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Von Lester L.

BEC 113 – BAE

Meaning of Marginal Efficiency of present value of the series of annuities

Capital (MEC): given by the returns expected from the
MEC refers to the expected profitability capital asset during its life equal to its
of a capital asset. It may be defined as supply price”. This may be put in the
the highest rate of return over cost form of an equation.
expected from the marginal or additional
unit of a capital asset. First we must go
to the marginal unit of the capital asset
and secondly its cost has to be Where Sp is the supply price or the cost
deducted from its return. of capital asset, R1,R2… Rn are the
prospective yields or the series of
Now the MEC in its turn, depends on
expected annual returns from the capital
two factors: the prospective yield of the
asset in the years 1,2…….. n, and i is
capital asset and the supply price of the
the rate of discount. This makes the
capital asset. The MEC is the ratio of
capital asset exactly equal to the
these two factors. The prospective yield
present value of the expected yield from
of a capital asset is the total net return
it. This can be explained with a
from the asset over its life time.
numerical example.
The supply price of an asset is the cost
of producing a brand new asset of that Let us assume that:
kind and not the supply price of an 1. The life time of a capital asset (n) is 2
existing asset. It is referred to as the years.
replacement cost. If the supply price of a
2. The supply price of the capital asset
capital asset is Rs. 20,000 and its
(Sp) is Rs. 3000.
annual yield is Rs. 2000, then the
marginal efficiency of this asset is 3. The expected yield from the asset at
2000/20000 x 100 = 10 percent. Thus the end of one year (R1) is Rs. 1100.
the marginal efficiency of capital is the
percentage of profit expected from a 4. The expected yield from the asset at
given investment on a capital asset. the end of 2 years (R2) is Rs. 2420.

Keynes relates the prospective yield of a

The MEC or the rate of discount
capital asset to its supply price and
which will equate the future yields of
defines MEC “as being equal to that rate
of discount which would make the
the asset with its supply price is 10% 2. Costs and prices:
as shown below:
If the costs are expected to decline and
if the prices are expected to increase,
the expectation of the producer will go
up. On the other hand if the costs are
expected to go up and prices are to
decline the MEC will receive a set back
In this way, discounted prospective and the investment will be less.
yields of capital asset can be brought
into equality with the current supply 3. Propensity to consume:
price. Thus investment will take place
only if the net prospective yield of an If the propensity to consume is more
asset is greater than its supply price and than the volume of investment will be
given the income flow the higher the more and vice versa.
supply price of the capital asset, the
4. Changes in income:
lower will be the rate of discount.

An increase in the level of income will

Factors of Marginal Efficiency of
stimulate investment while a decrease in
Capital (MEC):
the level of income will discourage
The various factors that bring about
shifts in MEC are short run or
endogenous factors and long rim or 5. Current state of expectation:
exogenous factors.
Businessmen while making expectations
The short run factors are:
take into account the current state of
affairs regarding costs, prices, returns
1. Expected demand:
etc. If they are high the MEC is bound to
If the demand for the product is be high for new projects of investment
expected to be high in future, the MEC
6. Level of confidence:
will be high and the investment will
increase. On the other hand if the During period of optimism the
demand for the product is expected to businessmen over estimate and boost
decline in future the MEC will be low the MEC of capital assets. During period
and investment will fall.
of pessimism they under estimate and If the existing level of investment is
reduce the MEC of capital assets. already high there will be little scope for
further investment and vice versa.
The long run factors which influence the
MEC are as follows: Criticism of the Marginal Efficiency of
1. Population growth:
Keynes used the term marginal
A rapidly growing population means a efficiency of capital in a vague manner.
rapid increase in the demand for all Secondly, Keynes failed to recognize
types of goods and hence investment that interest rates are also governed by
rises and conversely, a decline in expectations like the marginal efficiency
population will decrease the demand of capital. He considered marginal
investment. efficiency of capital in the field of
dynamic economics and rate of interest
2. Development of new areas:
in the field of static economics.

When a new area is developed heavy

The rate of discount or yield i.e., r is
investments in all fields such as
conventionally called the Marginal
agriculture, industries, electricity,
Efficiency of Investment (MEI). Keynes
housing etc., are to be undertaken.
originally called it the ‘Marginal
Efficiency of Capital’. Brooman says that
3. Technological factors:
it is preferable to use a term which
New invention or new discovery may refers explicitly to investment (i.e., MEI).
necessitate the installation of new The MEI (or MEC) ought to be
machineries in the industrial enterprise distinguished from the ‘Marginal product
and encourage investment. of capital’ which refers to the increase in
current output resulting from the addition
4. Productive capacity of the Industry: of one more unit of capital.

If the existing capacity is fully utilised It is clear that the marginal product of
then any further increase in demand will capital is a physical quantity similar to
be met with by making fresh investment the marginal product of any other factor.
on new capital equipment. The MEI is a percentage rate, and not
the physical quantity. Again the marginal
5. Level of current investment: product of capital does not involve
expectations about the yield from the The relationship between MEC and MEI
unit of capital during the remainder of its is illustrated in the figure 1.:
life. But the MEI is very much concerned
with such expectations about the yield.

Strictly speaking, however, there is a

difference between the MEC and the
MEI. The MEC is derived as the
relationship between i (rate of interest)
and the optimum level of capital stock.
The MEI is derived as the relationship
between i (rate of interest) and the
optimum change in capital stock. It can
be said by way of corollary that the MEC
and the MEI are interrelated.
MEI schedule indicates the rate of
investment spending per time period at
The MEI really indicates the decision to
each possible market rate of interest for
invest whereby there is change in the
different levels of the stock of capital.
capital stock. This relationship between
Part A shows the MEC schedule. When
investment as the change in capital
the rate of interest is 9% and capital
stock and the actual capital stock
stock is 400 billion dollars, the net
presents a difficulty in determining the
investment is zero. MEI schedule
MEI. If investment is change in capital
labeled MEIa shows that at point F,
stock, it can be assumed that the capital
when the rate of interest is 9%, the net
stock is fixed once investment is
investment is zero.

If rate of interest falls to 6%, net

Keynes recognized this difficulty and
investment will be 30 billion dollars. At
sought to overcome it by stating that he
G, the MEI is 8%, because the rise in
was interested in short period changes
net investment spending from zero to 15
in investment. In the short period
billion dollars has raised the prices of
change in investment would be
capital goods which has reduced the
insignificant relative to the entire capital
rate of interest to 8%. As this is higher
stock; therefore, the impact of
than MEI (6%) higher rate of net
investment on capital stock could be
investment is needed.
At point H, MEI has fallen to 7 per cent to a lower level with each movement to
because higher rate of net investment a lower point on the given MEC
spending has pushed the prices of schedule, MEIb slopes down ward for
capital goods to a higher level. The MEI the same reason that MEIa sloped
is still above 6 percent, so a still higher downward—the rising supply price of
rate of net investment spending is capital goods as the rate of output of
wanted. At point J, MEI is 6 percent. It is these goods is expanded in response to
no higher or lower than the initial rate of investment spending.
The rate of net investment spending in
From the beginning to the end of this the second period is determined in the
first time period, with net investment of same way as the rate in the first period
30 billion dollars during the period, the was. It will be the rate that reduces the
capital stock will have risen to 430 billion MEI to equality with r. Schedule MEIb
dollars from its beginning level of 400 shows that net investment for the
billion dollars. As shown in Part A, this second period will be 20 billion dollars
increase of 30 billion dollars reduces the (point L). Note that this is below the 30
MEC about 8 per cent (actually 7.87) billion dollars of the first time period.
from its previous level of 9. Because r is Given that the prices of capital goods
still 6 per cent, further growth in the rise with their rate of output as soon as
capital stock is called for. net investment reaches the rate of 20
billion dollars per time period, the rise in
The amount by which it grows in the prices of capital goods reduces the MEI
second period, or the rate of net from 8 to 6 per cent, or the equality with
investment spending in the second r.
period, depends on the MEI schedule.
With MEC now at 8 per cent, the new In the first period, only when net
MEI schedule, relating investment investment reached the 30 billion dollars
expenditures to the interest rate, must the rate was the rise in prices of capital
show zero net investment at an interest goods sufficient to produce the greater
rate of 8 per cent (point K). drop in MEI from 9 to 6 percent, or to
equality with r. In other words, the
Therefore, MEIb, the new schedule, lies greater spread between MEI and the r at
below MEIa because of the increase in the beginning of the first period
the stock of capital in the first time permitted the higher rate of investment
period; the whole MEI schedule must fall spending in that period.
Net Investment spending of 20 billion schedule or by a change in the market
dollars during the second period raises rate of interest.
the stock of capital to 450 billion dollars
from its level of 430 billion dollars at the Full proof formulas to calculate the
beginning of the second period. The Marginal Efficiency of Capital (MEC).
increase in the capital stock reduces the
The marginal efficiency of capital along
MEC further to about 7 percent (actually
with rate of interest determines the
7.12) which produces the new, lower
amount of new investment, which in
MEI schedule, MEIc. The rate of net
turn, determines the volume of
investment spending in the third period
employment, given the propensity to
as given by this schedule is 10 billion

In the fundamental equation Y = C + I,

This again raises the stock of capital
given by Keynes, we have seen that
now from 450 billion dollars to 460
income at a time depends upon
billion dollars. This in turn reduces the
consumption and investment,
MEC and creates the new, still lower
consumption being stable in the short-
MEI schedule, MEId. The rate of net
run and less than unity—a gap comes to
investment spending in the fourth period
exist which can be wiped off only by an
is then 5 billion dollars. With no shift in
increase in investment.
the MEC schedule and with no further
fall in r, net investment spending, lower
“Investment (in this way) is an essential
in each succeeding period, eventually
requirement for full employment and the
raises the stock of capital to 480 billion
key to prosperity in a capitalistic
dollars, at which level the MEC equals r.

The actual stock of capital is now the

This is so widely and generally
profit-maximizing stock for the interest
recognized by all economic schools and
rate of 6 per cent. With the capital stock
sects that it may be regarded as an
at 480 billion dollars, the relevant MEI
axiom of modern economics. Not only
schedule is MEIn, which shows net
net investment, but an increasing rate of
investment to be zero and gross
net investment is necessary to assure
investment equal to replacement
continued full employment.”
investment per time period. We have
reached a new equilibrium, which will be
upset only by a shift in the MEC
Marginal efficiency of capital refers to estimate correctly the expected return
the anticipated rate of profitability of a from a capital asset over its life time
new capital asset. It is the expected rate (because, it is difficult to estimate
of return over cost from the employment correctly the life of the capital asset). At
of an additional unit of capital asset. best, we can guess, intelligently
Marginal efficiency of capital depends perhaps, but only guess. “An estimate of
upon the expected rates of return of a what an investment will earn in five, ten
capital asset over its life time (called or twenty years hence is based largely
prospective yield by Keynes) and the on guesswork, on animal spirits, on
supply price of the capital asset. It must adapting estimates to the average
be remembered that a businessman estimate, which in turn, is based on
while investing in a new capital asset uninformed guesses”. Moreover, the
will always weigh the expected rates of expected return each year is not the
net return (profitability) over the life time same (except in static society).
of the capital asset (say a machine)
against its supply price (cost) also called
the “replacement cost.” If the former is
In a changing world, the returns from the
greater than the later, the businessmen
capital asset are likely to vary from year
will invest, otherwise not.
to year. Besides, Keynes considers the
Prospective Yield: supply price, which means the cost of
the asset (not of the existing asset but of
Prospective yield refers to total net the new asset), also called the
return (net of all costs, such as replacement cost. Thus, MEC is the
maintenance expenses, depreciation, ratio of these two elements (prospective
raw material except interest charges) yield and the supply price). In other
expected from the asset over its life words, marginal efficiency of capital
time. If we divide the total expected life refers to the rate of discount at which
of the new capital asset into a series of the prospective yield of an asset is
periods, say years, we may refer to discounted so as to make it just equal to
annual returns as a series of annuities the supply price of the asset.
represented by Q1, Q2, Q3, …, Qn.

We have to add the net return for all

these years to arrive at the prospective Keynes says, “More precisely, I define
yield. It is, however, very difficult to the marginal efficiency of capital as
being equal to that rate of discount Supply Price = Discounted Prospective
which would make the present value of Yield.
the series of annuities given by the
return expected from the capital asset The formula for its calculation is:
during its life just equal to its supply

An example will make it clear:

where Cr stands for supply price
Suppose an investor feels that a given (replacement cost) of the new capital
investment in new capital asset (say a asset, Q1, Q2, Q3, …, Qn denote
machine) will cost him Rs. 10,000. expected annual rate of return each
Suppose this machine (unit of capital year from the capital asset (also called
asset) is expected to yield over its life series of the prospective annual yields),
time a net return (net of all costs like r stands for the rate of discount which
maintenance, depreciation, raw material will make the present value of the series
except interest charges) of Rs. 500 per of annual returns just equal to supply
annum. price of the capital asset. Thus, r
denotes the rate of discount of the
To find out MEC of the new capital marginal efficiency of capital.
asset, we would simply calculate the
ratio (expressed as a per cent) of the To take a concrete illustration, let us
expected annual net return [Rs. 500 suppose that the prospective annual
(prospective yield) divided by Rs. yields from the use of the new capital
10,000]. Here, Rs. 500 (prospective asset whose lives in 3 years only are as
yield) divided by Rs. 10,000 (supply follows:
price), results in a value of 5%
(500/10,000 x 100/1 = 5%)*. The MEC is 1st year 2nd year 3rd year
5%, i.e., the expected annual net return
Rs. 1,050 Rs. 3,528 Rs. 9,261
on the investment of Rs. 10,000 is 5%. It
may, however, be noted that in a Suppose that current supply price of the
dynamic economy it is not so easy to replacement cost of the capital asset is
find out the rate of expected return. Rs. 12,200. Now 5% must be that
Thus, unique rate of discount which will equate
the sum of the discounted values of the
prospective annual yields to the current We want to know that the present value
supply price of the capital asset. of this asset, the discount formula for
finding the present value of a future
income is:

The unique rate of discount (5%) is

called the marginal efficiency of capital. It this equation, Vp, is the present value
R1, R2, …, Rn is the expected income
In this equation the current supply price
stream in absolute amount, and i is the
is known (Rs. 12,200) whereas the
current rate of interest.
present value V,, is unknown. In this
equation the unknown (MEC or r) or If we assume, the current rate of interest
discount rate has been found out which is 5%, we can apply the above formula
makes the present value of the to find the present value of our asset:
expected income stream, Q1, Q2, Q3,
…, Qn equal to supply price (Cr). But
there also exists a mathematical formula
for finding the present value Vp of an
expected future income. It involves
Thus, we find that the present value of
discounting the some expected at some
the asset is Rs. 8,175, an amount less
future date.
than the sum of the absolute amounts to
The process of discounting is just be received in three years. It shows that
the opposite of compounding. It more remote the date in the future at
means shrinkage at a constant rate, which the income is expected, the less
just as compounding means growth its present value—Rs. 3,000 due in
at a constant rate. The usual three years, for example, has a lower
procedure for determining the present present value than Rs. 3,000 due in one
value of some expected income stream
is to discount it at the current rate of
Even, otherwise, we see that if we lend
interest. To see how it works, let us
a sum of Rs. 2,857 for one year and Rs.
assume that there is an asset that yields
2,721 for two years and Rs. 2,597 for
an income of Rs. 3,000 per year for a
three years at 5% rate of interest, we
period of three years (Rs. 9,000 over its
will get Rs. 3,000 after one, two or three
total life span).
years, respectively. Thus, there is some For “if there is an increased investment
rate of discount which makes the in any given type of capital during any
present value of prospective returns period of time, the marginal efficiency of
from a capital good equal to its supply that type of capital will diminish as the
price. This is the rate of discount (r) investment in it is increased partly
which Keynes calls MEC of capital. because the prospective yield will fall as
the supply of that type of capital is
The marginal efficiency of a particular increased, and partly because, as a
type of capital asset is the highest rate rule, pressure on the facilities for
of return over cost expected from an producing that type of capital will cause
additional, or marginal unit of that type its supply price to increase.”
of asset. The marginal efficiency of
capital in general is “the highest rate of In other word, as investment in a
return over cost expected from particular capital asset increases, its
producing an additional or marginal unit marginal efficiency decreases. The
of the most profitable of all types of marginal efficiencies of all types of
capital asset.” In other words, the capital assets which may be made
marginal efficiency of capital in general during a given period of time represent
is the marginal efficiency of that the schedule of the marginal efficiency
particular asset, of which the economy of capital (also called the investment
finds it most worthwhile to produce demand schedule). The position and
another or additional unit. shape of the investment demand
schedule are of major significance in
The Investment Demand Schedule: determining the volume of employment.

The above analysis of the behaviour of The diagram and the table given below
investors in respect of new investment is give us the shape of the investment
conceived in the context of the schedule demand schedule:
of the marginal efficiency of capital or
Investment Demand Schedule. It shows
a functional relationship between the
MEC and the amount of investment
indicating that the demand for capital
asset of any given type is a downward
sloping function of the marginal
efficiency of capital.
physical unit of capital. In other words,
MPC is related with an increment of
value due to the employment of one
more value unit of capital. On the other
hand, Keynes used the term MEC to
denote the rate of return over cost,
using the term ‘prospective yields’ for
the series of absolute prospective
returns from a capital good. The
We find that when the investment is Rs.
marginal product of capital can be gross
2,000, the MEC is 12%. As the
or net. It is gross if estimated before
investment increases, the MEC declines
deducting depreciation otherwise it is
and finally it is 2% at Rs. 12,000. The
net; while MEC is the rate of discount
MEC curve is downward sloping,
which equates the gross marginal
showing that the MEC declines with an
product with replacement cost of the
increase in investment. Figure 18.2
capital asset.
depicts the investment demand curve or
what is also called the MEC schedule 2. MPC is related with the increment of
and shows the inverse relationship value obtained by using an additional
between investment and the MEC. quantity of capital in the existing
situation. MEC relates to the series of
Marginal Productivity of Capital and
increments which it is expected to obtain
Marginal Efficiency of Capital (MPC and
over the whole life of the additional
capital assets. Symbolically, the MPC is
Keynes condemned the use of the concerned with Q and the MEC with
marginal productivity of capital (MPC) complete series Q1, Q2, Q3, …, Qr.
and instead used the term marginal Thus, MEC involves the significance of
efficiency of capital (MEC). expectations.

The difference between the two is as 3. In defining the MPC, attention is given
follows: to the current marginal product, i.e., that
absolute annual product, after deducting
1. The term MPC is used by the running expenses and depreciation
economists to denote an increment of allowances, while Keynes estimated the
physical product per unit of time on MEC as the net return over cost
account of the employment of one more throughout the whole expected life of
the capital good—the net aggregate deducting depreciation otherwise it is
return is obtained after deducting the net; while MEC is the rate of discount
running expenses only and not which equates the gross marginal
depreciation. Thus, while the term MPC product with replacement cost of the
refers to the expected current product, capital asset.
the later refers to the anticipations with
respect to the whole series of 2. MPC is related with the increment of
prospective yields from a capital asset. value obtained by using an additional
quantity of capital in the existing
Marginal Productivity of Capital and situation. MEC relates to the series of
Marginal Efficiency of Capital (MPC increments which it is expected to obtain
and MEC): over the whole life of the additional
capital assets. Symbolically, the MPC is
Keynes condemned the use of the concerned with Q and the MEC with
marginal productivity of capital (MPC) complete series Q1, Q2, Q3, …, Qr.
and instead used the term marginal Thus, MEC involves the significance of
efficiency of capital (MEC). expectations.

The difference between the two is as 3. In defining the MPC, attention is given
follows: to the current marginal product, i.e., that
absolute annual product, after deducting
1. The term MPC is used by the
running expenses and depreciation
economists to denote an increment of
allowances, while Keynes estimated the
physical product per unit of time on
MEC as the net return over cost
account of the employment of one more
throughout the whole expected life of
physical unit of capital. In other words,
the capital good—the net aggregate
MPC is related with an increment of
return is obtained after deducting the
value due to the employment of one
running expenses only and not
more value unit of capital. On the other
depreciation. Thus, while the term MPC
hand, Keynes used the term MEC to
refers to the expected current product,
denote the rate of return over cost,
the later refers to the anticipations with
using the term ‘prospective yields’ for
respect to the whole series of
the series of absolute prospective
prospective yields from a capital asset.
returns from a capital good. The
marginal product of capital can be gross
or net. It is gross if estimated before
Net Present Value to a project if the NPV is positive; say no
if NPV is negative. As a tool for
NPV and IRR are two methods for choosing among alternates, the NPV
making capital-budget decisions, or rule would prefer the investment with the
choosing between alternate projects and higher positive NPV.
investments when the goal is to
increase the value of the enterprise and Companies often use the weighted
maximize shareholder wealth. Defining average cost of capital, or WACC, as
the NPV method is simple: the present the appropriate discount rate for capital
value of cash inflows minus the present projects. The WACC is a function of a
value of cash outflows, which arrives at firm's capital structure (common and
a dollar amount that is the net benefit to preferred stock and long-term debt) and
the organization. the required rates of return for these
securities. CFA exam problems will
To compute NPV and apply the NPV either give the discount rate, or they
rule, the authors of the reference may give a WACC.
textbook define a five-step process to be
used in solving problems: Example:

1.Identify all cash inflows and cash To illustrate, assume we are asked to
outflows. use the NPV approach to choose
between two projects, and our
2.Determine an appropriate discount company's weighted average cost of
rate (r). capital (WACC) is 8%. Project A costs
$7 million in upfront costs, and will
3.Use the discount rate to find the
generate $3 million in annual income
present value of all cash inflows and
starting three years from now and
continuing for a five-year period (i.e.
years 3 to 7). Project B costs $2.5
4.Add together all present values. (From
million upfront and $2 million in each of
the section on cash flow additivity, we
the next three years (years 1 to 3). It
know that this action is appropriate
generates no annual income but will be
since the cash flows have been indexed
sold six years from now for a sales price
to t = 0.)
of $16 million.
5.Make a decision on the project or
investment using the NPV rule: Say yes
For each project, find NPV = (PV in years 1 to 3, which fit the definition of
inflows) - (PV outflows). an annuity.

Project A: The present value of the PV annuity factor for r = .08, N = 3: (1 -

outflows is equal to the current cost of (1/(1.08)3)/.08 = (1 - (1/(1.259712)/.08 =
$7 million. The inflows can be viewed as (0.206168)/.08 = 2.577097. PV of the
an annuity with the first payment in three annuity = ($2 million)*(2.577097) =
years, or an ordinary annuity at t = 2 $5.154 million.
since ordinary annuities always start the
first cash flow one period away. PV of outflows = ($2.5 million) + ($5.154
million) = $7.654 million.
PV annuity factor for r = .08, N = 5: (1 -
(1/(1 + r)N)/r = (1 - (1/(1.08)5)/.08 = (1 - NPV of Project B = ($10.083 million) -
(1/(1.469328)/.08 = (1 - ($7.654 million) = $2.429 million.
(1/(1.469328)/.08 = (0.319417)/.08 =
Applying the NPV rule, we choose
Project A, which has the larger NPV:
Multiplying by the annuity payment of $3 $3.269 million versus $2.429 million.
million, the value of the inflows at t = 2 is
The Internal Rate of Return
($3 million)*(3.99271) = $11.978 million.

The IRR, or internal rate of return, is

Discounting back two periods, PV
defined as the discount rate that makes
inflows = ($11.978)/(1.08)2 = $10.269
NPV = 0. Like the NPV process, it starts
by identifying all cash inflows and
NPV (Project A) = ($10.269 million) - ($7 outflows. However, instead of relying on
million) = $3.269 million. external data (i.e. a discount rate), the
IRR is purely a function of the inflows
Project B: The inflow is the present and outflows of that project. The IRR
value of a lump sum, the sales price in rule states that projects or investments
six years discounted to the present: $16 are accepted when the project's IRR
million/(1.08)6 = $10.083 million. exceeds a hurdle rate. Depending on
the application, the hurdle rate may be
Cash outflow is the sum of the upfront defined as the weighted average cost of
cost and the discounted costs from capital.
years 1 to 3. We first solve for the costs
Suppose that a project costs $10 million particular investment. However, IRR
today, and will provide a $15 million does not assess the financial impact on
payoff three years from now, we use the a firm; it only requires meeting a
FV of a single-sum formula and solve for minimum return rate.
r to compute the IRR.
The NPV and IRR methods can rank
IRR = (FV/PV)1/N -1 = (15 million/10 two projects differently, depending on
million)1/3 - 1 = (1.5) 1/3 - 1 = (1.1447) - thesize of the investment. Consider the
1 = 0.1447, or 14.47% case presented below, with an NPV of
In this case, as long as our hurdle rate is
less than 14.47%, we green light the


Each of the two rules used for making

capital-budgeting decisions has its
strengths and weaknesses. The NPV
rule chooses a project in terms of net
dollars or net financial impact on the
company, so it can be easier to use
when allocating capital.

However, it requires an assumed

discount rate, and also assumes that
this percentage rate will be stable over
the life of the project, and that cash
inflows can be reinvested at the same
discount rate. In the real world, those
assumptions can break down,
particularly in periods when interest
rates are fluctuating. The appeal of the
IRR rule is that a discount rate need not
be assumed, as the worthiness of the
investment is purely a function of the
internal inflows and outflows of that

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