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The New American Holy Bible

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Notes by Coach JB

Justin Matthew Brandt
If you have read any of my notes that I have taken while reading my books you will note
that this section does not exist. However, as I pondered all day of what book to read next
I had a moment that occurred that I felt was beyond necessary to document. While going
through my nightly routine to of showering, brushing my teeth and preparing to go to
bed, I was texting my Head Coach Maurice Jones about try outs the next day. As I ended
the conversation I shared with my notes on the latest book I finished, The Noticer by
Andy Andrews.

As where most humans do the majority of their thinking,

in the shower, the topic of what my next book would be
was the only thing on my mind. I thought of Mike Lee’s
new book Un/Train since he just followed me on
Instagram. I thought of Mind Hunter by John E. Douglas
and Mark Olshaker, because I read the introduction due to
my father suggesting it and it was grasping. Then I also
thought of Mike Ritland’s book Navy SEAL Dogs since I
finally got it back from my father who was borrowing it
for a year.

But then as I got out of the shower and I was drying off
my necklace that I have worn since the day I received it
on my first Holy Communion (purchased by my father in
Bahrain during his time in the Persian Gulf War) fell off
and hit the floor. This NEVER happens. At first, I was
nervous, I thought it had broken. But when I picked it up I
noticed that the clasp had simply been undone by the
towel and fell off. But the crucifix was nowhere to be
found. As I was searching for it, I moved the shower
curtain and there it was, Jesus facing up.

I should premise this final part by telling you my grandmother, Patricia “Nanny” Brandt,
tells us of stories throughout her life where strange, unexplained phenomena happen to
her that have made her feel very close with God. Tonight, I can say I shared this event. I
took this event as a sign that maybe I should read the Bible next. So, I went out into the
living room to pick the one up that was on our book shelf. I opened it up and read the
inscription on the second page.
Justin: this is one of the special days in your life. Stay close to the Lord and
remember me as you read through this book. Love, Nanny & Pop 1995

One thing my grandmother ALWAYS tells me is that everything happens for a reason,
and this I believe is living proof that she is right.
Justin Matthew Brandt
Page Notes
Book of Genesis
G1:5 Thus evening came, and morning followed.
You have to go through darkness before you can see the light.
G2:3 God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work he
had done in creation.
Work hard and create your future for six days so that you may rest and give praise
on the seventh day.
G4 Cain and Able were Adam and Eve’s sons. God favored Able’s offering of animal fat over
vegetation and told them so. In response Cain killed Able, God then banished Cain.
The first workings of our penal system

G5 Adam lived 930 years, Seth lives 912 years, Enosh lived 905 years, Kenan lived 840 years,
Mahalalel lived 895 years, Jared lived 962 years, Enoch lived 365 years, Methuselah lived
969 years, Lamech lived 777 years, Noah lived 950 years. Then God said “My spirit shall
not remain in human beings forever, because they are only flesh. Their days shall
comprise 120 years.
G6:9 Noah was a righteous man and blameless in his generation.
Just because you’re born into a bad situation, doesn’t mean that you are born bad.
Our choices define who we are.
G9:21 Nor will I ever strike down every living being, as I have done.
So much for doomsday preppers
G15:20 Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything. 21 The king of Sodom said to Abram, “Give
me the captives; the goods you may keep.” 22 But Abram replied to the king of Sodom: “I
have sworn to the Lord, God Most High, the creator of heaven and earth, 23 that I would
not take so much as a thread or a sandal strap from anything that is yours, so that you
cannot say, ‘I made Abram rich’.
Do not except charity if it is unnecessary as people can and more than likely will
hold this over your head.
G17:12 When he is eight day old, shall be circumcised…14 if a male is uncircumcised…he has
broken my covenant.
Circumcision is an everlasting reminder in your flesh of your covenant with God.
G21:12 Do not be distressed about the boy or about your slave woman. Obey Sarah, no matter
what she asks of you; for it is through Isaac that descendants will bear your name.
G21:13 As for the son of the slave woman, I will make a nation of him also.
I’m really not sure what to make of this, is it really just to pay off Hagar?
G34:25 On the third day, while they were still in pain, two of Jacob’s sons, Simeon and Levi,
brothers of Dinah, each took his sword, advanced against the unsuspecting city and
massacred all the males.
This is how they responded to Dinah being raped. Revenge was VERY strong.
G38:8-10 Judah said to Onan, “Have intercourse with your brother’s wife, in fulfillment of your
duty as brother-in-law, and thus preserve your brother’s line.” Onan, however, knew that
the offspring would not be his; so whenever he had intercourse with his brother’s wife, he
wasted his seed on the ground, to avoid giving offspring to his brother. What he did greatly
offended the LORD, and the LORD took his life too.
So does this mean if you have sex without the intent of conceiving it is wrong?
G38:16 So he went over to her at the roadside and said, “Come, let me have intercourse with you,”
for he did not realize that she was his daughter-in-law. She replied, “What will you pay me
for letting you have intercourse with me?”
First reference in the Bible to prostitution

Justin Matthew Brandt
Page Notes
G39:12 “she laid hold of him by his cloak, saying, “Lie with me!” But leaving the cloak in her
hand, he escaped and ran outside.”
Messed up story about a woman lying to her husband about a man who would
succumb to her temptations
SIDE Love the karma/story of how it comes back around that Joseph to his family that he had a
NOTE dream of “the sun and the moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.” G37:9 and
his family responded in fury. They made fun of him calling him “the dreamer” and plotted
on killing him. They eventually sold him to Egypt where he would eventually be ruler of
Egypt only under the Pharaoh where eventually they would have to ask Joseph to sell them
food during the famine.
G47 The Egyptians came to Joseph and offered to give their land and volunteer to be slaves to
Pharaoh in exchange for food.
G50:20 Even though you meant harm to me, God meant it for good, to achieve this present end,
the survival of many people.
Trust in God’s plan fully, it is not your job to judge the people who challenge you.
Book of Exodus

Justin Matthew Brandt

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