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I) Choose the best answer below! ( 10 points )

1. It’s …………… at the moment. We can’t go to the party right now.
A) rain B) raining C) is raining D) has been raining

2. Allan ………….. soccer when he broke his wrist.

A) was playing B) played C) has been playing D) plays

3. “Were there any letters today? “

-No. The postman ……………. yet.
A) did not come B) has come C) hasn’t come D) hasn’t came

4. I found out that everything …………. perfect.

A) looks B) looked C) has been looking D) is looking

II) Complete the table below with the correct form of the following verbs! ( 20 points)

To give
To swim
To shake

III) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the following verbs given in brackets. ( 30
points )

a) The water ………….. ( to boil) at 100 C !

b) If the weather …………. ( to be) nice, I ……….. ( to go ) to the seaside.
c) I …………….…..( to play ) soccer at this time yesterday.
d) The river ……………….. ( to flow) very quickly today, much faster than usual!
e) If I had. …………… ( to know ) you were in the USA, I would …………… ( to call ) you.
f) Look! It ………. ( to rain )!
g) If I ……….. ( to be ) you, I would ………….. ( to go ) to the drugstore.
h) I ………… ( to eat ) pizza before I got back home.
i) It’s the first time I ………….. ( to go ) to Los Angeles.
j) He …………… …….( to study ) In the USA for 3 years when his father phoned to say he
was needed at home.

IV) Write a short story about your best friend! ( No more than 25 lines ) ( 30 points )

Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu ! Succes! Realizat de Stefan Negru

Barem de notare:

Subiectul I ( se acorda 10 de puncte pentru rezolvarea corecta a tuturor cerintelor ) 2,5 x 4

Subiectul al II-lea ( se acorda 20 de puncte pentru rezolvarea completa si corecta a tabelului )

1,25 x 16 ( verbe )

Subiectul al III-lea ( se acorda 30 de puncte pentru rezolvarea corecta a tuturor cerintelor )

3 x 10

Subiectul al IV –lea ( se acorda 30 de puncte pentru redactarea corecta a intregului text )

 Pentru rezolvarea partiala a exercitiului se acorda 15 puncte  aprox . 12 randuri
 Pentru incercarea rezolvarii exercitiului se acorda 5 puncte. ( 2 – 4 randuri )

Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu!

Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu ! Succes! Realizat de Stefan Negru

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