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Metadata Standards for Data Warehousing:

Open Information Model vs. Common Warehouse Metamodel

Thomas Vetterliy Anca Vaduvaz Martin Staudty

Swiss Life
y University of Zurich

P.O. Box, CH-8022 Zurich Department of Information Technology

Switzerland Winterthurerstr. 190 CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland vaduva@i

Guest Column Introduction within data warehousing architectures, a standard

for metadata representation and exchange is needed.
This column typically addresses some aspects of This paper considers two standards and compares
the SQL standard, including the recently-published them according to speci c areas of interest within
SQL:1999 standard and the still-emerging parts of the data warehousing. Despite their incontestable simi-
SQLJ standard. This issue, however, takes a slightly larities, there are signi cant di erences between the
di erent approach. First, instead of writing the col- two standards which would make their uni cation dif-
umn ourselves, we are giving our space, as we will cult.
do occasionally, to a guest column. And, second, the
subject matter is not directly related to the SQL stan-
dard (although there is certainly a relationship to the 1 Introduction
One of the least well understood aspects of data Data warehousing aims at providing, managing and
management is the use of metadata. The increasing exploiting a set of integrated data (the data ware-
popularity of data warehouses raises the importance house) for business decision support within an orga-
of comprehensive analysis of metadata far beyond nization. Important business trends are discovered
its typical signi cance. Vetterli, Vaduva, and Staudt and better and faster decisions may be reached re-
examine two standards for metadata in the context garding multiple aspects of business like sales and
of their uses in the data warehousing context. We customer service, marketing, and risk assessment.
appreciate their willingness to share the results of In order to cope with the complexity of data struc-
their work with us and with you. tures and processes in data warehousing, a consis-
tent management of metadata is required. Meta-
Andrew Eisenberg and Jim Melton
data (also called \data about data") is de ned as
any information that may be used to minimize the ef-
Abstract forts for administration and to improve the exploita-
tion of a data warehouse system. Typically, meta-
Metadata has been identi ed as a key success factor data is classi ed with regard to its use as business
in data warehouse projects. It captures all kinds of metadata, mainly needed by end-users, and technical
information necessary to analyse, design, build, use, metadata, produced and used by database adminis-
and interpret the data warehouse contents. In order trators or by other software components of the data
to spread the use of metadata, enable the interop- warehouse system. The category of business meta-
erability between repositories, and tool integration data contains end-user-speci c documentation, dic-
 This work was partly supported by Swiss Federal OÆce tionaries, thesauri, and domain-speci c ontological
of Professional Education and Technology under grant KTI- knowledge, business concepts and terminology, de-
3979.1 (SMART). tails about prede ned queries, and user reports. In
contrast, technical metadata includes schema de ni- ently, the easiest solution is to agree on a common
tions and con guration speci cations, physical stor- metadata representation in a given tool environment
age information, access rights, executable speci ca- or to use a prede ned one-to-one interchange format
tions like data transformation and plausibility rules, between commercial products, assuming they provide
and runtime information like log les and perfor- any. However, the freedom of combining products
mance results. from any manufacturer to create a customized sys-
Consistent metadata management requires meta- tem is only given if a standard exists and all prod-
data to be captured and stored in a repository which ucts comply with it. In other words, the necessity of a
is shared both by various user groups (e.g., end-users, metadata standard for representation and exchange
system administrators, application developers, etc.) is undisputable in order to ensure interoperability,
and software components. Users need the repository integration and spreading of metadata use in data
as a consistent documentation in order to e ectively warehouse projects.
and eÆciently achieve their particular tasks. On the This paper compares the Open Information Model
other hand, software components may produce and (OIM) [2] and the Common Warehouse Metamodel
consume (i.e., access, interpret and possibly execute (CWM) speci cation [3], two accepted standards for
at runtime) the information of the repository. Thus, metadata representation and exchange, proposed by
the repository has to provide a structure tting its Meta Data Coalition and OMG. To clarify, a standard
utilisation purposes. First of all, this structure has to for metadata representation requires the complete de-
re ect the diversity of information required by users scription of a metamodel with all its elements, their
and tools (e.g., business and technical metadata, de- semantic content and interdependencies between ele-
scriptive and transformational, conceptual and logi- ments. The standard is inherently independent of any
cal, etc). Then, it has to ensure the navigation re- speci c implementation. A standard for exchange
quirements of users. That means, semantic links be- is based on a unique metamodel as well but it also
tween metadata elements ought to be represented in contains the de nition of ready-to-use interfaces that
the repository structure. At the conceptual level, the specify the metamodel in a wide-spread language like
structure of the repository is described by a meta- XML or CORBA IDL.
model. Each repository should provide a documented In the following, we discuss the OIM and CWM
and user-extendable metamodel (possibly stored it- metamodels. Section 2 introduces the two speci ca-
self in the repository) which easily allows the exten- tions and present the sub-models from which they are
sion of the system for additional requirements (e.g., built up. Section 3 compares the standards accord-
information types and sources). ing to some criteria which play an important role for
The existence of a single repository for manag- data warehousing. Section 4 summarizes the di er-
ing all kinds of metadata within an enterprise allows ences and a possible convergency in the future.
centralized metadata management. Metadata is uni-
formly and consistently managed, and accessed by
all possible consumers. However, the use of di erent 2 Overview
tools, software components and repositories with di-
vergent data models, following diverse representation OIM and CWM are both industry standards devel-
formats, hinders centralization. In this case, there are oped by multi-vendor organizations with participa-
two alternatives to handle metadata management. A tion of industry leaders. They specify metamod-
totally decentralized approach requires metadata to els which could be seen as conceptual schemas for
be mutually exchanged when necessary. Federated metadata incorporating application-speci c aspects
metadata management strikes a trade-o between the of data warehousing.
advantages of centralization and those of local con- The purpose of OIM is to support tool inter-
trol. However, in both cases a common metadata operability across technologies and companies via
representation associated with a common metamodel a shared information model (another name for an
is required: in the former case, a common interchange enterprise-wide metamodel). OIM is designed to en-
representation format has to be adopted at both sides compass all phases of information systems develop-
and used when data has to be imported or exported ment, from analysis through deployment. OIM ver-
between repositories and/or tools. In the latter case, sion 1.0 was adopted in July 1999, by the Meta Data
a global conceptual view of all existing metadata has Coalition as a standard. Version 1.1 is underway.
to be built as a means to integrate the architecture The Meta Data Coalition aims at the de nition, im-
components sharing metadata in the system. Inher- plementation and ongoing evolution of a metadata
the UML. Other packages are UML extensions
(covering the presentational aspects of UML el-
ements like fonts, coordinates etc., and other
general-purpose additions to the UML package),
Knowledge Common Data Types (Date, Time etc.) and
Generic Elements (describing a set of general-
Analysis and
Design Model
purpose classes that are relevant across diverse
information models).
 The Object and Component Model comprises the
Object and
Database and
Component Description Model, covering the dif-
Model Model ferent component development life-cycle deliver-
ables. The model is divided into three distinct
Figure 1: Open Information Model layers: speci cation, implementation (currently
not de ned), and executable. The Component
Description Model covers the various aspects of
interchange format standard and its support mecha- the implementation of a component (de ned as
nisms. The coalition currently consists of more than \a software package that o ers services through
50 members, including Microsoft, Ardent Software, interfaces"), but does not respect the speci cs of
Brio Technologies, Evolutionary Technologies Inter- any particular programming language.
national (ETI), Informatica, Platinum, SAS Institute
and Viasoft.  The Business Engineering Model (available in
CWM is part of OMG's e orts to create a stan- Version 1.1) provides all the necessary metadata
dardized object-oriented architectural framework for types to capture goals, organization, and infra-
distributed applications in order to support reusabil- structure of a business as well as the processes
ity, portability and interoperability of object-oriented and rules that govern the business. It contains
software components in heterogeneous environments. following packages: Business Goals, Organiza-
The proposed standard is designed to help companies tional Elements, Business Processes and Busi-
integrate data warehouse, e-business and business in- ness Rules.
telligence systems quickly and easily by supplying a
metadata representation and exchange format. The  The Knowledge Management Model comprises
CWM speci cation was proposed to the OMG with the Information Directory Model, currently not
a joint submission by IBM, Oracle, Unisys, Hyper- de ned, and the Semantic De nitions. It ac-
ion Solutions (Essbase Software), and others and was commodates conceptual models of user informa-
adopted as an OMG standard in June 2000. tion. Speci cally, the package holds descriptions
of semantic models and their relationships to the
underlying database schema. These connections
2.1 Open Information Model (OIM) enable a user to query a database using English
OIM is a specialization of the abstract concepts of sentences. The Information Directory Model will
UML into domain speci c sub-models that describe provide metadata types to de ne a controlled vo-
metadata. OIM is based on the industry standards cabulary to classify business information.
UML, XML and SQL. Figure 1 shows the sub-models  The Database and Warehousing Model consists
of OIM and their interdependencies using UML no- of the following packages:
tation1 :
1. Database schema elements describe infor-
 The Analysis and Design Model covers the do- mation maintained in relational database
main of object-oriented modeling and design systems. This package contains informa-
of software systems. The core of the model tion about schema elements (tables, views,
is the UML package, describing version 1.3 of queries etc.) and database speci c data
1 The reader should not be confused by the fact that OIM types. The concepts of this package are
uses UML in three distinct roles: as modeling language to de- modeled according to the ANSI/ISO SQL-
sign and visualize OIM itself, as the main part of the Analysis 92 standard, with selected proprietary ex-
and Design Model to express object-oriented models, and as
the core-model of OIM from which sub-models inherit con- tensions supported by popular relational
cepts. database vendors.
2. OLAP schema elements describe multidi-
mensional databases. The package allows CWM Foundation

the description of cubes (the basic compo-

nent in multidimensional data analysis), di- Warehouse

mension hierarchies (for roll-up and drill-

down operations), and aggregations (precal- Relational Record Oriented
culated roll-ups of data stored in a cube).

3. Data transformations elements cover

relational-to-relational transformations. A Transformation OLAP
transformation maps from a set of source
objects into a set of target objects, both
represented by a transformable object set.
Transformations can be packaged into
groups. There are three levels of grouping: Warehouse Process Warehouse Operation

The rst uses a transformation task, which

describes a set of transformations that
must be executed together. The second Figure 2: Common Warehouse Metamodel
level is a transformation step, executing
a single transformation task. Steps are
 The CWM Foundation contains elements repre-
used to coordinate the ow of control
between tasks. The third level is a trans- senting concepts and structures that are shared
formation package, consisting of a set of by other CWM packages. CWM Foundation
transformation steps. covers the following conceptual areas:
4. Record-oriented database elements describe { Business Information de nes so-called
information about data maintained in les business-oriented information (like, e.g, re-
or non-relational (legacy) databases. The sponsible parties, how to contact them,
package does not cover detailed logical-to- general-purpose textual descriptions) about
physical mapping or information about any CWM model elements.
of the concrete le systems or databases { Data Types and CWM Types support the
that may use record structures. These will de nition of data type metamodel con-
be added later in subsequent packages. structs that modelers can use to create spe-
5. Report de nitions (available in Version 1.1) ci c data types. Note that besides UML
represent information necessary for data re- data types, CWM Foundation does not con-
porting tools and their relationships to the tain any speci c data type de nitions.
systems they report on. { Expressions provide basic support for the
de nition of expression trees within the
2.2 Common Warehouse Metamodel CWM.
(CWM) { Keys & Indexes are means for specifying
The main purpose of CWM is to enable easy in- instances and for identifying alternate sort-
terchange of common warehouse metadata between ings of instances. These concepts have been
warehouse tools and warehouse metadata reposito- placed in the CWM Foundation because
ries in distributed heterogeneous environments and similar concepts are available in many types
thus considerable documents (and les) are pro- of data sources.
vided with the CWM metamodel expressed in XML  The Warehouse Deployment package contains el-
and interfaces generated as CORBA IDL. CWM is ements to record how the hard- and software in a
based on the following OMG standards: UML, MOF data warehouse is used. The package tracks the
(Meta Object Facility), a metamodeling and meta- installation of a software system (e.g. a DBMS,
data repository standard, and XMI, an XML-based a software package with its components) as well
standard for metadata exchange originating from as the location of individual computers.
Figure 2 shows the dependencies between the sub-  The Relational package describes data accessi-
models of CWM in UML notation: ble through a relational interface. The package
follows the SQL:1999 standard. metadata about data sources, data targets and ware-
house processes that create and manage them. There-
 The Record-Oriented package covers the basic fore, OIM is much broader in scope than CWM.
concept of a record and its structure. Traditional
data records as well as data types of structured Both standards use UML 1.3 as their foundation.
programming languages can be described. However, there is a signi cant di erence: CWM is
compliant with the Meta Object Facility (MOF) stan-
 The Multidimensional Database (MDDB) pack- dard, whereas OIM is not. Therefore, CWM has an
age is a generic representation of a multidimen- inherent repository orientation provided by the MOF
sional database (i.e., MOLAP). In multidimen- compliance (e.g. representation of the meta data as
sional databases, constructs like dimensions, hi- CORBA objects). OIM, on the other hand, is not a
erarchies are represented by internal data struc- speci cation of a repository API or implementation;
tures and the OLAP operations are automati- it focuses on the description of information, not on
cally provided as well. The package does not data access and management.
attempt to provide a complete representation of In the following, we investigate the coverage of cer-
all aspects of commercially available multidimen- tain areas of interest and the support provided by the
sional databases. Tool-speci c extensions (Ora- two standards for various aspects of data warehous-
cle Express, Essbase) are available as examples ing, like the representation of data resources, data
in the CWM Submission. transformations and business aspects within the two
 The XML package contains types and associa-
tions that describe XML data resources. It is
based on XML 1.0.
 The Transformation package covers transfor-
3.1 Database Support
mations among di erent types of data sources
and targets: object-oriented, relational, record- Both standards support the de nition of relational
oriented, multidimensional, XML, and OLAP. data sources. The di erences are:
Transformations can be grouped into logical
units. { OIM is based on SQL-92, whereas CWM is based
on SQL:1999.
 The OLAP package de nes a metamodel of es-
sential OLAP constructs that are common across
most OLAP applications and tools. This meta- { OIM de nes the concept of keys and in-
model is mapped to deployment-capable struc- dexes within the (relational) Database Schema,
tures (the Relational and Multidimensional pack- whereas CWM de nes them within the Founda-
ages) via the Transformation package. tion package, giving them a general applicability
(e.g. for legacy data sources).
 The Warehouse Process package documents the
process ow used to execute the transformations.
Support of legacy data sources (e.g. hierarchi-
 The Warehouse Operation package contains cal, network, index-sequential models) is provided to
classes recording the day-to-day operation of the some extent in both standards.
warehouse processes. OIM provides a package to describe record-oriented
data sources, covering the basic elements such as
3 Comparison records, elds and relationships. There is no explicit
support yet for common le systems and databases
This section provides a coarse comparison of the two such as VSAM, IMS and so forth.
competing speci cations. OIM is designed to encom- CWMs record-oriented package supports the def-
pass all phases of information systems development inition of record-oriented structures, including both
and contains one package that is speci cally intended traditional data records as well as data types from
for data warehousing, the Database and Warehousing structured programming languages (Cobol, C etc.).
Model. On the other hand, the entire CWM deals As an extension of the record-oriented model, sup-
with metadata for data warehousing only and pro- port for IMS database de nitions is provided as an
vides a framework for representing and exchanging example (not a normative part of the standard).
3.2 On-line Analytical Processing transformation packages. There are, however, some
(OLAP) and Multidimensional weighty di erences:
Data { The OIM Transformation Model currently sup-
Since OLAP is the main analysis application for data ports relational-to-relational mappings, only.
warehousing, both OIM and CWM provide support CWM, on the other hand, is not tied to a par-
to de ne OLAP metadata. Areas covered by both ticular model.
models include the de nition of cubes, dimensions { The speci cation of transformation expressions
and hierarchies. is stored in string format in OIM, whereas CWM
CWM provides two packages, namely the OLAP supports both a textual string representation as
package which allows the de nition of essential OLAP well as a tree-based structure.
constructs that are common across most OLAP ap-
plications and tools. The Multidimensional Package 3.5 XML
covers the de nition of a multidimensional database.
The OLAP metamodel is mapped to deployment ca- Support for XML data resources is rapidly becom-
pable structures (the Relational or Multidimensional ing very important. CWM provides an XML-package
model) via the Transformation package. That means, which supports the de nition of XML data sources,
CWM strictly separates the representation of data in e.g. XML schemas, element types etc. OIM does not
a multidimensional format from the actual deploy- support XML data sources.
ment, namely ROLAP or MOLAP. Regarding the exchange of data using XML, CWM
In OIM, there is no separation of these two aspects. uses the already de ned OMG standard called XMI
The OLAP Schema package combines the semantic (XML Metadata Interchange), whereas OIM de nes
aspects of OLAP with the deployment of these struc- its own XML encoding (which is not yet accepted as a
tures. Also, since the OLAP model is largely derived standard by the Meta Data Coalition). There is again
from the (relational) Database schema model, the de- a di erence in scope: The XMI standard is intended
ployment of an OLAP structure as a multidimen- to exchange any MOF-based model, and consists of
sional database seems impossible { despite the fact two major components:
that the OLAP Schema package provides the possi- 1. the XML DTD Production Rules for producing
bility to specify the OLAP model (hybrid, relational XML Document Type De nitions (DTDs) for
or multidimensional) as part of a cube speci cation. XMI encoded metadata, and
2. the XML Document Production Rules for encod-
3.3 Warehouse Deployment ing metadata in an XML compatible form.
Warehouse deployment deals with how the software Then, XMI is a pair of parallel mappings, one be-
in a data warehouse system is used, which software tween MOF metamodels and XML DTDs, the other
systems and data resources exist and how they inter- between MOF metadata and XML documents.
act. Warehouse deployment is handled di erently in The OIM XML-encoding speci cation on the other
OIM and CWM. OIM generally provides logical and side suggests a coarse DTD (specifying the necessary
deployment subclasses (not further de ned) of its se- top element) for a complete transfer of metadata. A
mantic classes, whereas CWM de nes a standalone set of accompanying DTDs is also provided.
Warehouse Deployment model which de nes concepts However, for both CWM and OIM, DTDs are not
of providers, data resources, and connections. Any expressive enough to completely express the models
logical data model within CWM (e.g. Relational, semantics. Therefore, knowledge of the underlying
Multidimensional) may have a link to an appropri- model is necessary to correctly interpret a metadata
ate metaclass of the CWM Warehouse Deployment exchange.
3.6 Business Metadata
3.4 Data Transformations
Business metadata covers a wide range of topics: the
Both CWM and OIM provide similar support to de nition of a business terminology, the link of this
model data transformations, enabling the grouping of terminology to existing reports or data sources, the
single transformations (i.e., mapping a data object, possibility to de ne key business gures (e.g. Bal-
e.g. a table or column, to another data object) into anced Scorecards), the non-technical description of
transformations and business rules, etc. At present, data item, e.g. a cell in a multidimensional cube.
both standards do a relatively poor job in support- The CWMTransformation package (see 3.4) covers
ing business metadata. However, OIM version 1.1 transformations among all types of data sources and
will handle a considerable amount of business ele- targets: object-oriented, relational, record-oriented,
ments. The Business Engineering model will con- multidimensional, XML, and OLAP. Whenever data
tain packages for the description of Business Goals has to be converted, this can be modeled with a trans-
and Processes. The Knowledge Description package formation. The Warehouse Operation package cov-
within the Knowledge Management model will allow ers the actual executions of transformations within
the de nition of glossaries, thesauri and vocabularies. the warehouse, identifying when a transformation
The Database and Warehouse model will be enhanced was executed and whether it was successfully com-
to allow the de nition of reports (Report De nition pleted. Therefore, a coarse data lineage is supported
package). No support for the de nition of key busi- by CWM. However, it is not possible to track indi-
ness gures is planned. vidual data items.
CWM only supports the de nition of business- OIM provides a similar TransformationPackage
oriented information about model elements: Contact- class (see 3.4), limited to relational data only. An
Info, EmailId, ResponsibleParty, Telephone, Loca- execution of a TransformationPackage produces an
tion, Document and Description. Note that through instance of Package Execution class which gets as-
the Generic Elements package, OIM also provides signed an ExecutionId. This ID is stored in the in-
the possibility to model ContactInfo (i.e, a person), stances of the target data. In this way, rudimentary
EmailID, Telephone and Location. data lineage support is possible in OIM as well.
An important part of business metadata are the
business rules. According to [1], a business rule is a 3.9 Quality Issues
statement that de nes or constrains some aspect of
the business and is intended to assert business struc- Quality issues in data warehousing comprise a wide
ture or to control or in uence the behavior of the spectrum. Roughly, three areas have to be consid-
business. In the ideal case, business rules should be ered: data de nition and information architecture
de ned on di erent levels of abstraction, including quality, data content quality and data presentation
descriptions (in natural language) suitable for busi- quality. Speci cally, information about accuracy of
ness users, as well as formal speci cations for techni- data, data currentness, data completeness, believabil-
cal users. These speci cations should also be linked ity etc. are of interest.
to other areas of warehouse metadata, e.g. speci ca- There is no support, however, for quality aspects
tion of transformation rules. in data warehousing, neither in OIM nor CWM.
CWM does not support the speci cation of busi-
ness rules per se. In OIM 1.1, support for business
rules is provided by a part of the Business Engi- 3.10 Security Aspects
neering model. The suggested business rule model Both standards do not cover security aspects of data
is mainly targeted towards business users. Further- warehousing, e.g. the de nition of access and execu-
more, a Grammar Model is proposed, which will pro- tion rights.
vide support for a speci cation of a business rule in
a formal grammar.
3.11 Support for versions & con gu-
3.7 Organizational Aspects
In CWM, support for versions and con gurations is
Currently, both standards do not cover organizational given through MOF. The MOF Model Package pro-
aspects of data warehousing, e.g. the de nition of vides a copyModel() operation, \deep-copying" a top-
persons, roles, organization units etc. OIM 1.1 will level package into a target namespace. This names-
introduce an Organizational Model as part of the pace must be an instance of MOFRepository. In
Business Engineering Model. UML, packages can have a version assigned with a
Tagged Value, so both CWM and OIM provide a basic
3.8 Data Lineage support for version management. Additionally, the
Generic Elements package of OIM contains a class
Data lineage is the ability to determine the source of NamedVersion, enabling the ability to specify com-
the data and the process that \produced" a certain ponent version information.
3.12 Query Generation 6. While CWM provides a sophisticated mechanism
to exchange metadata between tools or reposito-
The Semantic De nitions package of OIM o ers the ries relying on the XMI standard, the proposed
possibility to specify conceptual models of user in- solution for OIM is rather hand-knitted.
formation, comprising Entities, Relationships and
Dictionary entries. The intention of the package Despite the fact that the OMG and the MDC es-
is to support the de nition of mappings between tablished a formal technical liaison (the MDC is now
database schema and semantic constructs familiar to a Platform Member of the OMG, and the OMG is a
the users in order to enable end-users to interact with
member of the MDC) in order to \build consensus on
a database without learning a data manipulation lan- metadata standards", signi cant e orts are required
guage. CWM does not provide such a capability. to unify OIM and CWM. It is likely that the two
standards will co-exist for some time and metadata
exchange between the two standards (via XML) will
4 Summary be commonplace. However, to support a complete in-
tegration of all warehouse metadata stored in repos-
The tendency of local and proprietary metadata stor- itories compliant with OIM or CWM, a uni ed and
age provided by specialized data warehouse tools extended model will be absolutely necessary.
causes a high demand for metadata integration and
exchange. In this context, standardization is re-
quired. However, instead of a single one, there References
are two di erent competing streams of standardiza-
tion with regard to metadata representation and ex- [1] GUIDE. Business Rules Project, Final Report,
change, namely MDC with Microsoft as leader pro- revision 1.2 edition, October 1997.
moting OIM on the one hand and its rivals Oracle, [2] Meta Data Coalition. Open Information
IBM etc. contributing to the OMG activities and Model Version, 1.0 edition, August 1999.
adopting CWM as a standard on the other hand.
The di erences and similarities between OIM and
CWM can be summarized as follows: [3] OMG. Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM)
Speci cation, OMG Document ad/99-09-01,
1. They build on the same ground, namely UML Initial Submission edition, September 1999.
and XML, raising the hope that a uni cation of
the two models may someday be possible.
[4] John A. Zachman. A framework for informa-
2. They di er in scope: while CWM is primarily tion systems architecture. IBM Systems Journal,
restricted to data warehouse metadata, OIM has 26(3), 1987.
a broader purpose.
3. They do not provide mechanisms to categorize
information according to di erent conceptual
levels of metadata, as e.g. suggested by Zach-
man [4]. But both standards provide a package
structure to separate di erent warehouse areas.
4. They provide support to represent and exchange
core warehouse metadata with an emphasis on
the technical metadata. For the time beeing,
both standards fall short in providing mecha-
nisms for handling business metadata. OIM ver-
sion 1.1 (proposed but not yet adopted as a stan-
dard) will address business aspects in more de-
5. In contrast to CWM, OIM is currently oriented
and limited to the support of relational data
(e.g., in transformations, OLAP).

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