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Genetics: Definition, History, and Application Attributes of the Gene:

 Genetics = heredity + variation  Gene is inherited from generation to

 Greek word “Gen” = to become or to grow generation in such fashion that each progeny
 Coined by William Bateson (1906) has a physical copy of his material
 Gene provides information regarding the
History: structure, function, and other biological
properties of the individual
1. Hippocrates and Aristotle
5. Friedrich Miescher – successfully isolated
 Theory of Pangenesis = formation of traits
nuclein a compound that includes nucleic acid from
 “Gemmules” or semen = produced in the
pus cells obtain from discarded bandages
different parts of the body. There is gemmules
in each part of the body that carries the specific 6. Walther Flemming – discovered mitosis (
trait prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase)
2. Jean Baptiste de Lamarck 7. Carl Correns, Erick von Tschermak, and Hugo
 Theory of inheritance of acquired de Vries - re-proved and re-experimented
characteristics Mendel’s theory and study on garden peas and
 Everything that can be found in the parents can used other species like Maize, Primrose, Poppies
be passed to its offspring (giraffe experiment) and other flowering plants.
- Focuses their work in plants, they did the mono
Giraffe and di hybrid cross like Mendel did
Gene = 2 alleles DD DR RR
8. William Bateson, Edith Rebecca, Sanders &
Trait: type of neck – long neck (D) LL, Ll
-Short neck (R) ll Lucien Cuenot - Experimented on Animals,
Parents: whereas same ration is obtained. They also did the
Short x short = short necked mono and di hybrid cross like Mendel did.
Short x long = long and short necked 9. Walter Sutton and Theodore Boveri - Study
Long x long = long and short necked about chromosomes and meiosis using fruit fly.
- Because of the concept of dominant and recessive
trait Nucleic acid = DNA and RNA
Genes is a part of chromosome
3. August Weismann
Genes is: (1)unit of hereditary (2)trait (3 segment of
 Contradicts theory of pangenesis DNA
 Introduces Germplasm Theory Chromosome: (1)double helix strand (2)DNA + protein
 Germplasm is found in the sex cells (sperm or (3)packaging characteristics DNA + histones
egg cells)
4. Gregor Mendel 10. Edmund Wilson and Nellie Stevens -
 Austrian monk Discovered and identify the X and Y chromosomes
 Garden Peas (experiment for color and texture) - Propose the idea that separate X and Y
 Mendelian factor (gene) = one that carries the chromosomes determine sex (XX female and XY
traits of an individual male)
 Father of Genetics 11. William Bateson and Reginald Crudell Punnett
 He introduced the mathematical basis of - Demonstrated that some genes modify the action
transmission of traits of other genes, called “Gene modifier”.
 Hereditary characteristics were determined by - Modifier gene = has the ability to alter
elementary units or genes transmitted between expression to enhance or inhibit.
generations in uniform predictable fashion 12. Wilhelm Johannsen - Coined the term “genes” to
describe the carrier of heredity.
13. Thomas Hunt Morgan and Calvin Bridge -
Proved that a chromosome contained not one but
many genes.
14. Fredrick Griffith - Focused on the Molecular
aspect of heredity. Trying to prove the DNA.
15. Oswald Avery, Colin Mac Leod, and Maclyn
Mc Carty - Identified the transforming agent as
the genetic material of an organism.
- Used ‘restriction enzymes’ – capable of
degrading another compound or molecule.
- Restriction enzymes:
o RNAse – degrades RNA.
o DNAse – degrades DNA.
o Lipase – degrades lipids

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