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1. KNOW WHY YOUR are doing this. KNOWH WHY they/people do it.
2. “Great leaders in the world inspire action by sharing from the heart why they’re excited”

3. When you turn your car on, does it return the favor?

4. They like the feeling it gives them

5. Martin Luther King Jr. wanted to Share with you a passion/a vision/ a dream where he wanted
to go. “I have a dream speak”….. HOW DID HE Do that?
a. He Inspired people

6. Share with me WHY I want to be part of your life.

a. Share with me WHY I should be part of your team
b. Share with me WHY my life is going to change
c. Share with me WHY I have a dream

7. Business of the 21st Century:

a. MLM….is about the WHAT and the HOW
b. Center focus is: CASHFLOW QUADRANT
c. Talks about WHY the Traditional forms of occupations are not going to give you what
you want.
d. Talks about WHY you’re so unsatisfied/why’re you’re unhappy
e. Talks about WHY you need to CHANGE YOUR MINDSET about how money works
i. Need to change your MINDSET about how to make income
ii. You don’t pursue an income or a job because HOW it works or WHAT it is, You
PURSUE it because of WHY: Because it gives me the LIFE and DREAM we

8. I don’t join BWW/Amway because I like Amway. I don’t build it because I enjoy it. I build it
because It’ gives me a chance to be with my family and friends. And the chance to be free

9. How to make friends and influence people

10. What’s your name? Bob, What do you do?

My loyalty is to my family. What will get me with my family most often?
You’re a truck driver. I’ll dump this. Should I quit this and be a truck driver like you?

11. It doesn’t matter if you hate sponsoring. I don’t care if you’re not running volume. IF it gives you
the life you want, who cares. You do the thing because of WHY it gives you a life.
Not what it functions and how it works.

12. The WHY I Do it, is to Have a life.

13. (I don’t want my status to come from my occupation), I want my status to come from the LIFE I
GET from my occupation. IF I can get that by doing the bottom of the barrel job, SIGN ME UP.
14. SO what do you get from what you do?

15. I get to be home a day long and do what I want to do, with the people I love to do it with.

When talking to PROSPECTS:

 “It’s Not what you do. It’s WHY YOU DO IT

So when I give them a book, or a CD. Say:

Let me tell you what you’re going to hear here.
16. Why do you want to do it?
What’s the life you picture?
Where would you like to be?
= that’s why you get into a vehicle.

Maybe Amway’s not sure vehicle, but we gotta figure out where you want to go first, then you
pick your vehicle. That’s where they do wrong. Figure out where you want to go, then we’ll
figure out your vehicle to take you there.

17. When you read this book by Kiyosaki, first you gotta understand who he is. D
 He’s one of the most successful multimillionaires in America.
 He teaches people about wealth and how to build business for their own.
 I’m sure you heard Rich Dad, Poor dad. I’m sure you know about that concept.
 Have you heard about his new book Business of the 21st century….which looks at how they
make money, and realizes it fitting what they’re looking for. The most important to look
for when you read this book or watch this CD is pay attention to the cashflow quadrant. I
don’t know if you’ve heard about that, have you heard about the cashflow quadrant

 I want you to learn this. I want you to understand the TWO Ways we were taught to make
money, and Why they will ALWAYS be unsatisfying, and They will not give us what we want.

 I want you to understand the TWO ways we should make money so you can control your
life. You don’t have to like me, you don’t have to like Robert, You don’t have to like my
 But I bet You’ll like your lifestyle that you get to choose.

18. “The biggest thing for Me is not that I want to be in control, It’s because I didn’t like the idea of
everybody else being in control.
a. I hate when Visa/Master-card is in control of my life
b. I hate when Banks are in control of my life
c. I hate when a Boss is controlling my life
d. I just want the ability to make my own choices
Because that’s what I/we want, when I wanted it”
HELP THEM UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY’RE looking for: Point of Business in the 21st Century –
it’s not the what or the how
[It’s not WHAT Network Marketing or HOW Network Marketing, It’s WHY would you look at
something Different

Best way: Give them homework.

“You need to go home’. And you need to take a look at where you want to be 2, 5, and 10
years from now.

I want people that got it and appreciates it.

19. “Debbie” look, you’re not going to be interested in this. Here’s what I want you to do. Go home
and do something you’ve never done. Go home and set goals. They say less than 3% of people
set goals right?
I want you to sit down and write down on a piece of paper where you want to be in 2 years,
5years and 10years. Write it down. I mean everything. If you don’t know where to start, Go
through a week. What are you doing on Mondays? What would you like to do differently?
What are you doing Tuesdays. What would you like to do differently?....for every day of the
Go through the seasons. Go through the summer. What do you do every summer. What do you
wish you could do every summer. What do you do every winter. What do you wish you could do
every winter? Start writing those things down. Where do you live. What kinds of cars do you
drive. What kinds of charities do you support. What kinds of time do you spend with your
Write down all those things and describe the life you’d like to have. It two five, and 10 years.
Now only 3% of people do that.

20. HOW MUCH would that life cost? Debbie, That’s what I want you to do. I want you to write
down, how much would that life cost? So you have a dream life’ and up the cost, and you’ll
have the total.
And multiply it by 2 ½. WHY, because you should save or give 20% of your income . You’re
going to give 40% of it in tax. So 60% of everything you’re going to make is going to go away.
You’re life’s going to be lived on 40% of your income. Okay?
So whatever your life’s gonna cost, you have to multiply by 2.5 , cause that’s only 40%. To get
to 100% of what you make, that’s what you have to come up with.

That too fast? You got it.

Take your dreams, add’em up, multiply by 2.5. That’s what you have to make. Debbie, You’re
gonna get a number. Match that number to what you make NOW AS A NURSE.
If you make more money as a nurse than you’ll ever have to make to have your dreams, then
you don’t need to change anything.
It’s stupid to get together with me. That’s why I don’t think it’s worth your time. BUT if the
number for your dreams is Bigger. WAY BIGGER than your income as a nurse, One of two
things has to happen.
One, you have to stop dreaming these stupid, asinine dreams that will NEVER HAPPEN FOR
YOU. OR, You need to get serious and change the vehicle on how you make a living.

21. That’s the WHY

MOST PROSPECTS have never been taught how to do that.

They’ve never been taught that don’t pick a job that sounds fun. THAT’S A HOBBY
“Well I enjoy doing this” great. Get rich and do that as a hobby.
You’re gonna find out that whatever you think’s cool, It’s not cool in 8-10hours a day and 5 and
6 days a week. For 40 years of your life. Nothing is THAT cool.
You’ll find out you’ll change your hobbies a lot.\

22. So go make a living in a lifestyle that MAKES SENSE, then pursue any hobby that you want to.

23. That’s the point: YOU WANT THE FREEDOM to have the choice.
They’re not TAUGHT how to do that.

YOU NEED TO HELP these people do this. YOU NEED TO HELP these people walk through the
process. Of thinking HOW TO LOOK AT THEIR LIFE.
They need to change their mindset.

24. WHAT YOU HAVE TO OFFER as a MENTOR is too significant. What you have to offer is Too
awesome, too destiny changing

25. When you do this, you’ll start to love this business, because this business gives you a life.
Because it give you life, it gives other people life.
There is NOTHING MORE REWARDING that to see a husband and wife sitting across the table in
tears because you’ve changed their life.
That’s what motivated me to go into medicine, but I found out medicine didn’t do that.

26. But in this business, people wanted me to know their children, they wanted me to be involved in
their lives. They wanted me to help change them. So what happened is Your WORK becomes
your life, becomes your vocation, becomes your mission, becomes your destiny. And now,
people become confused are you working are you living, because the two blend together.

27. “The art of living. The masters in the art of living make little distinction between their work, and
their play. Leaving others to decide whether they’re working or they’re playing” – James missure
Come play with us.

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