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J. Dairy Sci.

© American Dairy Science Association®, 2018.

Association analysis for udder index and milking speed with imputed
whole-genome sequence variants in Nordic Holstein cattle
Júlia Gazzoni Jardim,*† Bernt Guldbrandtsen,* Mogens Sandø Lund,* and Goutam Sahana*1
*Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics, Aarhus University, 8830 Tjele, Denmark
†Laboratory of Reproduction and Animal Breeding, State University of North Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, Av. Alberto Lamego,
2000 Parque California, Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, 28013-602, Brazil


Genome-wide association testing facilitates the iden- Animal welfare and production costs have spurred
tification of genetic variants associated with complex interest in breeding for improved functional traits
traits. Mapping genes that promote genetic resis- (Boettcher, 2005). A cow’s milking ability is defined
tance to mastitis could reduce the cost of antibiotic by the milking speed, average milk flow rate, maximum
use and enhance animal welfare and milk production milk flow rate, and total milking time. Milking ability
by improving outcomes of breeding for udder health. influences the working time required for milking and
Using imputed whole-genome sequence variants, we is genetically correlated with mastitis incidence. Heri-
carried out association studies for 2 traits related to tability values for milking ability traits are medium to
udder health, udder index, and milking speed in Nor- high, with values of 0.42 for average milk flow, 0.56 for
dic Holstein cattle. A total of 4,921 bulls genotyped maximum milk flow, and 0.38 for milking time in Ger-
with the BovineSNP50 BeadChip array were imputed man Holsteins (Gade et al., 2007). Genetic correlations
to high-density genotypes (Illumina BovineHD Bead- of these 3 traits with SCS were 0.35, 0.38, and 0.24,
Chip, Illumina, San Diego, CA) and, subsequently, respectively (Gade et al., 2007). Higher milk flow and
to whole-genome sequence variants. An association shorter milking time were associated with increased sus-
analysis was carried out using a linear mixed model. ceptibility to mastitis. Sewalem et al. (2011) reported a
Phenotypes used in the association analyses were der- heritability of 0.14 for milking speed in Canadian Hol-
egressed breeding values. Multitrait meta-analysis was stein. The genetic correlation between milking speed
carried out for these 2 traits. We identified 10 and 8 and SCS was 0.25 (0.41 and 0.25 for first and second
chromosomes harboring markers that were significantly lactations, respectively; Boettcher et al., 1998). Taken
associated with udder index and milking speed, respec- together, these results support an association between
tively. Strongest association signals were observed on faster milking and higher SCS.
chromosome 20 for udder index and chromosome 19 Mastitis could lead to udder injury, longer milking
for milking speed. Multitrait meta-analysis identified time, incomplete udder draining, and increased SCS,
13 chromosomes harboring associated markers for the whereas complete draining will help to prevent clinical
combination of udder index and milking speed. The mastitis (Rupp and Boichard, 2003). Udder conforma-
associated region on chromosome 20 overlapped with tion (teat placement, length of fore udder, and udder
earlier reported quantitative trait loci for similar traits depth) has an effect on mammary gland health and
in other cattle populations. Moreover, this region was has been used as an indicator trait to enhance selec-
located close to the FYB gene, which is involved in tion for mastitis resistance by inclusion in a selection
platelet activation and controls IL-2 expression. FYB is index (Lund et al., 1994; Carlstrom et al., 2013). Due
a strong candidate gene for udder health and worthy of to low heritability and lack of data, however, selection
further investigation. for udder health traits is generally more difficult than
Key words: udder conformation, milking speed, for production traits in dairy cattle.
genome-wide association study The SNP marker panels are routinely used for ge-
nomic prediction in dairy cattle and have almost dou-
bled the rate of genetic gain (Hayes et al., 2013). Faster
genetic gain in low heritability traits can be achieved
Received April 4, 2017.
Accepted October 30, 2017.
through genomic selection augmented by QTL informa-
Corresponding author: tion (Boichard et al., 2016). Weights can be defined


for individual SNP based on their known associations Table 1. Descriptive statistics of deregressed estimated breeding value
(DRP) and reliability of udder index and milking speed in Nordic
with phenotypes of interest. This process could increase Holstein cattle
the accuracy of genomic prediction (Brøndum et al.,
2015; van den Berg et al., 2016). Due to the availability Udder index Milking speed
of SNP arrays, genome-wide association studies iden- Summary DRP Reliability   DRP Reliability
tifying associations between common genetic variants
with phenotypic differences in a trait have been exten- Number 4,921 4,921   4,832 4,832
Mean 94.45 0.77   97.32 0.77
sively used in dairy cattle (Sahana et al., 2014). Recent SD 14.39 0.08   15.33 0.13
QTL mapping studies have identified QTL associated Minimum 54.80 0.40   55.70 0.33
with mammary gland-related phenotypes in several Maximum 133.50 0.99   138.80 0.99
cattle populations (Cole et al., 2011; Kadri et al., 2015;
Pausch et al., 2016). The QTL for milking speed, ud-
der morphometric, mastitis traits, and milk yield traits of phenotypes and breeding value estimates, see www​
were mapped by Gray et al. (2012). .nordicebv​.info. The DRP were derived from Interbull
Farmers in Denmark, Finland, and Sweden frequently genetic evaluations on the Nordic scale based on the
use equipment that automatically measures milk yield EBV and effective daughter contributions (Fikse and
and milking duration on every test day or during every Banos, 2001). Descriptive statistics of DRP and reli-
milking. These high-quality data are collected for use in abilities for these 2 indices are listed in Table 1. Histo-
management and could be used to improve the genetic grams of DRP and their reliabilities for the 2 indices
evaluation for milking ability traits. In this study, we are presented in Figures 1 and 2. The correlations
performed association analyses for udder index and between Nordic total merit index and udder index and
milking speed with imputed whole-genome sequence milking speed are 0.17 and 0.02, respectively (http://​
(WGS) variants in Nordic Holsteins. Subsequent mul- www​ . nordicebv​ . info/​ w p​ - content/​ u ploads/​ 2 017/​ 0 3/​
titrait meta-analyses were used to verify whether de- NAV​-routine​-genetic​-evaluation​-122016​_FINAL​.pdf).
tected QTL were simultaneously associated with both The correlation between the DRP of udder index and
traits. Finally, we compared the association results in milking speed for the bulls used in the analysis was
the present study with previously reported association 0.13.
results for mastitis resistance in the literature.
SNP Genotypes and Imputation to WGS Level
The association study was carried out by using im-
Animals and Phenotypes puted WGS data, as previously described by Iso-Touru
et al. (2016) and Wu et al. (2016). All 4,921 bulls were
Bulls from Nordic Holstein cattle with deregressed genotyped with the Illumina BovineSNP50 BeadChip
estimated breeding values (DRP) for udder index (54k) ver. 1 or 2 (Illumina, San Diego, CA). The 54k
and milking speed were used in the analyses. Higher genotypes were imputed to WGS variants by using a
breeding values indicate better udder conformation 2-step approach. First, all animals were imputed to the
and higher milking speed. The udder index describes high-density (HD) level by using a multibreed refer-
the genetic potential for udder conformation and is ence of 3,383 animals (1,222 Holsteins, 1,326 Nordic
a linear combination of subindices for fore udder at- Red Dairy Cattle, and 835 Danish Jerseys), which had
tachment, rear udder height, rear udder width, udder been genotyped with the Illumina BovineHD Bead-
cleft/support, udder depth, teat length, teat thick- Chip. Subsequently, these imputed HD genotypes were
ness, teat placement (front), teat placement (back), imputed to the WGS level by using a multibreed refer-
and udder balance. For breeding value predictions, ence of 1,228 animals from Run4 of the 1,000 Bull Ge-
the Nordic Cattle Genetic Evaluation (www​.nordicebv​ nomes Project (1,148 cattle, including 288 individuals
.info) traditionally has used farmers’ recordings of from the global Holstein-Friesian population, 56 Nordic
subjective scores of milking speed of individual cows Red Dairy Cattle, 61 Jerseys, and 743 cattle from other
compared with their herd mates. Since August 2014, breeds; Daetwyler et al., 2014) and additional data
breeding values for milking speed have been based on from Aarhus University (80 individuals, including 23
both farmers’ scores and automatic measurements of Holsteins, 30 Nordic Red Dairy Cattle, and 27 Danish
milking speed from automatic milking systems and Jerseys).
conventional milking parlors (http://​www​.nordicebv​ Different variant calling pipelines were used for the
.info/​wp​-content/​uploads/​2015/​04/​Improved​-breeding​ 1000 Bull Genome Project data and the in-house Nordic
-value​-for​-milkability​.pdf). For details on the recording data at Aarhus University. The WGS data at Aarhus

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 3, 2018


Figure 1. Distribution of deregressed breeding values (DRP) and reliabilities for udder index in Nordic Holstein cattle.

University were analyzed as described by Brøndum et al. gaps of missing markers in the data set, only markers
(2014), whereas the same for 1000 Bull Genome Project that were called in both the Nordic and the 1000 Bull
was described by Daetwyler et al. (2014) and detailed Genomes Project data sets were kept. For positions
guidelines are available at http://​www​.1000bullgenomes​ containing both a SNP and an INDEL, the INDEL was
.com. Data from both sources were available as VCF deleted as the imputation methods rely on unambigu-
files. The data from 2 sources were combined using ous sequences of variants. Positions with disagreements
Picard MergeVCF (http://​broadinstitute​.github​.io/​ between alleles for sequence and HD data were also
picard/​). As the 1000 Bull Genomes Project shares deleted. Reference genotype probability data was run
data after variant calling, some markers were not called through BEAGLE (Browning and Browning, 2007)
for all animals in the combined data set. To avoid large and all markers with an R2 value (imputation quality

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 3, 2018


at imputed marker) below 0.9 were removed from the biallelic variants were present in the imputed sequence
original sequence data. This was done to remove uncer- data. After excluding SNP with minor allele frequency
tain marker genotypes that might have adverse effects below 1% or with large deviation from Hardy-Weinberg
on the imputation procedures. proportions (P < 1.0−6), we used 15,355,402 SNP on
Imputation from 54k to HD genotypes and imputa- 29 autosomes in Nordic Holstein cattle for associa-
tion to the WGS level were undertaken with IMPUTE2 tion analyses. The average accuracy (R2-values from
v2.3.1 (Howie et al., 2011) and Minimac2 (Fuchsberger Minimac2) was 0.85 for across breed imputation and
et al., 2015), respectively. The imputation to WGS the distribution of imputation accuracy with respect
was done in chunks of 5 Mb with the length of buffer to minor allele frequency was published earlier (Wu et
region of 0.25 Mb on either side. A total of 22,751,039 al., 2016).

Figure 2. Distribution of deregressed breeding values (DRP) and reliabilities for milking speed in Nordic Holstein cattle.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 3, 2018


Association Analysis with EMMAX nificant if the P-value was less than 0.05 divided by the
number of SNP. The significance threshold value for −
Association analyses were carried out for each im- log10(P) was 8.48 with 15,355,402 SNP. The Bonferroni
puted sequence variant by using a 2-step variance multiple testing is conservative as SNP are not inde-
component-based approach accounting for population pendent due to linkage disequilibrium (LD) among
stratification, as implemented in the EMMAX software them; therefore, we consider a suggestive significant
tool (Kang et al., 2010). Details about the model are threshold at P < 1.0 × 10−6.
given by (Kang et al., 2008, 2010).
In the first step, polygenic and error variances were
Multitrait Meta-Analysis
estimated by using the model:
We carried out multitrait meta-analyses for the im-
y = 1µ + Za + e, puted sequence variants, following Bolormaa et al.
(2014). The test statistic was T 2 = ti′ V−1 ti , where ti is a
where y is a vector of phenotypes (DRP), 1 is a vector  b 
of ones, μ is the overall mean, a is a vector of random 2 × 1 vector of signed t values t =  , b is the allele
 se (b)
polygenic effects, which are multivariate normally dis-
substitution effect, se(b) is the standard error of the
tributed a ~ N (0, Gσa2 ), G is the genomic relationship
allele substitution effect estimated by single-variant
matrix (GRM) built from SNP genotypes on the HD analysis using EMMAX software, as described above,
panel using EMMAX software, σa2 is the additive ge- and V is the correlation matrix between traits esti-
netic variance, Z is an incidence matrix relating pheno- mated from the correlation of summary SNP statistics
types to corresponding random polygenic effects, e is a (signed t-value from single-trait GWAS) over all the
vector of random individual error terms, assumed to SNP in the analysis. Under the null hypothesis of no
have a multivariate normal distribution e ~ N (0, Iσe2 ), I effect, T 2 follows a χ2 distribution with 2 df. The test
is an identity matrix, and σe2 is the error variance. Ele- statistics were adjusted for genomic inflation (Devlin
ments in the GRM were twice the estimated coefficients and Roeder, 1999). The significance threshold was kept
of coancestry between each pair of individuals, where at 8.48 as applied above for single-trait analysis.
the kinship matrix was inferred by an identical-by-state
allele-sharing matrix. If a model fits a candidate SNP Defining a QTL Region
as fixed effect for testing association and at the same
time includes it in the GRM, this may lead to loss of The QTL intervals were defined as continuous re-
power due to double fitting of the candidate SNP both gions including SNP with −log10(P) ≥ 8.48. The SNP
as a fixed regression and a random effect as part of the with the highest –log10(P) within an associated region
GRM (Listgarten et al., 2012). Therefore, we followed was taken as the lead SNP. The start and end of the
the leave-one-chromosome-out approach of Yang et al. QTL region were determined by using the following
(2014) to build a kinship matrix specific to each chro- calculation. First, a value of 3 was subtracted from
mosome by leaving the markers on that chromosome the −log10(P) value of the lead SNP. Second, from the
out. remaining SNP, the most upstream and downstream
In the second step, each SNP effect was obtained by SNP were chosen with −log10(P) values not lower than
using a linear regression model: 3 from the −log10(P) for the lead SNP of the region.
Positions of these SNP were taken as boundaries of the
y = 1µ + xg + η, QTL region. If the QTL region was larger than 1 Mb,
then the 0.5 Mb upstream and 0.5 Mb downstream
from the position of the lead SNP were demarcated as
where y, 1, and µ are defined as before, x is a vector of the QTL region. Subsequent QTL regions on a chromo-
imputed allele dosages (expected number of copies of a some, if distinctly separated by visual inspection of the
specified allele, ranging from 0 to 2), g is the fixed SNP Manhattan plot, were considered as separate QTL.
effect, and η is a vector of random multivariate normal
residual deviates with variance Gσa2 + Iσe2 . We applied
Functional Annotations of Associated SNP
genomic control to adjust the for genomic inflation by
diving the chi-squared test statistics by the genomic For each QTL peak, the SNP with the lowest P-value
inflation factor, λ (Devlin and Roeder, 1999). Bonfer- was designated as the lead SNP. Information on the
roni multiple testing correction was applied to control lead SNP was obtained from the National Center for
for false-positive associations. We declared a SNP sig- Biotechnology Information database of genetic varia-

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 3, 2018


tions (https://​www​.ncbi​.nlm​.nih​.gov/​snp/​), functional tal Table S1; https://​doi​.org/​10​.3168/​jds​.2017​-12982).

annotation of genes from BioMart at the Ensembl The associated genomic region and its lead SNP for ud-
Genome Browser (http://​www​.ensembl​.org/​biomart; der index for each chromosome are presented in Table 2.
Kinsella et al., 2011) and Animal QTLdb (http://​www​ The variance for udder index explained by individual
.animalgenome​.org/​cgi​-bin/​QTLdb/​index; Sherry et QTL varied from <1 to 13.58% (Table 2). However,
al., 2001; Baker, 2012; Hu et al., 2016). The position upward bias could be present in the estimate of QTL
of each SNP was defined according to the Bos taurus effect (Weller et al., 2005). This is due to the winner’s
genome assembly UMD3.1 (Zimin et al., 2009). curse. Introducing a threshold on statistical significance
means that the selected set of signals will preferentially
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION contain variants whose effects are overestimated in a
particular study sample due to chance noise. Besides,
Associated Genomic Regions for Udder Index the standard error of the estimate of SNP effect, espe-
cially with a large allele substitution effect (for example
Genome scans for udder index revealed significantly BTA6), was relatively high (Table 2).
associated markers in Nordic Holstein cattle (Figure Lead SNP for associated regions on BTA1, 3, 4, 5, 6,
3). A total of 3,859 SNP on 2 chromosomes, BTA6 (771 11, 12, 17, and 20 were located within genes (Table 2).
SNP) and BTA20 (3088 SNP), showed genome-wide The strongest association signal for udder index was ob-
significant associations with udder index. A total of served on BTA20. The lead SNP (rs111003349; P-value
18,194 SNP on 11 chromosomes were significant at the = 2.31 × 10−12) in this region was located at 35,310,279
suggestive threshold level (P < 1.0 × 10−6; Supplemen- bp, which is an intron variant of the FYB1 gene. The

Figure 3. Manhattan plots of whole-genome association analysis for udder index in Nordic Holstein cattle. The x-axis represents chromo-
somes. The y-axis represents −log10(P-value). The horizontal line indicates a genome-wide significance threshold at P < 3.25 × 10−9. Color
version available online.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 3, 2018

Table 2. Lead SNP from significantly associated genomic regions for udder index in Nordic Holstein cattle

QTL interval1 Lead SNP

Effect Effect SE of
BTA Start (bp) End (bp)   Position2 (bp) MAF3   allele size4 effect size P-value VA%5 Refsnp id6   Gene7   Consequence type
1 133,380,781 134,423,336   133,863,441 0.12 C −6.01 0.79 4.69e-8 3.70 rs521423052 STAG1 Intron variant
3 25425805 25,833,258   25,433,311 0.44 G −1.81 0.25 2.84e-7 0.78 rs109151138 GDAP2 Intron variant
4 77,833,074 78,803,311   78,424,609 0.06 C −8.26 1.01 5.51e-9 3.73 rs210496253 HECW1 Intron variant
5 88,511,252 89,143,099   88,824,857 0.47 G 1.68 0.24 6.55e-7 0.68 rs209893772 ABCC9 Intron variant
6 16,438,959 17,412,771   16,938,766 0.05 T −12.52 1.37 5.22e-11 7.19 rs481885372 MCUB Intron variant
6 88,423,063 89,398,459   88,899,845 0.08 T 13.82 1.46 1.30e-11 13.58 rs468282389 NA Intergenic variant
11 38,003,904 38,891,799   38,392,647 0.42 G −1.85 0.24 4.81e-8 0.81 rs209257618 EFEMP1 Intron variant
12 20,306,904 20,967,325   20,775,545 0.45 C −1.88 0.25 1.24e-7 0.85 rs385076875 FAM124A Intron variant
16 44,854,031 45,150,866   44,990,424 0.46 A −1.89 0.27 5.43e-7 0.86 rs41807582 SPSB1 Downstream gene variant
17 13,683,310 14,674,260   13,635,276 0.38 G −1.93 0.26 8.50e-8 0.85 rs42382190 HHIP Intron variant
20 9,492,696 10,480,244   9,988,243 0.07 A −6.07 0.74 3.61e-9 2.31 NA NA NA
20 34,810,491 35,904,566   35,310,279 0.26 C −2.92 0.30 2.31e-12 1.37 rs111003349 FYB1 Intron variant
23 35,291,213 35,919,749   35,604,326 0.30 A 1.78 0.26 1.87e-7 0.64 rs133280722 HIST1H1E Intergenic variant
QTL interval = QTL interval between the start and the end of the region in one BTA.
Position = base pair position in BTA.
MAF = minor allele frequency.
Effect size = allele substitution effect of the SNP.

VA% = percentage of genetic variation explained by SNP (2pqβ2)/VA, where p and q are allele frequencies, β is the marker effect estimate, and VA is the genetic variance of the trait.
Refsnp id = reference SNP ID.
Gene = lead SNP located in the gene. NA = not available.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 3, 2018


second strongest association signal for udder index was bp. The lead SNP on BTA20 was located at 39,474,131
observed on BTA6. The lead SNP (rs468282389; P- bp (rs137401174; P-value = 1.62 × 10−11), an intronic
value = 1.30 × 10−11) was located at 88,899,845 bp, in- variant of the retinoic acid induced 14 (RAI14) gene.
tergenic between GC and NPFFR2 genes. Pausch et al. The lead SNP (rs43485634; P-value = 3.25 × 10−10) on
(2016) identified QTL for mammary gland morphology BTA6 was located at 102,847,978 bp within the mito-
on BTA6 at 88.72 and 90.37 Mbp in cattle. Wu et al. gen activated protein kinase 10 (MAPK10) gene, which
(2015) detected QTL for mastitis on BTA6 and BTA20 previously was reported to be expressed in human
in Nordic Holstein. They suggested candidate genes in mammary glands. Chockalingam et al. (2005) mapped
these 2 regions (i.e., DCK, SLC4A4, and NPFFR2 on this gene and found it to be related to the intramam-
BTA6, and LIFR and EDN3 on BTA20) based on the mary gland defense mechanism against gram-negative
location of peak association signals and the biological bacteria associated with bovine mastitis. Guo et al.
function of these genes. (2012) mapped significant SNP on BTA6 associated
Another strong association signal for udder index with milking speed. Hiendleder et al. (2003) detected
was detected on BTA4. The lead SNP (rs210496253; P- QTL affecting the general udder quality, which could
value = 5.51 × 10−9), an intron variant, was located at influence clinical mastitis, on BTA6.
78,424,609 bp on BTA4 in the gene E3 ubiquitin-protein
ligase HECW1-like (HECW1), whose general function Associations Detected by Multitrait Meta-Analysis
is protein modification (Kinsella et al., 2011). This gene
was differentially expressed when primary cultures of The multitrait meta-analyses results for udder index
bovine epithelial with stromal endometrial cells were and milking speed are shown in Figure 5. A total of
exposed to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (Oguejiofor et 11,444 SNP from 4 chromosomes [BTA4 (6), BTA6
al., 2015). Gram-negative Escherichia coli is a common (875), BTA19 (208), and BTA20 (10,355)] showed
mastitis-causing bacteria (Wellnitz and Bruckmaier, genome-wide significant associations in these multitrait
2012). Lipopolysaccharides released from E. coli induce meta-analyses. A total of 36,829 SNP were significant at
acute inflammatory responses (Jiang et al., 2008). the suggestive threshold (P < 1.0 × 10−6; Supplemen-
The lead SNP (rs41807582; P-value = 5.43 × 10−7) tal Table S1; https://​doi​.org/​10​.3168/​jds​.2017​-12982).
on BTA16 was a downstream variant of SPSB1, which The highest associated regions on each chromosome
is involved in mammary gland function and immune and lead SNP are presented in Table 4. On a number
regulation (Ramey et al., 2013). The major QTL or as- of chromosomes, the P-value for markers from meta-
sociation regions reported for udder composite index in analysis decreased substantially compared with single-
Animal QTLdb are distributed on BTA 12, 14, and 18 trait analyses, for example BTA5, 6, 7, and 20 (Table
(Hu et al., 2016). Chromosomal regions on BTA2, 10, 4). This could be an indication of pleiotropic QTL af-
11, 16, 20, 22, 25, and X associated with udder traits fecting both traits. In such scenarios, SNP associated
were reported by Cole et al. (2011). with both traits are expected to show lower P-values
from meta-analysis compare with single-trait analysis.
Associated Genomic Regions for Milking Speed Therefore, multi-trait meta-analysis might help in nar-
rowing down the location of the causal variant. We also
Genome-wide significant associations (P < 1.0 × observed that some SNP are highly significant for one
10−6) with sequence variants were identified with milk- trait but not significant for other traits, for example
ing speed on 8 chromosomes (Figure 4). A total of 1198 BTA19 (Table 4). These indicate that the QTL is only
SNP from 5 chromosomes [BTA4 (7), BTA6 (56), BTA9 affecting one of the traits.
(49), BTA19 (233) and BTA20 (853)] showed genome- The most significantly associated region was located
wide significant associations with milking speed. 12,363 on BTA20, and the lead SNP (rs111003349; P-value
SNP were significant at the suggestive threshold of P < = 2.61 × 10−14) was located in the FYB gene. FYB
1.0 × 10−6 (Supplemental Table S1; https://​doi​.org/​10​ encodes a protein participating in the T-cell signaling
.3168/​jds​.2017​-12982). The associated genomic regions cascade and modulation of IL-2A expression (Kin-
and lead SNP are presented in Table 3. The variance sella et al., 2011). This gene has 1 transcript (ENS-
for DRP of milking speed explained by individual QTL BTAT00000001953.4) and is expressed in the mammary
varied from <1 to 1.9% (Table 3). These estimates of gland (Nayeri and Stothard, 2016). Our study reports
QTL variance could be upward bias for the detected a QTL near the QTL previously reported for SCC and
QTL (Weller et al., 2005). mastitis susceptibility (Tiezzi et al., 2015). This udder
The strongest QTL signal for milking speed was found health QTL overlaps with QTL associated with heat
on BTA19. The lead SNP (rs110663209; P-value = 4.96 stress/tolerance, production, and health traits, and an-
× 10−13) was an intergenic variant located at 7,565,171 alyzed for thermotolerance in Holstein cattle (Dikmen
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 3, 2018

et al., 2015). Other lead SNP on BTA19 (rs110663209; et al., 2008). Two-trait meta-analysis identified novel
P-value = 3.57 × 10−12), BTA6 (rs470757828; P-value associated regions (on BTA7 and 10) compared with
= 8.32 × 10−13), and BTA4 (rs378411878; P-value = single-trait analyses, and 9 out of 13 lead SNP were
3.18 × 10−10) were not located within genes. located within genes (Table 4).
The lead SNP (rs208392119; P-value = 7.58 × 10−7)
on BTA10 was located in RAD51B, which has DNA- Multiple QTL on a Chromosome
dependent ATPase activity (Cammack et al., 2008).
The lead SNP (rs209257618; P-value = 2.92 × 10−7) on The associated regions from single-trait analyses
BTA11 was located in EFEMP1, which encodes a cal- were quite broad (Tables 2 and 3) and many times were
cium ion-binding protein and has been associated with not distinctly separated. The LD in Holstein cattle is
udder index and milking speed in dairy cattle (Ehler- spread over large genomic region. For example, aver-
mann et al., 2003; Matika et al., 2016). The lead SNP age LD (r2) was 0.22 at 100 kb distance in Holstein
(rs520845091; P-value = 2.91 × 10−7) on BTA12 was (de Roos et al., 2008). Therefore, it is possible that
located within FAM124A, which is strongly expressed a broad genomic associated region on a chromosome
in the mammary gland myoepithelial cells (Uhlen et represents one causal variant. It is also possible that
al., 2010). The lead SNP (rs41704885; P-value = 9.68 multiple closely located QTL are segregating for a
× 10−7) on BTA13 was located within ANGPT4, which trait. However, association peaks on some of the chro-
is responsible for initiation of the activation of trans- mosomes were clearly separated from each other (e.g.,
membrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase (Cammack BTA6 and 20 for udder index and BTA19 and 20 for

Figure 4. Manhattan plots of whole-genome association analysis for milking speed in Nordic Holstein cattle. The x-axis represents chro-
mosomes. The y-axis represents −log10(P-value). The horizontal line indicates a genome-wide significance threshold at P < 3.25 × 10−9. Color
version available online.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 3, 2018


milking speed), indicating multiple causal factors on

VA% = percentage of genetic variation explained by SNP (2pqβ2)/VA, where p and q are allele frequencies, β is the marker effect estimate, and VA is the genetic variance of the trait.
Downstream gene variant
those chromosomes. A proper test of multiple causal
variants on a chromosome could be done by fitting the
Consequence type
Intergenic variant
Intergenic variant

Intergenic variant

Intergenic variant
lead SNP as a cofactor and repeating the association
Intron variant analyses for that chromosome.

Intron variant

Intron variant
Genomic Inflation

NA In this study, the GRM was used to control the infla-

tion caused by the population stratification and familial


relatedness (Yu et al., 2006). The same was also ob-



served in cattle population with large half-sib families




(Kadri et al., 2014). However, we observed high genomic

inflation factors (lambda) of 2.25 and 2.20 for udder
index and milking speed, respectively. These lambda

values are quite high compared with what is generally





VA%5 Refsnp id6

recommended for GWAS study and generally reported

in other dairy cattle studies, for example (Pausch et al.,
2016; Butty et al., 2017). Guo et al. (2012) reported the
lambda value from ranged from 1.3 to 1.5 for various
Lead SNP


production traits in Brown Swiss cattle. Pausch et al.

(2016) reported no genomic inflation (inflation factors
Table 3. Lead SNP from significantly associated genomic regions for milking speed in Nordic Holstein cattle



ranged between 1.04 to 1.08) for traits related to mam-






mary gland morphology. Beside population structure,

the inflation factor of GWAS can be influenced by level
of polygenic nature of the trait, heritability, sample
SE of

size, and LD pattern (Yang et al., 2011). For highly

polygenic trait, the GWAS inflation might remain high
QTL interval = QTL interval between the start and the end of the region in one BTA.

in the absence of population structure (Yang et al.,


2011). Both the traits analyzed in this study are highly

polygenic in nature. The reliability (heritability) of
pseudo phenotypes for bulls (DRP) used in this study
MAF3   allele

was rather high. The LD is extensive because of the



small effective population size for Holsteins (de Roos et

al., 2008). Many SNP reached significant level possibly

due to high LD with the same mutations. However, to

Gene = lead SNP located in the gene. NA = not available.

examine whether there was still inflation in single-trait

GWAS test statistics after correcting the population

structure using genomic data, 10 top eigenvectors with


Effect size = allele substitution effect of the SNP.

the highest eigenvalues were further incorporated into

the association model as covariates. The lambda value
for udder index was 1.94 (details not shown) compared

with the value (2.25) without fitting any eigenvector.

Position = base pair position in BTA.

Therefore, the high inflation factor observed in our

End (bp)

study could be partly due to unaccounted population

MAF = minor allele frequency.

Refsnp id = reference SNP ID.

QTL interval1

structure due to the leave-one-chromosome (LOCO)

approach (Yang et al., 2014) to build the genomic rela-
tionship matrix.
Start (bp)

High inflation factor in dairy cattle could be caused

by the effect of strong artificial selection influencing
a smaller subset of loci, which then will be different
from the general effect of subpopulation divergence on
the whole genome (Guo et al., 2012). Such inflation

will differ between different types of traits. However, to


Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 3, 2018


Figure 5. Manhattan plot for 2-trait meta-analyses for udder index and milking speed in Nordic Holstein cattle. x-axis represents chromo-
somes. The y-axis represents −log10(P-value). The horizontal line indicates a genome-wide significance threshold at P < 3.25 × 10−9. Color
version available online.

avoid the risk of false positive detection, we adjusted CONCLUSIONS

the test statistics using genomic control (Devlin and
Roeder, 1999). The Q-Q plots of the genome-wide as- Association analyses using over 15 million sequence
sociation study for milking speed after genomic control variations across the whole genome imputed for almost
are presented in Supplemental Figure S1 (https://​doi​ 5,000 progeny-tested bulls indicated several variations
.org/​10​.3168/​jds​.2017​-12982) and the lambda value that likely influence udder index and milking speed in
after genomic control was 1.08. Nordic Holstein Cattle. We identified several candidate
We observed an increase in number of associ- genes for these 2 traits. Finding quantitative trait nu-
ated SNP in meta-analysis of udder index and milking cleotides is challenging because there are many regions
speed. This demonstrates that multitrait meta-analysis of LD and small-effect QTL. The lead SNP found here
for genetically correlated traits can increase power to can be used in addition to the 54k SNP genotypes for
detect association compared with single-trait analyses. better prediction accuracy in routine genomic selection.
Meta-analysis results helped narrow down to candidate
genes as many lead SNP were located within genes and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
thereby may further facilitate identifying causal muta-
tions. Further, this associated SNP information could We are grateful to the Nordic Cattle Genetic Evalu-
be included in the genomic selection model for better ation (Aarhus, Denmark) for providing the phenotypic
prediction of breeding values for these traits (Brøndum data used in this study and Viking Genetics (Rand-
et al., 2015; van den Berg et al., 2016). ers, Denmark) for providing samples for genotyping.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 3, 2018


This work was supported by research projects funded

by the Center for Genomic Selection in Animals and
Plants (GenSAP) funded by Innovation Fund Denmark
  Consequence type

Intergenic variant
Intergenic variant
Intergenic variant
Intergenic variant
(grant 0603-00519B), the Grønt Udviklings- og Dem-

Intron variant
Intron variant
Intron variant
Intron variant
Intron variant
Intron variant
Intron variant
Intron variant
Intron variant
onstrationsprogram (GUDP) project from the Ministry
of Environment and Food of Denmark, the Milk Levy
Fund (Mælkeafgiftsfonden, Skejby, Aarhus), Viking
Genetics, and Nordic Cattle Genetic Evaluation. The
1,000 Bull Genomes Project is kindly acknowledged for
sharing WGS data. The Brazilian government agency

Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education


Personnel (CAPES) is acknowledged for awarding a


scholarship grant (process no. 99999.007355/2015-07)



to Júlia Gazzoni Jardim. Anonymous reviewers pro-

vided very helpful comments on this manuscript.
The authors declare no competing interest.

GS, JGJ, BG, and MSL conceived and designed the

(meta-analysis)   Refsnp id3

study. GS and JGJ analyzed the data. JGJ wrote the

manuscript. MSL and BG contributed materials and
analysis tools and participated in the discussion. All
Lead SNP

authors read, revised, and approved the final manu-



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