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xtraction is a process whereby a mixture of severa/ solvent is attained with a series of countercurrent stages.

E substances in the liquid phase is at /east partially

separated upan addition of a liquid solvent in which
the original substances have different solubilities.
When sorne of the original substances are solids, the process
is called /eaching. In a sense, the role of solvent in extraction
Such an assemb/y of mixing and separating equipment is
represented in Figure 14.3(a}, and more schematical/y in
Figure 14.3(b). In the /aboratory, the performance of a
continuous countercurrent extractor can be simulated with a
series of batch operations in separatory funnels, as in Figure
is analogous to the role of enthalpy in distillation. The 14.3(c). As the number of operations increases horizontal/y,
solvent-rich phase is cal/ed the extract, and the solvent-poor the terminal concentrations E1 and R3 approach asymptotical/y
phase is called the raffinate. A high degree of separation may those obtained in continuous equipment. Various kinds of
be achieved with severa/ extraction stages in series, more sophisticated continuous equipment a/so are widely
particular/y in countercurrent flow. used in /aboratories; some are described by Lo et al. ( 1983,
Processes of separation by extraction, distillation, pp. 497-506). Laboratory work is of particular importance far
crystallization, ar adsorption sometimes are equal/y possible. complex mixtures whose equilibrium refations are not known
Oifferences in solubility, and hence of separability by and far which stage requirements cannot be calculated.
extraction, are associated with differences in chemical In mixer-separators the contact times can be made long
structure, whereas differences in vapor pressure are the basis enough far any desired approach to equilibrium, but 80-90%
of separation by distillation. Extraction often is effective at efficiencies are economical/y justifiable. lf five stages are
near-ambient temperatures, a valuable feature in the required to duplicate the performance of tour equilibrium
separation of thermally unstable natural mixtures or stages, the stage efficiency is 80%. Since mixer-separator
pharmaceutical substances such as penicillin. assemblies take much floor space, they usual/y are emp/oyed
The simplest separation by extraction involves two in batteries of at most tour or five units. A large variety of
substances and a solvent. Equilibria in such cases are more compact equipment is being used. The simplest in
represented convenient/y on triangular diagrams, either concept are various kinds of tower arrangements. The
equilateral ar right-angled, as far example on Figures 14.1 and relations between their dimensions, the operating conditions,
14.2. Equivalent representations on rectangular coordinates and the equivalent number of stages are the key infarmation.
a/so are shown. Equilibria between any number of substances Ca/culations of the relations between the input and
are representable in terms of activity coefficient correlations output amounts and compositions and the number of
such as the UNIOUAC ar NRTL. In theory, these correlations extraction stages are based on material balances and
involve only parameters that are derivable from equi/ibrium relations. Knowledge of efficiencies and capacities
measurements on binary mixtures, but in practice the of the equipment then is applied to find its actual size and
resulting accuracy may be poor and sorne multicomponent configuration. Since extraction processes usual/y are
equilibrium measurements a/so should be used to find the performed under adiabatic and isothermal conditions, in this
parameters. Finding the parameters of these equations is a respect the design problem is simpler than far thermal
comp/ex enough operation to require the use of a computer. separations where enthalpy balances a/so are involved. On
An extensive compilation of equilibrium diagrams and the other hand, the design is complicated by the fact that
UNIOUAC and NRTL parameters is that of Sorensen and Arlt extraction is feasible only of nonideal liquid mixtures.
(1979-1980). Extensive bibliographies have been compiled by Consequently, the activity coefficient behaviors of two /iquid
Wisniak and Tamir (1980-1981). phases must be taken into account or direct equilibrium data
The highest degree of separation with a minimum of must be availab/e.

14.1. EQUILIBRIUM RELATIONS mixtures. Moreover, the relative arnounts of the original mixtures
corresponding to an overall cornposition rnay be found frorn ratios
On a ternary equilibriurn diagrarn like that of Figure 14.1, the lirnits of line segrnents. Thus, on the figure of Exarnple 14.2, the arnounts
of mutual solubilities are rnarked by the binodal curve and the of extract and raffinate corresponding to an overall cornposition M
cornpositions of phases in equilibriurn by tielines. The region within are in the ratio Eif RN = MRN / E 1M .
the dome is two-phase and that outside is one-phase. The rnost Experimental data on only 26 quaternary systerns were found
cornrnon systerns are those with one pair (Type 1, Fig. 14.1) and two by Sorensen and Arlt (1979), and none of more cornplex systerns,
pairs (Type 11, Fig. 14.4) of partially miscible substances. For although a few scattered rneasurernents do appear in the literature.
instance, of the approxirnately 1000 sets of data collected and Graphical representation of quaternary systerns is possible but
analyzed by Sorensen and Arlt (1979), 75% are Type 1 and 20% are awkward, so that their behavior usually is analyzed with equations.
Type 11. The rernaining srnall percentage of systerns exhibit a To a lirnited degree of accuracy, the phase behavior of cornplex
considerable variety of behaviors, a few of which appear in Figure mixtures can be predicted frorn rneasurernents on binary mixtures,
14.4. As sorne of these exarnples show, the effect of ternperature on and considerably better when sorne ternary rneasurernents also are
phase behavior of liquids often is very pronounced. available. The data are correlated as activity coefficients by rneans
Both equilateral and right triangular diagrarns have the of the UNIQUAC or NRTL equations. The basic principie of
property that the cornpositions of mixtures of ali proportions of two application is that at equilibriurn the activity of each cornponent is
mixtures appear on the straight line connecting the original the sarne in both phases. In terrns of activity coefficients this




100 o
o Mol% B 100
Diluent A Solvent B
(a) o

7o c ""''
< 1l
60 .!:::
ü ü
<!!- +

20 40 60 0.5
Mol % B C / (A + C), A-rich phase
(b) (e)
Figure 14.1. Equilibria in a ternary systern, type 1, with one pair of partially miscible liquids;
A = 1-hexene, B = tetrarnethylene sulfone, C = benzene, at 50ºC (R.M . De Fre, thesis, Gent, 1976).
(a) Equilateral triangular plot; point P is at 20% A, 10% B, and 70% C. (b) Right triangular plot with
tielines and tieline locus, the arnount of A can be read off along the perpendicular to the hypotenuse or
by difference. (e) Rectangular coordinate plot with tieline correlation below, also called Janecke and
solvent-free coordinates.

condition is for cornponent i, Cornpositions of petroleurn mixtures sornetirnes are repre-

sented adequately in terrns of sorne physical property. Three
Y;X; = rtxf , (14.1) exarnples appear in Figure 14.5. Straight line cornbining of mixtures
still is valid on such diagrarns.
where • designates the second phase. This rnay be rearranged into a Basically, cornpositions of phases in equilibriurn are indicated
relation of distributions of cornpositions between the phases, with tielines. For convenience of interpolation and to reduce the
clutter, however, various kinds of tieline loci rnay be constructed,
(14.2) usually as loci of intersections of projections frorn the two ends of
the tielines. In Figure 14.l the projections are parallel to the base
where K; is the distribution coefficient. The activity coefficients are and to the hypotenuse, whereas in Figures 14.2 and 14.6 they are
functions of the cornposition of the mixture and the ternperature. horizontal and vertical.
Applications to the calculation of stage requirernents for extraction Severa! tieline correlations in equation forrn have been
are described later. proposed, of which three rnay be presented. They are expressed in
Extraction behavior of highly cornplex mixtures usually can be weight fractions identified with these subscripts:
known only frorn experirnent. The sirnplest equiprnent for that
purpose is the separatory funnel, but cornplex operations can be CA solute C in diluent phase A
sirnulated with proper procedures, for instance, as in Figure 14.3(c). es solute e in solvent phase s
Elaborate autornatic Iaboratory equiprnent is in use. One of thern SS solvent S in solvent phase S
ernploys a 10,000-25,000 rprn mixer with a residence time of 0.3-
5.0 sec, followed by a highly efficient centrifuge and two AA diluent A in diluent phase A
chrornatographs for analysis of the two phases (Lo et al., 1983, pp. AS diluent A in solvent phase S
507). SA solvent S in diluent phase A.
Solute C
o 100



ü 60


100 o
o Mol % B 100 A 00 20 60 80
Diluent A Solvent B Mol % B

(a) (b)




C / (A + C), A-rich phase


Figure 14.2. Equilibria in a ternary system, type II, with two pairs of partially miscible liquids; A = hexane, B = aniline,
C = methylcyclopentane, at 34.5°C [Darwent and Winkler, J. Phys. Chem. 47, 442 ( 1943)]. (a) Equilateral triangular plot.
(b) Right triangular plot with tielines and tieline locus. (e) Rectangular coordinate plot with tieline correlation below, also called
Janecke and solvent-free coordinates.

Stage Stage Stage
1 2 3
E, Ez E,


R, Final
R5 raffinate
Feed Salven!


s• Fresh solvenr R= Raf f inare

F • Feed to be exlracted E• Exr rocl

(b) (e)

Figure 14.3. Representation of countercurrent extraction batteries. (a) A battery of mixers and settlers (or separators).
(b) Schematic of a three-stage countercurrent battery. (c) Simulation of the performance of a three-stage continuous
countercurrent extraction battery with a series of batch extractions in separatory funnels which are designated by circles
on the sketch. The numbers in the circles are those of the stages. Constant amounts of feed F and solvent S are mixed at
the indicated points. As the number of operations is increased horizontally, the terminal compositions E1 and R 3
approach asymptotically the values obtained in continuous countercurrent extraction ( Treybal, 1963, p. 360).

(a) (b)

Figure 14.4. Less common examples of ternary equilibria and sorne temperature effects. (a) The system 2,2,4-tri-
methylpentane + nitroethane + perftuorobutylamine at 25ºC; the Roman numerals designate the number of phases in
that region [Vreeland and Dunlap, J. Phys. Chem. 61, 329 (1957)]. (b) Same as (a) but at 51.3ºC. (e) Gly-
col + dodecanol + nitroethane at 24ºC; 12 different regions exist at 14ºC [Francis, J. Phys. Chem. 60, 20 (1956)].
(d) Docosane + furfural + diphenylhexane at severa! temperatures [Varteressian and Fenske, Ind. Eng. Chem. 29, 270
(1937) ]. (e) Formic acid + benzene + tribromomethane at 70ºC; the pair formic acid/benzene is partially miscible with 15 and
90% of the former at equilibrium at 25ºC, 43 and 80% at 70ºC, but completely miscible at sorne higher temperature.
(f) Methylcyclohexane + water + -picoline at 20ºC, exhibiting positive and negative tieline slopes; the horizontal tieline is
called solutropic ( Landolt-Bornstein I/2b ).



OocosDM 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 Furfuraf

:t¡L-'----"'.....:..--'- Q S -4- _,,--;:n- z,:::==========as::::=:::::::::; ::;::: z1

CH2 02 x6 - C,H,. .r.- - H10
(e) (f)
Figure 14.4-(continued )

Ishida, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 33, 693 (1960): Figure 14.2 is the basis for a McCabe-Thiele construction for
finding the nurnber of extraction stages, as applied in Figure 14.7.
Othrner and Tobias, Ind. Eng. Chem. 34, 693 (1942):
Although the rnost useful extraction process is with countercurrent
(14.4) flow in a rnultistage battery, other rnodes have sorne application.
Calculations rnay be perforrned analytically or graphically. On
Hand, J. Phys. Chem. 34, 1961 (1930): flowsketches like those of Exarnple 14.1 and elsewhere, a single box
represents an extraction stage that rnay be rnade up of an individual
(14.5) mixer and separator. The performance of differential contactors
such as packed or spray towers is cornrnonly described as the height
These equations should plot linearly on log-log coordinates; they equivalent to a theoretical stage (HETS) in ft or rn.
are tested in Exarnple 14.1.
A systern of plotting both binodal and tieline data in terrns of
certain ratios of concentrations was devised by Janecke and is The material balance is
illustrated in Figure 14.l(c). lt is analogous to the enthalpy-
concentration or Merkel diagrarn that is useful in solving distillation feed + solvent = extract + raffinate,
problerns. Straight line cornbining of mixture cornpositions is valid (14.6)
F + S = E + R.
in this rnode. Calculations for the transforrnation of data are rnade
rnost conveniently frorn tabulated tieline data. Those for Figure This nornenclature is shown with Exarnple 14.3. On the triangular
14.1 are rnade in Exarnple 14.2. The x-y construction shown in diagrarn, the proportions of feed and solvent locate the mix point

•100._ .............
i ,L_...t:::===========L_



0.90 1 .00 1 .10

OI L Speci fic gravi ty at 70F ASPHALT

Figure 14.S. Representation of solvent extraction behavior in terms of certain properties rather than direct compositions [Dunstan et al., Sci.
Pet., 1825-1855 (1938)]. (a) Behavior of a naphthenic distillate of VGC = 0.874 with nitrobenzene at lOºC. The viscosity-gravity constant is
low for paraffins and high for naphthenes. (b) Behavior of a kerosene with 95% ethanol at 17ºC. The aniline point is low for aromatics and
naphthenes and high for paraffins. (e) Behavior of a dewaxed crude oil with liquid propane at 70ºF, with composition expressed in terms of
specific gravity.

M. The extract E and raffinate R are located on opposite ends of IMMISCIBLE SOLVENTS
the tieline that goes through M.
The distribution of a solute between two mutually immiscible
CROSSCURRENT EXTRACTION solvents can be represented by the simple equation,

In this process the feed and subsequently the raffinate are treated in Y = K' X, (14. 7)
successive stages with fresh solvent. The sketch is with Example
14.3. With a fixed overall amount of solvent the most efficient where
process is with equal solvent ftow to each stage. The solution of
Example 14.3 shows that crosscurrent two stage operation is X = mass of solute/mass of diluent,
superior to one stage with the same total amount of solvent. Y = mass of solute/mass of solvent.

A B xc i n raff i nate

Figure 14.6. Construction of points on the distribution and operating curves: Line ab is a tieline. The dashed line is the tieline locus. Point e is
on the equilibrium distribution curve, obtained as the intersection of paths be and ade. Line Pfg is a random line from the difference point P
and intersecting the binodal curve in f and g. Point j is on the operating curve, obtained as the intersection of paths gj and fhj.

When K' is not truly constant, sorne kind of mean value may be (14.8)
applicable, for instance, a geometric mean, or the performance of
the extraction battery may be calculated stage by stage with a In terms of the extraction ratio,
different value of K' for each. The material balance around the first
stage where the raffinate leaves and the feed enters and an
intermediate stage k (as in Fig. 14.8, for instance) is A = K(E /R ), (14.9)

EXAMPLE 14.1 The last correlation is inferior for this particular example as the
The Equations for Tieline Data plots show.
The tieline data of the system of Example 14.1 are plotted
according to the groups of variables in the equations of Ishida,
XAA XcA XsA XAs Xcs Xss
Hand, and Othmer and Tobías with these results:
92.197 o.o 1.055 5.615 o.o 94.385
Ishida: y = l.OOxº·61 [Eq. (14.3)], 6.471 1.332 5.811 3.875 90.313
83.572 14.612 1.816 6.354 9.758 83.889
Hand: y = 0.078x 1'11 [Eq. (14.5)], 75.356 22.277 2.367 7.131 15.365 77.504
Othmer and Tobías: y = 0.88xº·90 [Eq. (14.4)]. 68.283 28.376 3.341 8.376 20.686 70.939
60.771 34.345 4.884 9.545 26.248 64.207
54.034 39.239 6.727 11.375 31.230 57.394
47.748 42.849 9.403 13.505 35.020 51.475
39.225 45.594 15.181 18.134 39.073 42.793


<1: 1o'xASxSA _1
__ 1 _1
u XcA/xAA Xcs/Xss
o 6.34 o 0.0107 0.0595 o o
a: 9.30 0.0088 0.0846 0.1073 0.070 0.043
> 16.46 0.0129 0.1966 0.1928 0.178 0.116
; 28.90 0.0211 0.3270 0.2903 0.296 0.198
" 58.22 0.0343 0.4645 0.4097 0.416 0.292
--' ... 119.47 0.0581 0.6455 0.5575 0.565 0.409
OTHMER & 339.77 0.0933 0.8507 0.7423 0.726 0.544
TOBIAS 516.67 0.1493 1.0943 0.9427 0.897 0.680
1640 0.3040 1.5494 1.3368 1.162 0.913



EXAMPLE 14.2 Calculated ratios for the Jlinecke coordinate plot of Figure 14.1:
Tabulated Tieline and Distribution Data for the System
A = 1-Hexene, B = Tetramethylene Sulfone, C = Benzene, Left Phase Right Phase
Represented in Figure 14.1
Experimental tieline data in mol %: B e B e
Left Phase
O.Q108 o 16.809 o Right Phase
0.0135 0.0656 9.932 D.4000
0.0185 0.1488 5.190 0.6041
A e B A B 0.0248 0.2329 3.445 0.6830 e
98.945 o.o 1.055 5.615 94.385 0.0346 0.2936 2.441 0.7118 o.o
92.197 6.471 1.332 5.811 90.313 0.0513 0.3625 1.794 0.7333
83.572 14.612 1.816 6.354 83.888 0.0721 0.4207 1.347 0.7330
75.356 22.277 2.367 7.131 77.504 0.1038 0.4730 1.061 0.7217
68.283 28.376 3.341 8.376 70.938 0.1790 0.5375 0.748 0.6830
60.771 34.345 4.884 9.545 64.207 26.248
54.034 39.239 6.727 11.375 57.394 The x-y plot like that of Figure 14.6 may be made with the tieline
47.748 42.849 9.403 13.505 51.475 data of columns 5 and 2 expressed as fractions or by projection
39.225 45.59415.181 18.134 42.793 the triangular diagram as shown. 39.073

the material balance becomes solution for the number of stages is

When these balances are made stage-by-stage and intermediate
compositions are eliminated, assuming constant A throughout, the When A is the only unknown, it may be found by tria! solution of
result relates the terminal compositions and the number of stages. these equations, or the Kremser-Brown stripping chart may be
The expression for the fraction extracted is used. Example 14.4 applies these results.
XF - Xn An+t _ A
c/J = X p - Ys/ K = An+t _ ¡.
In countercurrent operation of severa! stages in series, feed enters
This is of the same form as the Kremser-Brown equation for gas the first stage and final extract leaves it, and fresh solvent enters the
abso'rption and stripping and the Turner equation for leaching. The last stage and final raffinate leaves it. Severa! representations of

xCEJ - - -- -
u '
.... \ oper a t ipg
(]) L ine 1

p xcRN
A RN s xc i n ra f f i na te

Figure 14.7. Locations of operating points P and Q for feasible, total, and minimum extract reftux on triangular diagrams, and stage
requirements determined on rectangular distribution diagrams. (a) Stages required with feasible extract reftux. (b) Operation at total reftux
and minimum number of stages. (e) Operation at minimum reftux and infinite stages.



A xc i n raff i nate

L .


Xc RN Xc F
A xc i n raffi nate
Figure 14.7-(continued )

such processes are in Figure 14.3. A flowsketch of the process The operation of finding the number of stages consists of a
together with nomenclature is shown with Example 14.5. The number of steps:
overall material balance is
l. Either the solvent feed ratio or the compositions E 1 and RN
(14.13) serve to locate the mix point M.
2. The operating point P is located as the intersection of lines FE 1
or and RNS.
3. When starting with Ev the raffinate R 1 is located at the other
(14.14) end of the tieline.
4. The line PR 1 is drawn to intersect the binodal curve in E 2 •
The intersection of extended lines FE 1 and RNS locates the
operating point P. The material balance from stage 1 through k is The process is continued with the succeeding values R 2 , E 3 ,
R 3 , E4 , • • . until the final raffinate composition is reached.
(14.15) When number of stages and only one of the terminal
compositions are fixed, the other terminal composition is selected
or by tria! until the stepwise calculation finds the prescribed number of
stages. Example 14.6 applies this kind of calculation to find the
(14.16) stage requirements for systems with Types I and II equilibria.
Evaluation of the numbers of stages also can be made on
Accordingly, the raffinate from a particular stage and the extract rectangular distribution diagrams, with a McCabe-Thiele kind of
from a succeeding one are on a line through the operating point P. construction. Example 14.5 does this. The Janecke coordinate plots
Raffinate Rk and extract Ek streams from the same stage are located like those of Figures 14.1 and 14.2 also are convenient when many
at opposite ends of the same tieline. stages are needed, since then the triangular construction may

EXAMPLE 14.3 balance are

Single Stage and Cross Current Extraction of Acetic Acid from
Methylisoutyl Ketone with Water E R
The original mixture contains 35% acetic acid and 65% MIBK. It is
charged at 100 kg/hr and extracted with water. Acetic acid 0.185 0.16
MIBK 0.035 0.751
Water 0.78 0.089
a. In a single stage extractor water is mixed in at 100 kg/hr. On the kg/hr 120 80
triangular diagram, mix point M is midway between F and S.
Extract and raffina\.e compositions are on the tieline through M. b. The flowsketch of the crosscurrent process is shown. Feed to the
Results read off the diagram and calculated with material first stage and water to both stages are at 100 kg/hr. The extract
and raffinate compositions are on the tielines passing through
mix points M1 and M2 • Point M is for one stage with the same
total amount of solvent. Two stage results are:
Acetic acid
E, R, E¿ R2

'ü Acetic acid 0.185 0.160 0.077 0.058
· F MIBK 0.035 0.751 0.018 0.902
u Water

s F, XF
Mass fraction water
Water ...
E, y S, Ys

(Acetic acid)
0.5 ..-

? "?
·¡ ;
u F
't 2
!!: ::

::;: R2

(S , S
1 2

0.5 1.0 E, s2
Ketone Mass fraction water Water

become crowded and difficult to execute accurately unless a very cases. Frequently, the tieline through the feed point determines the
large scale is adopted. The Janecke method was developed by mínimum solvent quantity, but not for the two cases shown.
Maloney and Schubert [Trans. AIChE 36, 741 (1940)]. Severa)
detailed examples of this kind of calculation are worked by Treybal EXTRACT REFLUX
(1963), Oliver ( Diffusional Separation Processes, Wiley, New York,
1966), and Laddha and Degaleesan (1978). Normally, the concentration of solute in the final extract is limited
to the value in equilibrium with the feed, but a countercurrent
MIN\MUM SOLVENT/FEED RATIO stream that is richer than the feed is available for enrichment of the
extract. This is essentially solvent-free extract as reflux. A
Both maximum and minimum limits exist of the solvent/feed ratio. flowsketch and nomenclature of such a process are given with
The maximum is the value that locates the mix point M on the Example 14.7. Now there are two operating points, one for above
binodal curve near the solvent vertex, such as point Mmax on Figure the feed and one for below. These points are Jocated by the
14.7(b). When an operating line coincides with a tieline, the following procedure:
number of stages will be infinite and will correspond to the
mínimum solvent/feed ratio. The pinch point is deterrnined by the l. The mix point is located by establishing the solvent/feed ratio.
intersection of sorne tieline with Jine RNS. Depending on whether 2. Point Q is at the intersection of lines RNM and E 1 SE> where SE
the slopes of the tielines are negative or positive, the intersection refers to the solvent that is removed from the final extract, and
that is closest or farthest from the solvent vertex locates the may or may not be of the same composition as the fresh solvent
operating point for minimum solvent. Figure 14.9 shows the two S. Depending on the shape of the curve, point Q may be inside
EXTRACT the binodal curve as in Example 14.7, or outside as in Figure
3. Point P is at the intersection of lines RNM and E 1SE , where SE
refers to the solvent removed from the extract and may or may
not be the same composition as the fresh solvent S.

Determination of the stages uses Q as the operating point until

the raffinate composition Rk falls below line FQ. Then the
operation is continued with operating point P until RN is reached.

For a given extract composition E 1, a pinch point develops when an
operating line through either P or Q coincides with a tieline.
Frequently, the tieline that passes through the feed point F
determines the reflux ratio, but not on Figure 14.7(c). The tieline
that intersects line FSE nearest point s. locates the operating point
Qm for minimum reflux. In Figure 14.7(c), intersection with tieline
Fcde is further away from point SE than that with tieline abQm,
which is the one that locates the operating point for minimum reflux
in this case.

As the solvent/feed ratio is increased, the mix point M approaches
the solvent point S, and poles P and Q likewise do so. At total
Figure 14.8. Model for liquid-liquid extraction. Subscript i refers to
a component: i = 1, 2, . . . , c. In the commonest case, F1 is the only reflux ali of the points P, Q, S, SE> and M coincide; this is shown in
feed stream and FN is the solvent, or Fk may be a reflux stream. Figure 14.7(b).
Withdrawal streams Uk can be provided at any stage; they are not Examples of triangular and McCabe-Thiele constructions for
incorporated in the material balances written here. feasible, total, and minimum reflux are shown in Figure 14.7.

Extraction with an Immiscible Solvent E, , Y,
A feed containing 30 wt % of propionic acid and 70 wt %
trichlorethylene is to be extracted with water. Equilibrium
distribution of the acid between water (Y) and TCE (X) is
represented by Y = K' X, with K' = 0.38. Section 14.3 is used.

a. The ratio E / R of water to TCE needed to recover 95% of the R 1, x 1

acid in four countercurrent stages will be found:

XF = 30/70,
Xn = 1.5/70,
Y5 = 0,
</> = (30 -1.5)/(30 - O) = 0.95 = (A5 - A/(A -1).

By tria!,

A = 1.734,
E / R =A/ K' = 1.734/0.38 = 4.563.
Em+ 2 1 Ym + 2

b. The number of stages needed to recover 95% of the acid with

E / R = 3.5 is found with Eq. 14.12.

A = K' E / R = 0.38(3.5) = 1.330, </> = 0.95,

n = _ 1+ ln[(A - <J>)/(1- </>)] -1
ln A
+ ln[(l.330 - 0.95)/(1- 0.95)]/ln(l.330) = 6.11

EXAMPLE 14.5 tieline with horizontals from the left-hand end of the tielines and
Countercurrent Extraction Represented on Triangular aud reflected from the 45º line.
Rectangular Distribution Diagrams The operating curve is drawn similarly with horizontal
The specified feed F and the desired extract E 1 and raffinate RN projections from pairs of random points of intersection of the
compositions are shown. The solvent/feed ratio is in the ratio of the binodal curve by lines drawn through the difference point P.
line segments MS / MF, where the location of point M is shown as Construction of these curves also is explained with Figure 14.6.
the intersection of lines E1RN and FS. The rectangular construction shows that slightly less than eight
Phase equilibrium is represented by the tieline locus. The stages are needed and the triangular that slightly more than eight
equilibrium distribution curve is constructed as the locus of are needed. A larger scale and greater care in construction could
intersections of horizontal lines drawn from the right-hand end of a bring these results closer together.

---- F, xF

E,, y,

R1, x 1

X0, in ralfinate

Naturally, the latter constructions are analogous to those for 14.4. LEACHING OF SOLIOS
distillation since their forms of equilibrium and material balances
are the same. References to the literature where similar calculations Leaching is the removal of solutes from admixture with a solid by
are performed with Janecke coordinates were given earlier in this contracting it with a solvent. The solution phase sometimes is called
section. the overflow, but here it will be called extract. The term underflow
Use of reflux is most effective with Type IIsystems since then or raffinate is applied to the solid phase plus its entrained or
essentially pure products on a solvent-free basis can be made. In occluded solution.
contrast to distillation, however, extraction with reftux rarely is Equilibrium relations in leaching usually are simpler than in
beneficia!, and few if any practica! examples are known. A related liquid-liquid equilibria, or perhaps only appear so because few
kind of process employs a second solvent to wash the extract measurements have been published. The solution phase normally
countercurrently. The requirements for this solvent are that it be contains no entrained solids so its composition appears on the
only slighly soluble in the extract and easíly removable from the hypotenuse of a triangular diagram like that of Example 14.8. Data
extract and raffinate. The sulfolane process is of this type; it is for the raffinate phase may be measured as the holdup of solution
described, for example, by Treybal (1980) and in more detail by Lo by the solid, K lb solution/lb dry (oíl-free) solid, as a function of the
et al. (1983, pp. 541-545). concentration of the solution, y lb oíl/lb solution. The correspond-

EXAMPLE 14.6 The material balance on heptane is

Stage Requirements Cor the Separation of a Type 1and a Type
11 System
a. The system with A = heptane, B = tetramethylene sulfone, and 40 = 0.6E + 0.05(100 - E),
C = toluene at 50ºC [Triparthi, Ram, and Bhimeshwara, J.
Chem. Eng. Data 20, 261 (1975)]: The feed contains 40% C, the whence E = 63.6 lb/100 lb feed, and the TMS/feed ratio is
extract 70% C on a TMS-free basis or 60% overall, and raffinate
5% C. The construction shows that slightly more than two
equilibrium stages are needed for this separation. The 0.13(63.6) + 0.93(36.4) = 42 lb/100 lb feed.
compositions of the streams are read off the diagram:
b. The type 11 system with A = octane, B = nitroethane, and
Feed Extract Raffinate C = 2,2,4-trimethylpentane at 25ºC [Hwa, Techo, and Ziegler, J.
Heptane 60 27 2 Chem. Eng. Data 8, 409 (1963)]: The feed contains 40% TMP,
TMS o 13 93 the extract 60% TMP, and the raffinate 5% TMP. Again, slightly
Toluene 40 60 5 more than two stages are adequate.

C E'

e E,

RN 10 E2
R3 o E3 ----
o 20 40 60 100
A Mol% B B A Mol % B B

ing weight fraction of oil in the raffinate or underflow is with the corresponding solution composition y, at the value of x
given by Eq. (14.17). Such a raffinate line is constructed in Example
x = Ky /( K + 1). (14.17) 14.8.
Material balance in countercurrent leaching still is represented
Since the raffinate is a mixture of the solution and dry solid, the by Eqs. (14.14) and (14.16). Compositions Rk and Ek+l are on a
equilibrium value in the raffinate is on the line connecting the origin line through the operating point P, which is at the intersection of


(a) (b)

Figure 14.9. Minimum solvent amount and maximum extract concentration. Determined by location of the intersection of extended tielines
with extended line RNS. (a) When the tielines slope down to the left, the furthest intersection is the correct one. (b) When the tielines slope
down to the right, the nearest intersection is the correct one. At maximum solvent amount, the mix point Mm is on the binodal curve.

EXAMPLE 14.7 made with operating point P, which is the intersection of lines FQ
Countercurrent Extraction Employing Extract Reftux and SRN.
The feed F, extract E 1, and raffinate RN are located on the In this example, only one stage is needed above the feed F and
triangular diagram. The ratio of solvent/feed is specified by the five to six stages below the feed. The ratio of solvent to feed is
location of the point M on line SF.
Other nomenclature is identified on the flowsketch. The
S / F = FM / MS = 0.196,
solvent-free reflux point R 0 is located on the extension of line SE 1 .
Operating point Q is located at the intersection of lines SR 0 and
RNM. Lines through Q intersect the binodal curve in compositions and the extemal reflux ratio is
of raffinate and reflux related by material balance: for instance, Rn
and En+t· When the line QF is crossed, further constructions are


e Solvent
Reflux -- --- E1P
Ro E1 Product

F\-1 f F
Rt l:i.1

Flowsketch and triangular diagram construction with extract reflux.

EXAMPLE 14.8 and sorne calculated values are

Leaching of an Oil·Bearing Solid in a Countercurrent Battery
Oil is to be leached from granulated halibut livers with pure ether as y o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
solvent. Content of oil in the feed is 0.32 lb/lb dry (oil-free) solids X 0 0.0174 0.0397 0.0694 0.1080 0.1565 0.2147 0.2821 0.3578
and 95% is to be recovered. The economic upper limit to extract
concentration is 70% oil. Ravenscroft [Ind. Eng. Chem. 28, 851 Points on the raffinate line of the triangular diagram are located on
(1934)] measured the relation between the concentration of oil in lines connecting values of y on the hypotenuse (solids-free) with the
the solution, y, and the entrainment or occlusion of solution by the origin, at the values of x and corresponding y from the preceding
solid phase, K lb solution/lb dry solid, which is represented by the tabulation.
Feed composition is xF = 0.32/1.32 = 0.2424.
2 Oil content of extract is y1= O.7.
K = 0.19 + 0.126y + 0.810y .
Oil content of solvent is Ys = O.
Amount of oil in the raffinate is 0.32(0.05) = 0.016 lb/lb dry,
The oil content in the entrained solution then is given by and the corresponding entrainment ratio is

x = K/(K + I)y, wt fraction, KN = 0.016/yN = 0.19 + 0.126yN + 0.81y1.


EXAMPLE 14.8---( continued ) are located as intersections of random lines through P with these
Solving by trial,
YN = 0.0781, y o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
X 0.013 0.043 0.079 0.120 0.171 0.229 0.295 0.368
KN =0.2049,
xN = 0.0133 (final raffinate composition).
The McCabe-Thiele construction also shows that six stages are
The operating point P is at the intersection of lines FE 1 and SRN. needed.
The triangular diagram construction shows that six stages are Point P is at the intersection of lines E 1F and SRN. Equilibrium
needed. compositions are related on lines through the origin, point A.
The equilibrium line of the rectangular diagram is constructed Material balance compositions are related on lines through the
with the preceding tabulation. Points on the material balance line operating point P.


o z:.
1- ra
..... )(


x ( raff i nate )

lines FE 1 and SRN. Similarly, equilibrium compositions Rk and Ek 14.5. NUMERICAL CALCULATION OF
are on a line through the origin. Example 14.8 evaluates stage MULTICOMPONENT EXTRACTION
requirements with both triangular diagram and McCabe-Thiele
constructions. The mode of construction of the McCabe-Thiele Extraction calculations involving more than three components
diagram is described there. cannot be done graphically but must be done by numerical solution
These calculations are of equilibrium stages. The assumption is of equations representing the phase equilibria and material balances
made that the oil retained by the solids appears only as entrained over ali the stages. Since extraction processes usually are adiabatic
solution of the same composition as the bulk of the liquid phase. In and nearly isothermal, enthalpy balances need not be made. The
sorne cases the salute may be adsorbed or retained within the solution of the resulting set of equations and of the prior
interstices of the salid as solution of different concentrations. Such determination of the parameters of activity coefficient correlations
deviations from the kind of equilibrium assumed will result in stage requires computer implementation. Once such programs have been
efficiencies less than 100% and must be found experimentally. developed, they also may be advantageous far ternary extractions,

particularly when the number of stages is large or several cases must When ali of the coefficients are known, this can be solved for the
be worked out. Ternary graphical calculations also could be done concentrations of component i in every stage. A straightforward
on a computer screen with a little effort and sorne available method for solving a tridiagonal matrix is known as the Thomas
software. algorithm to which references are made in Sec. 13.10, "Basis for
The notation to be used in making material balances is shown Computer Evaluation of Multicomponent Separations: Specifi-
on Figure 14.8. For generality, a feed stream Fk is shown at every cations."
stage, and a withdrawal stream Uk also could be shown but is not
incorporated in the balances written here. The first of the double
subscripts identifies the component i and the second the stage INITIAL ESTIMATES
number k ; a single subscript refers to a stage. Solution of the equations is a process in which the coefficients of
For each component, the condition of equilibrium is that its Eq. (14.28) are iteratively improved. To start, estimates must be
activity is the same in every phase in contact. In terms of activity made of the flow rates of ali components in every stage. One
coefficients and concentrations, this condition on stage k is written: procedure is to assume complete removal of a "light" key into the
extract and of the "heavy" key into the raffinate, and to keep the
YiJch = Yftx;k (14.18) solvent in the extract phase throughout the system. The distribution
of the keys in the intermediate stages is assumed to vary linearly,
or and they must be made consistent with the overall balance, Eq.
Y;k = K;kXik' (14.19) (14.27), for each component. With these estimated flowrates, the
values of X;k and Y;k are evaluated and may be used to find the
where activity coefficients and distribution ratios, K;k· This procedure is
used in Example 14.9.
K;k = y fl f y:Jc (14.20)
is the distribution ratio. The activity coefficients are functions of the
temperature and the composition of their respective phases: The iterative calculation procedure is outlined in Figure 14.10. The
method is an adaptation to extraction by Tsuboka and Katayama
y:Jc = f ( Tk , Y1k' Yzk, · ·· , Yck), (14.21) (1976) of the distillation calculation procedure of Wang and Henke
Y =f ( Tk, X1k' X zk , · · · ' Xck ). (14.22) [Hydrocarb. Proc. 45(8), 155-163 (1967)). It is also presented by
Henley and Seader (1981, pp. 586-594).
The most useful relations of this type are the NRTL and
UNIQUAC which are shown in Table 14.1. l. The initial values of the flowrates and compositions x;k and Y;k
Around the kth stage, the material balance is are estimated as explained earlier.
2. The values of activity coefficients and distribution ratios are
(14.23) evaluated.
3. The coefficients in the tridiagonal matrix are evaluated from
When combined with Eq. (14.19), the material balance becomes Eqs. (14.24)-(14.26). The matrix is solved once for each
Rk-1X;.k-1 - (Rk + Ek K;k )x;k + Ek+1K;,k+1X;,k+1 = -Fk z;k· 4. The computed values of iteration (r + 1) are compared with
those of the preceding iteration as
In the top stage, k = 1 and R0 = O so that -r1= L 2: jxfk+l) - xi,;:>¡ :s E 1 = O.OlNC. (14.29)
i=1 k=l

The magnitude, O.OlNC, of the convergence criterion is
In the bottom stage, k = N and EN+l = O so that arbitrary.
S. For succeeding evaluations of activity coefficients, the values of
the mol fractions are normalized as

The overall balance from stage 1 through stage k is (x;k)nonnalized = X;k / .f X;k,
Rk = Ek+1 - El+¿ Fk , (14.27) (y;k)normalized = Yik / :f Y;k•
1 i=l

which is used to find raffinate flows when values of the extract fiows 6. When the values of x,k have converged, a new set of y,k is
have been estimated. calculated with
For ali stages for a component i, Eqs. (14.24)-(14.26)
constitute a tridiagonal matrix which is written (14.19)

C1 7. A new set of extract flow rates is calculated from

Az B2 C2
Ai Bi
(14.28) Ek - k L.,,, ik'
(s+1) _ E(s ) .._, y

where s is the outer loop index number.


TABLE 14.1. NRTL and UNIQUAC Correlations for Activity Coefficients of Three-
Component Mixturesª


•¡¡= o
G¡¡ = 1

e/>¡ 9¡ e/>¡
In'Y;= 1n-+ Sq¡ 1n- + I ¡ - -(x 111 + x 212 + x3/ 3 ) + q¡( l - ln(9¡<¡¡ + 92•u + 93<3;))
X¡ e/>¡ X¡

t"¡¡ = 1

I¡ = S( r¡ - q¡) - r ; +1

ª NRTL equation: There is a pair of parameters 9;k and 9k; for each pair of substances in the
mixture; for three substances, there are three pairs. The other terms of the equations are related
to the basic ones by

r k = 9;k / RT,
G¡k = exp(-<r kr k).

For liquid-liquid systems usually, a-¡k = 0.4.

UNIOUAC equation: There is a pair of parameters u¡k and uki for each pair of substances in
the mixture:

The terms with single subscripts are properties of the pure materials which are usually known or
can be estimated.
The equations are extended readily to more components.
(See, for example, Walas, Phase Equilibria in Chemica/ Engineering, Butterworths, 1985).

8. The criterion for convergence is 9. If convergence has not been attained, new values of Rk are
N calculated from Eq. (14.27).
<2 = 2: (1- Ei:l / Ei:+ >)2
st:2 = O.OlN. (14.32) 10. Distribution ratios K;k are based on normalized values of x;k
k-1 and Y;k·
The magnitude, O.OlN, of the convergence criterion is 11. The iteration process continues through the inner and outer
arbitrary. loops.

EXAMPLE 14.9 TABLE 2. Estimated Mol Fractions

Trial Estimates and Converged Flow Rates and Compositions
in Ali Stages of an Extraction Battery for a Four-Component
Y1, X,1
Mixture Stage
Benzene is to be recovered from a mixture with hexane using j H B D w H B D w
aqueous dimethylformamide as solvent in a five-stage extraction
battery. Tria! estimates of flow rates for starting a numerical
1 o.o 0.0909 0.6818 0.2273 0.7895 0.2105 o.o o.o
2 o.o 0.0741 0.6944 0.2315 0.8333 0.1667 o.o o.o
solution are made by first assuming that ali of the benzene and ali of 3 o.o 0.0566 0.7076 0.2359 0.8824 0.1176 o.o o.o
the solvent ultimately appear in the extract and ali of the hexane 4 o.o 0.0385 0.7211 0.2404 0.9375 0.0625 o.o o.o
appears in the raffinate. Then flow rates throughout the battery are 5 o.o 0.0196 0.7353 0.2451 1.0000 o.o o.o o.o
assumed to vary Jinearly with stage number. Table 1 shows these
estimated flowrates and Table 2 shows the corresponding mol
fractions. Tables 3 and 4 shows the converged solution made by TABLE 3. Converged Mol Fractions
Henley and Seader (1981, p. 592); they do not give any details of
Yi1 X,1
the solution but the algorithm of Figure 14.10 was followed. Stge
J H B D w H B D w
1 0.0263 0.0866 0.6626 0.2245 0.7586 0.1628 0.0777 0.0009
2 0.0238 0.0545 0.6952 0.2265 0.8326 0.1035 0.0633 0.0006
3 0.0213 0.0309 0.7131 0.2347 0.8858 0.0606 0.0532 0.0004
4 0.0198 0.0157 0.7246 0.2399 0.9211 0.0315 0.0471 0.0003
TABLE 1. Estimated mol/hr 5 0.0190 0.0062 0.7316 0.2432 0.9438 0.0125 0.0434 0.0003

Extraet Raffinate
TABLE 4. Converged mol/hr
Stage Total H B D w Total H B D w
Extraet Raffinate
1 1100 o 100 750 250 400 300 100 o o Hexane 29.3 270.7
2 1080 o 80 750 250 380 300 80 o o Benzene 96.4 3.6
3 1060 o 60 750 250 360 300 60 o o DMF 737.5 12.5
4 1040 o 40 750 250 340 300 40 o o Water 249.0 0.1
5 1020 o 20 750 250 320 300 20 o o
N+1 1000 o o 750 250 300 300 o o o Total 1113.1 286.9

Solutions of four cases of three- and four-component systems Literature data is almost entirely for small equipment whose
are presented by Tsuboka and Katayama (1976); the number of capacity and efficiency cannot be scaled up to commercial sizes,
outer loop iterations ranged from 7 to 41. The four component case although it is of qualitative value. Extraction processes are sensitive
worked out by Henley and Seader (1981) is summarized in Example because they operate with small density differences that are
14.9; they solved two cases with different water contents of the sensitive to temperature and the amount of solute transfer. They
solvent, dimethylformamide. also are affected by interfacial tensions, the large changes in phase
flow rates that commonly occur, and even by the direction of mass
14.6. EQUIPMENT FOR EXTRACTION transfer. For comparison, none of these factors is of major
significance in vapor-liquid contacting.
Equipment for extraction and leaching must be capable of providing
intimate contact between two phases so as to effect transfer of
solute between them and also of ultimately effecting a complete CHOICE OF DISPERSE PHASE
separation of the phases. For so general an operation, naturally a
substantial variety of equipment has been devised. A very general Customarily the phase with the highest volumetric rate is dispersed
classification of equipment, their main characteristics and industrial since a Jarger inteñacial area results in this way with a given droplet
applications is in Table 14.2. A detailed table of comparisons and size. In equipment that is subject to backmixing, such as spray and
ratings of 20 kinds of equipment on 14 characteristics has been packed towers but not sieve tray towers, the disperse phase is made
prepared by Pratt and Hanson (in Lo et al., 1983, p. 476). Sorne the one with the smaller volumetric rate. When a substantial
comparisons of required sizes and costs are in Table 14.3. difference in resistances of extract and raffinate films to mass
Selected examples of the main categories of extractors are transfer exists, the high phase resistance should be compensated for
represented in Figures 14.11-14.15. Their capacities and perfor- with increased suñace by dispersion. From this point of view,
mance will be described in general terms insofar as possible, but Laddha and Degaleesan (1978, pp. 194) point out that water should
sizing of Jiquid-liquid extraction equipment always requires sorne be the dispersed phase in the system water + diethylamine +
pilot plant data or acquaintance with analogous cases. Little toluene. The dispersed phase should be the one that wets the
detailed information about such analogous situations appears in the material of construction less well. Since the holdup of continuous
open literature. Engineers familiar with particular kinds of phase usually is greater, the phase that is Jess hazardous or less
equipment, such as their manufacturers, usually can predict expensive should be continuous. It is best usually to disperse a
performance with a minimum amount of pilot plant data. highly viscous phase.

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