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Earth’s oldest mantle peridotites show entire record of late

J. van de Löcht1*, J.E. Hoffmann2, C. Li2, Z. Wang3, H. Becker2, M.T. Rosing4, R. Kleinschrodt1, and C. Münker1
Institut für Geologie und Mineralogie, Universität zu Köln, Zülpicher Straße 49b, 50674 Cologne, Germany
Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin, Malteserstraße 74-100, 12249 Berlin, Germany
China University of Geosciences, No. 388 Lumo Road, 430074 Wuhan, China
NordCEE (Nordic Center for Earth Evolution), Copenhagen University, Øster Voldgade 3-5, 1350 Copenhagen, Denmark

ABSTRACT thereby generating µ182W (μ is the deviation in ppm from terrestrial refer-
An important issue in Earth’s earliest history is the timing and ence standards) excesses at HSE abundances close to modern mantle values.
mixing history of the late accreted material that supplied highly sid- It was further argued that some patches of mantle unaffected by late accre-
erophile elements to Earth’s mantle after core segregation. Previously, tion may have become isolated in the lower mantle and survived, at least
constraints on ancient mantle processes could only be obtained indi- until the onset of modern plate tectonic processes ca. 3.0 Ga (Willbold et al.,
rectly from mantle-derived magmas such as basalts or komatiites. Rel- 2015). Alternatively, the 182W excess in some Eoarchean rocks results from
ics of Eoarchean (older than 3.8 Ga) mantle were proposed to occur silicate-differentiation processes during the first ~50 m.y. of solar system
within the Eoarchean terrains of western Greenland. Here we provide history (Touboul et al., 2012, 2014; Rizo et al., 2016).
geochemical evidence, including combined platinum group element The inferred low HSE concentrations in mantle sources of Mesoar-
(PGE) and Re-Os isotope data, showing that modern mantle-like chean komatiites (Maier et al., 2009) are in contrast to HSE abundance
peridotites occur at two localities in southwest Greenland. Rhenium- data on ultramafic Eoarchean rocks from Isua and Nuvvuagittuq (Quebec,
depletion model ages of these peridotites are mostly of Eoarchean Canada) that appear to be similar, as in modern analogues (Szilas et al.,
age, in accord with U-Pb zircon ages of crosscutting granitoid intru- 2015; Rizo et al., 2016). Szilas et al. (2015), and Rizo et al. (2016) inferred
sives. PGE abundances and patterns are similar to those of modern modern mantle-like compositions for the mantle sources of these rocks.
depleted mantle peridotites. For the first time, such patterns provide In order to directly address the mixing history of late accreted material
conclusive evidence for preservation of Eoarchean depleted mantle in Earth’s mantle, we have collected a new set of suspected mantle peri-
rocks that are clearly distinguishable from magmatic cumulates or dotites from several localities in the Itsaq Gneiss Complex (IGC). Eight
komatiites. Abundances of Os, Ir, and Ru combined with Os isotope peridotites were selected from the region south of the Isua supracrustal
compositions in the Greenland peridotites reveal that primitive late belt (SOISB), some from outcrops described by Friend et al. (2002).
accreted material appears to have been efficiently mixed into the Three samples are from the Narssaq ultramafic body farther south (Fig. 1).
sampled mantle domains by Eoarchean time. Our data set now provides combined PGE and Os-Re isotope data for
the northern and the southern part of the IGC, including data for more
INTRODUCTION SOISB localities and for the first time for the Narssaq ultramafic body.
Our knowledge about the composition of Earth’s mantle relies on data
on mantle xenoliths, mantle tectonites, diamond inclusions, and indirect GEOLOGICAL OVERVEW
evidence from mafic to ultramafic magmas, geophysics, and experiments. Only four localities worldwide have been identified as potential can-
Because Earth is a dynamic planet, compositional information about Eoar- didates for preserving relics of Eoarchean mantle, and these may directly
chean mantle reservoirs is scarce and was mainly available from metamor- unravel the influence of late accreted material on the composition of the
phosed basalts, magmatic cumulates, and komatiites that represent partial Hadean and Eoarchean mantle. Three localities are exposed in the IGC of
melts of ancient mantle and related crystallization products (e.g., Blichert- southern west Greenland (Nutman et al., 1996, 2007; Friend et al., 2002;
Toft and Puchtel, 2010; Hoffmann et al., 2011; Frank et al., 2016; Rizo et al., Friend and Nutman, 2011), consisting of two Eoarchean crustal terranes
2016). Direct information from ancient mantle rocks would offer a much (Isuakasia and Færingehavn) with different metamorphic histories (Nut-
better window into the early evolution of the mantle-crust system, early man et al., 2007). Both were assembled with younger crustal blocks in
magma ocean processes, and the late accretion of chondritic material after the Mesoarchean (Fig. 1). In the Isukasia terrane, such possible mantle
Earth’s core formed. The latter hypothesis has been advocated to account rocks are exposed as ultramafic lenses in the 3.8–3.7 Ga Isua supracrustal
for the highly siderophile element [HSE; the platinum-group elements belt (ISB) (e.g., Friend and Nutman, 2011) and in peridotite bodies older
(PGEs), Re and Au] concentration excess and their broadly chondritic ratios than 3.8 Ga from SOISB (Bennett et al., 2002; Friend et al., 2002). In the
in Earth’s mantle, which are inconsistent with core formation models (e.g., Færingehavn terrane, proposed mantle rocks older than 3.8 Ga are exposed
Chou, 1978). Resolvable excesses in 182W in 3.8–3.7 Ga rocks from Isua in the Narssaq ultramafic body (Nutman et al., 2007; Fig. 1). Whether some
(Greenland) and 4.0–3.6 Ga rocks from Acasta (Canada) together with of these localities are true mantle residues or resemble ultramafic cumulates
apparently lower HSE contents in Archean komatiites have been interpreted is still uncertain (e.g., Dymek et al., 1988; Nutman et al., 2007; Rollin-
as evidence for HSE-poor mantle sources that might reflect sluggish mix- son, 2007; Szilas et al., 2015). In the ISB, some peridotites bodies were
ing of late accreted material into the Hadean and Eoarchean mantle (Maier considered to represent Eoarchean abyssal peridotites that were accreted
et al., 2009; Willbold et al., 2015). Willbold et al. (2015) suggested that a and dismembered in an Eoarchean convergent plate margin setting (e.g.,
small proportion of metal was retained in the mantle after core formation, Friend et al., 2002) or, alternatively, ultramafic cumulates (e.g., Dymek
et al., 1988; Friend and Nutman, 2011). A study of PGE abundances in
*E-mail: ultramafic bodies in the ISB (Szilas et al., 2015) argued that many of these

GEOLOGY, March 2018; v. 46; no. 3; p. 1–4  |  GSA Data Repository item 2018048  |  |  Published online XX Month 2018
© |  Volume
2018 Geological 46  | ofNumber
Society America. |
3  For permission to copy, contact 1
Isua ground using an agate mill. Major elements were measured by X-ray
50 km Supracrustal fluorescence, and mineral compositions were determined by electron
Belt (ISB) microprobe (Universität zu Köln, Germany). PGE abundances and Os
65° N south of Isua Supracrustal Isuakasia isotopes were measured at Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) using an
Belt (SOISB) terrane Element 2 XR inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometer and a Tri-
ton thermal ionization–mass spectrometer in negative mode. Chemical
separation and measurement techniques for the PGEs followed those of

Inland ice
Akia AF
terrane Fischer-Gödde et al. (2011).
KF Kapisilik
Criteria proposed to evaluate a possible mantle origin for Eoarchean
ultramafic rocks in southern west Greenland have so far included field
Nuuk observations, major and trace element systematics, chromite compositions
Narssaq ultramafic body (Bennett et al., 2002; Friend et al., 2002; Rollinson, 2007; Friend and Nut-
(NUB) man, 2011) and forsterite contents in olivine {Fo# = 100× molar [Mg/(Fe
terrane + Mg)]} (Friend et al., 2002). In line with previous studies, most of the
IF QNF samples studied here follow the mantle fractionation trend in Mg/Si-Al/
64° N
Tasiusarsuaq Si space (Fig. 2A) and their Fo# (87–92) overlap compositions of modern
terrane mantle olivine (Fig. 2B; see the GSA Data Repository). However, both
Tre BrØdre
52° W terrane 50° W
criteria are not unambiguous discriminants, because Mg/Si-Al/Si sys-
Qôrqut granite complex Anorthosite-gabbro Isua Supracrustal tematics and Fo# are not always coherent. In order to obtain additional
complexes Belt (ISB)
Isukasia terrane Quaternary cover
constraints we performed a comprehensive study of the HSE inventory
Greenstone belts
(undifferentiated) (Eoarchean gneiss) in these samples, including Re-Os isotope compositions.
Terrane boundary
Meso- to Neoarchean Færingehavn terrane
terranes (Eoarchean gneiss) Paleoproterozoic
(different ages in each terrane) fault PGEs and Re-Os Isotopes
Mantle peridotites and ultramafic crustal cumulates can be distin-
Figure 1. Map of southern west Greenland showing localities with guished by their distinct PGE fractionation patterns, if these are combined
exposed mantle rocks studied here. Map is modified after Næraa with petrological data and major element compositions. The PGEs behave
et al. (2012). AF—Ataneq fault; IF—Ivinnguit fault; KF—Kobbefjord rather robustly during alteration and metamorphism (Barnes et al., 1985),
fault; QNF—Qualiit Nunaat thrust.
and therefore likely preserve primary igneous features.
Based on primitive mantle normalized PGE-Re patterns and petrog-
rocks represent ultramafic cumulates of the ISB metabasalts and not mantle raphy (see the GSA Data Repository), two groups of peridotites can be
rocks. For the region SOISB, major element, olivine, and spinel composi- identified. The groups can be discriminated by their PPGE (Pt and Pd)
tions as well as Re-Os isotope data of peridotites were used to argue in and Re contents (Fig. 3). Group 1 peridotites (n = 7) are harzburgites and
favor of the preservation of Eoarchean mantle tectonites (Bennett et al., dunites comprising all samples from Narssaq peninsula and four from
2002; Friend et al., 2002). Peridotites from the Narssaq locality were not SOISB. These samples all display a characteristic strong depletion of
studied in detail (Nutman et al., 2007; see the GSA Data Repository1). the PPGE relative to the IPGEs (Os, Ir, and Ru) and they exhibit minor
The focus of this study is on (1) ultramafic enclaves as large as several fractionation between the IPGEs. Group 1 samples are similar to melt-
hundred meters 15 km south of the ISB (some described in Nutman et al., depleted harzburgites and dunites from modern abyssal peridotites or
1996; Friend et al., 2002) that were only partly recrystallized at amphibo- other mantle tectonites (Wang et al., 2013; Becker and Dale, 2016). Their
lite facies metamorphic conditions, and (2) the Narssaq ultramafic body. PGE patterns are consistent with high degrees of mantle melting, where
The primary dunitic and harzburgitic mineralogy has only been modified the IPGEs are compatible and the PPGEs and Re are incompatible (e.g.,
to a small extent by secondary alteration, resulting in amphibole over- Mungall and Brenan, 2014; Becker and Dale, 2016). With one exception
growth on primary pyroxene and olivine (see the GSA Data Repository). (sample 10–23), Re-depletion ages of group 1 peridotites are all Eoarchean.
The olivines from SOISB and the adjacent Ujaragssuit layered body dis- Except for two samples (10–20C, 10–34), all group 1 samples have Fo# >
play mantle-like δ18O values (Lowry et al., 2003; Hiess et al., 2009). The 89 (Fig. 2A). In Al/Si-Mg/Si space, group 1 samples overlap with modern
SOISB peridotites were assembled with mafic rocks and ocean-floor sedi- depleted mantle peridotites (Fig. 2A).
ments by ca. 3.8 Ga, when the ca. 3.8 Ga IGC tonalites intruded (Nutman Group 2 peridotites (n = 4) are all amphibole-bearing harzburgites and
et al., 1996; Friend et al., 2002) (Fig. 1). The ultramafic body at Narssaq were collected from a single locality SOISB (Fig. DR1 in the Data Reposi-
peninsula, ~25 km southeast of Nuuk, comprises harzburgites and dunites, tory). Group 2 harzburgites display IPGE abundances similar to group 1
enclosed by trondhjemitic-tonalitic-granodioritic gneisses, older than 3.8 peridotites, but they are characterized by higher PPGE concentrations and
Ga, of the IGC (Nutman et al., 2007). Because the peridotites studied here nearly flat PGE patterns with some variability in Pd and Re (Fig. 3). Except
originate from two separate terranes with different histories (Nutman et for one sample (10–31) that has a Paleoarchean Re-depletion age of 3.54
al., 2007), we regard the measured PGE abundances as representative of Ga, all other group 2 samples yield significantly younger Re-depletion
a larger domain of Eoarchean upper mantle. ages (2.45–1.66 Ga), indicating later resetting. These young Re-depletion
ages are broadly consistent with ages for widespread metamorphic over-
METHODS print in the Isua region (e.g., Polat et al., 2015; GSA Data Repository).
Sample sizes of 2–4 kg were collected in the field. Visible alteration Three group 2 samples have preserved mantle-like Fo# in olivine. However,
rims and veins were removed and 2–3 kg of sample were crushed and reenriched PPGE and higher Al/Si ratios than group 1 peridotites (Fig. 2A)
provide combined evidence for metasomatic enrichment processes (Data
GSA Data Repository item 2018048, supplementary methods, text, and figures
1  Repository). Previously published PGE and Re-Os data for peridotites
and tables, is available online at from SOISB (Bennett et al., 2002; Dale et al., 2017) overlap with our data.
or on request from However, most previously reported PGE data for Isua peridotites showed

|  Volume 46  |  Number 3  |  GEOLOGY

Figure 2. A: Al/Si versus Mg/Si diagram (after
Jagoutz et al., 1979). Fields for modern mantle
(Palme and O’Neill, 2014) and abyssal peri-
dotites (cf. Rollinson, 2007) are shown for
comparison. Primitive mantle (PM) values
from Palme and O’Neill (2014). N-MORB—
normal mid-oceanic ridge basalt. B: Fo#
(forsterite) in olivine versus Re- depletion age
(TRD) highlighting the samples with mantle-
like Fo# composition in olivine and Eoarchean
minimum age for mantle depletion. Open sym-
bols are literature data for peridotites from
south of the Isua supracrustal belt (Bennett et
al., 2002; Friend et al., 2002) for comparison.

Ru) in harzburgites and dunites overlap those of modern mantle peridotites

(Fig. 3), indicating that mantle abundances of HSEs by 3.8 Ga appear to
be indistinguishable from HSE abundances in modern mantle rocks. In
Phanerozoic mantle harzburgites and dunites, the absolute abundances
of IPGEs are somewhat variable due to redistribution by melt infiltration
and “nugget effects” by micrometer-sized PGE alloy and chromite grains
(Becker and Dale, 2016; Lorand and Luguet, 2016). Taking into account
this uncertainty, our data indicate that at least 60%, but likely a higher
fraction, of late accreted material with a chondritic composition was effi-
ciently mixed into the mantle represented by these peridotites, consistent
with previous estimates based on PGE abundances in mafic crustal rocks
from Isua (Rizo et al., 2016), Nuvvuagituq (Touboul et al., 2014), and
Acasta (Li et al., 2014). The low ends of our data are still in agreement with
Figure 3. Primitive mantle (PM) normalized platinum group estimates from Dale et al. (2017), but clearly in contrast to the estimate
element patterns of Eoarchean dunites and harzburgites by Creech et al. (2017) based on stable Pt isotopes, implying admixing
from southern west Greenland. Solid black lines are south of ≤50% of late accreted material into the Isua mantle source. Compar-
of the Isua supracrustal belt group 1 peridotites, dashed ing to previous studies and modern mantle rocks, our larger sample set of
black lines are Narssaq ultramafic body group 1 peridotites,
blue lines represent group 2 peridotites; fields for modern Eoarchean abyssal mantle rocks indicates that probably as much as 100%
mantle dunites and harzburgites (cf. Becker and Dale, of late accretion component was mixed into the sampled mantle domains.
2016; Data Repository; see footnote 1) and alpine abyssal Our results also are in marked contrast to the hypothesis developed
peridotites (Italian Alps; Wang et al., 2013) are shown for to explain 182W excesses in Isua rocks, that the chemical signature of late
comparison. PM values are from Becker et al. (2006).
accreted material may be lacking in the Eoarchean Isua rock record (Will-
bold et al., 2015). With respect to 182W, our data support models that invoke
PPGE enrichment, indicative of ultramafic cumulates or refertilization of early silicate differentiation events, also consistent with 142Nd variations in
depleted mantle peridotites (Szilas et al., 2015; Fig. DR4). Archean rocks (Caro et al., 2003; Bennett et al., 2007; Rizo et al., 2016). To
fully evaluate the significance of the 182W excesses, future studies are now
MIXING HISTORY OF LATE ACCRETED MATERIAL required that aim for better understanding of W elemental behavior and
The low Re abundances and 187Os/188Os in group 1 peridotites provide element mobility in Archean metamorphic rocks (e.g., Rizo et al., 2016).
a unique window into the initial Os isotopic composition in the Eoarchean
mantle. The low Re contents have only led to minor ingrowth of radiogenic CONCLUSIONS
Os with time after melt extraction, in line with Eoarchean Re-depletion Based on the first data set combining major element and HSE data with
model ages. If recalculated to the minimum age of 3.81 Ga, the initial mineral chemistry, our study now provides conclusive evidence for the
Os/188Os ratios are mostly subchondritic and it is important that they are preservation of Eoarchean depleted upper mantle relics in two different
negatively correlated with 187Re/188Os (Fig. DR3). Both features indicate Eoarchean terranes in the IGC. The peridotites from IGC show clear evi-
overcorrection for radiogenic ingrowth due to a minor, relatively recent dence for the presence of the entire inventory of late accreted material of
reenrichment of Re by metasomatism, as suggested for group 2 peridotites. broadly chondritic composition. This finding is based on combined PGE
The highly unradiogenic 187Os/188Os compositions in most group 1 perido- and Os isotope compositions that are indistinguishable from Phanerozoic
tites (0.1010–0.1089; Table DR2) overlap the average chondritic 187Os/188Os upper mantle rocks. The Greenland peridotites can therefore provide an
composition recalculated as 3.81 Ga. Thus, the predominantly Eoarchean early anchor for studies concerned with the development of Earth’s mantle
Re-depletion ages provide a robust minimum estimate for melt extraction reservoirs through geologic time and place an Eoarchean lower limit for
of mantle rocks with a chondritic 187Os/188Os ca. 3.81 Ga, in line with mixing late accreted material into Earth’s mantle.
geological relationships and previous suggestions (Bennett et al., 2002).
In addition to the direct evidence for Eoarchean melt depletion, the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
We thank Philipp Gleissner (Freie Universität Berlin), and technical staff and
mantle rocks older than 3.8 Ga described here can provide important infor- student workers at Universität zu Köln and Freie Universität Berlin for support
mation on mixing time scales of late accreted material and its homogeniza- and discussions. We thank J.B. Murphy for editorial handling and H. Rollinson,
tion in the mantle. Notably, the absolute abundances of the IPGEs (Os, Ir, W. Maier, and anonymous reviewers for constructive reviews. This work was

GEOLOGY  |  Volume 46  |  Number 3  | 3

financed through German Research Foundation grants to Münker (Mu1406/8–2) Li, C., Sprung, P., Scherer, E., and Becker, W., 2014, Highly siderophile elements in
and Hoffmann (Ho4697/1–2), and support of the Danish National Research Foun- Hadean-Eoarchean rocks of the Acasta region: Goldschmidt2014 Conference
dation to NordCEE. We are grateful for logistical and financial support by the Abstract 1422,​/abstractView?id​
Carlsberg Foundation (Copenhagen). =​2014002364.
Lorand, J.-P., and Luguet, A., 2016, Chalcophile and siderophile elements in mantle
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|  Volume 46  |  Number 3  |  GEOLOGY


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