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Shunkan Eiksakubun Dondon ⅼ Grade 2 ⅼ Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Adverbial infinitives (intention)

Original Sentences
Note: Each lesson of Shunkan Eisakubun has two pages. The first page contains 10 Japanese sentences,
and the second contains their translation. These are the pages your student sees.

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Shunkan Eiksakubun Dondon ⅼ Grade 2 ⅼ Chapter 16

Basic Practice 1| Reading English Sentences

Directions: Direct the student to turn to the second page, and look at the translated sentences. You
should read each sentence first and let the student repeat. Correct the student’s pronunciation mistakes.

Copyright © since 1998 DMM All Rights Reserved.
Shunkan Eiksakubun Dondon ⅼ Grade 2 ⅼ Chapter 16

Basic Practice 2 | Translating Japanese to English 1

Directions: Direct the student to look at the first page, and to translate each sentence to English. Explain
that he/she should go from No.1 to No.10. Look at the English page and check if the student is
translating correctly.

Basic Practice 3 | Translating Japanese to English 2

Directions: Ask the student to translate the sentences again, in random order. Choose the sentence
numbers randomly and check the student’s translation. After that, ask the student to translate the
sentences that he/she has struggled with once more.

Copyright © since 1998 DMM All Rights Reserved.
Shunkan Eiksakubun Dondon ⅼ Grade 2 ⅼ Chapter 16

Follow-up Practice1 | Additional Shunkan Eisakubun–visible in Tutor’s Copy only

Directions: Copy each Japanese sentence to the chat box and ask the student to translate it to English.

1) 私の姉は、新しい服を買うためにショッピングモールに行きます。
My sister goes to the mall to buy new clothes.

2) 私は雑誌を何冊か読むために本屋に行きました。
I went to the bookstore to read some magazines.

3) アリスとルカは昨日、朝食を食べるためにファーストフード店に行きました。
Alice and Luke went to a fast food restaurant to have breakfast yesterday.

4) 彼らは明日の朝、一緒にジョギングするために朝早く起きます。
They are going to get up early tomorrow morning to jog together.

5) 彼女は今日、家族を訪問するために故郷の町に帰ります。
She will go to her hometown today to visit her family.

Follow-up Practice2| Answer the Questions – visible in Tutor’s Copy only

Directions: Copy each question to the chat box and ask the student to answer it by using infinitive form.

1. Why does he study English so hard? _____________________.

2. Why did you go to the supermarket? _____________________.

3. Why will you go to the US? __________________________.

4. Why did you come here? ____________________________.

5. Why are you saving money? _________________________.

Copyright © since 1998 DMM All Rights Reserved.
Shunkan Eiksakubun Dondon ⅼ Grade 2 ⅼ Chapter 16

Follow-up Practice 3| Jumbled words – visible in Tutor’s Copy only

Directions: Copy the jumbled words to the chat box and ask the student to rearrange the words and
make a sentence.

1. blew, whistle, he, his, dinner, announce, to, hour.

-He blew his whistle to announce dinner hour.
2. have, read, times, to, they, memorize, many, to, poem, the.
-They have to read many times to memorize the poem.
3. am, early, tomorrow, cook, favorite, my, I, going, to, up, get, food, to.
-I am going to get up early tomorrow to cook my favorite food.
4. Katrina, went, and, the, restaurant, to, Ana, have, to, dinner.
-Katrina and Ana went to the restaurant to have dinner.
5. have, to, work, tonight, finish, project, their, hard, they, to.
- They have to work hard tonight to finish their project.

Follow-up Practice 4| Make Sentences – visible in Tutor’s Copy only

Directions: Ask the student to create his/her own sentences with adverbial infinitive.

1. Make a sentence in Past Tense using adverbial infinitive for intention.

2. Make a sentence in Present Tense using adverbial infinitive for intention.

3. Make a sentence in Future Tense using adverbial infinitive for intention.

Copyright © since 1998 DMM All Rights Reserved.

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