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Pulsed laser dewetting of patterned thin metal films: A means

of directed assembly
Philip D. Rack,1,2,a兲 Yingfeng Guan,1 Jason D. Fowlkes,2 Anatoli V. Melechko,2 and
Michael L. Simpson1,2
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
Tennessee 37996, USA
Center for Nanophase Materials Science, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge,
Tennessee 37831, USA
共Received 25 April 2008; accepted 15 May 2008; published online 4 June 2008兲
Thin nickel films were patterned into various shapes and treated with a series of laser pulses. The
edges and vertices of the patterned shapes act as programable instabilities, which enable directed
assembly via dewetting when the laser energy density is above the melting threshold. The pattern
formations were monitored as a function of laser pulse and the retraction process was attributed
liquid dewetting and a subsequent resolidification. The calculated retraction velocity 共83 m / s兲 and
liquid lifetime 共12.3 ns兲 were consistent with the measured nickel retraction distances. The vertices
of the shapes had an initially larger retraction velocity which was attributed to an additional in-plane
curvature. © 2008 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2939436兴

One of the challenges of nanoscience and technology is velocity of the ejected nanoparticle which had an effective
understanding and controlling bottom up directed assembly conversion efficiency of ⬃20%.
of materials. A lot of work has been done studying the as- In this paper we demonstrate the directed assembly of
sembly of continuous thin polymer1 and metal films,2 which patterned thin nickel films via nanosecond pulsed laser pro-
reveal interesting dewetting phenomenon via nucleation of cessing. The short liquid lifetimes offer a unique way to
holes and Spinodal dewetting. Nucleation driven processes monitor the time dependence of the dewetting process and
are not spatially correlated; however Raleigh–Taylor or the subsequent pattern formation. Thin nickel films 共30 nm兲
surface wave instabilities give rise to spatially correlated were dc sputter deposited from a nickel foil 共3 in. diameter,
assembly. 30 W, 3 mTorr Ar sputtering gas兲 onto electron beam lithog-
While the break-up and pattern formation via dewetting raphy patterned polymethylmethacrylate 共or PMMA兲 coated
of continuous thin metal and polymer films has been studied 共60 nm兲 silicon substrates. Thin nickel patterns of a variety
in detail, less work has been devoted to the dewetting and of sizes of circles, squares, and triangles were achieved by a
pattern formation of confined or patterned thin films. The conventional lift-off process. No attempt was made to re-
edges of the patterned thin film give rise to programable move the native silicon oxide film. Subsequently the thin
instabilities which can be useful for the directed assembly of patterned features were simultaneously laser treated with a
materials. One means that has been used to investigate series of ⬃25 ns 共full width at half maximum兲 248 nm
wavelength laser pulses with an energy density of
spatially confined wetting properties is via chemically pat-
420 mJ/ cm2, which was previously determined to be above
terning the surface. For instance, Darhuber et al.3 litho-
the melting threshold of nickel.7 To evaluate the dewetting
graphically patterned the self assembled monolayer
pattern evolution, plane-view scanning electron microscope
octadecyl-trichlorosilane 共OTS兲 onto silicon oxide surfaces
images were taken after pulses 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10, respec-
to pattern hydrophobic 共OTS兲 and hydrophilic 共silicon oxide兲
tively, and tilted images were taken after pulse 10 to image
regions. They subsequently investigated both experimental the final patterns.
and simulated shapes for various glycerol pattern geometries Figure 1 shows a series of scanning electron micro-
and liquid volumes. Oriented gold nanoparticles have been graphs of a patterned circle 共radius= 10.6 ␮m兲, square 共edge
grown via solid state dewetting of a gold film deposited onto length= 9.7 ␮m兲, and an equilateral triangle 共edge length
arrays of inverted silicon pyramid shaped pits.4 Choi et al.5 = 12.3 ␮m兲 as a function of the number of laser pulses,
used a similar approach to pattern gold nanoparticles, and which reveal some very intriguing dewetting characteristics.
subsequently synthesized silicon nanowires from the orga- Figure 2 is a plot of the cumulative retraction 共shrinkage兲 of
nized gold nanoparticles via a vapor-solid-liquid growth the center-to-edge distance for the circle, the vertex of the
process. Of particular interest to the work presented here, square, the vertex of the triangle, and the edge center of the
Habenicht et al.6 recently investigated dewetting induced square and triangle. For all the features, the general trends in
nanoparticle “jumping” which resulted from the inertia of the the amount of lateral contraction per pulse or the growth rate
dewetting fronts of pulsed laser irradiated nanoscale gold 共proportional to the slopes in Fig. 2兲 is initially higher over
triangles. In this work, the potential surface energy associ- the pulses 1 and 2 and then begins to slow down and in some
ated with the patterned gold triangles was correlated to the cases stop by the tenth pulse.
The inset in Fig. 2 is a high contrast image of the circle
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: 865-974-5344. after 3 pulses which reveals that each pulse has a concentric
FAX: 865-974-4115. Electronic mail: signature bright region followed by a dark region. Compar-

0003-6951/2008/92共22兲/223108/3/$23.00 92, 223108-1 © 2008 American Institute of Physics

223108-2 Rack et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 223108 共2008兲

FIG. 3. Simulated temperature as a function of time of the 30 nm nickel

surface temperature for the 25 ns, 420 mJ/ cm2 laser pulse demonstrating a
⬃12.3 ns liquid lifetime.

⬃175 nm, in good agreement with the observed values. The

contrast change in the scanning electron micrographs are as-
sumed to be due to some silicide formation at the Ni–Si
FIG. 1. Scanning electron micrographs of pulsed laser treated thin nickel
patterns. The top images are the initial thin film circle, square and triangle.
interface which we have previously observed in some solid
Subsequent images in each column are after 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 pulses. The state nickel dewetting studies.8
bottom image is a tilted view of the pattern after 10 laser pulses 共the dashed Dewetting phenomena can vary significantly depending
lines on the top square and triangle illustrate an axis of the lateral contrac- on whether the film is in a solid or liquid state. To understand
tion from the vertices and the solid lines demonstrate the axes from the the dewetting patterns, the laser induced time-temperature
center of the edges兲.
profiles of the 30 nm nickel films were simulated using
algorithms similar to those outlined in Ref. 9 and described
ing these two regions and the slight topology that forms at in Ref. 10 in more detail. Figure 3 illustrates the surface
the bright/dark interface 共revealed in the tilted images兲, the nickel temperature as a function of time for a 30 nm film
outer bright ring appears to be due to the liquid retraction, irradiated with a 25 ns laser pulse of 248 nm wavelength at
and the dark ring is due to the solidification of the liquid. By 420 mJ/ cm2. For simplicity, bulk properties for nickel were
analyzing the pulse 1 ring of the scanning electron micro- assumed in the thermal modeling. As demonstrated by the
graph in Fig. 2, the retraction during the liquid phase was plot, the nickel film melts and has a liquid lifetime of
estimated to be ⬃580 nm, and the estimated retraction due to ⬃12.3 ns. Recently, Favazza et al.11 compared the growth of
solidification was ⬃150 nm. Considering the density change instabilities in the solid state versus the liquid state in pulsed
from the liquid 共7.89 g / cm3兲 and the solid 共8.91 g / cm3兲 and laser treated metal thin films. It was concluded that the cur-
assuming the solidification retraction is isotropic the esti- vature induced transport via surface and volume diffusion,
mated retraction during the nickel solidification was evaporation, and stress in the solid state was inconsequential
relative to liquid state transport governed by capillary and
viscous dissipation as described by the Navier–Stokes equa-
tions and simplified via the lubrication approximation.12
Following the conclusions of Favazza et al. and
Habenicht et al., we have estimated the liquid retraction
velocity 关v = 共2S␳−1d−1兲0.5兴 of the patterned nickel films to be
83 m / s, where S is the spreading parameter, ␳ is the liquid
nickel density 共7.8 g / cm3兲, and d is the film thickness. The
spreading parameter was calculated from literature values
of the surface tensions 共␥兲 of Si-air 共0.75 J / m2兲, Si–Ni
共1.714 J / m2兲 共Ref. 13兲, and liquid nickel–air 共1.78 J / m2兲.14
To confirm the validity of these parameters, the contact angle
was measured on several small laser treated nickel disks and
the measured contact angle was between 108° and 115°,
which compares favorably to the calculated value of 122° per
Young’s equation for the liquid nickel-solid silicon-air sys-
FIG. 2. Measured edge-to-center retraction distances as a function of the tem. To compare the measured retraction distances demon-
number of laser pulses for the circle, the edge center and vertex of the strated in Fig. 2, the calculated retraction velocity was mul-
square, and the edge center and vertex of the triangle 共see dashed and solid
lines in Fig. 1 for clarification兲. Inset is an enhanced contrast image of the
tiplied by the simulated liquid lifetime which yields a
circle after 3 pulses demonstrating the two-ring signature for each laser retraction distance of ⬃1000 nm/pulse, which is in agree-
pulse. ment with the range in the measured retraction distances over
223108-3 Rack et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 223108 共2008兲

the initial 2–3 pulses. The decrease in the retraction velocity In summary, pulse laser treating patterned nickel thin
at beyond the second and third pulse is likely due to thick- films has been studied as a means to direct the assembly of
ening of the dewetting front which decreases the curvature thin film materials. The patterned edges act as programable
and increases viscous dissipation. The thickening is exacer- instabilities and, when laser heated, assemble in predictable
bated at the vertices as it accumulates material from two ways. The laser energy density was beyond the melt thresh-
fronts. old for the nickel films thus the liquid fronts have been cor-
The observation that the triangle and square vertices re- related to the dewetting of the films during the short liquid
tract more than the center of the edges is an interesting ob- lifetime. The lateral retraction and pattern formation was cor-
servation. If the entire perimeter of the square and triangle related to a two step process: 共1兲 initially, the surface tension
retracted toward the center at the same velocity, curvature drives the flow of the melted nickel films and 共2兲 a smaller
would evolve with the triangle curvature being greater than contraction associated with the density difference between
the square, consistent with what is observed 共particularly evi- the liquid and solid when the liquid film solidifies. The en-
dent after pulse 3 in Fig. 1兲. The enhanced velocity of the hanced retraction rate of the vertices of the triangle and
vertices is speculated to be due to in-plane curvatures.1 For square were correlated to the additional in-plane curvature.
the patterned features, there are two curvatures to consider, The reduced retraction rates at subsequent pulses were attrib-
namely, 共1兲 the orthogonal or out-of-plane curvature which is uted to thickening of the front which reduces the curvature
initially proportional to the film thickness and 共2兲 the in- and enhances viscous dissipation.
plane curvature associated with the vertices of the triangle A.V.M. and M.L.S. acknowledge support from the
and square, the radius of the circle and is effectively zero at Material Sciences and Engineering Division Program of the
the center of the triangle and square edge lengths. An esti- DOE Office of Science. P.D.R. and J.D.F. acknowledge that a
mate of the in-plane radii of curvatures for the triangle and portion of this research was conducted at the Center for
square vertices were measured to be 230 and 720 nm, re- Nanophase Materials Sciences, which is sponsored at Oak
spectively, from the as-deposited scanning electron micro- Ridge National Laboratory by the Division of Scientific User
graphs. These are, of course, much smaller than the circle Facilities, U.S. Department of Energy.
radius of 5300 nm, and ⬁ for the edge centers. Applying the 1
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