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Volume 3, Number 1, 2006

© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

Interpretation of Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis

Patterns in Foodborne Disease Investigations
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and Surveillance



Since the establishment of the well-known Tenover criteria in 1995 (Tenover et al., 1995), relatively few papers
have been published about the interpretation of subtyping data generated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis
Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 2006.3:20-31.

(PFGE). This paper describes the approach that has been used in the PulseNet network during the past 10 years.
PFGE data must always be interpreted in the proper epidemiological context and PFGE data can not alone prove
an epidemiological connection. The Tenover criteria are not generally applicable to the interpretation of PFGE
subtyping data of foodborne pathogens. The reproducibility of the method with a particular organism, the qual-
ity of the PFGE gel, the variability of the organism being subtyped, and the prevalence of the pattern in question
must always be considered. Only isolates displaying indistinguishable patterns should be included in the detec-
tion of clusters of infections or the initial case definition in a point-source outbreak. More variability (patterns
differing from each other in two to three band positions) may be accepted if the outbreak has been going on for
some time or if person-person spread is a prominent feature. If epidemiological information is sufficiently strong,
isolates with markedly different PFGE patterns may be included in an outbreak.

INTRODUCTION of the genes responsible for their virulence,

vaccine-related antigens, and drug resistance.

S UBTYPING is the characterization of bacteria

below the species and subspecies level. It
may be performed by a multitude of phenotypic
From a public health standpoint, the determi-
nation of the “physical source of the micropar-
asite” that caused human illness, particularly
and genotypic techniques. Subtyping may be in an outbreak setting, and understanding its
done for taxonomic purposes, study of pop- route of transmission from the source to the af-
ulation structure of a species, phylogenetic fected person are of paramount importance.
analyses directed at determining relatedness However, another aspect of the statement of
of the target organism to other organisms or Levin et al. (1999) needs to be emphasized. In
delineating steps in the evolution of the tar- considering the subtype of an organism, one
get organism, or for molecular epidemiology. must consider all available data such as bio-
Herein, we focus our attention solely on molec- chemical reaction profiles, serotype, bacterio-
ular epidemiologic application of subtyping. phage type, antimicrobial susceptibility profiles,
Levin et al. (1999) defined molecular epidemi- presence and/or type of surface appendages
ology as the identification of microparasites re- and virulence factors; reliance on a single para-
sponsible for infectious disease and determining meter for characterization should be avoided
their physical sources, their biological relation- wherever possible.
ships, and their route of transmission and those An infectious disease outbreak is defined as

Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.


a cluster of acute illnesses caused by a pathogen subtyping has a profound impact on public
that are geographically and temporally associ- health surveillance, disease cluster identifica-
ated, and occur in excess of what is usually ex- tion, and outbreak investigations. For example,
pected for that time and place. The smallest the identification of a diarrheal pathogen as Sal-
outbreak consists of two cases. In a few in- monella and determining its antimicrobial sus-
stances, where a pathogen or its toxin causes ceptibility profile provide adequate informa-
extremely severe disease that may result in tion to a physician for the treatment of the
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death (e.g., botulism), even a single case is con- patient. However, further characterization of
sidered and investigated as an outbreak. Only the clinical Salmonella isolate by determination
a small proportion of enteric illnesses manifest of its serotype, bacteriophage type, its resis-
as common source outbreaks; nevertheless, tance to antimicrobial agents, and the determi-
these outbreaks contribute greatly to the un- nation of its DNA “fingerprint” are necessary
derstanding of the transmission of the patho- and essential for public health officials to study
gens causing foodborne and diarrheal diseases, the emergence and disappearance of specific
because they offer the best opportunities to serotypes, and for timely recognition of newly
identify the source of the outbreak by provid- evolving strains, particularly those that may be
ing multiple case histories to compare for com- resistant to treatment by multiple antimicrobial
mon exposure to a specific source or vehicle therapies. Further, serotype and DNA “finger-
(Keene, 1999). Further, the identification of the print” data enable the detection of disease clus-
Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 2006.3:20-31.

food, water or environmental source of infec- ters, particularly those that are geographically
tion and the institution of appropriate public dispersed. Subtyping also assists epidemiolo-
health remedial measures (e.g., recall of food, gists in separating outbreak-associated cases
closing of the water source, closure of an im- from temporally associated sporadic cases of
plicated petting zoo) will result in prevention disease caused by the same pathogen, thereby
of additional exposure and disease. When the increasing the power of epidemiologic analy-
source of contamination of an outbreak is de- ses. Once the epidemiologists complete their
termined to be a widely distributed food, the analysis of an outbreak and implicate a specific
remedial measures may have long-term impli- food as the cause of the outbreak, isolation of
cations for an entire segment of the food in- the pathogen from the implicated food and its
dustry and may lead to significant changes in characterization by subtyping provide inde-
specific food production and processing proto- pendent confirmation of epidemiologic find-
cols for that segment of the food industry (e.g., ings.
requirements for more thorough cooking of Subtyping methods may be phenotypic or
hamburger patties in fast-food restaurants af- genotypic and may vary in discriminating
ter the 1993 Western states Escherichia coli power from low to very high. Examples of the
O157:H7 outbreak). Findings from some out- phenotyping methods are biotyping, serotyp-
break investigations also stimulate further re- ing, antimicrobial susceptibility profiles, and
search on the prevalence and persistence of the bacteriophage typing. Except for bacteriophage
pathogen in the vehicle or source of the out- typing, the other phenotyping methods gener-
break that may lead to the development of pre- ally have low discriminating power and are
vention strategies that may reduce or eliminate used primarily as first level subtyping meth-
the recurrence of similar contamination events ods. Among the plethora of DNA-based sub-
in the future. typing methods, macrorestriction analysis by
pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) has be-
come the gold standard for bacterial pathogen
BENEFITS TO PUBLIC HEALTH subtyping during the past ten years because
of its broad applicability, high discriminating
Strain identification by subtyping has many power, and epidemiologic concordance. The
public health benefits. While patient diagnosis PulseNet network has demonstrated that PFGE
and treatment are seldom impacted by the ad- patterns generated using highly standardized
ditional information provided by subtyping, PFGE protocols and their analysis by com-

puter-assisted pattern normalization techniques ter depends on the stability of the typing
results in very high levels of reproducibility of method, and is simply a reflection of the fact
PFGE patterns within and between laboratories that bacterial strains change over time. If strains
(Swaminathan et al., 2001). change quickly enough, different subcultures of
Despite its many advantages, the interpreta- the same strain may show different subtypes
tion of PFGE patterns in the context of foodborne (Iguchi et al., 2002). On the other hand, differ-
disease epidemiology is not simple and there is ences due to the subtyping procedure usually
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critical need for guidelines for interpretation of manifest as artifacts introduced by small, often
these data. The widely cited Tenover criteria unrecognized differences in the subtyping pro-
(Tenover et al., 1995) were originally developed cedure. Sometimes these small differences in
as guidelines for the investigation of nosocomial procedure manifest as subtle differences in band
outbreaks but have been universally applied. separation (e.g., one thick band versus two thin-
These criteria may not be appropriate for appli- ner bands), but with PFGE the most common ar-
cation to highly clonal enteric pathogens such as tifact is probably incomplete restriction.
Salmonella and E. coli. Further, point mutations When DNA is restricted, the restriction en-
were thought to be one of the major contribut- zyme will ideally cleave the DNA every time
ing factors to PFGE pattern diversity at the time it meets its recognition sequence, cutting the
the Tenover criteria were developed. However, DNA in a well-defined number of pieces of
Kudva et al. (2002) have demonstrated that the equally well defined size. If the restriction is in-
Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 2006.3:20-31.

PFGE patterns diversity in E. coli O157:H7 is pri- complete, some DNA molecules will be com-
marily attributable to insertions and deletions pletely restricted whereas others will not be
and not to point mutations. Based on our ex- cleaved at all the recognition sequences. This
tensive experience with PFGE pattern analysis will result in the generation of more fragments,
of E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella, Shigella and Liste- some with the expected size, and some larger
ria monocytogenes, we have developed guidelines fragments containing one or more restriction
for the interpretation of PFGE patterns of these sites that were not cleaved. In a PFGE gel, this
enteric pathogens in the context of foodborne will show up as additional bands, usually at
disease surveillance, disease cluster recognition the top of the gel. However, if the incomplete
and outbreak investigations. We hope that these restriction is little pronounced, as may be the
guidelines will serve to stimulate discussion of case if a restriction site is methylated (McClel-
this topic. land et al., 1994), this may result in the addi-
tion of a single or a few extra bands. Bands pre-
sent due to incomplete restriction are typically
of a weaker intensity than their neighbors
INTERPRETATION OF PFGE RESULTS (“ghost bands”). The presence of such ghost
bands should always trigger a repeated re-
First consideration: are observed differences real?
striction and analysis of the isolate in question.
Even when a carefully standardized proce- Another common error causing lack of re-
dure for PFGE is followed, artifacts may occur peatability is working with cultures that are not
which could lead to erroneous conclusions pure. If a culture contains more than one strain,
about the relationship between profiles. It is there is obviously a risk of picking different
therefore important to know the nature of these strains when selecting single colonies for re-
artifacts in order to recognize and correct them. peating subtyping of the same culture. In case
Artifacts in this context are banding patterns of swarming bacteria such as Campylobacter, it
that can not be reproduced on subsequent test- may be difficult to obtain a pure culture or pick
ing in the same or in a different laboratory. a single colony. In this case, the subtyping results
When the results of the subtyping of strains gen- will be completely unpredictable and repeated
erated by a particular method are not repro- subtyping of such cultures will almost invariably
ducible, there are two general explanations, one lead to different results. Media or culture condi-
relating to the subtyping procedure and the tions preventing swarming should be used for
other relating to the strain in question. The lat- obtaining a pure culture.

If an organism causing an outbreak is part of have proven to be useful, especially when com-
the normal flora of humans, animals, or food, paring profiles of nosocomial pathogens and in
there is always a risk of overlooking the out- suspected settings of ongoing transmission. For
break strain in a particular specimen if multi- example, Aucken et al. (2000) compared PFGE
ple strains are present but only one colony is patterns obtained with XbaI digestion of ge-
investigated. This may be the case with Listeria nomic DNA from 28 unrelated isolates of Ser-
monocytogenes, which is widely distributed in ratia marcescens and 29 isolates from two out-
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the environment and in food (Tham et al., 2000, breaks. Twenty-six of the 28 unrelated isolates
2002); the solution to this problem is to pick had unique profiles with more than 10-band
multiple colonies from the primary cultures for differences. Twenty-seven of the 29 outbreak
subtyping. Organisms such as Clostridium per- isolates could be assigned to the correct out-
fringens, which may be either a normal com- break based on PFGE results, with most iso-
mensal or cause disease if the strain produces lates differing by less than three bands. Three
enterotoxin, present another problem. For such isolates differed by five to seven bands.
organisms, only colonies producing entero- As useful as the Tenover criteria have been
toxin should be selected for further subtyping in many circumstances, they are clearly not ap-
in an outbreak setting (Lukinmaa et al., 2002). plicable to all situations. The criteria are very
general and assume that all genomic fragments
are visible in the gel and that the plasmid con-
Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 2006.3:20-31.

Tenover criteria and sources of variability in

tent in the strains is stable, at least for the plas-
PFGE patterns
mids visible in the gel. If these assumptions
In 1995, Tenover et al. published a paper on were always correct, all profiles would either
the interpretation of PFGE profile differences. be identical or differ from each other in the po-
According to the authors, profiles differing sition of at least two bands (a change in band
from each other in the position of up to three size being interpreted as loss of one band and
bands should be considered closely related and gain of another). It is clear that the plasmid con-
profiles differing by up to six bands should be tent of bacterial cells is not stable; plasmids are
considered possibly related. The reasoning be- often gained or lost. PFGE profiles differing
hind this recommendation is that a single ge- from each other by a single band are common,
netic event (a point mutation in a restriction at least in foodborne pathogens. Thus, these as-
site, a deletion or an insertion) would result in sumptions are not always sound.
up to three-band differences. Thus, a three- One potential cause of a one band difference
band difference would be the result of one ge- is the presence of an extra plasmid in one of
netic event and a six-band difference the result the strains. Plasmids may be visible in a PFGE
of two genetic events. A point mutation in a re- gel, often as intense bands. This intensity may
striction site will lead to the loss of that site, be due to the presence of multiple copies of the
and the two original fragments with the re- plasmid versus the single copy of the chromo-
striction site will merge to one larger fragment, some. If plasmids are digested by the restric-
leading to a three-band difference (loss of two tion enzyme used, the resulting fragments will
fragments, gain of one). Conversely, if a re- migrate as a function of their size in a PFGE
striction site is gained by a point mutation, a gel, just like the chromosomal fragments. For
large fragment is split into two smaller frag- example, in XbaI digested preparations of Sal-
ments, also resulting in a three-band difference. monella Enteritidis, the 57-kb virulence plasmid
Deletions and insertions will show as a change is visible in the gel and strains lacking this plas-
in the size of one band leading to a two-band mid may differ from strains harboring this
difference (loss of a band of one size, gain of a plasmid by just this single band (Buchrieser et
band of another). If the insertion/deletion con- al., 1994; Powell et al., 1994). However, if the
tains a restriction site, additional fragments plasmids are not in linear conformation, their
may be gained or lost relative to the pattern of migration is unpredictable. Large undigested
the strain without the insertion/deletion. plasmids will typically move very slowly and
Over the past 10 years, the Tenover criteria may not be visible in a PFGE gel, but they may

also be visible almost anywhere in the gel Interpreting differences in the context of
(Buchrieser et al., 1994; Barton et al. 1995). organism diversity
Because of the variability in how plasmids
Optimal interpretation of the differences (or
may migrate, it has been suggested that frag-
lack thereof) between the PFGE patterns of two
ments of a size less than 125 kb should be ex-
isolates depends largely on the variability of
cluded from analysis (Olsen et al., 1994). Even
the organism being typed. Some organisms are
this drastic measure may not solve the prob-
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highly clonal while others demonstrate extreme

lem, however, as plasmids may appear in a
variability. Helicobacter pylori, for example, shows
higher size range than 125 kb, either because
so much diversity that molecular subtyping is
they actually are that large (“megaplasmids”)
used primarily to determine if an infection is new
or because they have not been digested by the
or recurring, and contributes little to the under-
restriction enzyme used and are not in a linear
standing of H. pylori epidemiology (Taylor et al.,
conformation (Barton et al., 1995). It is well-
1995). Even within a genus, species or serotypes
known that plasmids, including megaplas-
mids, are common in foodborne pathogens
(Bradbury et al., 1983; Wachsmuth et al., 1991;
Olsen et al., 1994; Barton et al., 1995; Iteman et
al., 1996; McLauchlin et al., 1997), but the in-
fluence of the plasmid content on the PFGE
Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 2006.3:20-31.

profiles of foodborne pathogens has not been

well characterized.
A second cause of one-band differences in
PFGE patterns is the possibility that one or
more of the fragments generated by deletion,
insertion, or point mutation are so small that
they migrate off the gel. On the other hand, it
should also be kept in mind that even changes
affecting larger fragments will not always be
readily apparent. Only comparatively large
deletions or insertions will be detectable by
PFGE. Band size differences of 1–2% (0.5–1 kb
at the bottom and 10–15 kb at the top of the
gel) are not detectable under most conditions.
It has been shown that changes in PFGE pro-
files of Shiga toxin–producing E. coli O157 are
caused primarily by deletions and insertions
and not by point mutations in the restriction
sites (Kudva et al., 2002). Little is known about
the cause of changes in the PFGE profiles of
other foodborne pathogens. Even if point mu-
tations are common, the rareness of restriction
sites for enzymes used in PFGE would dictate
that only a tiny fraction of mutations would be
expected to occur within a specific restriction
site and thus change the PFGE pattern. It seems
likely that in many, if not most cases, several
genetic events have likely occurred before the
PFGE pattern is visibly altered, and the Ten-
over criteria represent a conservative estimate
FIG. 1. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns
of the number of genetic events behind changes of S. Baildon (A) and S. Bareilly (B) in the PulseNet USA
in PFGE profiles. until 2000.

outbreak, the less time the outbreak strain has

to undergo mutations that change the PFGE
pattern. Foodborne disease outbreaks often re-
sult from a single contamination event where
all of the patients are exposed to the same con-
taminated food at the same time, and variabil-
ity among isolates from patients is expected to
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be minimal. Hospital or community outbreaks,

on the other hand, are frequently prolonged,
FIG. 2. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns with strains being passed from person to per-
of S. Baildon in the PulseNet database as of 2005.
son with much more opportunity for muta-
tional changes in PFGE patterns. An outbreak
may vary greatly in genetic diversity. Dendro- of Shigella flexneri serotype 2a in Taiwan town-
grams of PFGE patterns of two Salmonella ship in 1996 illustrates both situations (Chen et
serotypes from the PulseNet database are shown al., 2003).
in Figure 1. As of 2000, S. Baildon isolates were During the month of August, when the out-
all highly similar (Fig. 1a), while S. Bareilly iso- break was identified, all outbreak-related iso-
lates were highly diverse (Fig. 1b). Matching lates had the same PFGE pattern. By the end of
PFGE patterns for isolates of S. Bareilly would December, eight variants with differences of
Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 2006.3:20-31.

thus be more likely to indicate epidemiologic re- three or fewer bands were detected. By the end
latedness than matching patterns for S. Baildon, of 2000, a total of 50 variations of the original
while minor differences between S. Baildon pat- pattern had been seen. A similar situation was
terns would be more significant than the same reported during a large person-to-person out-
differences in S. Bareilly patterns. Recent S. Bail- break of S. sonnei in Massachusetts in 1999
don isolates have begun to show more diversity (Hackbarth et al., 2000). The outbreak was rec-
(Fig. 2), but the primary pattern still constitutes ognized in June, when isolates from three cases
most of the database. S. Bareilly patterns con- were found to have indistinguishable PFGE
tinue to be highly diverse. patterns. A second pattern had emerged by
In addition to the diversity of subtypes of the July, and by December of that year, 21 differ-
organism being tested, one must also consider ent PFGE patterns had been seen in isolates
the prevalence of the particular subtype or pat- from persons who could be epidemiologically
tern. A recent study in our laboratory found connected.
considerable diversity in S. Heidelberg PFGE In a multistate outbreak of listeriosis in the
patterns, but 33/60 (55%) apparently unrelated United States in 1998, outbreak-associated iso-
isolates had the same PFGE pattern (Kubota et lates included variants of those with the major
al., 2000). This pattern represented about half PFGE pattern isolated from patients and the
of all S. Heidelberg isolates in our collection epidemiologically implicated food product. Of
from each time period sampled dating back to 108 cases identified as part of this outbreak, 77
1985. The remaining 27 isolates were divided had L. monocytogenes with the major outbreak
among 21 PFGE patterns. In the absence of epi- pattern, 29 were infected with a variant that dif-
demiologic information, one would have to fered from the major outbreak strain by the ab-
conclude that isolates sharing one of the less sence of an 80-kb ApaI restriction fragment, and
common patterns are more likely have come two were infected with a variant that differed
from a common source than isolates sharing the by the absence of the 80-kb fragment and the
predominant pattern. presence of a 190-kb fragment. Epidemiologic
data strongly associated all three types with the
Ongoing transmission versus a point source outbreak. All three types and an additional
outbreak: interpreting differences in variant (containing the 190-kb fragment) were
different settings found in foods obtained from the implicated
Time is also a critical factor in interpreting food processing facility. The investigators hy-
typing results. The shorter the duration of an pothesized that the major strain may have been

a resident of the processing plant for a dura- few days in 1993 (Jackson et al., 2000). A
tion long enough to produce the genetic vari- case/control study implicated salad bar items,
ants (Graves, 2005). apparently due to cross-contamination from
In contrast to these descriptions of ongoing raw beef in the restaurant kitchen. If epidemi-
transmission, outbreaks with a point source ologists had relied solely on molecular subtyp-
and little secondary transmission are typically ing data rather than patient interviews and en-
yield isolates with a more limited range of pat- vironmental observations of the restaurant, the
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terns. Two other Shigella outbreaks illustrate source of this outbreak would likely have been
this point. The first outbreak occurred in Janu- unidentified.
ary, 2000 and involved a contaminated food
product (bean dip) (CDC, 2000). The subtyping
results were typical of a foodborne (point WATERBORNE OUTBREAKS
source) outbreak. S. sonnei isolates from 25 per- OF PATHOGENS USUALLY
sons and two foods were available for subtyp- ASSOCIATED WITH FOOD
ing. Isolates from 21 patients and both foods
were indistinguishable by PFGE, and the other Contaminated drinking water has the
isolates had highly similar PFGE patterns. A propensity to cause large outbreaks of diar-
second outbreak occurred in July and August rheal disease (Hrudy et al., 2003). Molecular
of 1998, and was due to consumption of cont- subtyping may have less utility in the early de-
Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 2006.3:20-31.

aminated parsley at restaurants in the United tection of some outbreaks caused by contami-
States and Canada (Naimi et al., 2003). Seventy- nation of potable water supplies with diarrheal
seven percent of the isolates had one of two bacterial pathogens if the outbreaks have a
closely related PFGE patterns. These outbreaks very sharp epidemic curve resulting from large
illustrate the impact of time and transmission numbers of people in a geographically local-
on PFGE patterns, and emphasize the impor- ized area being exposed to the infecting
tance of the outbreak setting in interpreting pathogens over a very short window of time.
PFGE results. These outbreaks are easily detected by sharp
increases in the number of patients seeking
medical attention or even by the rapid deple-
Lab results do not tell the whole story
tion of over-the-counter anti-diarrheal medica-
Perhaps the most important factor to con- tions in stores in a specific area (Hrudy et al.,
sider in interpreting PFGE results is context: 2003; CDC, 1999; Mac Kenzie et al., 1994). Nev-
how the laboratory results fit together with epi- ertheless, molecular subtyping has provided
demiologic and environmental investigations. critical information for the investigation of
The simple fact that common PFGE patterns ex- waterborne outbreaks and for tracking their
ist for many organisms demonstrates that in- sources.
distinguishable PFGE patterns alone do not In an outbreak in Walkerton, Canada, a sin-
unequivocally demonstrate an epidemiologic gle E. coli O157:H7 strain was isolated from the
connection. Even if PFGE patterns could prove case-patients and from the farm that was iden-
that two isolates were the same strain, it is al- tified as the source of contamination. In con-
ways possible that two people could have been trast, four SmaI PFGE types of C. jejuni were
infected with the same strain by different isolated from outbreak-associated case-patients
routes. (Clark et al., 2003). The four outbreak-associ-
It is perhaps less obvious, but equally true ated PFGE patterns shared a common back-
that clearly differing patterns do not prove that bone and differed in the presence or absence of
isolates are epidemiologically unrelated. At four DNA fragments in the middle portion of
least four distinct PFGE patterns (differing by the DNA “fingerprint.” Another large dual-
three or more bands) were found among E. coli pathogen outbreak of waterborne disease oc-
O157:H7 isolates from persons who ate at the curred in upstate New York following a county
same restaurant in Seattle over the course of a fair in 1999. Once again, E. coli O157 and C. je-

juni were the two pathogens that were in- HOW DIFFERENT SHOULD
volved. However, in this outbreak, PFGE PFGE PATTERNS BE
analysis of E. coli O157:H7 showed that 65% of CONSIDERED “DIFFERENT”?
the patient isolates, and 63% of the isolates
from the implicated water source shared the This simplest and probably most useful way
same PFGE profile. An additional 27% of the to answer this question is to consider patterns
patient isolates were represented by a PFGE that show any discernable differences to be dif-
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profile that differed from the major pattern by ferent patterns. This is the approach that
two bands. The remaining isolates were also PulseNet has chosen. In point source outbreaks
variants of the major PFGE profile with 1–3- (typical of most foodborne outbreaks) the vast
band differences from the major pattern (Bopp majority of outbreak related isolates display the
et al., 2003). These data suggest that the prog- same profile (Mølbak et al., 1999; Naimi et al.,
enitor of the outbreak strain may have per- 2003). In investigating recognized outbreaks, it
sisted on the farm (from which cow manure is fairly easy and often useful to designate pat-
was suspected to have leached into the well terns that differ slightly from the primary out-
that served as the source of water for the county break pattern as “subpatterns” or “related pat-
fair) long enough to diverge into variants ob- terns.” In surveillance for cluster detection,
served by PFGE typing. Changes in E. coli such an approach quickly becomes unwieldy
O157:H7 PFGE patterns over time have been and could easily be misleading. A recent multi-
Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 2006.3:20-31.

demonstrated in vitro (Iguchi et al., 2002). state outbreak of E. coli O157 illustrates the ra-
Interestingly, there was much less genetic di- tionale of this approach (Gerner-Smidt et al.,
versity among the C. jejuni isolates (83% of the 2005).
isolates had the same PFGE profile) associated In the summer of 2002, a cluster of cases of
with this outbreak when compared with the E. coli O157 infections was detected in Col-
Walkerton, Canada outbreak. It is possible that orado. It soon became evident that cases were
the C. jejuni may have contaminated the water occurring in other states. In accordance with es-
source from a source other than the farm be- tablished PulseNet protocol, only patients with
cause no C. jejuni was recovered from any of isolates displaying patterns indistinguishable
the samples taken from that farm. from the original outbreak pattern were in-
A waterborne salmonellosis outbreak of S. cluded in the initial case interviews. Thirty-
Bareilly infections in 95 persons spread across seven isolates of the outbreak pattern were up-
10 states highlights another aspect of inter- loaded to the PulseNet server during the
pretation of PFGE data in the context of epi- outbreak period. During the same time period,
demiologic information. PFGE subtyping of forty-one isolates of a frequently encountered
the S. Bareilly isolates from case-patients re- pattern that differed from the outbreak pattern
vealed numerous PFGE patterns. However, by a single band were also uploaded. The case-
the epidemiologic investigation revealed that control study pointed to ground beef from one
the infections were associated with drinking particular manufacturer as the source of the
water from private wells and springs in the outbreak. If the interviews had included cases
southeastern United States and from drinking infected with the related, frequently encoun-
bottled water from a bottling operation that tered strain in the case definition, the results of
used water from a spring in that area (Epi-Aid the case-control study might have been less
Report 00-61; CDC, unpublished data). Be- conclusive. While some of the patients infected
cause S. Bareilly is an amphibian-associated with isolates having the common, non-out-
serotype, investigators hypothesized that mul- break pattern may have actually acquired their
tiple S. Bareilly strains may have persisted in infection from eating meat from the implicated
amphibian populations in and around the dif- producer, the fact that this pattern was com-
ferent water sources to confound the inter- monly seen before the outbreak argues that
pretation of the PFGE patterns associated with most probably did not. Including these patients
this outbreak. in the case interviews would have made iden-

tifying the source of the outbreak much more Such a pattern would suggest reacting to a
difficult. At the same time, epidemiologic evi- lower number of reports than if the pattern oc-
dence supported the inclusion of two siblings curred evenly over the past several years.
as part of the outbreak, even though their iso-
lates had the frequently encountered (non-out-
break) pattern. While it has been well docu- RECOMMENDATIONS FOR
mented that a strain may undergo changes INTERPRETING PFGE RESULTS
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during an outbreak causing minor differences

in the number or position of the DNA frag- When any differences in PFGE patterns are
ments in a PFGE gel (Proctor et al., 2002), observable, the patterns should be reported as
including variants in the case definition different. Likewise, patterns that are indistin-
may complicate the interview studies of the guishable should be reported as such. Indistin-
outbreak, especially if one of the variants guishable is a more accurate term than “identi-
represents a common pattern. This example cal,” since it implies only that any differences
illustrates the complexities involved in inter- are not observable under the conditions used.
pretation of outbreak investigation data and Interpretation of PFGE results, however, should
underscores the importance of considering all include each of the following steps.
the available evidence in assessing strain relat-
edness. 1. The gel should be of sufficient quality to be
Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 2006.3:20-31.

properly interpreted. A gel that includes

partial digestions or other artifacts, or in
AVOIDING “FALSE ALARMS” IN which the bands are not sharp and clear,
CLUSTER DETECTION should be re-run without attempting to in-
terpret the results. Interpreting a poor qual-
If subtyping is to be useful for cluster detec- ity gel can be misleading, and can actually
tion and alerting public health authorities to be worse than having no results at all.
potential outbreaks, there must be a balance be- 2. Consider the diversity of the organism be-
tween reporting too many clusters, many of ing tested. Large databases such as those
which will prove to be “false alarms,” and fail- maintained by PulseNet should provide suf-
ing to identify real outbreak possibilities. One ficient data to make reasonable determina-
of the advantages of PulseNet is that the data- tions of diversity. If the organism displays
bases are large and contain data many years of little diversity, one should be cautious in as-
data. These data provides a historical baseline suming that closely related patterns, or even
against which possible clustered cases may be indistinguishable patterns, indicate a high
compared. The cluster detection level for a likelihood of a common source. PFGE using
common profile should be higher than for a a second enzyme may be useful. Other avail-
rare or unique profile to avoid reacting to ac- able laboratory data such as phage type, bio-
cumulations of common profiles that are to be chemical profile, antimicrobial susceptibility
expected to occur by chance only (“false profile, or multilocus sequence type should
alarms”). It also helps to identify organisms also be considered. If the organism being
where PFGE is not sufficiently discriminatory tested shows substantial diversity, one must
and where alternative subtyping methods still consider whether there are clonal pop-
should be applied in case clusters are detected. ulations within a non-clonal organism, as is
While cluster profiles should be compared the case with S. Heidelberg. If the PFGE pat-
with the full database to determine the fre- tern in question matches the pattern of a
quency of the observed pattern, the time factor large clonal group, the overall diversity of
should also be considered. The dynamics of the serotype is of little relevance and addi-
subtypes are constantly changing, and a pat- tional data is needed to interpret the PFGE
tern that is common in the database as a whole results. On the other hand, when an organ-
may not have been common for several years. ism demonstrates extreme variability, such

as that seen with H. pylori, any pattern strains of Serratia marcescens by pulsed-field gel elec-
matches are probably significant. trophoresis of XbaI DNA digests. Epidemiol. Infect.
3. After establishing the diversity of the or-
ganism and whether or not there are clonal Barton, B.M., G.P. Harding, and A.J. Zuccarelli. 1995. A
populations, one should then consider the general method for detecting and sizing large plasmids.
Anal. Biochem. 226:235–240.
outbreak setting. If it appears to be a point
source outbreak without continued trans-
Downloaded from by NATIONAL CHUNG HUSING UNIVERSITY on 04/09/14. For personal use only.

Bopp, D.J., B.D. Sauders, A.L. Waring, J. Ackelsberg, N.

mission, only very minor differences are Dumas, E. Braun-Howland, D. Dziewulski, B.J. Wallace,
likely to be observed and isolates that differ M. Kelly, T. Halse, K.A. Musser, P.F. Smith, D.L. Morse,
and R.J. Limberger. 2003. Detection, isolation, and mole-
by several bands are probably not part of the cular subtyping of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Campy-
outbreak (unless it is a multi-strain out- lobacter jejuni associated with a large waterborne out-
break). When there is ongoing transmission, break. J. Clin. Microbiol. 41:174–180.
such as a community outbreak of shigellosis, Bradbury, W.C., M.A. Marko, J.N. Hennessy, and J.L. Pen-
more variability should be expected. Isolates ner. 1983. Occurrence of plasmid DNA in serologically
that are temporally or geographically re- defined strains of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter
lated, and have PFGE patterns that are more coli. Infect. Immun. 40:460–463.
similar to patterns known to be outbreak-as- Buchrieser, C., S.D. Weagant, and C.W. Kaspar. 1994. Mol-
sociated than to other patterns in the data- ecular characterization of Yersinia enterocolitica by pulsed-
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break-related and worth further laboratory ments to ail and pYV probes. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.
study or epidemiologic investigation. 60:4371–4379.
CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). 1999.
Public health dispatch: outbreak of Escherichia coli
O157:H7 and Campylobacter among attendees of the Wash-
CONCLUSION ington County Fair—New York, 1999. Morbid. Mortal.
Wkly. Rep. 48:803–805.
Bacterial subtyping has proven useful for
outbreak investigations and cluster detection CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). 2000.
Outbreak of Shigella sonnei infections associated with eat-
in so many settings over the years that its util- ing a nationally distributed dip—California, Oregon, and
ity is seldom questioned. However, the inter- Washington. Morbid. Mortal. Wkly. Rep. 49:60–61.
pretation of subtyping results can still prove
Chen, J.-H., C.-S. Chiou, P.-C. Chen, T.-L. Liao, T.-L. Liao,
problematic. It can not be overemphasized J.-M. Li, and W.-B. Hsu. 2003. Molecular epidemiology of
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context. The reproducibility of the subtyping Microbiol. 41:3078–3088.
method, quality of the PFGE gel, variability of
Clark, C.G., L. Price, R. Ahmed, D.L. Woodward, P.L.
the organism being subtyped, and prevalence Melito, F.G. Rogers, F. Jamieson, B. Ciebin, A. Li, and A.
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demiologic and environmental information. Gerner-Smidt P., J. Kincaid, K. Kubota, K. Hise, S.B.
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Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 2006.3:20-31.

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