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Juan Carlos Menke Boizo

As of November 2015, over 40,000 Syrian refugees have left their homes seeking a better,
more rewarding life in Canada. Each day millions of Syrian civilians are forced to overcome
unimaginable obstacles in their war- torn country, with no end in sight. These Syrian families
with no way out are living in extreme poverty and in the threat of violence, putting the woman
and children in grave danger. Although they face many challenges each and every day and
even more as they try to leave their home, they will encounter countless additional challenges
as they become refugees. For these families becoming refugees is not an option, it’s a choice
they must make in order to save themselves and their families. These Syrian refugees have
flooded neighbouring countries such as Lebanon, Jordan, and Turkey. Lebanon alone hosts an
astounding one million refugees, nearly twenty percent of their population. Although these
neighbouring countries are doing right by allowing them in and giving them shelter, many are
still struggling in accessing food, housing and medical care. In Jordan, the refugees walk free,
however 93% of refugees fall below the national poverty line. These countries gain the most
attraction due to the close distance, but still contain many challenges. Many Refugees dream of
coming to Canada and it’s clear to see why. Canada is seen worldwide as a country that is
willingly helping anyone that is in need, and their reputation is only increasing. Last year,
Canada broke a personal record for resettling 46,700 refugees. A record that had not been
broken since 1973. This simply means that 46,700 people that were forced to leave their
country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster, were settled in Canada.
Welcoming refugees into this country not only helps the families in need but also benefits
Canada in numerous ways.

Life in Syria is an unavoidable nightmare for Syrians. Homes are left in ruins, families are torn
apart and dreams of a peaceful life are shattered as each bullet is fired. Thousands of refugees
have fled their homes as many more continue to seek a way from their war torn country as there
is no safety within their own borders. As the years continue to pass, the casualties and
nightmares increase at a substantial amount. Their country is no longer a place they can call
home and they constantly look for a safe passage into new life. The UN estimates that in Syria
13.5 million Syrians are currently living in extreme poverty. That’s 0.73% of the population. An
estimated 40% of the population is displaced in Syria. To make things worse, unemployment
has rapidly increased and the prices of many everyday items doubled and in many cases are
not attainable. There have been reports of communities being forced to drink unsafe water and
eat grass in order to survive. Living in fear, poverty, and enduring both physical and emotional
pain forces many to believe that there’s only two choices. Flee or die trying.

Leaving a war torn country can bring just as many challenges as staying and trying to survive.
Very often the attempt to find a new home results in having to endure more pain and suffering.
Around 2,500 refugees have drowned in an attempt to reach nearby countries. That number
alone comes from transportation through the ocean. Thousands more make the trip through
land and hundreds die in an attempt to find safety.
Juan Carlos Menke Boizo

In the midst of the chaos thousands of children are forced to face danger each and every day.
The children are the very vulnerable to all types of danger that they must face. Their childhood
has been ripped from them some have lived their whole life throughout the never ending war.
They experience homelessness, starvation and death at an extremely young age. The UN
estimates that nearly thirty percent of the Syrian children they interviewed went outside their
home only once a week or less. Many children been wounded physically and psychologically.
One in three children have known nothing but war. They have lived their lives in fear of death
and scared for what will happen the next day. 2.5 million children have been forced to flee their
homes in order to find a safe life.

Children make up a massive portion of Syrian refugees but are accompanied by many women
and their families throughout their journey. Refugee camps have been set up in order to aid the
children in women who are helplessly stuck between the violence.

Neighbouring countries such as Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey have welcomed 95% of the
refugees. Although they are no longer under the constant heat of fire from bullets and
explosions, there is a non ending battle for survival. Lebanon alone hosts an astounding one
million refugees, nearly twenty percent of their population. Welcoming such a massive amount
of refugees into a single country can bring many challenges along the way. Jordan has ran into
a massive problem. An estimated 93% of the refugees taking shelter in Jordan fall below the
national poverty line. This is a current problem that many neighbouring countries are struggling
to deal with. Refugee camps have been overwhelmed and hardly manage to supply enough
food and medication to the families. This is where other countries can step in.

Without a doubt, both Canada and the United States are seen as some of the most prestige
countries in the world. Often seen as having many more benefits then not. Both countries have
put in an ideal amount of effort to help the refugees. Canada has resettled over 40,000 refugees
due to its resettlement programs. Canada’s resettlement programs are addressed as some of
the most progressive in the whole world. Ontario on their own have put in some effort in trying to
resolve the refugee crisis. In 2014, Ontario welcomed more than 11,400 refugees to allow them
to start a new life. Ontario has Invested $10.5 million over 2 years to help deliver support for
refugees and help organizations and groups that are privately sponsoring refugees. Through the
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the UN World Food Programme, Ontario
gave two million dollars in order to support the refugees as immediate as possible. A Further
$1.8 million to several organizations which support private refugee sponsors. $3.7 million to
several organizations to help provide comprehensive, community based supports for refugees.
As well as $626,000 to help refugees settle and integrate into Ontario. Although Canada as a
nation as given a fair share of help, there is still much more space for improvement. There are
many reasons to why Canada should help furthermore.

Welcoming Refugees into our country will bring an astounding amount of benefits which we can
all profit from. To start, they will have an instant positive effect on the economy. Refugees will
Juan Carlos Menke Boizo

take the lower unskilled jobs which many stride away from. Having experienced extreme poverty
will often make anyone grateful for whatever they can get. Some of these jobs which are often
unwanted tend to be very important to our communities. Additionally, refugees become a
cheaper source of labour as they are ready to work in order to support their families. Canada
has a rapidly aging population. In order to sustain our economy and standard of living, Canada
has to attract thousands immigrants annually. Last, They will boost the population growth, which
expands the economy as a whole. Throughout the benefit of our economy, refugees benefit as
well. They will no longer be in the midst of a firefight or in complete danger. They can have a
fresh start to a much more peaceful life. One where Their children can go to school and learn.
Something they have been held back from. A life where they are no longer livery in poverty, but
instead have a roof over their heads and a income which can be used to support their families.
In this scenario there is very little amount to be lost and many helping hands.

There are many ways for everyone to give a hand and save families from what they cannot
control. Helping within Canada is quite easy and accessible. There are many opportunities to
volunteer within your community. Organizations that help newcomers are always looking for
extra hands. Donating to help within Canada is another easy option. Most refugees tend to
arrive with little to nothing. They are in need of furniture, clothing, food and many other
essentials. Supporting organizations such as UNCHR will fund vital humanitarian work in Syria.
UNCHR offers critical emergency aid, providing temporary shelter, rebuilding lives at home and
offering education. Donating money to organizations that directly help newcomers will guarantee
a better life for the refugees.

In conclusion, Canada, as a nation, should welcome Syrian refugees into our country or at the
very least help them in any way. Some might say it is not our responsibility to save the refugees,
nonetheless let them into our country. The concept that some terrorist can be disguised as
refugees should not detain us from saving thousands of lives. Instead we should be saving them
and giving them a better life without fear and chaos. What many fail to see is that innocent
families are being massacred from what they hold control over. Refugees lose just about
everything. They lose their homes, their country and what they have known to be their life.
Rescuing these refugees is not as hard as one might imagine. There are multiple choices where
one can get directly involved by volunteering or simply donation to one of many charities that
offer vital humanitarian work in Syria. With no end in sight to the Syrian crisis Canada must act
now as many more die and suffer as each minute slips by. There is a chance to act and prove
that Canada is caring and determined to save who ever they can. If nothing is done not only will
their deaths be a consequence that our nation must deal but it will be an outcome that could
have been avoided.
Juan Carlos Menke Boizo

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