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Haley Rizek’s Leg Workouts

Day 1: Lift
317 reps

Warm-up of choice (½-1 mile run or 200 jump ropes)

Resistance band hip exercises (see video, 10 side shuffles, 10 walks forward and
backward, 10 squats with band over knees)

5x5 sumo squats w/ box to sit on

-focus on driving knees out and having strong core
-if no resistance bands present, just continue with heavier weight

3x10 leg curls or cable push backs

3x12 Good Mornings

-back flat!!!!!
-thrust hips forward

3x10 squat or lunge jumps

3x7 one leg lunges (7 each leg)

-keep core tight and focus on balancing
-replace with pistol squats if you're feeling like a bad ass

3x25 calf raises

1x100 hamstring curls with resistance band

30 minutes Stair Stepper (optional)

Day 2: Lift
Heavy leg day


Resistance bands

10x2 sumo squats w/ box to sit on

-focus on driving knees out and having strong core
-if no resistance bands present, just continue with heavier weight

5x5 sumo deadlift

4x7 each leg, leg curl

4x7 cable push backs

3x10 hyperextensions with weight

3x8 each leg curtsy lunge

4x10 hip thrusts

Day 3: Lift
361 reps

Warmup of choice

Resistance band hip exercises

8x4 sumo squats w/ box to sit on

-focus on driving knees out and having strong core
-if no resistance bands present, just continue with heavier weight

3x10 sumo style deadlift

-butt down

3x10 superman thing with plate of choice

3x8-12 good mornings

-back flat!!!!
-thrust hips forward

3x10 catcher jumps

-start with body weight and do as many (up to ten) as you can per set. Over time, eight
can be added by weight vest or bar

3x12 frog jumps

3x25 calf raises

1x100 hamstring curls with resistance band

Hip Series

30 minutes Stair Stepper (optional)

Day 4: HIIT

1) find a good hill near you

2) Ask some buddies to go with you
3) If the hill is steep and short, or not as steep but longer, it doesn't matter. You're
going off time
● Beginner: 6x15 seconds up the hill (3 min recovery)
● Intermediate: 8x20 seconds up the hill (3-4 min recovery)
● Expert: 5x15sec, 3x20sec, 3x30sec (3-4 min recovery)
Keep in mind that you get the most out of running hills if you focus on form. The shorter
the time the faster and more explosive you should be.
Day 5: HIIT
Track workout

Warm-up of choice

Hurdle drills
3x each drill both legs

Sprint pyramid
(Exchange for smaller distances but keep same format)
Full recovery time ~3-4 minutes


Sled pulls

Sled pushes


Short Sprints
10x100m sprints
2 min recovery
Day 6: Cardio
Cardio Circuit (burns over 1000 calories, cut a set out if needed)

Warmup with 1-2 mile run, try to run the whole time even if it's slow

3 min break

15 good mornings (light weight)

20 push-ups
15 squat jumps
20 calf raises
X3 20 sec rest between each set

2 min break

Option 1:
5 min rowing machine (high resistance)

Option 2:
10 reverse crunches
5 push ups
10 v-ups
10 reverse row

2 min break

15 v-ups
10 seated shoulder press
20 bicycle crunches (two leg crunches = 1)
15 bicep curls
x3 20 second rest after each set

2 min break
25 plank jacks
15 burpees
10 each arm leading plank press ups
10 3second superman squeezes
30 sec bridge hold
x3 20 sec break after each set

Cool down!!
Roll out and stretch :)
Recommend Workout Regiment
I would recommend picking at least one lifting and one more cardio based workout to do
each week

Monday: Back/Biceps
Tuesday: Track workout or hills
Wednesday: off day
Thursday: Lower
Friday: off day
Saturday: Chest/Triceps or Cardio
Sunday: off day

Go for three of the six per week

Monday: Back/Biceps
Tuesday: Track workout or hills
Wednesday: off day
Thursday: Lower
Friday: Cardio
Saturday: Chest/Triceps
Sunday: off day

Four out of the six per week

Monday: Back/Biceps
Tuesday: Cardio or hills
Wednesday: Lower
Thursday: Chest/Triceps
Friday: Lower
Saturday: Track workout or hills
Sunday: off day :)

Don't forget that getting fit requires full body workout, so you should be working in
back/biceps and chest/triceps in each week along with legs. For every warm up, even
for arms, I will usually run a mile or do the jump ropes. I really believe the best way to
get really good toned legs is by cardio/running (hate to break it to ya haha) lifting is
great to add muscle but they will never be defined without cardio, and healthy eating, of
course! If you have questions about anything please don't hesitate to email me at​, also, if you want more exercises or upper body workouts just
contact me! Working out is a passion of mine and I would love to make it others
passions as well!!

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