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Camberwell College of Arts

Design Area
BA [Hons] Illustration
Stage 1
Unit 4 Subject : Possibilities [40 credits]
Project : Author Genesis

Brief: Project Schedule: (> google calendar for more detail/events)

31.1.12> 13.2.12
Tues 31.1.12
1:00 Brief Author Genesis
You are emerging from the primordial soup.
You are a being driven by primary needs.
Your physical form reflects these basic requirements.
You are at your earliest evolutionary stage.

Using the ‘primary needs’ as the basis for further devel-

opment you are asked to design a body suit or costume
[Please Note: This body suit should cover the entire

You must present 2D designs on paper for the form

of this body suit on 7th Feb which you will begin to
make in the costume workshops with Riitta Ikonen. Learning outcomes and marking criteria:
The other drawings must be completed before the
moving image brief begins on Feb 13th. •An ability to develop and employ a working method
appropriate for solving a range of Illustration problems.
(Research, Analysis, Experimentation, Technical competence,
Consider: Communication and Presentation)
How you propel yourself •An effective approach to working independently and
The number [if any] of limbs you possess collaboratively in Illustration. (Collaborative and, or Independent
Professional working, Personal and professional development)
How/what you consume, through what? •The use of relevant research methods that support your
Are you predatory/passive/brainless/upright/horizontal emerging independent and collaborative Illustration practice.
How your skin and form enables/restricts your movement (Research, Analysis, Experimentation, Collaborative and,
The quality of surface/skins or Independent Professional working, Communication and
•An ability to analyse and comprehend the cultural context of
your practice, research, ideas and skills.
Produce: (Research, Analysis, Subject Knowledge, Communication
5 drawings/images of its form and Presentation)
•The ability to represent your practice, research, ideas and
(by 10.30am on 7th Feb) skills – visually, verbally and in written form.
(Subject Knowledge, Personal and professional development,
5 drawings/images that describe its characteristics and Communication and Presentation)
5 drawings/images of its purpose
5 drawings/images of its immediate territory/home
(by 10.30am on 13th Feb)

Drawings/images should be a minimum of A4

References: Leigh Bowery / Alfred Jarry / Brothers Quay /

Erwin Wurm / Lucy Orta / Ernst Haeckel / David Hockney
/ Viktor & Rolf / Diller & Scofidio / Archigram / Jake and
Dinos Chapman / Jack in the Green / Hussein Chalayan
/ Riitta Ikonen / Nick Cave / Francois Deprez / Jean Paul
Goude / Alexander Girard / Kenneth Anger / The Almighty
/ Matthew Barney / Tom Leppard / Paul Mcarthey / The
Burry Man.

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