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2-2 Application of Content

The candidate understands how to engage learners through interdisciplinary lessons that utilize
concept based teaching and authentic learning experiences to engage students in effective
communication, collaboration, outside resources, reading, technology, and in critical and creative

The candidate should complete a reflective essay illustrating appropriate application of

content utilized in lessons. Three artifacts are to be submitted and may include Unit Plans, Student
Feedback, Student Evaluations, Teacher Observations and Evaluations, lesson plans, assignments, and
student work.

Music is a concept that combines history, literacy, math, art, and even science. As a music
educator it is up to me to determine how much of an interdisciplinary course I wish to make my units
and which subject areas outside of music I wish to focus on within my units. Through effective
communication and collaboration students can explore how different subjects mold together to make
historical, artistic, scientific, and mathematical sense in a musical composition.
In my elementary placement I taught a kindergarten unit entitled Elmers Colorful Compositions
created by Thom Borden. This unit is based on the book Elmer by David McKee, a story about a colorful
elephant who was not gray, but rather a patchwork of colors and didn’t like being different. This lesson
incorporates color identification, steady beat, and literature. To begin the unit you first read the book
“Elmer” and introduce the variety of colors found on Elmer. The rest of the unit has students verbally
identifying and singing colors as well as playing percussive instruments. With this unit it gave my
students a story to follow along with as they continued their music making process and polished their
literacy skills.
Songs are a great way to introduce new terminology and vocabulary within the classroom as
well as syllabic stress. Using vocabulary is also a great way to teach new rhythms and beat duration. In
my classroom I use music to teach new vocabulary words and vocabulary to teach new musical
concepts. I have also created and taught units that incorporate math, art, and history. Students have
added up the values of coins, created compositions using pictures that they colored in themselves and
they have studied the historical context of many events such as the Winter Olympics. Whenever I
introduce a new musical concept I always begin with a concept or subject they are familiar with. I have
noticed when I do this my students comprehend and master the material faster and more extensively.

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