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Grade 3 PYP News 

Sharing The Planet

Central Idea: ​Humans live in a web of interdependence where understanding oneself and others 
is essential for peaceful resolution to conflict. 

Lines of Inquiry 
● Cause and consequences of conflict 
● Understanding different points of view and strategies to resolve conflict   
● Awareness of ourselves and how we act 

Concepts  Causation  Perspective  Responsibility  

Understanding  Conflict  Cooperation 

Approaches  Thinking  Social  Communication  Research  Self-Management 
to Learning  -Comprehension  -Cooperation  -Listening  -Collecting  -Codes of 
(skills)  -Dialectical  -Respecting  -Speaking  Data  Behaviour 
thinking  Others  -Non-verbal  -Interpreting  -Informed Choices 
communication  Data 

Questions to explore:  
● Is conflict or tension necessary for  ● What are consequences? 
growth/progress?  ● What are strategies to resolve conflict? 
● Problem based learning scenarios.   ● How do we collaborate? 
● What conflict is here in our community  ● How do we communicate? 
● How do we work together to achieve a 
(classroom, school, playground, 
● How do we treat others? 
● Family interview - what is your family  How do we respond to conflict? 
history and what does that mean for  ● What is my role as a bystander in 
you/us now?  conflict? 
● Is equal always fair?   ● Is conflict necessary? 
● What is cooperation? What does that  ● What is peace?  
look like in different situations?   ● What is conflict? 
● Does any good come from conflict?  ● What is understanding? 
● What causes conflict?  ● What is perspective? 

Home Learning Connections and Tasks 
Grade 3 PYP News 
Sharing The Planet
Key Vocabulary 
Literacy Connections  
● Students will be developing as readers, writers and speakers. They will focus on the 
big idea that readers, writers and speakers make a difference in the world by seeking 
to understand complex relationships. They will focus on writing opinion pieces and 
speeches to share their perspective and they will engage in book clubs reading about 
conflict and social issues. 
Math Connections 
● Students will be beginning to explore fractions in math. They will also be collecting 
data and interpreting data using tables and graphs. 
PE Connections 
● In PE, students are involved in their swimming unit or in exploring games in the gym. In 
our games unit, students are building understanding about one’s body in space, and the 
use of space in games for safe and fun play. In the pool, they continue to build their 
swimming skills and explore how to coordinate their movements for efficient and 
effective swimming.  
Social/emotional Learning 
● Students will continue noticing some of the habits of their minds and finding ways to 
steady and be present in the moment when the mind is busy/anxious. We will be 
discussing how our thoughts are connected to body, emotions, and urges/actions. Also, 
students will be exploring the five important needs that humans are born with: life, 
love, power, freedom, and fun. We will inquire into ways that we support our needs and 
how others may feel and act when their needs are not being met.  
● Our young musicians will be exploring complementary rhythm patterns seeing how 
harmonies and ostinato create richer musical pieces. They will also explore perspective 
as they deepen their understanding of movement to music in relation to shape, space 
and force. 
● In the art studio, students are exploring the concept of conflict in different ways. 
They are looking at how conflict can be represented using art (colour, space, 
juxtaposition) and how conflict can be approached and resolved in the studio 
surrounding the use of materials. 
Technology Integration 
● We will be exploring conflict in a digital world. Our students will engage in lessons 
about digital safety, digital citizenship and digital responsibilities. Students will grow 
their understanding of digital conflict and the causes and consequences of these 

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