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Wave-particle duality revisited

Uwe Schilling1 and Joachim von Zanthier1

Institut für Optik, Information und Photonik and Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT),
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
(Dated: June 11, 2010)
We investigate wave-particle duality in a symmetric two-way interferometer with a which-way
detector. We find that it is important to state wether the interfering object or the which-way
detector is read out first. In case that the interfering object is read out first, we discover that
it is possible to use the information about its state to increase the distinguishability to a value
which violates the widely accepted bounds set by an inequality introduced by Jaeger et al. [1] and
Englert [2].
arXiv:1006.2037v1 [quant-ph] 10 Jun 2010

The concept of wave-particle duality lies at the heart

of quantum mechanics and has been subject to a long
and ongoing debate [1–10]. It describes the trade-off be-
tween the particle properties and the wave properties of
a quantum mechanical object (a quanton) in a two-way (a)
interferometer, the former commonly related to the in-
formation about the path of the object, the latter to the
ability to interfere on a detector behind the interferom-
eter, manifesting itself in the visibility of an interference
pattern. The most widely accepted description of dual-
ity has been developed independently by Jaeger et al. [1]
and Englert [2]. It is expressed by the formula
D2 + V 2 ≤ 1 (1)
describing how the which-way (WW) information as mea-
sured by a which-way detector (WWD) and quantified
by the distinguishability D between the two paths lim-
its the visibility V of the interference pattern and vice (c)
versa. This inequality has been confirmed in numerous
experiments [11–18] and theoretical investigations [19– FIG. 1: (a) Setup of a very general two-way interferometer
where the incoming quanton encounters a beam splitter (BS)
23]. However, often both quantities are measured only
and propagates along two different paths a and b with a rela-
in seperate runs of the experiment. In contrast, the very tive phase shift (PS). Subsequently, the two beams are recom-
idea of duality implies that both quantities are measured bined at the beam merger (BM) and measured at the detector
simultaneously, i.e. for a complete run of the experi- behind the interferometer (D). (b) Same setup as in (a), but
ment, both the WWD and the interfering quanton should including a WWD, which interacts on both paths with the
be read out. The question then appears which of the quanton. (c) In order to verify the WW information gained
two quantities should be measured first, since, as already from the WWD, we need to measure the occupation of the
two modes a and b instead of the interference pattern.
pointed out by Wootters and Zurek, the quanton and
the WWD have “become nonseparable parts of a single
quantum-mechanical system” and “this forces us to con- Following Englert’s notation [2], we describe the trans-
sider the effect of our measurement”. In this paper, we formation at the beam splitter by a Hadamard gate H
demonstrate that in general it is crucial to state wether acting on the incoming state |ψa i
the WWD or the state of the quanton on the detector
behind the interferometer is read out first, as we arrive |ψa i → H|ψa i = |ψa i + |ψb i. (2)
at different values for the distinguishability D in these
two scenarios. (Throughout the paper we will neglect normalization
In general, a symmetric two-way interferometer can be constants.) In the central stage of the interferometer,
described as follows: the quanton in the initial state |ψa i the two parts of the wave function experience a certain
enters the interferometer and encounters a 50:50 beam relative phase shift δ
splitter (BS) where its wave function is split equally into PS
|ψa i + |ψb i → |ψa i + eiδ |ψb i; (3)
two orthogonal parts |ψa i and |ψb i. The splitting may
refer to an actual spatial seperation of the wave func- the two paths are then recombined at the beam merger
tion as well as to different internal states of the quanton. (BM), an action which is again described by a Hadamard

gate Eq. (7), the visibility of the interference pattern can now
be cast into the form
|ψa i + eiδ |ψb i → (1 + eiδ )|ψa i + (1 − eiδ )|ψb i, (4)
V = |α∗a αb |. (9)
and finally, the interference pattern is revealed at the de-
tector in the relative frequency Pa (δ) of finding state |ψa i This result is not unexpected, since less overlap between
(and of course also of its complement |ψb i) on varying the |χa i and |χb i implies a better distinguishability between
interferometric phase δ (cf. Fig. 1(a)). the two paths and vice versa. For example, if |χa i and
|χb i are orthogonal, reading out the WWD in this basis
In order to gain information about the path of the
quanton in a symmetric interferometer, one must either will give full information about the path of the quan-
use an unbalanced beam merger or introduce a WWD ton in the central stage of the interferometer while no
into the arms of the interferometer [17]. Here, we discuss interference pattern will appear. However, in general, it
the latter case (cf. Fig. 1(b)) where we assume that the is necessary to first specify an observable with an eigen-
WWD is a device which records the path of the quanton basis W = {|χk i, k = 1, . . . , n} in which to read out
without changing the state of the quanton. Quantum the WWD. The subsequent readout process of the ob-
mechanically, this WWD can be described as an object servable provides, in most cases incomplete, information
about the path of the quanton. One can quantify the
initially in state |χ(i) i which upon interaction with the
quanton in the state |ψa i (|ψb i) is transfered into state amount of WW information in such a measurement by
|χa i (|χb i). Hereby the two final states |χa i and |χb i of the chance Lj of guessing the way correctly under the
the WWD are, in contrast to the states |ψa i and |ψb i condition that the WWD is found in a certain basis state
of the quanton, not necessarily orthogonal. This allows |χj i (j ∈ {1, . . . , n}) [2]. Lj is determined by the max-
for a partial measurement with a principally suboptimal imum of the two probabilities pa and pb of finding the
WWD. quanton in either state,
The action of the WWD commutes with the one of the 
2 2

max |hχa |χj i| , |hχb |χj i|
phase shifter and consequently their order is of no im-
Lj = max(pa , pb ) = . (10)
portance; after both elements, the state of the combined |hχa |χj i|2 + |hχb |χj i|2
system of WWD and quanton is given by
The likelihood L of guessing the state of the quanton
iδ (i) WWD iδ correctly in an arbitrary measurement of the WWD is
(|ψa i + e |ψb i) ⊗ |χ i → |ψa i|χa i + e |ψb i|χb i.
(5) then given by weighting all Lj with the probability of
finding the WWD in the corresponding state |χj i:
Finally, the beam merger acts as a second Hadamard gate n
on the state of the quanton, transforming the combined L=
Lj hχj |ρD |χj i, (11)
system into its final state |Ψ(f ) i: j=1

|ψa i|χa i + eiδ |ψb i|χb i →

BM where the density matrix ρD denotes the final state of the
WWD. Experimentally, L may be verified by a setup as
|ψa i|χa i + |ψb i|χa i + eiδ |ψa i|χb i − eiδ |ψb i|χb i = |Ψ(f ) i. shown in Fig. 1(c), where the occupation probabilities of
(6) the two paths are determined from the detector readout
results. L is a measure for the amount of WW informa-
The visibility of the interference pattern Pa (δ) is now tion that can be extracted from the WWD in this basis:
given by If L = 0.5, we have to make a random guess about the
Pa,max − Pa,min path of the quanton, whereas for L = 1 we know the way
V := = |hχa |χb i| (7) with certainty. Maximizing L with respect to W leads to
Pa,max + Pa,min
the optimal likelihood Lopt which quantifies the amount
where Pa,max (Pa,min ) denotes the maximal (minimal) of WW information that is principally available. In order
value of Pa (δ). To make the further analysis more trans- to have a measure which has a value of 0 (1) for no (full)
parent, we write the state of the WWD in a basis that WW information, the distinguishability D is introduced,
reveals explicitly which parts of the wave function of |χa i which rescales Lopt to the interval from 0 to 1 [2]:
and |χb i overlap and which do not: n
Lj hχopt opt
D = 2Lopt − 1 = 2 j |ρD |χj i − 1. (12)
|χa i = αa |0i + βa |+i and j=1
|χb i = αb |0i + βb |−i,
As can be seen from this equation, D depends on the
where the three states |0i, |+i, and |−i are pairwise or- final state of the WWD. However, the final state of the
thogonal. We will call this basis the natural basis. Using WWD is not well defined without stating wether the

quanton has already been measured. This is easily un- Eq. (15). Since this state is different from the one in Eq.
derstood by realizing that Eq. (5) describes an entangled (13), we can try to find a basis which performs better
state whenever |hχa |χb i|2 6= 1 and in such an entangled than the one used for the derivation of Eq. (14). In view
state the measurement of one part of the system changes of Eq. (15), this basis might depend on the result of the
the state of the other part. Thus, we need to specify quanton readout and the interferometric phase δ. Using
wether one reads out the WWD right away and then lets the natural basis, Eq. (15) transforms into
the quanton propagate through the beam merger to ob-
serve the interference fringes, or wether one first has the |χ(f ) i = (αa + σeiδ αb )|0i + βa |+i + σeiδ βb |−i. (16)
quanton measured at the detector behind the interferom- We may now try to maximise Eq. (12) for the distin-
eter and then reads out the WWD afterwards. guishability D with regard to the measurement basis
where the state of the detector is now given by ρD =
|χ(f ) ihχ(f ) |. To elucidate this point, let us consider the
Reading out the WWD first
case of a symmetric WWD where |αa | = |αb |; this can
be realized, for example, by placing two identical and
We start with the scenario in which the WWD is read independent WWD devices in each arm of the interfer-
out first. As the quanton has not been measured yet, the ometer. In this case, it is obvious from Eq. (16) that
state of the WWD is derived from Eq. (6) by tracing for certain values of the phase shift δ the contribution of
over the degrees of freedom of the quanton: the state |0i to the final state vanishes. On reading out
the WWD in the natural basis one will thus always find
ρD = trQ {|Ψ(f ) ihΨ(f ) |} = |χa ihχa | + |χb ihχb | (13)
either |+i or |−i, both of which can be unambiguously
In that case, it was shown in Ref. [2] that in order to identified with either path |ψa i or |ψb i. Consequently,
access all available WW information, the basis for read- we have a distinguishability of 100 % while, according
ing out the WWD has to be chosen as the eigenvectors to Eq. (9), the visibility of the interference pattern can
of the matrix ρ = |χa ihχa | − |χb ihχb | and that D is given take on principally any value between 0 and 100 % [25].
by For this specific value of δ, we thus found a WWD basis
which contains more WW information than the one used
1 p in Eq. (14). However, we stress that it is only possible
D= tr{|ρ|} = 1 − |hχa |χb i|2 . (14)
2 to find such a basis because of the additional informa-
tion we have about the state of the quanton after the
After having read out the WWD, one may observe the
measurement process and the corresponding projection
interference of the quanton after the beam merger where
of the WWD state.
one finds an interference pattern which has a visibility
For other values of δ, the ideal basis is less obvious.
V given by Eq. (7). Obviously, Eq. (1) is in this case
To find Lopt and thus also D for any phase shift, we
always optimally fulfilled.
performed a Monte Carlo simulation in which L was cal-
culated for 10.000 random bases for fifty different values
Reading out the quanton first of δ at a given value of V. The results for V = 50 %,
V = 90 %, and V = 97 % are shown in Fig. 2. As can be
seen from the figure, the distinguishability has now be-
If the quanton is read out first, one encounters a dif-
come a quantity which depends on δ and V. In addition,
ferent situation: Reading out the state of the quanton
we can note that there is a range around the maximum of
leads to a projection of the state |Ψ(f ) i in Eq. (6) where
D in which the optimal basis is very close to the natural
the projected state depends on wether state |ψa i or state
one and a region along the “wings” of the plot of D in
|ψb i is measured. In this case, after the measurement of
which it is close to the one used in Eq. (1). Only in a
the quanton, the state of the WWD is described by
small intervall between the two regions there is a devia-
|χa i + σeiδ |χb i (15) tion where a third basis should be used in order to obtain
a value which is noticeably closer to D. Unfortunately,
where σ = 1 (σ = −1) if the state of the quanton we cannot present an analytical expression for that basis
was measured to be |ψa i (|ψb i). Note that an equally and the corresponding distinguishability. However, the
weighted statistical mixture of these two possible final central result is that for all phase shifts δ, we find a dis-
states was found in Eq. (13) for the case that there is no tinguishability at least as high as in the scenario which
information about the state of the quanton, i.e., if one was used to derive Eq. (14) and for certain phase shifts,
does not use the information provided by the readout of we are able to violate the limits set by Eq. (1).
the quanton, one recovers the results from the previous The conclusions one can draw from these results are
section. However, the measurement has been performed, two-fold. First, by applying well-established procedures
and reading out the result means that the state of the for the derivation of D and V, we find that it does make
WWD is actually given by the pure state described by a difference wether the quanton is read out before the

this question positively or negatively, in both cases one

has to conclude that the order of the measurement has
decisive consequences to the amount of WW information
that is principally available in a two-way interferometer.
The authors gratefully acknowledge funding of the Er-
langen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technolo-
gies (SAOT) by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
in the framework of the German excellence initiative. US
thanks the Elite Network of Bavaria for financial support.

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