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The Pricing of Options Depending on a Discrete Maximum

Ezra Nahum∗
Department of Statistics
University of California, Berkeley

December 22, 1998

The object of this paper is to provide a price for options depending on the maximum value of
the underlying asset when the contract stipulates that the maximum is taken at discrete times
during the life of the option. A general method is provided for the computation of a lower bound
to the price using results on the Brownian meander complementing the commonly used upper
bound which approximates the discrete maximum by the continuous maximum.. Moreover, in
the particular case of the European Put Lookback option, a correction factor associated to the
lower bound provides a very good numerical approximation to the price of the option which was
otherwise obtained by Monte-Carlo methods.
Keywords Brownian Meander, Lookback options, Denisov Decomposition.

1 Introduction
In the last few years the “over the counter” (OTC) market has seen the interest of the public for
lookback and barrier options increase. These options have in common the fact that their intrinsic
values are functions of the maximum value of the stock over a predetermined length of time (often
the life of the option).
The contract of the option often specifies that the maximum value is taken over the daily clos-
ing prices of the stock. Therefore, in order to price the option, a discrete maximum needs to be
considered. However, (mainly for reasons of practicality and simplicity) the model used by most
practitioners follows the Black-Scholes assumptions for the behavior of the stock and approximates
the discrete maximum by the continuous maximum of the stock under this model.

We will also assume the Black-Scholes framework as a model for the behavior of the stock which
can be formalized as follows:
If we consider a stock whose value is St at time t and we define a standard Brownian motion W on a
probability space (Ω, F , P ) where the filtration {Ft }t≥0 is the filtration generated by the Brownian
motion augmented to satisfy the usual conditions, the stock price satisfies the following stochastic
differential equation (SDE):

dSt = µSt dt + σSt dWt (1)

Where µ and σ are constants respectively corresponding to the return and the volatility of the
stock S.
Define the risk-neutral probability Q by its Radon-Nikodym derivative with respect to P as
follows:   !
dQ µ−r (µ − r)2
= exp −( )W̃T + (2)
dP T σ 2σ 2

Research supported in part by NSF grant DMS-9703845
copyright: All rights reserved to Ezra Nahum and the University of California at Berkeley

Here r is the instantaneous interest rate and, from Girsanov’s theorem, W̃t = Wt + ( µ−r
σ )t for all
t ≥ 0 is a standard Brownian motion under Q.

We can then solve the SDE ( 1) above and obtain:

St = S0 e(r− 2
Moreover, Q also being a martingale measure for the process {e−r. S.}t≥0, we obtain the following
formula for the price of an option whose payoff is a function of the discrete maximum of the price
of the stock on a finite interval [0, T ] and the value of the stock at time T :
π0 = EQ e−rT f ( max Skh , ST ) (4)

Where T = nh. We assume that the discrete points corresponding to the daily closing prices are
evenly spaced with the length of the space interval equal to h.
We now consider, as an example, the pricing of the European Put lookback option which gives
to its holder at maturity, the payoff max0≤k≤n Skh −Snh . The usual technique of approximating the
discrete maximum max0≤k≤n Skh by the continuous maximum max0≤t≤T St leads to the following
formula for the price of the option(see Hull[10], for instance), using mainly the distributions derived
in Shepp[19]:
" #
−rT σ2 σ2
π0 = S 0 e N (b1 ) − N (b1) + S0 N (−b2 ) − S0 N (b2 ) (5)
2r 2r
Rx −u2
e√ 2
Where N (x) = −∞ 2π
du is the cumulative distribution of a standard normal random variable
(−r+ σ2 )T
• b1 = √ ,
σ T

• b2 = b1 − σ T .
Clearly, as the discrete maximum was replaced by a continuous one, the formula above only
constitutes an upper bound to the price of the option. In general, this is the case as long as the
payoff of the option is an increasing function of the maximum.
This paper provides a lower bound to the price of the option by using a different approximation
to the discrete maximum. More precisely, instead of considering the continuous maximum, we
consider the two discrete times closest to the time of the continuous maximum and use the values
of the price of the stock at one or both these times as an approximation of the discrete maximum
by default. We then concentrate on the pricing of the European Put Lookback option and obtain
numerical results for this lower bound. Moreover, in that particular case, we can derive a correction
factor providing very precise approximations when compared to Monte-Carlo simulations.
Section 2 describes the lower bound used to approximate the discrete maximum of a Brownian
motion and justifies its appropriateness. Then, Section 3 introduces the concept of Brownian
meander. Using the properties of the Brownian meander, we then derive a lower bound for the
price of an option whose payoff is an increasing function of the discrete maximum of the stock over
a fixed interval. In Section 4, a formula for the lower bound of the price of the European Put
Lookback option is obtained using a fairly simple numerical integration. A correction factor is also
calculated leading to a more precise approximation. Finally, Section 5 provides tables summarizing
numerical results obtained using the formula derived in the previous section.

2 Approximation of the Discrete Maximum
2.1 Another Change of Probability Measure
As we saw in the introduction (Equation 4)

σ2 σ2
π0 = EQ e−rT f ( max S0 e(r− 2
, S0 e(r− 2
)T +σW̃T

We now define the probability Q∗ , absolutely continuous with respect to Q, whose Radon-
Nikodym derivative with respect to Q has the following expression:
  2 2
dQ∗ r − σ2 1 r − σ2 2
= exp[− W̃T − ( ) T]
dQ T σ 2 σ
If we define the process W∗ by:
r − σ2
Wt∗ = W̃t + t t≥0 (6)
We know by Girsanov’s Theorem (see Revuz and Yor[18]) that W ∗ is a standard Brownian motion
under Q∗ .
We can then rewrite π0 as:

2 " 2 !  #
r− σ
− 12 ( σ 2 )2 T r − σ2
π0 = e−rT e EQ∗ exp WT∗ f S0 exp(σ max Wkh

), S0 exp(σWT∗ ) (7)
σ 0≤k≤n

From now on, in order to simplify the notation, we will remove the “∗” as we will work under
the probability Q∗ .
Computing the price described above basically involves deriving the joint distribution of WT
and max0≤k≤n Wkh ). This turns out to be very problematic as the difficulty increases with n to
the point where it is not feasible numerically (in a reasonable amount of time) for even fairly small
values of n. As we saw in the introduction, by replacing the discrete maximum by the continuous
maximum, we can use the results derived in Shepp[19] to find a closed formula which constitutes
an upper bound to π0 (when f is an increasing function on its first coordinate). Now, in order
to provide a lower bound, which would also be a good approximation, to π0 we introduce the

2.2 The “Quasi Maximum”

We will, from this point further and without loss of generality, assume that T = 1 so that we are
considering a Brownian motion on [0, 1].

We introduce some new notation:

• ν = inf{0 ≤ t ≤ 1 : Wt = sup0≤s≤1 Ws }

• k∗ = inf{0 ≤ k ≤ n : Wkh = max0≤j≤n Wjh }

• l = [νn] = [ νh ]

In other words, ν is the time of the continuous maximum, k∗ is the time of the discrete maximum
and l is the first point in the discretization to the left of ν and is the time of the “quasi-maximum”.
The idea of this paper is to use Wlh to approximate Wk∗ h . The first reason for using the quasi-
maximum is a practical one. As will be seen in details in section 3, it is possible to rewrite the
quasi-maximum Wlh using Brownian meanders and then use properties of the latter to compute
the expectation of Equation ( 7). The other reason, and that is what this section is about, comes
from the fact that Wlh provides a good approximation to Wk∗ h , especially as n gets larger.

Indeed, some results on the error n = Wk∗ h − Wlh are derived in Nahum[16] that we summa-
rize here:

Proposition 1 If n = W k∗ − W l
n n

 v
u  s 
Z 1 u 1 − [yn]
2  u yn  [yn] [yn]  0.5826 1
E[n ] = 3 p Arctan t [yn]  + (1 − ) dy − √ + o( √ )
0 π 2 2(1 − y) yn
yn yn n n

= O( √ ) (8)

So that n converges to 0 in L1 at the rate of √1 .


Proposition 2
√ d
nn −→ R(U ) − min R(U + n) (9)
n→∞ n=0,±1,±2,···

Where R is a Bessel process in dimension 3 and U is a Uniform random variable on [0, 1] indepen-
dent of R.

Those two results justify the use of the quasi-maximum as an approximation to the discrete
maximum since the error made is in the order of √1n . Proposition 1 will also turn out to be useful
for the derivation of the correction factor in Section 4 when computing the price of the European
Put Lookback.

It would have been possible to define the quasi-maximum as W(l+1)h which corresponds to the
value of the Brownian motion at the first point to the right of the time ν of the continuous maxi-
mum in the discretization. We then obtain results very similar to the ones described in Proposition 1
and 2. Moreover, it is as practical to compute the price of the option using W(l+1)h as it is with Wlh .
Therefore, a more precise lower bound to the price of the option can be obtained by computing
it using both the quasi-maxima and then considering the maximum of the two prices obtained.
An even better lower bound would be obtained by using max(Wlh , W(l+1)h) as an approximation.
However, (as will be noted in section 3) this would complicate the calculations greatly even though
in some particular cases like the European Put Lookback it is still possible to obtain a fairly rea-
sonable two-dimensional integral for the price using this approximation.

We now turn to the practical aspect of approximating the discrete maximum by the quasi-maximum
introducing the notion of Brownian meander and Denisov decomposition.

3 The Brownian Meander and General Method
3.1 Definition and Denisov Decomposition
Let {Wt }t≥0 be a standard Brownian motion defined as above.

Definition 1 If we denote by g the last zero of the Brownian motion before 1: g = sup{t ∈
[0, 1]; W (t) = 0} then the Brownian meander {Mt }0≤t≤1 is defined by:
|Wg+(1−g)t |
Mt = √ (10)
Recalling that ν denotes the time the maximum of the Brownian motion on [0, 1] is achieved,
we get the following theorem due to Denisov[5]:

Theorem 1
Wν − Wν+(1−ν)t
Mt+ = √ 0≤t≤1 (11)
Wν − Wν(1−t)
Mt− = √ 0≤t≤1 (12)
are two independent Brownian meanders and are independent of ν.

This is also referred to as the Denisov decomposition as it decomposes the path of the Brownian
motion in two parts, one on each side of the continuous maximum ν. This result is crucial to all
the calculations derived throughout this paper especially because of the independence property it
brings into light.

We now introduce the following notation:

e− 2s
ns (x) = √
Z b
Ns (a, b) = ns (x)dx

Note that N1 (−∞, b) = N (b).

A Brownian meander is an inhomogeneous Markov process (see Durrett, Iglehart and Miller[7])
with marginal density:
2y y2
d(t, y) = P (Mt ∈ dy) = 3 e− 2t N1−t(0, y)dy 0 ≤ t ≤ 1, y ≥ 0 (13)
t 2

and transition density:

N1−t(0, y)
tr(s, x, t, y) = P (Mt ∈ dy|Ms ∈ dx) = (nt−s (y−x)−nt−s (y+x)) 0 ≤ s < t ≤ 1, x, y ≥ 0
N1−s(0, x)
We have now established the necessary background to allow for the calculations of the lower

3.2 General Method
The key to computing a lower bound to the price of path-dependent options based on a discrete
maximum using the quasi-maximum described above is to “translate” the expressions containing
values of a Brownian motion into expressions only written in terms of the Brownian meanders M +
and M − in order to be able to use the independence property of the Denisov decomposition.
Towards this objective, we can easily notice the following:

√ √
W1 = νM1− − 1 − νM1+ (15)

Wlh = ν M1− − M1−

lh (16)
√ √
W(l+1)h = νM1 − 1 − νM +

(l+1)h−ν (17)

It makes a lot of sense to go from the Brownian motion to the Brownian meander as we are
studying the behavior of the path of the Brownian motion near its maximum and the Denisov
decomposition allows us to look at both sides of the path (to the left and to the right of ν)
independently of each other and independently of ν.
According to Equation 7 and replacing Wk∗ h by the quasi-maximum Wlh we need to compute
the following expectation E:

E = E [exp (cW1 ) f (S0 exp(σWlh ), S0 exp(σW1 ))] (18)

r− σ2
With c = σ .

This expectation can now be written using the equalities ( 15) and ( 16) which leads to:

h  h√ √ i
E = E exp c νM1− − 1 − νM1+
     h√ i i
√ √
f S0 exp σ ν M1− − M1−

lh , S0 exp σ νM1− − 1− νM1+

Now, by conditioning on ν, which follows the Arcsine law (see Karatzas and Shreve[13]) and
using the independence of the two Brownian meanders with ν (see Theorem 1), we get:

Z 1 h  h√ p i
E = p E exp c yM1− − 1 − yM1+
0 π y(1 − y)
" #! !
√  h√ p i i
f S0 exp σ y M1− − M − [yn] , S0 exp σ yM1− − 1 − yM1+ (19)
1− yn

Because of the independence of the two Brownian meanders M + and M − and the equalities 13
and 14 giving, respectively, the marginal and transition densities of these processes, the expression
above is (at worst) a 4-dimensional integral. It is therefore possible to numerically integrate the
expression (and in a very reasonable amount of time). As will be described in details in the following
question, the expression can be greatly simplified for “nice” enough functions f. This is the case
when considering lookback options and even common barrier options.

Before getting into the particular case of the European Put Lookback option, note that we
obtain a very similar expression when using W(l+1)h as an approximation. Indeed the expectation
then has the following form (using Equation ( 17)):

Z 1 h  h√ p i
E = p E exp c yM1− − 1 − yM1+
0 π y(1 − y)
! !
√ p  h√ p i i
f S0 exp yM1− − +
1 − yM [yn]−ny+1 , S0 exp σ yM1− − 1− yM1+ (20)

Taking the maximum value of the expectations 19 and 20 then provides the lower bound
sought after.
Now, if we use max(Wlh , W(l+1)h) as an approximation to the discrete maximum, we can easily see
from the calculations above that we then get the sum of two 5-dimensional integrals (at worst).
Indeed, it just involves introducing two indicators specifying the set over which Wlh is greater
than W(l+1)h and its compliment. This “detail” adds greatly to the difficulty of the problem as
it slows down the integration. However, in the case of the Put Lookback, on which we now focus
our attention, some tedious calculations (see 4.2) lead to the reduction of the expression to a
2-dimensional integral.

4 Pricing The European Put Lookback Option

The European Put Lookback option is an option that gives to its holder the possibility to sell the
underlying stock at maturity T for the price of the maximum value the stock has reached during
the life of the option. It contains a very attractive feature in the fact it prevents the investor from
having any regrets for not having sold at the maximum possible. In this paper we are concerned
with options whose contract stipulates that the maximum is considered among the closing prices
everyday during the life of the option. Therefore, the payoff is: sup0≤k≤n Skh − Sn .

Using the same method described in the beginning of this paper we easily obtain the following
expression for the price π0 of this option:

2 " 2 !  #
−rT − 12 (
r− σ2
)2 T r − σ2
π0 = e e σ E S0 exp W1 exp σ max Wkh − S0
σ 0≤k≤n
r− σ
−rT − 12 ( 2 )2 T
= S0 e e σ E [exp (cW1 ) exp (σWk∗ h )] − S0 (21)
The problem is therefore reduced to computing the expectation:
E [exp (cW1 ) exp (σWk∗ h )] (22)

4.1 A first Approximation

The first approximation corresponds to the lower bound described in the general method (see 3.2).
In this particular case, the function f we need to consider is defined by f (x, y) = x.

In the following, we will denote by N N (x, y, ρ) the cumulative distribution function of a bivariate
normal with correlation coefficient ρ.

Proposition 3 with the notation defined above:
h i Z 1 p
1 √ √ lh
E e cW1 σWlh
e = p ψ[(c + σ) y, σ y, 1 − ]φ(c 1 − y)dy (23)
0 π y(1 − y) y
h i Z 1 p p
1 (l + 1)h − y √
E ecW1 eσW(l+1)h = p ψ[−c 1 − y, σ 1 − y, ]φ(−(c + σ) y)dy(24)
0 π y(1 − y) 1−y

h i
ψ[β, γ, s] = E E[eβM1 |Ms ]e−γMs
√ β2 (1−s) (β−γ)2 s √ √
= 2πe 2 [(β − γ)e 2 N N ((β − γ) s, β − γs, s)
(β+γ)2 s √ √ γ 2 s(1−s)
+ (β + γ)e 2 N N (−(β + γ) s, β + γs, − s)] + 2e 2 N (−γ s(1 − s))(25)

h i
φ(λ) = E e−λM1
√ λ2
= 1 − λ 2πe 2 N (−λ) (27)


We will only prove the first equation ( 23) of the proposition as the second one follows exactly
the same pattern.

From Equation ( 19):

Z " #!
h i 1 dy h  h√ p i √ i
E ecW1 eσWlh = p E exp c yM1− − 1 − yM1+ exp σ y M1− − M − [yn]
0 π y(1 − y) 1− yn

Using the Denisov Decomposition Theorem (Theorem 1) we know that the processes M + and

M are independent, which leads to:
Z " √ √ #
h i 1 dy h √ +
i (c+σ) yM1− −σ yM −
1− lh
E e cW1 σWlh
e = p E e−c 1−yM1 E e y
0 π y(1 − y)

Finally by conditioning on M1− lh in the second expectation above we get:

Z " √ #
h i 1 dy h √ +
i √ − −σ yM −
1− lh
E e cW1 σWlh
e = p E e−c 1−yM1 E E[e(c+σ) yM1 |M1−

lh ]e
0 π y(1 − y) y

which provides Equation ( 23).

The expressions for φ(λ) and ψ(β, γ, s) are derived in details in Appendix A.

By taking the maximum of the two lower bounds calculated in the proposition above we obtain
the lower bound sought after. As will be observed in Section 5, this approximation turn out to be
closer to the Monte-Carlo simulation than the usual approximation using the continuous maximum,
for most of the examples covered in the table. Moreover, this approximation has the advantage of
being extremely fast to compute as it only requires a numerical integration in one dimension with
a fairly smooth integrand which contains cumulative normal and bivariate normal functions (for
which it is possible to use very accurate approximations).

4.2 A more precise lower bound

Clearly, a better approximation to Wk∗ h would be max(Wlh, W(l+1)h). Although it makes the
calculations more difficult, it is still possible to derive a relatively simple expression which leads to
a fast numerical integration.
Before establishing the formula for this approximation, we first need to define a few functions:

ξ(λ, s, v) = E[e−λM1 |Ms ∈ dv]

λ2 (1−s)  
e 2 v √ v √
= e−λv N [(−λ + ) 1 − s] − eλv N [−(λ + ) 1 − s] (28)
2N1−s(0, v) 1−s 1−s

h i
ψ1 (β, γ, s, b) = E E[eβM1 |Ms ]e−γMs IMs ≤b
β2 (1−s) (β−γ)2 s √ √ (β − γ)s − b √
= 2πe 2 (β − γ)e 2 [N N (β − γ) s, β − γs, s − N N √ , β − γs, s ]
(β+γ) s √ √ (β + γ)s + b √
+ (β + γ)e 2 [N N − (β + γ) s, β + γs, − s − N N − √ , β + γs, − s ]
γ 2 s(1−s) b + γs(1 − s) q
+ 2e 2 [N ( p ) − N (−γ s(1 − s))]
s(1 − s)
β2 (1−s) b2     
e 2 e− 2s −(β+γ)b β(1 − s) − b β(1 − s) + b
+ √ e N √ − e(β−γ)b N √ (29)
s 1−s 1−s
h i
ψ2 (β, γ, s, b) = E E[eβM1 |Ms ]e−γMs IMs >b
= ψ(β, γ, s) − ψ1 (β, γ, s, b) (30)

Proposition 4 With the same notation as above:

h i
E ecW1 eσ max(Wlh ,W(l+1)h ) = E1 + E2 (31)

   √   √ √ q 
Z Z (l+1)h−y (l+1)h−y 1−y
1 ∞ d 1−y , v ξ c 1 − y, 1−y , v ψ1 (c + σ) y, σ y, 1 − lh
y, y v
E1 = p dvdy (32)
y=0 v=0 π y(1 − y)
√    √   √ q 
Z 1 Z ∞ e−σ 1−yv
d 1−y , v ξ c 1 − y, (l+1)h−y
1−y , v ψ2 (c + σ) y, 0, 1 −
y v
E2 = p dvdy
y=0 v=0 π y(1 − y)


The method used here is very similar to the one described in the proof of Proposition 3. The
idea being to replace the expressions depending on the values of the Brownian motion by expres-
sions only depending on values of Brownian meanders and ν.

h i h i h i
E ecW1 eσ max(Wlh ,W(l+1)h ) = E ecW1 eσWlh IWlh ≥W(l+1)h + E ecW1 eσW(l+1)h IWlh <W(l+1)h
= E1 + E2

We will concentrate on E1 as the formula for E2 can be obtained in exactly the same manner.
By using Equations 15, 16 and 17 we get:

 

√ √ σ ν[M1− −M − ]
νM1− − 1−νM1+ ] 1− lh
E1 = E ec[ e ν I√ν[M −−M − √ √
]> νM1− − 1−νM +

1 1− lh (l+1)h−ν
ν 1−ν
 

√ √ −σ νM − lh
νM1− −c 1−νM1+
= E e(c+σ) e 1− ν
e I√ ν
M − lh <M +

1−ν 1− ν (l+1)h−ν

First, we condition on ν, which we know follows the Arcsine law. We then further condition on
the couple (M + +
(l+1)h−ν , M1 ) and we use the Theorem by Denisov (Theorem 1) to get the following

Z 1 Z +∞ √
dy 1−νM1+
E1 = p P (M +
(l+1)h−ν ∈ dv)E[e
|M +
(l+1)h−ν ∈ dv]
0 π y(1 − y) 0 1−ν 1−ν

√ −σ νM − lh
(c+σ) νM1−
E[e 1− ν
e I√ ν
M − lh <v ]
1−ν 1− ν
Z 1 Z +∞  √
dy (l + 1)h − ν +
= p d , v E[e−c 1−νM1 |M +
(l+1)h−ν ∈ dv]
0 π y(1 − y) 0 1−ν 1−ν
" √ #
√ −σ νM −
(c+σ) νM1−
E E[e −
|M1− lh ∈ dv]e
1− lh
ν I√ ν
M− <v dv
ν 1−ν 1− lh

which provides the equation sought after.

The calculations leading to the formulas 28, 29 and 30 are detailed in Appendix B.

4.3 Correction Factor
The results on the first moment and the asymptotic distribution of the error n = Wk∗ h − Wlh
described in Proposition 1 and 2 provide a multiplicative correction factor to the expectation 23
which, as can be seen in section 5 leads to an extremely good approximation of the price otherwise
computed by Monte-Carlo simulations.
But first, to justify the use of the correction factor we prove the following lemma (which is
adapted from a result in Asmussen, Glynn and Pitman[1] (AGP)):

Lemma 1 pFor any β < ∞ the family {exp(βn 3 n )} is uniformly integrable. In particular the
families {n 3 pn } are uniformly integrable for p < ∞.


δn = Wν − Wlh = Wν − W [νn] is clearly an upper bound for n , therefore it suffices to prove


lim sup E e2βn
3 δn
<∞ (34)

Conditionally on ν = y, Wν = m, W1 = m − x, we know from Proposition 2 of AGP that

m − Wy− [yn] is a Bessel bridge BB(3, y, m) so that:

  " 1 #
1 2βn 3 R [yn]
2βn 3 δn
E e |ν = y, Wν = m, W1 = m − x = E e y− n
|Ry = m

Where R is a Bessel process in dimension 3. If we define three independent standard Brownian

motion processes: B 1 , B 2 and B 3 then,
Rt = (Bt1 )2 + (Bt2 )2 + (Bt3 )2 t≥0 (35)
Set α = 2βn 3 .

Now, for t ≤ y:
h i  √ 
(Bt1 )2 +(Bt2)2 +(Bt3 )2
E e αRt
|Ry = m = E e α
|By1 = m, By2 = 0, By3 =0
h 1
i h 1
≤ E eα|Bt | |By1 = m E eα|Bt | |By1 = 0

Moreover, conditionally on By1 = m, Bt1 is a normal random variable: Bt1 ∼ N ( mt
y , y ). So,
h 1
i h 1
i h 1
E eα|Bt | |By1 = m ≤ E eαBt |By1 = m + E e−αBt |By1 = m
αmt α (y−t)t
≤ 2e y 2y

h 1
i α2 (y−t)t
E eα|Bt | |By1 = 0 ≤ 2e 2y

Using those upper bounds we get:

  1 t 2 (ν−t)t
  2 (ν−t)t
2βn 3 δn 2βn 3 2β 2 n 3 2β 2n 3
E e ≤ 8E e ν

e ν E e ν

With t = ν − n . In particular,

[νn] 1
• t=ν− n ≤ n

(ν−t)t 1
• ν−t
ν ≤ 1 =⇒ ν ≤ n

Which further leads to:

2βn 3 δn 6β 2 t 1
E e ≤ 8 exp E exp 2βn Wν 3
n1/3 ν


t 1 t 1 1 t
E exp 2βn Wν 3 = E exp 2βn Wν Iν≤ 1 + E exp 2βn 3 Wν Iν> 1
ν ν n2/3 ν n2/3

1 1
• On {ν > n2/3
}, νt < n1/3


t 1
E exp 2βn Wν Iν≤ 1 ≤ E [exp (2βWν )] < ∞
ν n2/3

• On {ν ≤ n2/3
}, Wν = sup0≤s≤ 1 Ws = sup0≤s≤1 W s
n2/3 n2/3

So, n1/3Wν =d |W1 | by Levy’s Theorem (see Durett [6] for instance).


t 1
E exp 2βn Wν Iν> 1 ≤ E [exp (2β|W1 |)] < ∞.
ν n2/3

We now clearly have:


2βn 3 δn
lim sup E e <∞

This lemma now leads to the following theorem:

Theorem 2 With the above notation,

h i h i
E ecW1 eσWk∗ h ≈ E ecW1 eσWlh (1 + σE[n ]) (36)

The approximation can then be computed using Equations 1 and 23.


As is described in Nahum[16], the construction of the proof of Proposition 2 actually shows that
√ d
(W, nn ) −→ (W, R(U ) − min R(U + n))
n→+∞ n=0,±1,±2,···

Which implies that W and n are asymptotically independent. So for large n,
h i h i h i
E ecW1 eσWk∗ h = E ecW1 eσWlh eσn ≈ E ecW1 eσWlh E [eσn ]

And from Lemma 1 we know that:

X σ iE[in ]
E [eσn ] = 1 + σE[n] + = 1 + σE[n] + o(n−2/3 )

5 Numerical Results
The tables below give the different prices of a European Put Lookback Option on an asset that is
worth $100 at time 0. The prices are computed for different values of the interest rate, volatility and
maturity of the option using four different methods. The methods correspond to the ones described
in the paper, the first one computes the lower bound using the quasi-maximum as an approximation
for the discrete maximum, the second one adds the correction factor to the first method, the third
one is obtained via Monte-Carlo simulations and the last one uses the continuous maximum as an
approximation for the discrete maximum.

Note that the price using the “Quasi-maximum+correction factor” takes less than a second to
be computed on a Ultra Sparc 2 whereas the Monte-Carlo method takes more than 2 hours.
Table 1: annual interest rate = 10%, maturity = 1 year: 250 days
σ Quasi-maximum Quasi-maximum+correction factor Monte-Carlo Continuous maximum
0.1 3.72 4.03 4.03 4.41
0.2 10.73 11.41 11.42 12.23
0.3 18.48 19.58 19.60 20.90

Table 2: annual interest rate = 7%, maturity = 1 year: 250 days

σ Quasi-maximum Quasi-maximum+correction factor Monte-Carlo Continuous maximum
0.1 4.57 4.88 4.88 5.27
0.2 11.93 12.63 12.63 13.45
0.3 19.88 21.02 21.02 22.33

Table 3: annual interest rate = 10%, maturity = 6 months: 125 days

σ Quasi-maximum Quasi-maximum+correction factor Monte-Carlo Continuous maximum
0.1 3.05 3.34 3.34 3.71
0.2 7.98 8.60 8.62 9.40
0.3 13.24 14.21 14.24 15.47

Table 4: annual interest rate = 7%, maturity = 6 months: 125 days

σ Quasi-maximum Quasi-maximum+correction factor Monte-Carlo Continuous maximum
0.1 3.55 3.84 3.85 4.22
0.2 8.62 9.24 9.26 10.04
0.3 13.94 14.92 14.95 16.19

Table 5: annual interest rate = 10%, maturity = 3 months: 62 days
σ Quasi-maximum Quasi-maximum+correction factor Monte-Carlo Continuous maximum
0.1 2.34 2.56 2.61 2.97
0.2 5.66 6.21 6.28 7.03
0.3 9.11 10.00 10.09 11.27

Table 6: annual interest rate = 7%, maturity = 3 months: 62 days

σ Quasi-maximum Quasi-maximum+correction factor Monte-Carlo Continuous maximum
0.1 2.60 2.85 2.89 3.25
0.2 5.97 6.55 6.60 7.36
0.3 9.45 10.37 10.44 11.62

6 Conclusion
After having approximated the discrete maximum of a Brownian motion on a finite interval by
what is defined as the Quasi-maximum, this paper has used the Denisov decomposition which
provides one of the main properties of the Brownian meander to provide a lower bound (easily
computed numerically) for the price of an option depending on the discrete maximum. Moreover,
in the particular case of the European Put Lookback option, the lower bound reduces to a simple
integration and we have computed a correction factor associated to this lower bound which provides
(as it is shown by the numerical examples above) a very good approximation to the price of that
option otherwise computed using Monte-Carlo methods.
I would like to thank Claude Martini as he greatly contributed to the idea of the “quasi-maxima”.
Also, I would like to thank Jim Pitman and Marc Yor for useful discussions, Steven Evans for his
valuable comments and for having reviewed this paper, and Simon Cawley.

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h i
1. φ(λ) = E e−λM1

Just using Equation 13:

h i Z +∞ u2
E e = e−λu ue− 2 du

Then by a simple integration by parts we get:

h i Z +∞
λ2 (λ+u)2
E e−λM1 = 1 − λe 2 e− 2 du
√ λ2
= 1 − λ 2πe 2 N (−λ)

h i
2. ψ(β, γ, s) = E E[eβM1 |Ms ]e−γMs

First, recall Equations 13 and 14:

2y y2
d(t, y) = P (Mt ∈ dy) = 3 e− 2t N1−t(0, y)dy 0 ≤ t ≤ 1, y ≥ 0
t 2

N1−t(0, y)
tr(s, x, t, y) = P (Mt ∈ dy|Ms ∈ dx) = (nt−s (y − x) − nt−s (y + x)) 0 ≤ s < t ≤ 1, x, y ≥ 0
N1−s(0, x)

We now look at E[eβM1 |Ms ]:

Z +∞
E[eβM1 |Ms ∈ du] = eβv tr(s, u, 1, v)dv

so that,
Z " #
1 +∞ (u−v)2 (u+v)2
− 2(1−s) − 2(1−s)
2N1−s(0, u)E[e βM1
|Ms ∈ du] = p e βv
e −e dvdu
2π(1 − s) 0


Z +∞
ψ(β, γ, s) = e−γu d(s, u)E[eβM1 |Ms ∈ du]
Z +∞ u u2
= e−γu 3 e− 2s 2N1−s (0, u)E[eβM1|Ms ∈ du]
u=0 s 2
" #
Z +∞ 2
Z +∞ (u−v)2 (u+v)2
u −γu − u2s 1 − 2(1−s) − 2(1−s)
= 3 e e p e βv
e −e dvdu
u=0 s2 2π(1 − s) v=0

We now rewrite the above expression as the difference of two integrals, I1 and I2 :

ψ(β, γ, s) = I1 − I2
Z +∞ Z +∞ (u−v)2
u −γu − u2 1 βv − 2(1−s)
= e e 2s p e e dvdu
u=0 s 2 2π(1 − s) v=0
Z +∞ Z +∞ (u+v)2
u −γu − u2 1 βv − 2(1−s)
− 3 e e 2s p e e dvdu
u=0 s 2 2π(1 − s) v=0

In I1 we make the change of variable z = u − v − β(1 − s) and in I2 we set z = u + v − β(1 − s),

we then get:

+∞ Z Z 2
1 u u2 β2 (1−s) z
− 2(1−s)
p − 2s (β−γ)u
I1 = 3 e e e 2 e dzdu
2π(1 − s) u=0 s2 z>−(β(1−s)+x)
Z +∞ Z 2
1 u u2 β2 (1−s) z
− 2(1−s)
p − 2s −(β+γ)u
I2 = 3 e e e 2 e dzdu
2π(1 − s) u=0 s2 z>−(β(1−s)−x)

For both those integrals we now use an integration by parts to get the following expressions:
+∞ Z 2 Z
1 β2 (1−s) u2 − z
I1 = p e 2 (β − γ)e(β−γ)ue− 2s e 2(1−s) dzdu
2πs(1 − s) u=0 z>−(β(1−s)+x)
2 (1−s) Z +∞ 2 (β(1−s)+u)2
1 β u − 2(1−s)
+p e 2 e(β−γ)u e− 2s e du
2πs(1 − s) u=0
Z 2
1 β2 (1−s) − z
+p e 2 e 2(1−s) dz
2πs(1 − s) z>−β(1−s)
√ Z +∞  
β (1−s) (β−γ)2 s
u + β(1 − s)
= 2π(β − γ)e 2 e 2 ns (u − (β − γ)s)N √ du
0 1−s
γ 2 s(1−s)
+e 2 N −γ s(1 − s)
β2 (1−s)
e 2  √ 
+ √ N β 1−s

and, using the exact same method,

√ Z +∞  
β2 (1−s)

(β+γ)2 s −u + β(1 − s)
I2 = − 2π(β + γ)e 2 e 2 ns (u + (β + γ)s)N √ du
0 1−s
γ 2 s(1−s)
−e 2 N −γ s(1 − s)
β2 (1−s)
e 2  √ 
+ √ N β 1−s

It is fairly easy to derive the following useful result by some simple calculations:
 
Z +∞   c
x−a b b−a 
nc2 (x − b)N dx = N N 
 c, r  2 , r

2  (37)
0 c0 c c
c0 1 + c0 1+ c0

We then obtain:

ψ(β, γ, s) = I1 − I2
β2 (1−s) (β−γ)2 s √ √ 
= 2πe 2 (β − γ)e 2 N N (β − γ) s, β − γs, s
(β+γ)2 s √ √  γ 2 s(1−s)
+ (β + γ)e 2 N N −(β + γ) s, β + γs, − s + 2e 2 N −γ s(1 − s)


1. ξ(λ, s, v) = E[e−λM1 |Ms ∈ dv]

Here we just use Equation 14 to get:

Z +∞
ξ(λ, s, v) = tr(s, v, 1, u)e−λudu
Z !
1 +∞ (v−u)2 (v+u)2
−λu − 2(1−s) − 2(1−s)
= p e e −e du
2 2π(1 − s)N1−s (0, v) u=0

By rearranging and completing the squares in the exponentials we get to:

λ2 (1−s) " Z Z #
+∞ [u+(1−s)(λ− v )]2 +∞ [u+(1−s)(λ+ v )]2
e 2 − 1−s
− 1−s
ξ(λ, s, v) = p e−λv e 2(1−s) du − eλv e 2(1−s) du
2 2π(1 − s)2N1−s (0, v) 0 0
λ2 (1−s)    
e 2 √ v √ v
= e−λv N 1 − s( − λ) − eλv N − 1 − s( + λ)
2N1−s(0, v) 1−s 1−s
h i
2. ψ1 (β, γ, s, b) = E E[eβM1 |Ms ]e−γMs IMs ≤b

The technique used to compute ψ1 is identical to the one used to compute ψ which is described
in details in Appendix A. The change of variables used as well as the integration by parts are the
same, the only difference being that the integration on u is made from 0 to b instead of going to
+∞. We, therefore, get to the following expression:

ψ1 (β, γ, s, b) = I11 − I21

√ Z b  
β2 (1−s) (β−γ)2 s u + β(1 − s)
I11 = 2π(β − γ)e 2 e 2 ns (u − (β − γ)s)N √ du
0 1−s
Z b 2
1 β2 (1−s) u2 − (β(1−s)+u)
+p e 2 e(β−γ)u e− 2s e 2(1−s) du
2πs(1 − s) 0
β2 (1−s) b2 Z
e 2 e− 2s e−(β+γ)b z2
− 2(1−s)
− p e dz
2πs(1 − s) z>−(β(1−s)−b)
β2 (1−s) Z 2
e 2 z
− 2(1−s)
+p e dz
2πs(1 − s) z>−β(1−s)

√ Z b  
β2 (1−s) (β+γ)2 s −u + β(1 − s)
I21 = − 2π(β + γ)e 2 e− 2 ns (u + (β + γ)s)N √ du
0 1−s
Z b 2
1 β2 (1−s) u2 − (β(1−s)+u)
−p e 2 e−(β+γ)u e− 2s e 2(1−s) du
2πs(1 − s) 0

β2 (1−s) b2 Z
e 2 e− 2s e−(β+γ)b z2
− 2(1−s)
− p e dz
2πs(1 − s) z>−(β(1−s)+b)
β2 (1−s) Z 2
e 2 z
− 2(1−s)
+p e dz
2πs(1 − s) z>−β(1−s)

which then leads to:

β2 (1−s) √ √(β−γ)2 s (β − γ)s − b √
ψ1 (β, γ, s, b) = 2πe (β − γ)e
2 [N N (β − γ) s, β − γs, s − N N
2 √ , β − γs, s ]
(β+γ)2 s √ √ (β + γ)s + b √
+(β + γ)e 2 [N N − (β + γ) s, β + γs, − s − N N − √ , β + γs, − s ]
" !#
γ 2 s(1−s) b + γs(1 − s) q
+2e 2 N p ) − N (−γ s(1 − s)
s(1 − s)
β2 (1−s) b2     
e 2 e− 2s −(β+γ)b β(1 − s) − b (β−γ)b β(1 − s) + b
+ √ e N √ −e N √
s 1−s 1−s

We can then easily derive the formula for ψ2 (β, γ, s, b):

ψ2 (β, γ, s, b) = ψ(β, γ, s) − ψ1 (β, γ, s, b)

β2 (1−s) (β−γ)2 s (β − γ)s − b √
= 2πe 2 (β − γ)e 2 N N √ , β − γs, s
(β+γ) s2
(β + γ)s + b √
+(β + γ)e 2 N N − √ , β + γs, − s
" !#
γ 2 s(1−s) b + γs(1 − s)
+2e 2 N − p
s(1 − s)
β2 (1−s) b2     
e 2 e− 2s −(β+γ)b β(1 − s) − b β(1 − s) + b
− √ e N √ − e(β−γ)bN √
s 1−s 1−s


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