the first section, we will see why none of the traditional techniques for the compensation of time
delay presented in the introduction provide a satisfactory solution when applied to SMPS. Based on
some concluding remarks, a predictive controller using a linear extrapolation technique is developed.
Two predictive schemes are proposed and applied to the system in the case study. Comparison
between conventional digital control and these two schemes is provided. Finally, the concept of
prediction is extended to improve the computational efficiency of the microprocessor.

4.1 Proposed Predictive Control Technique

Where the compensation of the computational time delay is concerned, neither the derivative action
or Model Based Predictive Control present satisfactory solutions.
i. The derivative action leads to a robust controller; however, the improvement in phase
margin is limited due to the fact that future changes in the process are not accounted
for [5].
ii. Although the M B P C concept often leads to good control performance, it has been
shown that these schemes are usually very demanding in calculation and cannot be
successfully implemented on microprocessors working at high sampling frequency.
Also, their implementation on fixed point devices can be difficult since they require an
accurate representation of the coefficients of the process model difference equation.
In the following paragraph, the simplicity of the linear extrapolation is used as a basis for a
predictive controller. The model of the converter also intervenes in the derivation of the predictor in

order to solve the limitation of the extrapolation technique, that is, the lack of information in the future
change of the system.

4.1.1 Prediction Concept

To understand the time delay problem and to illustrate the proposed concept, consider the following
general feedback control system described in the discrete time domain:

yref n-\

) > G(z) H(z)

Controller Sampling time Plant

Fig. 4.1 Discrete time domain feedback control system

The discrete control system shows that the control variable u , calculated to compensate the error

between y n and the setpoint y j, re is used only at the next sampling period. The basic idea behind the

prediction concept is to update the controller using j>„ , estimated value of y .

+1 n+l Then a predicted

control variable w„ +1 is obtained at time t = n-T . As a result, the plant output is adjusted without delay.

The computational time delay is fully compensated whenever the estimated value equals the future

output value, that is:

y \=y +\
n+ n C-)
4 1

The problem of compensating the sampling time delay is, therefore, reduced to the calculation of

the process estimated output j>„ . Let us consider the step response of a second order process (see

Fig. 4.2). Intuitively, it appears clearly that the easiest way to perform the prediction of the future value

of the process output is to use the two previous output values y _ n x and y ,
n and obtain yn+l by


t-T. t + T<

(a) (b)

Fig. 4.2 Typical step response of a second order process

(a) Complete transient (b) Detail over three sampling cycles

The idea is simple and relies on information which is available at time t = n • T . It is also obvious that

the extrapolation leads to an accurate estimate only i f the sampling rate is high enough as compared to
the natural frequency of the process.

4.1.2 Modified and Simplified Predictors

The analysis of the power circuit has shown that the continuous time domain model for both the
output voltage and inductor current is a second order transfer function which can be expressed in a
general form as:

*(.)- + 2 (4.2)
s +2-^-co -s + ® 0 0

The resonant frequency co , the damping factor £,, and the coefficients k
0 i and k 2 can be obtained

through open loop identification or analytical analysis. Let us define 7^ to be the sampling period. The

function H(s) can be converted into the discrete time domain using classical zero-order-hold


H f z ) = k * - [ l - « - f o + cose)]+a-[a + l>-cose]
z - 2 • a • cos(9) • z + a
2 2


a = e -^oT x

sin 9
• = T. (4.4)

Rewriting (4.3) under the difference equation form, the exact value of y n+l can be calculated as:

yn+l = 2 • a- cos(0) • y - a • y _ + k • [l - a • (b + cos 8)]- u + k -a-[a + b- cosGJ- u _ (4.5)

n x 2 n 2 n x

Such formula would be used in model oriented predictive schemes (Internal Model Control, Smith

Predictor, etc.). However, i f we assume the term ^(£> T to be small enough to yield the following 0 S


e - M
« ( l - ^ a , 0 T > l (4.6)

The estimate of y n+l can be expressed as:

yn+x *y n+x =2-y„-y„_ x +k T -[u„

r s -u ]
nA (4.7)

Equation (4.7) shows that, given the historic values of the output and the control variable, an estimate of

yn+l can be calculated. Also, we notice that i f the control variable is updated only once in every 2

sampling periods, we have the equality u = u _ . As a result, we have:

n n x

y +\=i-y -y -\
n n n (4-8)

Finally we conclude that the estimate y n+1 can be calculated by using either (4.7) or (4.8). As a result,

we define the following two prediction schemes:

i) Modified Predictor (MP) based on:

j>(z) = ^-1 • y(z) + *, • T • — s • uiz) = P, (z) • y(z) + M(z) • u(z) (4.9)

z z

ii) Simplified Predictor (SP) based on:

y(z) = P (z)-y(z)
l (4.10)

The discrete control loop system with these predictors can be represented in Fig. 4.3.

z)—* G(z) -l H(Z)



•12. 7.


Control period : 2.7; Sampling period : T x


Fig. 4.3 Control loop block diagram

(a) Modified Predictor (b) Simplified Predictor

Both predictors are based on the same linear extrapolation function P (z). Fig. 4.4 gives a graphical

representation of the prediction techniques. In Fig. 4.4(a), the control variable is updated at every
sampling period, and the exact curve of the process output is represented by a dotted line. With the
Modified Predictor, the predicted value y n+l is equal to the value from the linear extrapolation, added to
a correction term. If the control variable is maintained constant for two sampling periods, the
simplification (4.8) yields and the estimated output value is simply the result of the linear extrapolation,
as shown in Fig. 4.4(b).

The main drawback of the Modified Predictor is that the coefficient k needs to be determined

accurately from the system. In situations where the parameters of the plant are poorly evaluated, or drift
with time and temperature, this value will be inaccurate, reducing the effectiveness of the technique and
the robustness of the controller.

y,, \ .£>


Correction term : k • T .(u -w„_, ) /

x s n >n+l
(exact curve)


» "»-l « B <
( W
»- M

t-T. t

^(exact curve)

t-T. r+r.


Fig. 4.4 Representation of the prediction functions mechanism

(a) Modified Predictor (b) Simplified Predictor

Compared to the Modified Predictor, the Simplified Predictor does not give as good a performance
since the control frequency is reduced by half. However, it does not require any knowledge of the
system, as long as the simplification in (4.6) is valid.

The timing events of the conventional digital control and the proposed prediction schemes can be
illustrated as shown in Fig. 4.5.

y„ i

Control Conuol

y \
n+ y„ \+ V„+2

MP Control MP CJonn ol

uH+l -*n+2

y„ y„ \ + y„ 2
+ JH+2

I 4
Free Resources SP Control


n 1
H+l 'H+2


Fig. 4.5 Timing sequence of the different control schemes

(a) Conventional digital controller (b) Modified Predictor (c) Simplified Predictor

In conventional digital control, the output value y n is sampled at time T . A new control value u is
n n

calculated based on y but used only at T . In comparison, with the Modified Predictor, the estimated
n n+l

output value y„ +l is calculated at time T and used in the control algorithm to generate the control value

u„ .
+l In addition, with the Simplified Predictor the control variable is updated only once in every two

sampling periods. In the second sampling period, the estimate y n+2 is used by the control algorithm to

calculate w „ . +2

4.2 Effect on the Control Design

Both predictive schemes can be used to compensate for the sampling time delay. However, the

prediction function P, (z) does not completely compensate for the effect of the delay. Therefore, when

designing a controller based on the predictive schemes, the amplification caused by the linear
extrapolation function and the remaining time delay have to be accounted for. This issue is assessed

4.2.1 Continuous Time Domain Analysis

To study the impact of the proposed predictors on the control loop design, we represent the control
system in the continuous time domain, such as in Fig. 4.6.

yref u(s)
G (s)
v H(s)

Feedback path

Fig. 4.6 Equivalent control loop for digital control design

The transfer function Tj (s) models the dynamic behavior of the feedback path. In digital control, this

function represents both the zero-order-hold and the inherent sampling time delay. TJJ,(S) is expressed


Tjb ( ) = del ( ) • zoh (*) = e >
s T s T sT (4.11)
T h 'zo

Typically, the zero-order-hold period T zoh is equal to the sampling period T . However, for the

Simplified Predictor, T zoh equals 2 • T . s

The effectiveness of the proposed prediction technique can be estimated by calculating the phase lag
of the feedback path with and without prediction. The problem consists in expressing P (z) in the t

frequency domain and then using the Bode analysis. It has been shown in simulation that the inverse Z -
transform approximations do not lead to accurate results in terms of phase and gain. It appeared that the
best solution is to combine the Backward Euler transformation (for an accurate phase) and the bilinear
transformation (for an accurate gain). The equivalent of P;(z) in the frequency domain can be written

2 + 3-7WC0
2-7-,-yG) 1 + 7; • 703

The feedback path behavior with and without prediction is represented in Fig. 4.7.


g Conventional Modified Predictor
Digital control TMT (s).P,(s)
o zuh]r


Simplified Predictor

0.01 .

C0/(B .

Modified Predictor

ID Simplified Predictor
^)T \
zllh (s).P,(s)

£ -120 Conventional
Digital Control

0.01 0.1

co/co v

Fig. 4.7 Inherent phase lag of the feedback path for different control structures

The reduction of the phase lag using'the linear extrapolation function is shown clearly by the phase
diagram. It should be noted that the gain of the feedback path is greater than 1 for some high frequencies
before being damped by the fdtering action of the zero-order-hold. Since the zero-order-hold period is
twice as large for the Simplified Predictor than for the Modified Predictor, the amplification of the noise
in the Simplified Predictor scheme is not as important. In any case, the control design must take into
account the gain of the prediction in order to avoid unwanted noise, thus guaranteeing an appropriate
gain margin.

The phase lag (p (co) introduced by T^is) can be expressed analytically as:

f T \
q Tjh (co) = a n g l e ^ (yco)] = -co • T s + (4.13)

The phase lead cp (co) given by (4.13) is expressed as:


cp (co) = a n g l e d (yco)] = t a n
(©7;) (4.14)

We define the phase lag compensation factor % as the ratio of the phase lag before and after prediction.

For both predictors, we have:

<l% (<») 3con

97> (<») 9/}+
fa) 3a>7; - 2 t a n - 1
9r„ (©) 3©r c

9 7 > ( > ) + Pfl(ffl)

4co7; -2tan (co7;) _1


The compensation capability of both predictors is plotted in Fig. 4.8.



0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Fig. 4.8 Phase lag compensation factor

This diagram shows that the effectiveness of the predictors decreases with the frequency. For instance, if
the sampling frequency is much higher than the cross over frequency of the controller, the compensation
of the sampling time delay is almost complete. The phase lag generated by T^is) is reduced by a factor
3 with the Modified Predictor, while it is reduced by a factor 1.5 with the Simplified Predictor. If the
cross-over frequency of the control loop is about four tenths of the sampling frequency, the phase lag

compensation using both predictor is reduced. With the Simplified Predictor, no improvement should be

expected since % is below 1. It should be noticed that, even if the prediction is able to compensate fully

for the sampling time delay, the phase lag introduced by the sampler is still present.

4.2.2 Application to Switchmode Converters

As stated previously, in order to apply successfully the linear extrapolation technique on a generic
second order process, the condition (4.6) has to be verified. Using the results derived in Chapter 2, we
find that for switchmode power supplies, (4.6) is equivalent to:

1 RCr +r r,C+L+RCr,
c c

~2 LC(R+r ) <
T (
x 1 R-C-r +r -r -C
c c L + L + R-C-rL ^

*1 (4.16)
2 LC-(R + r)

Given that T = T , (4.16) is generally valid for any converter whose natural frequency is much lower
s SW

than the switching frequency. However, it should be noted that for very high switching frequency
converters, and because of the computational limitation of the microprocessor, the sampling period can
be a multiple of T . In this particular case, it is recommended to evaluate (4.16) before implementing

any predictive scheme. Given a reasonable damping factor (>0.1), the simulations and experiments
have shown that a prediction technique based on linear extrapolation will give good results as long as
the ratio between the sampling frequency and the natural frequency is greater than 200. A lower ratio
will result in larger high frequency noise due to the poor accuracy of the estimated values.

The control of the power converter is based on a two-loop structure. Both loops have to include the
predictive term so that both feedback quantities are based on predictive values of the inductor current
and output voltage.
The implementation of the Simplified Predictor is straightforward and does not rely on any
knowledge of the converter parameters.

For the Modified Predictor, the correction term has to be evaluated by the functions M ; (z) and

M v (z), such as shown in Fig. 4.9. The coefficient k is equal to K x v for the output voltage and Kj

for the inductor current. It can be noticed that in many cases, since the capacitor E S R is supposed to be

low, the correction function M ( z ) can be neglected, thereby reducing the amount of calculations

needed to perform the prediction.

v (z)

T (z)

o,ref u(z) < 1 v {z)


D {z)
iL T (z)
k T
out( )z

M: (Z)

Fig. 4.9 Implementation of the Modified Predictor for a current mode controller

4.2.3 Simulation Results

Both predictive schemes are included in the digital controller designed in the previous chapter.
Using the control design discussed in this section, new sets of control parameters are calculated and
applied in simulation. These parameters are summarized in Table 4.1.
Please note that the simulation includes the quantization effect of 10 bits A / D with level shifting.
For an easy comparison with the analog and conventional digital control, the following results are
displayed using the same scale as the results given in Chapter 3.

As compared to the conventional digital controller, the bandwidth of the resulting predictive
controllers is larger, while maintaining similar phase margins. As a result, the performance of the
controller in terms of the dc bus ripple rejection is much better (see Fig. 4.10). Since the Modified
Predictor has a higher phase lag compensation characteristic, the results obtained with this scheme are
also better than those obtained with the Simplified Predictor. However, in order to reduce the
sensitivity of this scheme to measurement noise, the phase margin of the outer loop compensator has
been slightly increased. This will also improve the robustness of this scheme in the presence of
parameter uncertainties in the choice of the correction factor.

Table 4.1 Simplified and Modified Predictor control parameters
Simplified Modified
Predictor Predictor
Outer loop:
Cross-over frequency 170 Hz 220 Hz
Phase margin 45 ° 48 °
4A-V 1
4.4 A-V" 1

930 ps 720 ps
Inner loop :
Cross-over frequency 370 Hz 600 Hz
Phase margin 35 ° 35 °
0.021 A - 1
0.032 A"'
430 ps 265 ps




i , 100.40
V (V)

v on 0

i i
100.20 1 " 1


\s \
100.00 t
1 1
1 99.80 1 . y_
i I

(5 !ms/div) (5;ms/div)
i 1

d i
d I

i 1
i 1

i , 1
_ n. L A. 0.76 J J
T r
j ii
i JLj\rJ '1_ JT_r
• j j
0.72 1- H-
i I J
_J !
r r r "}

[ i

(5 msrdiv)
(5 Tis/div)

(a) (b)
Fig. 4.10 Comparison between the two predictor schemes - dc bus ripple rejection
(a) Simplified Predictor (b) Modified Predictor


(10 ms/div) (10 ms/div)


V (S)




(10 ms/div) (10 ms/div)





(10 ms/div) (lOms/div)


(a) (b)
Fig. 4.11 Comparison between the two predictor schemes - step-up load change (28% to full load)
(a) Simplified Predictor (b) Modified Predictor

The effect of the predictive controllers can also be observed for step load changes. The higher
bandwidth of those controllers results in a lower overshoot, undershoot and settling time (see Fig. 4.11
and Fig. 4.12). Those simulations did not include the dc bus ripple. However, we can notice that a
slight noise is present on the output voltage. This is mainly the result of the quantization effect.
The control performance of the predictive controllers is summarized in Table 4.2.

1.20K 1.20K

(10 ms/div)
0.00 K 0.00K

101.50 101.50
r (V)0 V (V)

101.00 101.00

100.50 100.50

100.00 ————'—V 100.00 •- — — \ ^

(10 ms/div) (10 ms/div)
99.50 99.50

1.00 1.00
d d
0.80 0.80
—* >- 1 J~i^ _
V J - 1
- " — * — — • — -

0.60 0.60

0.40 0.40

(10 ms/div) (lOms/div)

0.20 0.20

(a) (b)

Fig. 4.12 Comparison between the two predictor schemes - step-down load change (full load to 28%)
(a) Simplified Predictor (b) Modified Predictor

Table 4.2 Performance of the predictive controllers

Simplified Modified
Predictor Predictor
Output voltage quality :
R M S noise 65 mV 30 mV
Setting time for load change :
28 % to full load 10 ms 8 ms
Full load to 28 % 10 ms 8 ms
Step-up load change:
Overshoot 0.1 V 0.1 V
Undershoot 0.85 V 0.65 V
Step-down load change:
Overshoot 0.9 V 0.65 V
Undershoot 0.15 V 0.1 V

Even though the performance of the predictive controllers is much better than a conventional
controller, it still cannot compete with its analog equivalent. The discrepancies between analog and
predictive control tends to disappear for higher switching frequencies (see Appendix A ) .

4.3 Extended Simplified Predictor

The concept of the Simplified Predictor can be further extended. Instead of performing the
prediction using a linear extrapolation over two samples, an idea is to define a second order function
giving the estimated value of the process output based on three consecutive samples. This predictive
scheme is referred to in the following as the Extended Simplified Predictor.

Unlike the conventional digital control or the Modified Predictor where the control variable is
updated at every sampling period, and the Simplified Predictor where the control variable is updated at
every second sampling period. The control variable is updated only once every three sampling periods
with the Extended Simplified Predictor. The first and second sample periods remain idle; that is, no
control calculation is performed.
The advantage of this predictor is a higher accuracy of the predicted values since a parabolic
extrapolation technique is used, and also an improved computational efficiency. As compared to a
conventional digital control algorithm, this method only requires (theoretically) the third of the
computational resources previously used in the conventional digital control method. As a result, some
of the computational resources of the microprocessor are freed for secondary tasks (see Fig. 4.15).
These resources can then be used to implement other less critical functions such as communication,
user interface or fan and temperature management inside the power supply. Untill now, these functions
have been handled by secondary processors dedicated to those specific tasks. B y increasing the
computational efficiency of the control algorithm, the objective is to use only one processor for all the
power supply functions. As a result, less components are needed and the P C B layout is simplified.

From a stability point of view, we can consider the computational time delay to be completely
compensated while the zero-order-hold period is increased to 3 • T . As a result, the phase lag

characteristic of the close loop system is not altered by the predictive scheme. The major drawback of
the Extended Simplified Predictor is its increased sensitivity to noise measurement and A / D accuracy.

4.3.1 Derivation of the Prediction Function

The derivation of the prediction function P (z) for the Extended Simplified Predictor can be

achieved by considering a general second order function y {t) whose trajectory is defined by the three

samples y _ , y -\
n 2 n
a r ,
d yn s u c n a s
shown in Fig. 4.13. A n analytical solution is easily reached, and:

yp(0 = —^-T-(y*.2 - 2 - J V i +y„)-t 2

+-^—\-?>-y - +2-y _ -y )-t
n 1 n x n +y _n 2 (4.17)
2-77 2-Ts

The predicted value of the process output at time t = {n + \)-T is given by: s

Pn+i =yp( s)=i-yn-i-yn-i+y -2

n (4-18)

This result can be verified by using the difference equation (4.5) and deriving this relationship for both

y and y . Then, we obtain two equations whose difference is expressed as:

n n+1

t-2-T s t-Tx t t+ Tx

Fig. 4.13 Extended Simplified Predictor concept

If the control variable is maintained constant over three sampling periods, (4.19) can be written as:

y x -y =2-a-
n+ n cos(6) • y - (a + 2 • a • cos(9) •)• y _ + a • y _
n x
n 2 (4.20)

As compared to the linear extrapolation, this technique does not have recourse to any simplification to
remove the control variable from the equation. As a result, the prediction is more accurate. Finally, using
(4.6) we get:


We check that (4.18) and (4.20) lead to the same result. The prediction function expressed in the z-
domain is defined as:

3-z z
-3-z +l
P(z) = (4.22)

The corresponding control loop block diagram (see Fig. 4.14) is similar to the Simplified Predictor:


G(z) — s f o — + H(z)

3.7V 1

Control period :3.T S

Sampling period : T s

Fig. 4.14 Extended Simplified Predictor Control loop block diagram

The timing sequence of the Extended Simplified Predictor is given in Fig. 4.15.

y -\
n y» y +\
y +2

i Free Resources Free Resources 1 rsp C.ontiol

t n+2


'n-2 T,n+1

Fig. 4.15 Timing sequence of the Extended Simplified Predictor

4.3.2 Application and Comparison with Conventional Digital Control Performance
The Extended Simplified Predictor is simulated and compared to the conventional digital control
structure detailed in Chapter 3. Only the response to dc bus ripple is assessed here. From Fig. 4.16, we
can note that the predictive scheme leads to a slightly noisier result. Simulations have shown that this
scheme will give better results when using higher A / D resolution.

v <y) i 1 1 1


i r <y)
0 A

i /\ 100.20 A i i /%

\ jA.
1 1 1
/ \
III 1 J \

100.00 / ii \i 1
\ I
kf /
i V. V
i_ i 99.80 J 1
1 1

(5 ms/div) • (5 ms/div)

d ii 0.80

-A- -i

1 1
1 \ li i
I ' I / i

_ - L !
1 _I 0.72
1 1 J
1 1 f
(5 ms/W) • (5 ms/aiv)
0.68 • »

(a) (b)

Fig. 4.16 Comparison between conventional digital control and predictive control
(a) Conventional digital control (b) Extended Simplified Predictor

Those two schemes give similar performances in terms of dc offset and rms noise. We can therefore
conclude that they are equivalent.

4.4 Summary
In this chapter, it has been shown that it is possible to reduce the phase lagging effect inherent to
the digital controller by using a very straightforward prediction technique based on a simple linear
extrapolation. It has been shown that both Modified and Simplified Predictor can be implemented with
success as long as the process order is limited to 2 and its natural frequency is much smaller than the
sampling frequency.
The application to a full bridge dc switchmode power supply has also been presented. The results
show a clear improvement of the controller bandwidth and performance.
The Modified Predictor presents the best phase lag compensation, and as such, it allows the
designer to achieve a wide bandwidth as compared to a conventional digital control structure.
However, it remains a model based scheme which can perform poorly if some of the converter
parameters change overtime. Also, it is more demanding in calculation and more prone to
measurement noise.
The Simplified Predictor presents the best compromise between performances and robustness.
Further, its implementation is very simple since it relies on only two additions. As compared to the
Modified Predictor, it is also less prone to measurement noise.
One of the major advantage of the Simplified Predictor is that it significantly improves the
computational efficiency of the control algorithm. B y implementing the Extended Simplified Predictor
structure, it has been shown that the computational effort needed to perform the control calculation can
be reduced by a factor of 3, without any control parameters re-design or re-tuning. The advantage of
such a technique is then to be able to implement more of the converter functions within a single
microprocessor, considerably reducing the cost associated with the control board, and improving also
the reliability of the product.

Finally, the compensating effect of the predictors is represented in the Table 4.3 where the overall
time delay is compared for each controller.

Table 4.3 Resulting delay associated with each control structure

Zero-order-hold Time delay Overall

Conventional Digital Control 0.5 1 1.5

Modified Predictor 0.5 0* 0.5
Simplified Predictor 1 0* 1
Extended Simplified Predictor 1.5 0* 1.5
Only in the low frequency range

Chapter V


In this chapter, the control concepts presented previously are validated using an experimental set-up
based on the full bridge topology discussed in Chapter 2.
First, the design of the power stage and the control algorithm is presented. The equipment used for
the experimental power supply is discussed and its limitations are identified. In the third section,
experimental results are presented and compared to results obtained by simulation. Finally, the
constraints in terms of processor computation time are assessed and discussed for each control

5.1 Experimental Setup

The objective of the experimental prototype is not to develop a commercial-type power supply, but
to build a basic power structure and validate the different control schemes proposed in the previous
chapters. As such, performances in terms of efficiency, E M I , power factor, size, weight, acoustic
noise, wiring and thermal management are not considered as major issues in the setup.
This section discusses the design of the converter power stage. Detailed flow charts of the control
algorithm are provided, the complete program being given in the annexes.

5.1.1 Power Stage Design

Fig. 5.1 shows the power stage schematic diagram of the experimental setup. The system consists
of a diode bridge rectifier with its input filter, a P W M inverter, a high frequency transformer, an output
filter and the resistive load.
The parameters of the converter were already given in the Table 2.1. The power supply is an 1 kW,
100 V device supplied from a single phase ac source using a voltage doubler structure. The operating
switching frequency is set to 10 kHz and the average output current is limited to 15 A during

>iow PM20CSJ060 PH114/93-N27 HFA50PA60C PH87/70-N27
|22 O^FT >
5io v - | + IX—I ' T Y Y
60 Hz , 381LX_ I 1.9mH 150m u

43^F~ 36DX

LT3 25-NP >ESR

1^-^- yZOm n



rKr Gating signals
M ""HCPL-4506

Fig. 5.1 Power stage schematic diagram of the experimental setup Diode Bridge and dc Bus Filter

The input is constituted by two diodes and a capacitor bank. A three phase diode bridge rectifier
from International Rectifier provides the rectification of the line. The selected component is the
26MT20, rated for 25 A and 200 V maximum peak voltage.
The choice of the input filter capacitor results from a tradeoff between capacitance, ripple current,
and source current distortion. A very high capacitance offers a ripple free dc bus, but the cost and size
are too high. Also, since the conduction of the diode is limited to a very short period, the source
current spikes are higher and a bigger input filter would be needed to reduce the associated harmonic
distortion in the line. Using a voltage doubler, a common choice for the capacitance is 3 uF/W for each
capacitor [30]. In our case we need two electrolytic capacitors of 3 mF.
A simple simulation of the line rectifier shows that a ripple current of 13 A rms flows through the
capacitors when supplying a nominal load of 1 kW. The capacitor has to be selected so that it can
withstand such a current. Generally, the maximum ripple current can be found in the manufacturer
catalog. In order to reduce the necessary capacitor rating, a common practice is to connect a number of

smaller capacitors in parallel. Our choice was to use twelve 220 pF Cornell Dubilier electrolytic
capacitors from the 381LX family. Their rated maximum ripple current at 120 Hz is 1.0 A rms and
their working voltage is 200 V . The total measured capacitance is 2.7 mF.
Two 10 W/15 kQ resistors have been connected across the capacitor to facilitate the discharge of
the circuit when the inverter is turned off. Inverter
In order to simplify the wiring of the inverter, an Intelligent Power Module (IPM) from Powerex
has been selected. This device features a 3-phase inverter with its gate drive circuit. Basic protection
against short circuit, over current, over temperature and under voltage is also embedded in the module.
For this specific application, we selected the PM20CSJ060 which can typically handle a dc bus voltage
of 400 V and delivers a maximum output current of 20 A . Based on the IGBT technology, the switches
can be operated up to 20 kHz under hard switching P W M generation.
The drivers supply voltage is typically 15 V . A difficulty resides in the fact that for the bottom
switches the supply voltage is referenced to the negative node of the dc bus voltage, while for the top
switches the supply voltage is referenced to the middle point of each leg. As such, 4 different isolated
voltage sources are needed to supply the inverter. These sources are obtained through a dedicated push
pull dc-dc converter also distributed by Powerex under the reference M57140-01.
Optocouplers connected between the P W M generator outputs and the input of the drivers are added
to provide the isolation. The HCPL-4506 from Helwett Packard has been specifically designed for
T T L and I P M applications. It provides an isolation up to 2.5 k V rms for 1 minute and a propagation
delay of half a microsecond.

Finally, in order to reduce the voltage spikes generated by the commutation of the switches, a small

capacitor of 43 pF is soldered directly on the input leads of the I P M module. Transformer
It can be shown that the harmonic distortion of the output voltage due to the switching harmonics
depends on the duty ratio during the steady state. A duty ratio of 0.5 will give the maximum switching
noise while very low or very high duty ratios would limit this noise. To keep a reasonable margin for
the compensation of disturbances, we cannot set too high a value for the duty ratio. Then, to reduce the
noise related to the switching harmonics, the desired nominal duty ratio is set to 0.7 which represents
an adequate compromise. As a result, we find that the transformer turns ratio should be 2:1.

With a switching frequency limited to 10 kHz, only few ferrite cores can be used. Our choice was
the PM144/93-N27 from Siemens Matsushita, which is the biggest pot core available. Since the

transformer is wound by hand, the wire gauge has been limited to A W G #18. To reduce the conduction
losses, four strands of wire are winded in parallel. The number of turns at the primary side is 20 while
the number of turns at both secondary sides is 10. Both copper and core losses can be neglected, and
no shield have been added to the design.
The transformer structure is shown in Fig. 5.2. In order to reduce the leakage inductance, the
primary winding is split into two windings forming the inner and outer layers.

Second secondary
(10 turns)

4 strands are
winded in parallel
•Q 0 0 0 Primary winding
(first layer)
to reduce the
copper losses

Q 0 0 Q
Primary winding
(second layer)

PM114/93-N27 First secondary

(10 turns)

Fig. 5.2 Transformer winding schematic Output Filter

Output filters are usually designed to attenuate strongly the switching harmonics present in the
output voltage and output current. The ratio between the switching frequency and the filter cut-off
frequency is about the same than for the X F R 2.8 kW.
The rectifier is composed by two ultra fast, soft recovery diodes connected directly at the output of
the transformer. The HFA50PA60C from International Rectifier is selected. Based on the HEXFRED™
technology, this device is rated for 600 V and 50 A at the nominal operating point.

The output filter capacitor bank is composed of 3 electrolytic capacitors from Sprague, connected
in parallel. Each capacitor is rated to 2 mF, however a direct measurement as shown an overall
capacitance of around 6.8 mF.
The inductance L has been initially set to 1.5 mH. The core used for the inductor is the PM87/70-
N27 also from Siemens Matsushita with an air-gap of 3.5 mm. To avoid the saturation of the inductor

during large transients (i.e. when the inductor current rises up to 20 A), the number of turns is set to
84. Five layers of wires ( A W G #18) are needed, each turn being composed of two parallel strands to
reduce the copper losses. At 20 kHz, the equivalent resistance of the complete winding is
approximately 150 mQ. The resulting inductance was 2.3 mH, and as such a bigger air-gap was needed
to reduce its value. Finally, after experimentation, the inductance has been tuned to 1.9 mH.

5.1.2 Sensors
Sensors are one of the most sensitive aspect of the design. Poorly chosen sensors will generate
measurement noise which will perturb the control calculations. Three sensors are needed: two current
sensors measuring the primary side and inductor current and one voltage sensor measuring the output
voltage. Each of those sensors must have the three following characteristics:
i. they must provide isolation between the control board and the power circuit,
ii. they must have a sufficient bandwidth,
iii. they must have a sufficient measurement range.
The most convenient sensors are transducers using the Hall effect. A s such, they provide a wide
bandwidth and inherent galvanic isolation.

The selected current sensor is the L T S 25-NP from L E M Instrument. This ASIC-based transducer
has an extended measurement range up to 25 A rms. It has a wide bandwidth from dc up to 200 kHz,
an intrinsic accuracy of 0.2 %. One major advantage of this component is that its output is set at 2.5 V
for zero current with a variation span of 0.625 V at the nominal current. This allows the sensor output
to be connected directly to the input of any A / D converter. This feature is very interesting mostly when
dealing with the measurement of ac signals. However, since the A / D resolution is quite low, the full
range 0-5 V must be used for the measurement of the inductor current. Therefore, a small analog
interface have been implemented to offset and scale the output of the sensor.
The measurement of the primary side current is mainly used for protection purposes. When a short
circuit appears in the power circuit, the primary side current will rise and eventually cross a defined
boundary. In this case, all operations of the DSP are hold and the P W M pulses automatically switched
to their idle state.

The voltage sensor has also been selected from the L E M Instrument catalog. The L V 25-P is a
voltage transducer based on the closed loop Hall effect. This component is connected directly across
the voltage to be measured. A resistance in series with the winding of the transducer taps a current

proportional to the resistance value. The image of this current is then used to supply another resistive
element, typically a potentiometer. The resulting voltage across the potentiometer is then a
measurement of the higher voltage at the primary side of the transducer. The bandwidth using this
technique is also 200 kHz, and the measurement range is from 10 to 500 V . A n analog interface is
generally needed to scale the voltage across the potentiometer to a more suitable range.

5.1.3 DSP Platform

A digital controller can be implemented on three different devices: microprocessor,
microcontroller, or Digital Signal Processor (DSP).

A microprocessor is a simple algorithmic unit performing calculations and having a limited

memory. A number of peripherals are therefore needed for input/output operations and memory
management. A microprocessor is generally selected for its flexibility, and is mainly used for general
computational tasks.
For more specific tasks, a microcontroller can be used. The microcontroller is generally based on a
low-end microprocessor with the advantage that some of the peripherals needed for the task are
already embedded inside the chip itself, therefore reducing the amount of components needed and the
complexity of the digital board. However, microcontrollers are generally limited in terms of
computational power and word length.
DSPs represent a good alternative between microcontrollers and microprocessors. More powerful
than microcontrollers, DSPs are able to perform either fixed point or floating point operations. Their
pipeline structure allows some basic operations to be run in parallel, and as a result, basic arithmetic
operations such as additions and multiplications can be achieved in only one clock cycle. The
computational power of DSPs is mainly used in applications involving heavy computational tasks such
as fast Fourier transform, filtering, state estimator, adaptive control, etc. The major drawback of DSPs
has been for a long time their rather high price, but the current trend shows that they will become cost
competitive with most of the traditional solutions in the near future.

The DSP chosen for the control of the power supply is the TMS320F240 from Texas Instrument
(see Fig. 5.3). This 16-bit fixed point DSP has been specifically designed for the control of motor
drives and switching devices.

Data R A M Event manager
Program Flash
544 words Three timers
16K words
12 P W M
A H 5-0] J\
Nine compares
Prog^-.'D; output

T M S 3 2 0 F 2 4 0 D S P core Four input

captures with
10-bit register quadrature encoder
pulse interface
16-bit x 16-bit
10-bit barrel multiply
shifter (L) Three 8-bit
32-bit P register
I/O, ports
Shift L
32-bit A L U timer
32-bit accumulator
Shift L (0-7) r*—•
Eight auxiliary registers
Eight level hardware stack

Repeat count 10-bit

T w o status registers

Fig. 5.3 TMS320F240 internal structure

Among its most interesting features, we find:

i. 3 general-purpose 16-bit timers
ii. 12 P W M channels
iii. 1 dual 10-bit 8-channel A / D converter
iv. synchronous and asynchronous communication peripherals
v. 16K words of on-chip flash memory.
The clock frequency can be set either at 20, 10 or 5 M H z . To benefit from the full extent of the DSP
capability, the 20 M H z clock frequency is selected. The P W M unit has the advantage that the dead
time between the turning on of both switches of a same leg can be programmed by the user. As a
result, the analog interface between the optocouplers and the DSP board is simplified.
The major drawback of this DSP is the low A / D converter resolution. But as stated previously, this
can be partially solved by using the level shifting technique introduced in Chapter 3. The conversion
time of 6.6 ps is also quite long. On the other hand, the dual A / D architecture allows two conversions
to be triggered at the same time.
The DSP can be programmed in either C language or assembly. According to its manufacturer, the
most efficient programs use both languages where the general structure is written in C and the

functions involving numerous calculations and iterations are written in assembly [4]. In this work, only
the C language is used for convenience.

5.1.4 Control Algorithm

The control algorithm is implemented on a fixed point DSP. Even though the development of the
control algorithm in C gives the possibility to use the floating point representation, this method would
not be efficient in a real time environment. As such, all the arithmetic operations have to be performed
as fixed point, and as a result, the control parameters designed in the previous chapters cannot be used
directly and have to be scaled to an integer. The control parameters are scaled by multiplying them by
a power of 2. Once the arithmetic operation involving the scaled value is achieved, the result is then
scaled back to its true value by simply using the right bit shifting command. Using power of 2 as
scaling factors has the advantage that the division reversing the scaling effect can be easily performed
by the DSP. Interrupt Routine

Before discussing the specific algorithm of the PI controller, we will first take a global view of the
interrupt routine. In Fig. 5.4, the structures corresponding to the conventional digital control and the
proposed Modified Predictor are represented.
Both structures exhibit the same characteristic, that is they are repeatedly called at every sampling
period. At the end of the routine, a timer represented by a clock holds all operations till the period

register reaches the defined value of the sampling period T . s

At the beginning of the interruption routine, the DSP automatically updates the duty ratio and
samples both inductor current and output voltage. A simple waiting loop check the A / D converter
control register to detect the end of conversion and then store the measured value into a specific
memory location. The measured values are then used by the outer voltage loop to calculate the
inductor current reference, and finally by the inner current loop to calculate the duty ratio.

In the Modified Predictor case, an intermediate operation computing the predicted values is
implemented right after the acquisition.

Update control

Trigger A/D
Update control

Trigger A/D

Output voltage (Vomeas) and
inductor current (iLmeas)
measurements are available

Outer loop

Outer loop
iLref The inductor current reference calculation
is calculated

Inner loop iLref


Inner loop
The new duty ratio value is calculation

(a) (b)

Fig. 5.4 Interrupt routine

(a) Conventional digital control (b) Modified Predictor

Fig. 5.5 shows the flowchart of the interrupt routine for the proposed Simplified Predictor. Even
though the Simplified Predictor reduces the amount of calculation needed to perform the control of the
power supply, its inherent structure is slightly more complex and include another conditional loop.
The Simplified Predictor interrupt routine can take two different states: an idle state where the
samples are stored and an active state where the new and old samples are used to calculate the
estimated values. It should be noticed that, even though the duty ratio is loaded into the compare
register of the P W M unit at every sampling period, its value is only updated once every two sampling

Each path is activated
only once every two
sampling periods...

Fig. 5.5 Interrupt routine - Simplified Predictor

The Extended Simplified Predictor has the same structure as the Simplified Predictor with the
difference that a third path is added to the conditional loop. This path represents another idle state
where the samples are stored for a future use. The prediction of the future values of the system is also
performed in the active path. Part of those calculations can be re-directed into the second idle path to
spread out the computational effort more equitably between the three different states.

Update control

Trigger A/D

Each path is activated
only once every three
sampling periods...

/ 2
1 • •
Flag=l Flag=2

Predict future Store measured Store measured

values values values

Vopred omeas_old2 omeas_old

iLpred ILmeas o l d : ILmeas o l

Outer loop


Inner loop

Fig. 5.6 Interrupt routine - Extended Simplified Predictor PI Algorithm
Even though the PI controller has the simple structure shown in the block diagram of Fig. 3.6, its
implementation on a fixed point microprocessor with limited word length is not as straightforward (see
Fig. 5.4).

The first difficulty is to keep the information of the sign of the error e . The A / D converter always

converts the sampled value into a 16-bit format. Since the resolution of the converter is limited to 10

bit, the last 6 bits are automatically set to 0. Before computing the difference between y ref and y, n

both setpoint and process outputs are converted into a 15-bit format. The last bit represents the sign of
the difference.

In the 15-bit fractional arithmetic format, the maximum positive number is 32767 (corresponding to
7FFFh in hexadecimal). Adding 1 to this number and the hexadecimal value becomes 8000h. Since the
processor is working in a signed environment, the equivalent decimal number becomes -1 instead of
32768. The consequence of overflow on the control action can be quite disruptive since it changes the
polarity of the control action from positive to negative. As a result each time a multiplication or addition
is done, a conditional loop checking for overflow has to be included. If the overflow is detected, the
result of the operation has to be reset to a maximum or minimum value.
Also, the result of the multiplication of the feedback error with the proportional or integral gain has
to be scaled down by shifting the binary representation of the value by a fixed number of bit, as
indicated in the flow chart of Fig. 5.7.
The proportional and integral terms can be evaluated independently. The order in which they are
calculated does not matter. The PI control action is finally derived by adding both proportional and
integral terms and checking if the summation result is within the limits defined by the saturation block. P W M Generation
The last aspect of the control algorithm concerns the programming of the P W M generator. The
scheme most favored by industrials is the sliding waveform which provides soft switching [31-32]. In
this scheme, the command pulses of each switch is equal to half the switching period. The relative
position of the pulses of the first leg as compared to the pulses of the second leg corresponds to the
duty ratio, as was reviewed in Chapter 2. This method is difficult to implement on the DSP since it
relies on the generation of a delayed train of pulses.
The P W M generator used to control the switches of the I P M is based on the hard switching scheme
described in Fig. 5.8. A triangular carrier of amplitude 2 is compared to the duty ratio d. Whenever the
carrier waveform is below the reference the inverter is turned into its active state (Q| is turned on
while Q stays off), thus supplying the primary side of the transformer with the dc bus voltage. Since

the duty ratio cannot be greater than 1, the maximum duration for the positive active state is limited to
half the switching period. The switching pattern of the second leg is similar to the first leg with the
difference that it is phase-shifted by half of a switching period.


E r r
/ Error on the setpoint


< min >max

Check overflow

Paction=min Paction=max

Paction » p Re-scaling by bit shifting

Paction / Proportional action


> max
Check overflow

Iaction=min Iaction=max

Taction » 1 Re-scaling by bit shifting

Iaction =
Taction + Iold Integral action increment

< min > max


Iaction=min Iaction=max

Iold = Iaction Store old integral action for future increment

Iaction ~7 J g l nte ra action

PIaction= Summation of the proportional

Paction and integral actions

> m a x
Saturation of the control
PIaction=min PIaction=max

Fig. 5.7 PI algorithm

This technique has two advantages:
i. only one timer is needed to generate the carrier waveform,
ii. each A / D conversion is triggered when the period register of the timer reaches 0. As a
result, each sample is taken in the middle of the active pulse where the waveform is
usually less affected by noise.

5.2 Experimental Results
In this section, experimental results obtained from the converter designed previously are presented
and compared to the simulation results obtained in the previous chapters. The two major parameters
evaluated here are the output voltage ripple and the computation time corresponding to the different
control schemes.

5.2.1 Control Performances

The full bridge converter has been designed based on the parameters given in Table 2.1. The
parameters of components, such as input and output filter capacitors and inductor were measured.
Slight discrepancies between the expected and actual values were noticed. The simulation parameters
were modified accordingly.
Some of the power circuit parameters such as the capacitor E S R and the winding resistance of the
inductor cannot be identified easily. Also, certain aspects of the practical set-up have not been
simulated, such as the non-ideal characteristic of the semiconductors, the dead time of the switches,
the different stray elements of the transformer, and the eventual E M I noise perturbing the
measurements. As a result, we expect the experimental waveforms to be slightly different from those
obtained in simulation.
It is important to note that the control parameters used in the setup are exactly the same than those
used in simulation. No tuning was required and each set of control parameters calculated using the
converter models led to a stable system. This validates the accuracy of the models used to calculated
those parameters.
A function monitoring some of the parameters used by the processor when running the control
algorithm has been developed. Based on serial communication, this function allows the user to
download to a host computer the values of some of the microprocessor memory locations and registers.
A visual interface is then used to display those values, and thus get a better insight on how they vary in
time. This function is useful to track the variation of the duty ratio and other intermediate values such
as the current reference of the inner loop.

In the first set of experiments, the conventional digital control structure was implemented. The
corresponding results are shown in Fig. 5.9. The rms noise on the output voltage reached a value of
145 mV, which is very close to the results obtained in simulation (150 mV). Also the comparison
between the simulation and the experimental waveforms shows that simulation results are very similar
to the experimental results, both in shape and in amplitude. Finally, the duty ratio corresponding to this

scheme was downloaded from the DSP to a host computer (see Fig. 5.13). Its shape is also similar to
the waveform presented in Fig. 3.7(b). The average duty ratio is however slightly higher in the
experiment than in the simulation, which is mainly the result of the voltage drop across the rectifying

The proposed Modified Predictor was then implemented. The output voltage waveform is presented
in Fig. 5.10. As expected, the Modified Predictor presents a much better output voltage quality with a
noise of only 20 mV rms. In this case also, simulations and experimental results are close. However,
it's important to note that this scheme presents a much noisier duty ratio as compared to any other
scheme (see Fig. 5.13(b)). This is the result of prediction noise generated by the correction term which
depends on accurate system values.

The output voltage waveform obtained with the Simplified Predictor control structure are displayed in
Fig. 5.11. The Simplified Predictor also gives good results since the rms noise is reduced to 65 mV,
which is below the maximum tolerated noise level of 100 mV.
In the scope of this work, the control parameters have been calculated beforehand, however we can
easily imagine starting with the conventional digital control parameters and re-tuning those with a trial
and error method. From a designer perspective, the Simplified Predictor represents then the best practical
solution. Its implementation is simple and can be carried out without any difficulties.

It's interesting to notice that since both Modified and Simplified Predictors have a larger bandwidth,
the duty ratio corresponding to those schemes is similar to the inverted shape of the dc bus ripple. In fact,
it appears that an additional feed-forward loop based on a measurement of the dc bus voltage would give
the best results in terms of dc bus ripple rejection. The prohibitive cost of voltage sensors however is a
strong deterrent for this kind of controller.

Finally, the last controller to be implemented is the Extended Simplified Predictor. The results are
given in Fig. 5.12. The resulting rms noise is about 155 mV which is slightly higher than the
conventional digital controller. This is mainly due to the poor accuracy of the A / D converter which
induces prediction noise. The waveforms between simulation and experiment are also slightly different,
while the general shape remains the same.

V Q (V)

\ Simulati
\ result
^ result
100 ^ M

(5 m s / d i v )


Fig. 5.9 Simulation and experimental results of the output voltage ripple with the conventional digital controller

100.5 1

v 0 (V)

j Simulation
i result .
: N



(5 m s / d i v )

99.5 i

Fig. 5.10 Simulation and experimental results of the output voltage ripple with the Modified Predictor

V0 (V)



(5 ms/div)


Fig. 5.11 Simulation and experimental results of the output voltage ripple with the Simplified Predictor


v 0 (V)


f 1 \


/ '• if A \

99.5 i

(5 ms/div)

Fig. 5.12 Simulation and experimental results of the output voltage ripple with the Extended Simplified Predictor

No experimental results have been taken for load changes. In order to separate the effect of the load
changes with the effect of the dc bus ripple, the converter should be supplied by a fixed dc bus voltage.
Therefore, a much bigger input filter capacitor bank would be needed. However, since simulations and
experiments have been quite similar as far as the dc bus ripple rejection was concerned, we assume that
the response to load changes is also reasonably close to the simulation results.

0.84 0.84

0.80 0.80

0.76 I D.76

0.72 0.72

0.84 0.84

0.80 0.80

0.76 0.76

0.72 0.72

Fig. 5.13 Duty ratio for the different control schemes

(a) Conventional digital control (b) Modified Predictor
(c) Simplified Predictor (d) Extended Simplified Predictor

5.2.2 Computation Time

The computation time of the microprocessor with the different control algorithms is represented in
Fig. 5.14. At the beginning of each interrupt routine, a signal is raised indicating that the processor is
executing the control task. When the new duty ratio is obtained, or when no more operations related to
the control need to be performed, the signal returns to its low impedance state. The communication

function is not included in the measurement to avoid any overhead. The main results of this analysis are
summarized in the Table 5.1.

Fig. 5.14 shows clearly that the predictive schemes are more demanding in calculation during their
active state than a conventional controller. However, the additional computational effort is kept
reasonably small. For instance, it is only of 4 % for the Simplified Predictor, 10 % for the Extended
Simplified Predictor, and 15 % for the Modified Predictor.

The major advantage of both Simplified and Extended Simplified Predictor is that, on average, the
computation time of the processor for control tasks is much lower. As compared to a conventional
structure, 45% to 60%> of the computational resources dedicated to the control algorithm can be freed by
simply implementing either the SP or ESP structures. As a result, other functions such as monitoring,
diagnosis, interface, security, etc... can be handled by the same processor, thus adding expandability to
existing hardware boards.

Table 5.1 Computational time for different control schemes

Computational time:
Maximum time per cycle 1 1.15 1.04 1.1
(in p.u.)
Average time per cycle 1 1.15 0.55 0.40
(in p.u.)
The conventional digital controller maximum and average time per cycle is taken as basis for the comparison

Another interesting application of the Simplified or Extended Simplified predictors is that more than
one converter can be controlled by the same DSP. This could be particularly useful in power supplies
integrating an additional converter for power factor correction (PFC).

5.3 Summary

In this chapter, different control concepts based on predictive schemes have been validated through
It has been proved that prediction by linear extrapolation can improve the control performances of the
supply for a very limited additional computational cost. Also, it has been shown that up to 60 % of the

microprocessor resources can be re-directed to other task, while keeping the same control performances
as the conventional controller. Finally, the simplicity of the implementation makes of this technique a
considerable asset to any digitally controlled power supply.


Fig. 5.14 Computation time of the DSP with different control algorithms
(a) Conventional digital control (b) Modified Predictor (c) Simplified Predictor
(d) Extended Simplified Predictor

Chapter VI


In this thesis, a number of issues regarding the implementation of a digital controller applied to a dc
switchmode power supply has been investigated.
A brief section opens this chapter by summarizing the major concluding remarks obtained in the
early chapters concerning digital control. The contribution of this thesis is then presented and finally
some suggestions for future work are discussed at the end of this chapter.

6.1 About Digital Control

Chapter 2 and 3 of this thesis have been dedicated to the study of digital control applied to a dc
power supply application. Chapter 2 emphasized mostly some background material concerning the
structure of a current mode controller, while Chapter 3 was oriented towards the design of a
conventional digital controller based on an analog design. The following conclusions concerning
digital control can be drawn from those two chapters:
i. The average current mode control is the only control scheme which can be digitalized.
Because of the switching nature of the converter, peak current mode control schemes do not
have any equivalent in digital. As a result, the maximum sampling frequency at which the
controller can be operated is equal to the switching frequency. Therefore, it is not possible to
improve the control performance by increasing the sampling frequency as it is often the case
with other applications.
ii. The time delay inherent to the digital control structure substantially degrades the controller
bandwidth. This time delay consists of two distinct parts: the zero-order-hold and the
sampling delay which results from the A / D conversion, computation, and P W M generation.
The overall time delay has been estimated to be equal to 1.5 the sampling period.
The case study presented in this thesis has shown that, as compared to an analog controller,
the bandwidth of a digital controller is reduced by about 85% because of this delay. A
similar result has been obtained with another converter (see Appendix A). The effect of the

time delay on the control performance of the converter is then very significant. For instance,
it has been shown that a conventional digital controller designed to control the output
voltage of the full bridge converter presented in this thesis was not able to meet with the
technical specification required by the manufacturer. It has been concluded that for high-end
products, digital control does not provide the designers with a satisfactory solution,
iii. The last point tackled in this thesis concerns the effect of quantization noise and limited
word length. It has been observed through simulation and experimentation that a limited
A / D resolution does not reduce the system stability. However, it has a strong effect on the
output voltage quality since a low resolution adds noise and a large dc offset. Regulating dc
quantities gives the advantage that a level shifting technique can be used to increase the A / D
resolution to an appropriate level. Finally, the resolution of the P W M (or the D / A converter)
does not degrade the control performance.

6.2 Contribution
The primary objective of this thesis is the compensation of the digital control time delay to improve
the stability of the control loop, and thus increase the controller bandwidth. This objective has been
met by using a simple and straightforward extrapolation technique. Two control schemes based on this
technique were proposed:
i. The Modified Predictor is a model based predictive controller which reduces the overall
time delay to half a sampling period in the low frequency range. It has a high phase lag
compensation capability which allows the designer to significantly increase the controller
bandwidth. However, this scheme requires an accurate knowledge of some of the converter
parameters. As a result, it is not as robust as a conventional controller and might lead to
instability if poorly designed. It also uses more computational resources. The calculation of
the estimate values requires an additional computational time of 15% as compared to the
conventional structure.

ii. A n alternative solution is to use the Simplified Predictor. This control scheme reduces the
overall time delay to one sampling period. As such, it has a lower phase lag compensation
capability than the Modified Predictor, but can still improve the controller bandwidth. Its
major advantage is that it is not based on the process model, and as such can be considered
as a robust control scheme. It is also very simple to implement and the additional
computation time is limited to 4%, which makes it efficient in a tight real-time environment.

The proposed Modified and Simplified Predictor both rely on the assumption that the sampling
frequency is much higher than the natural frequency of the converter. They also rely on the fact that
the process is modeled by a second order transfer function. These schemes are therefore not valid for
higher order processes, but can be implemented on any second-order system verifying (4.6). Their
interest is then not solely restricted to the SMPS applications.

This thesis also focuses on the improvement of the control algorithm computational efficiency. It
has been shown that:
i. The Simplified Predictor reduces the average computational time of the control algorithm
by 45%. The control variable in this scheme is updated only once in every two sampling
periods, which frees a large amount of computational power which can be used for other
ii. The computational efficiency can be further improved by using the parabolic extrapolation
technique. The control scheme based on this technique and referred to as the Extended
Simplified Predictor results from an extension of the Simplified Predictor concept. The
control variable is updated only once in every three sampling periods. The overall time
delay is therefore similar to a conventional digital controller. No improvement of the control
loop stability should be expected. Experimental results have shown that 60% of the
computational resources are freed as compared to a conventional controller. The Extended
Simplified Predictor provides a simple way to add expandability and flexibility to existing
control boards.

In this thesis, three predictive control structures have been proposed and commented. It appears that
the Simplified Predictor represents a good compromise in terms of robustness, bandwidth and
computational efficiency.

6.3 Suggestions for Future Work

This work has mostly emphasized the potential of the linear and parabolic extrapolation techniques
as predictive schemes. We have been able to significantly improve on both the control loop bandwidth
and the computational efficiency of the control algorithm. Also, the calculation cost associated with
each predictive structure has been kept reasonably small.

A n interesting area of research would be to derive a control scheme which reduces the real time
constraints by spreading the computation of the PI algorithm over two sampling periods. A
combination of linear and parabolic extrapolation can then be used to compensate for the time delay.
This control scheme would allow the designer to select a lesser processor or achieve a higher sampling
Another interesting area of research concerns PFC stages and their control. As stated previously,
the Simplified Predictor can be used to control both the power supply converter and the P F C converter.
This technique's advantage is that information on the dc bus voltage is available and can be used
directly as a feedforward quantity to compensate fully for the dc bus ripple, achieving therefore a
higher quality in the output voltage or current regulation. This also improves the performance for load
changes since the dips and sags of the dc bus voltage which result from load changes would be directly


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Appendix A

A P P L I C A T I O N TO T H E X F R 2.8 k w

Appendix A presents simulated results when applying the different control structures to the power
circuit of the X F R 2.8 kW from Xantrex Technology Inc (see Table A . l ) .

Table A . l XFR 2.8 kW parameters and specifications

Symbol Value Unit
Nominal values :
Output voltage V 40 V
dc bus voltage Vdc,n
280 V
Output power P 2.8 kW
* o,n
Switching period T 35 us
•* sw
Turns ratio m 4.6
Input filter
Capacitor c, 8 mF
Inductor L 150 uH
Capacitor C 14 mF
Parasitic elements :
Capacitor ESR «8 mQ
Inductor winding resistance «80 mQ

As compared to the power circuit considered throughout this thesis, the X F R 2.8 k W is a commercial
product already distributed in its analog version. Its switching frequency is higher with 28.7 kHz. As a
result, the bandwidth of the conventional digital controller is wider than the experimental setup, which
results in a better rejection of the dc bus ripple. As stated in Chapter 3, the difference between digital
control and analog control tends to dim for higher switching frequencies, as far as the dc bus ripple is
concerned. This particular disturbance might not be an issue anymore for high switching frequency

© 95
converters, which is the actual technology trend. Nevertheless, the prediction structures improves
considerably the performance of the power supply under load changes.
The higher computational efficiency of the SP and ESP might also provide designers with new
possibilities as for the definition of the power supply functionality.

Table A.2 Control parameters

Inner loop :
Cross-over frequency 5.7 kHz 2.0 kHz 4.1 kHz 2.7 kHz
Phase margin >90° 55 ° 55 ° 55 0

Outer loop:
Cross-over frequency 3.0 kHz 0.8 kHz 2.1 kHz 1.6 kHz
Phase margin >80° 55 ° 58° 55 °
Control Parameters :
0.088 0.031 0.041 0.035
92 45 83 60
53 ps 200 ps 76 ps 100 ps
A C : Analog Controller CDC : Conventional Digital Controller


4.00m Uontrollef





120.00 180.00 240.00 300.00 360.00 420.00

Frequency (H^i
Fig. A . l Harmonic spectrum of the output voltage




31.00 31 .SO 32.00 32.50 33.00 33.50 34.00
Time (ms)
Fig. A.3 Load disturbance compensation (full load to 10%)
Table A.3 Control performances
Output voltage quality :
R M S noise 1.5 mV 3.8 mV 1.6 mV 1.9 mV
(including switching noise)
Setting time for load change :
10% to full load 1.4 ms 2.7 ms 1.6 ms 1.8 ms
Full load to 10% 2.5 ms 4 ms 2.5 ms 3 ms
Computation time :
Maximum time per cycle ' N / A . 1 1.15 1.04
(in p.u.)
Average time per cycle N/A. 1 1.15 0.55
(in p.u.)
Appendix B


In this appendix, the C240 program controlling the power supply is listed and commented. The four

different control schemes are programmed in the functions CDC (), MP (), SP ( ) , and ESP ( ) . The user

can then choose between either one of them. A function S t a r t u p () is also included for the soft start of

the converter.

# include " C 2 4 0 Re g. h " /* Header file containing the address of the C240
registers */
#include "Comm2.h" /* Headerfilecontaining the communication functions */

int i ;
int i i ;

i n t flag=0;
i n t flags=0;
i n t s=0,ss=0;
unsigned i n t Voref=18550; /* Outputvoltage reference */
s i g n e d l o n g i n t P=0;
s i g n e d l o n g i n t 1=0;
i n t err=0;

s t r u c t SRComm u; /* Structure defined in Comm2.h - usedfor communication */

s t r u c t C o n t r o l l e r /* Definition of the controller structure which contains information relative to control

parameters, samples, and saturation values */

/* Sampled data */
unsigned i n t i L ;
u n s i g n e d i n t Vo;
unsigned i n t iLmeas;
u n s i g n e d i n t Vomeas;
unsigned i n t iLraeas_old;
unsigned i n t Vomeas_old;
unsigned i n t iLmeas_old2;
u n s i g n e d i n t Vomeas_old2; .

/* Control parameters */
i n t innKd, innTd; /* parameters for CDC */
i n t outKd, outTd;

i n t i n n K s , i n n T s ; /* parameters for SP */
i n t outKs, outTs;

i n t i n n K s 2 , i n n T s 2 ; /* parameters for ESP */

i n t outKs2, outTs2;

i n t innKdm, innTdm; /* parameters for MP */

i n t outKdm, outTdm;

/* Intermediate values */
i n t out I n t ; /* Old integral values */
int innlnt;

i n t K l ; /* Correction term for MP */

/* Controllers outputs */
u n s i g n e d l o n g i n t i L r e f , d, d _ o l d ;
/* Saturation and anti-windup values */
i n t iLref_min, iLref_max;
i n t d_min, d_max;

} c;

void Init()
/* Control parameters */
c iLmeas = 0;
c Vomeas = 0;
c iLmeas o l d = 0;
c Vomeas o l d = 0;

c innKd = 13;
c innTd = 9;
c outKd = 8;
c outTd = 36;

c innKs = 4;
c innTs = 7;
c outKs = 11;
c outTs = 150;

c innKs2 = 13;
c innTs2 = 27;
c outKs2 = 8;
c outTs2 = 108;

c innKdm = 23;
c innTdm = 34;
c outKdm = 13;
c outTdm = 110;


c.iLref=0, c.d=0, c . d _ o l d = 0 ;

c. d__max=4 7 5 ;


asm (" . g l o b a l c i n t O ") ;

asm (" . s e c t \ " . i n i \ " ") ;
asm (" b _ c _ i n t O ") ;
asm (" r e t c " ) ;
asm ( "r e t c " ) ;
asm (" b c int2 " ) ;
asm ( ". s e c t \ " . t e x t \ " " ) ;

w a i t s t a t e () ; /* This function comes from an assembly file linked with the main program — it defines the
number of waitstates for I/O operations */
I n i t () ;

/* Initialization of main flags */

f l a g = 0;

/*Serial Communication*/
SerConfig(9600) ;

/* Interrupt initialization */
* I MR = 0 x 0 0 0 2 ; /* Only the interrupt 2 is unmasked */
*IFR = O x f f f f ;
*EVIMRA = 0 x 2 0 0 ;
*EVIVRA = 0 x 0 ;
*EVIFRA = O x f f f f ;

/* PWM initialization */
* T1 PR = 10 0 0; /* The period is fixed to 100 us V
*ACTR = 0 x 0 6 6 6 ;
*CMPR1 = 0;
*CMPR2 = 1 0 0 0 ;
*COMCON = 0 x 0 3 0 7 ;
*DBTCON = 0 x 3 0 6 0 ;
*GPTCON = 0 x 4 1 ;
*TlCON = 0x2842;
*COMCON = 0 x 8 3 0 7 ;

/* A/D control register initialization */

*ADCTRL1 = 0 x 3 8 5 a ;
*ADCTRL2 = 0 x 0 0 0 6 ;

asm(" CLRC INTM ") ;
asm(" CLRC CNF ") ;

f or (; ; ) ; /* Infinite loop */

v o i d Startup () /* Soft start function */


while(*ADCTRL1 & 0x80) { }; /* Waiting loop for end oJacquisition *<
c . i L m e a s = ( u n s i g n e d i n t ) *ADCFIF01 >> 1;
c.Vomeas = ( u n s i g n e d i n t ) *ADCFIF02 » 1;

( c . d > c . d _ m a x ) ? c.d= c.d_max:1;
( c . d < c . d m i n ) ? c.d= c.d min:1;

*CMPR2 = 1 0 0 0 - c . d ;
*CMPR1 = c . d ;

v o i d CDC () /* Conventional Digital Control */


while { *ADCTRL1 & 0x80) { } ; /* Waiting loop for end ofacquisition *,

c . i L m e a s = ( u n s i g n e d i n t ) *ADCFIF01 » 1;
c.Vomeas = ( u n s i g n e d i n t ) *ADCFIF02 » 1;

e r r = ( s i g n e d long i n t ) Voref-c.Vomeas;

P= ( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) c . o u t K d * e r r » 2; /* Proportional term
( P > 3 2 7 6 7 ) ? P= 3 2 7 6 7 : 1 ; /* Check overflow */
( P < - 3 2 7 6 8 ) ? P= - 3 2 7 6 8 : 1 ;

1=(signed long i n t ) c.outTd*err » 8;

!+=( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) c o u t I n t ; /* Integral term */
( I > c . i L r e f _ m a x ) ? 1= c. i L r e f _ m a x : 1; /* Anti Windup */
( K c . i L r e f _ m i n ) ? 1= c. i L r e f _ m i n : 1 ;

c . i L r e f = ( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) P+I;

(c . i L r e f >c. i L r e f _ m a x ) ? c . i L r e f = c . i L r e f _ m a x : 1; /* Saturation*/
(c.iLref<c.iLref_min)? c.iLref= c.iLref_min:1;

err=(signed long i n t ) c.iLref-c.iLmeas;

P = ( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) c . i n n K d * e r r » 1 1 ; /* Proportional term */
( P > 3 2 7 6 7 ) ? P= 3 2 7 6 7 : 1 ; /* Check overflow */
( P < - 3 2 7 6 8 ) ? P= - 3 2 7 6 8 : 1 ;

1=(signed long i n t ) c.innTd*err >> 1 3 ;

I+= ( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) c . i n n l n t ; /* Integral term*/
( I > c . d_max) ? 1= c. d_max: 1; /* Anti Windup */
( K c . d_min) ? 1= c . d _ m i n : l ;

c . d = ( u n s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) P+I;
( c . d>c. d_max) ? c. d= c. d_max: 1; /* Saturation */
( c . d < c . d _ m i n ) ? c.d= c . d _ m i n : l ;

* CMPR2 = 1 0 0 0 - c . d ; /* Load new duty ratio */

*CMPR1 = c . d ;

v o i d MP () /* Modified Predictor */

while ( *ADCTRL1 & 0x80) { } ; /* Waiting loop for end of acquisition */

c . i L = ( u n s i g n e d i n t ) *ADCFIF01;
c.Vo = ( u n s i g n e d i n t ) * A D C F I F 0 2 ;

c.Kl=(int) (c.d-c.d_old)*8;

c.iLmeas=c.iLmeas+c.Kl ;

c.Kl=(int) (c.d-c.d_old) » 2;

c . V o m e a s _ o l d = ( u n s i g n e d i n t ) c.Vo.>> 1;
c . i L m e a s _ o l d = ( u n s i g n e d i n t ) c . i L >> 1;


err=(int) Voref-c.Vomeas;

P= ( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) c. o u t K d m * e r r » 2; /* Proportional term */
(P>327 6 7 ) ? P= 327 67:1; /* Check overflow */
( P < - 3 2 7 6 8 ) ? P= - 3 2 7 6 8 : 1 ;
I = ( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) c.outTdm*err » 8;
I+=(signed l o n g i n t ) c . o u t l n t ; /* Integral term */
(I>c . i L r e f _ m a x ) ? 1= c. i L r e f _ m a x : 1; /* Anti Windup */
( K c . i L r e f _ m i n ) ? 1= c. i L r e f _ m i n : 1 ;

c . i L r e f = ( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) P+I;

(c. i L r e f >c. i L r e f _ m a x ) ? c . i L r e f = c. i L r e f _ m a x : 1; /*Saturation V

(c.iLref<c.iLref_min)? c.iLref= c.iLref_min:1;

err=(int) c.iLref-c.iLmeas;

P = ( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) c.innKdm*err >> 11; /* Proportional term */

(P>327 67)? P= 32767:1; /* Check overflow */
(P<-32768)? P= -32768:1;

1 = ( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) c.innTdm*err >> 13;

I+=( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) c . i n n l n t ; /* Integral term */
(I>c. d_max) ? 1= c. d_max: 1; /* Anti Windup */
( K c . d _ m i n ) ? 1= c . d _ m i n : l ;

c.d=(unsigned l o n g i n t ) P+I;
(c.d>c.d_max) ? c.d= c.d_max:l; /* Saturation*/
(c.d<c.d_min)? c.d= c . d _ m i n : l ;

* CMPR2 = 10 0 0 - c. d; /* Load new duty ratio */

*CMPR1 = c.d;

v o i d SP () /* Simplified Predictor */
. {

w h i l e ( *ADCTRL1 & 0x80) { }; /* Waiting loop for end of acquisition */

c . i L m e a s _ o l d = (unsigned i n t ) *ADCFIF01 » 1;
c.Vomeas_old = (unsigned i n t ) *ADCFIF02 » 1;

c.iLmeas = (unsigned i n t ) *ADCFIF01;

c.Vomeas = (unsigned i n t ) *ADCFIF02;


err=(signed l o n g i n t ) Voref-c.Vomeas;

P= ( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) c . o u t K s * e r r >> 2; /* Proportional term */

(P>327 6 7 ) ? P= 327 67:1; /* Check overflow V
( P < - 3 2 7 6 8 ) ? P= - 3 2 7 6 8 : 1 ;

I = ( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) c . o u t T s * e r r >> 8;
I+=(signed long i n t ) c . o u t l n t ; /* Integral term */
( I > c . i L r e f _ m a x ) ? 1= c. i L r e f _ m a x : 1; /* Anti Windup */
( K c . i L r e f _ m i n ) ? 1= c. i L r e f _ m i n : 1 ;

c . i L r e f = ( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) P+I;

(c . i L r e f >c . i L r e f _ m a x ) ? c. i L r e f = c. i L r e f _ m a x : 1; /* Saturation */
(c.iLref<c.iLref_min)? c.iLref= c.iLref_min:1;

err=(signed long i n t ) c.iLref-c.iLmeas;

P = ( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) c . i n n K s * e r r » 9; /* Proportional term */
( P > 3 2 7 6 7 ) ? P= 3 2 7 6 7 : 1 ; /* Check overflow */
( P < - 3 2 7 6 8 ) ? P= - 3 2 7 6 8 : 1 ;

1 = ( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) c . i n n T s * e r r >> 1 1 ;
I+=( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) c . i n n l n t ; /* Integral term */
( I > c . d _ m a x ) ? 1= c . d _ m a x : l ; /*Anti Windup */
( K c . d _ m i n ) ? 1= c . d _ m i n : l ;

c . d = ( u n s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) P+I;
( c . d>c. d_max) ? c. d= c. d_max: 1; /* Saturation */
( c . d < c . d _ m i n ) ? c.d= c . d _ m i n : 1 ;

*CMPR2 = 1 0 0 0 - c . d ; /* Load new duty ratio */

*CMPR1 = c . d ;

v o i d ESP () /* Extended Simplified Predictor */


ss=l ;
ss=2 ;

c.iLmeas_old2 = (unsigned i n t ) *ADCFIF01 » 1;

c.Vomeas_old2 = (unsigned i n t ) *ADCFIF02 » 1;
while (* ADCTRL1 & 0x80) { }; /* Waiting loop for end of acquisition */
c . i L m e a s _ o l d = ( u n s i g n e d i n t ) * A D C F I F 0 1 » 1;
c . V o m e a s _ o l d = ( u n s i g n e d i n t ) *ADCFIF02 >> 1;
c . i L m e a s = ( u n s i g n e d i n t ) * A D C F I F 0 1 >> 1;
c.Vomeas = ( u n s i g n e d i n t ) *ADCFIF02 » 1;


err=(signed long i n t ) Voref-c.Vomeas;

P=( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) c . o u t K s 2 * e r r >> 2; /* Proportional term */

(P>327 6 7 ) ? P= 327 67:1; /* Check overflow */
( P < - 3 2 7 6 8 ) ? P= - 3 2 7 6 8 : 1 ;

I = ( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) c . o u t T s 2 * e r r >> 8;
I+=( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) c . o u t l n t ; /* Integral term */
( I > c . i L r e f _ m a x ) ? 1= c . i L r e f _ m a x : 1 ; /* Anti Windup */
( K c . i L r e f _ m i n ) ? 1= c. i L r e f _ m i n : 1 ;

c . i L r e f = ( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) P+I;

( c . i L r e f >c. i L r e f _max) ? c. i L r e f = c . i L r e f _max: 1; /* Saturation*/

(c.iLref<c.iLref_min)? c.iLref= c.iLref_min:1;

err=(signed long i n t ) c.iLref-c.iLmeas;

P = ( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) c . i n n K s 2 * e r r >> 1 1 ; /* Proportional term */

(P>327 6 7 ) ? P= 327 67:1; /* Check overflow */
( P < - 3 2 7 6 8 ) ? P= - 3 2 7 6 8 : 1 ;

1 = ( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) c . i n n T s 2 * e r r » 13;
I+=( s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) c . i n n l n t ; /* Integral term */
(I >c. d_max) ? 1= c . d_max: 1; /* Anti Windup */
( K c . d _ m i n ) ? 1= c . d _ m i n : l ;
c. i n n l n t = l ;

c . d = ( u n s i g n e d l o n g i n t ) P+I;
( c . d>c. d_max) ? c. d= c. d_max: 1; /* Saturation */
( c . d < c . d _ m i n ) ? c.d= c . d _ m i n : l ;

*CMPR2 = 1 0 0 0 - c . d ; /* Load new duty ratio */

*CMPR1 = c . d ;

ss=0 ;

nterrupt v o i d c_int2 () /* Interrupt routine */

ADCTRL1 = 0x3 8 5b; /* Start acquisition again */

Startup () ; /* Soft start */
/* Control structure to be chosen by programmer */
/* CDC(); */
/* MP(); */
/* SP(); */
/* ESP(); */

Comm ( & u) ; /* Call to the communication functions */


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