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Astronavigation Data: Chandrila system,

Bormea sector, Core region
Orbital Metrics: 368 days per year /
20 hours per day
Government: democratic assembly
Population: 1,200,000,000
(human 96%, Other 4%)
Languages: Basic, High Galactic
Terrain: plains and forests
M ajor Cities: Hanna City (capital),
Emita, Nayli
Areas of Interest: Brionelle Military
Academy, Hanna Institute, Crystal Canyons
M ajor Exports: foodstuffs
M ajor Imports: technology
Trade Routes: Perlemian Trade Route
Special Conditions: none
Background: Chandrila is situated within the Ringali
Shell, a region of the Core defined by a dense, wind-
ing gas cloud stretching across the Bormea and
Darpa sectors. One of the few non-industrialized drila’s industrialized neighbors have long resented
Shell worlds, Chandrila is a peaceful world of farms the agriworld’s hypocritical condemnation of their
and rolling hills. While ancient records are too unre- industrialism, while depending on those very same
liable to confirm Chandrila’s claim that it was the worlds to purchase and transport their crops. Chan-
Republic’s first agriworld, Chandrilans exported of drila is perceived as pretentious by Core Worlds less
agricultural products for thousands of years. engaged in politics or environmentalism, and its ties
to the Rebellion have made it socially acceptable to
Chandrilans are staunch environmentalists, unwill-
voice open disdain for its people.
ing to upset their ecosystem to maximize yields.
Other agriworlds in the Ag Circuit and the Mid Rim
have no such qualms and have forced Chandrila to
switch strategies in order to preserve its economy. CHANDRILAN MD0NS
As a result, Chandrila has converted its fields into
orchards, vineyards, and vegetable farms, and now handrila has two moons, Chandra and
grows rapidly perishable fruits and vegetables.
Crops are often sold in advance of harvest to the
C Chandrakant. The names were officially
adopted and registered in the past few mil-
best restaurants in the Core Worlds. lennia, and roughly translate to "point" and
Beyond fresh foodstuffs, Chandrila’s small towns "counterpoint" in ancient Chandrilan, a lan-
also produce some of the galaxy’s most trusted and guage spoken only by scholars. The moons
outspoken politicians and political luminaries, like illustrate the value of peaceful coexistence;
Senator Mon Mothma. Despite their low popula- educated, spirited debate; and the necessity
tions, Chandrilan cities are granted extreme latitude of moving on when the debate ends.
in self-governance. Each city has a centrally located The barren surface of Chandra reflects bright,
debate forum, usually an open-air rotunda, where lavender light, thanks to a minimal atmo-
all citizens are welcome to debate issues of the sphere. The lifeless rock looms impossibly large
day with city leadership. Citizens have unparalleled over Chandrila and features gargantuan aster-
rights protecting their ability to protest, which they oid impact craters. Conversely, Chandrakant
exercise regularly. provides a dull, golden light and is only a frac-
However, Mon Mothma’s open association with the tion of Chandra’s size. Chandrakant’s amber
Rebel Alliance casts a shadow over the world. Chan- mists are toxic to most species.

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