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ClaysandClayMinerals, 1971,Vol. 19, pp. 151-158. PergamonPress.

Printedin Great Britain

D e p a r t m e n t of Civil Engineering, U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. 61801, U.S.A.


Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, U.S.A.

(Received 9 October 1970)

Abstract-Coefficients of permeability, calculated using Terzaghi's theory of one-dimensional con-

solidation, are reported for smectite, illite, and kaolinite, in water, methyl and ethyl alcohol, benzene,
and carbontetrachloride. When the pore fluid was water the clays were homoionized to either the
sodium or calcium form and the pore water electrolyte concentratioa was varied. The coefficients of
permeability are evaluated in terms of both mechanical and physico-chemical variables. It appears
that the coefficients of permeability are mainly influenced by mechanical effects, particularly the
distribution of void sizes and the tortuosity of the channels. The coefficient of permeability is maxi-
mized if the flow channels consist of many small channels and a relatively few large ones, through
which the main flow occurs. Physico-chemical variables exert great influence on the coefficient of
permeability through their influence on dispersion or aggregation of the clay particles.

INTRODUCTION Numerous attempts have been made to study the

ON A MICROSCOPIC scale the flow of fluids in a coefficient of permeability of granular media
porous medium is governed by three equations, viz. through the use of capillary (Scheidigger, 1953) or
the equation of continuity, the equation of state, hydraulic radius (Kozeny, 1927; Carman, 1941,
and the dynamical equation of motion (Lamb, 1948; Leibenzon, 1947) models. These analyses
1932). Unfortunately, the mathematical difficulties were simplified by the assumption of no chemical
involved in solving these equations, and the interaction between the fluid and the porous media.
difficulties involved in prescribing the nature of In contrast, there have been few attempts to
the flow channels and the interactions between develop suitable models for clays although the
the fluid and the porous media, are such that the permeability of clays has been discussed exten-
classical approach to solving problems involving sively.
flow in porous media has not proved useful. Terzaghi (1925) emphasized the importance of
Instead, flow is considered on a macroscopic the nonuniformity of the voids on clay permeability
scale. Based on experiments, Darcy (1856) for- and the substantial dependence of the permeability
mulated a macroscopic flow equation which may be on the void ratio. He considered that the physical
written: properties of the pore water changed in the im-
mediate vicinity of the clay surfaces.
- k dh ~l) Macey (1942) measured the coefficient of per-
/) ~ ds meability of clays in water and in nonpolar fluids.
He reported rates of flow for benzene 100,000 to
where v is the discharge velocity, k is the coefficient 1,000,000 times greater than for water in the same
of permeability (often termed the conductivity in clay. He considered that particle spacing, particle
the scientific literature), h is the total head, and s is size as influenced by aggregation or dispersion,
the distance of macroscopic flow measured in the particle arrangement, adsorbed layers, and inter-
direction of flow. lamellar swelling all influenced the permeability
In consideration of its widespread use there but he considered the most important cause for the
have been numerous studies of Darcy's equation. lower permeability in water to be the anomolous
These studies have been of two types: (1) studies viscosity of the water near the clay surfaces.
of the general form of the equation, and (2) studies Grace (1953) demonstrated that improved dis-
of the fundamental factors controlling the constant. persion is the main reason for the marked reduction
This paper is concerned with the constant. of permeability caused by use of certain electro-
152 G. MESRI and R. E. OLSON

lytes and he pointed out the importance of particle tite are reported as functions of void ratio and the
reorientation as consolidation progressed. type of pore fluid, and mechanisms controlling the
Michaels and Lin (1954) showed experimentally permeability are discussed.
that the permeability of kaolinite decreased
markedly as the polarity of the permeating fluid EXPERIMENTAL AND ANALYTICAL
increased and that the most important factor con- PROCEDURES
trolling the permeability of kaolinite was the degree The experimental and analytical procedures
of dispersion of the kaolinite in the original sus- have been presented in detail by Mesri (1969) and
pending fluid. They also concluded (see also reviewed by Olson and Mesri (1970). In brief,
Michaels and Lin, 1955) that electroosmotic homoionic slurries of kaolinite, illite, and smectite
counterflow might be of some importance when (Table l) in water were prepared by repeated
aqueous solutions were used as the permeants but washing with concentrated solutions of NaC1 or
that such colloidal effects as adsorbed liquid sur- CaCI2. Slurries in other fluids were prepared by
face films appeared to have little effect on the washing air dried clay in ethyl alcohol, centrifug-
permeability. ing, drying at l l0~ and then mixing with the
Olsen (1960) measured hydraulic flow rates, desired fluid. The slurries were consolidated to
electrical conductivities, and streaming potentials pressures ranging from 90 to 125 psf in special
for flow through kaolinite, illite, and Boston blue sedimentation tubes (Mesri, 1969) and then trans-
clay, and concluded that electro-osmotic counter- ferred to 2.5-in. dia. consolidation rings where
flow, high viscosity, and tortuous flow paths failed they were consolidated in increments to a pres-
to account for the permeability characteristics he sure of 64,000 psfusing a pressure ratio of two.
measured. He concluded that unequal pore sizes The coefficients of permeability were calculated
was the most important variable. by fitting Terzaghi's theory of consolidation (Ter-
The foregoing studies and others as well, indicate zaghi, 1943) to the observed laboratory time-
that the most important variable influencing the settlement observations and extracting the coeffi-
permeability of clays is flocculation of the clay cient of permeability from the calculated coefficient
particles, which influences the distribution of void of consolidation. The fitting operation utilized the
sizes and shapes. logarithmic method (Casagrande and Fadum, 1940)
In the discussion to follow, values for the coeffi- for all tests in which the pore fluid was water or
cients of permeability of kaolinite, illite, and smec- alcohol. However, specimens in which the pore

Table 1. Properties of clays

Liquid Plastic Surface exchange Estimated
Supplier limit limit area in capacity Fraction ratio of
source in in Specific m2 m-equil. finer than dia. to
Mineral trade name per cent per cent gravity per g per 100 g 0-002 thickness
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Kaolinite Minerals and 40 27 2.65 14 2'2 47 2-5
Chemicals to to
Philipp Corp., 50 31
Klondyke clay,

Illite J. L. Eades, 83 31 2.80 28 100 10-50

Dept. of to to
Geology 104 32
Univ. of

Smectite American Colloid 190 31 2-65 500 100 97 150-500

Company, Wyoming, to to to to
Volclay 1160 47 2.80 700

fluid was non-polar often underwent 50 per cent the structure of clay itself possessed a time de-
or more of their settlement during the first 6 sec pendent resistance to compression so that the total
after loading, thus precluding use of the logarithmic resistance to volume change came partly from
method. F o r these specimens the square root fitting permeability and partly from the structural resist-
method (Taylor, 1948) was used. In our exper- ance of the clay itself. By attributing all of the resis-
ience, the standard square root method, in which tance to low permeability, Terzaghi's theory must
fitting is performed at an average degree of con- inevitably lead to an under-estimate of the per-
solidation of 90 per cent, usually yields coeffi- meability. It has been our experience, based on a
cients of permeability that are higher than those number of comparisons between measured and
calculated by either method when fitting is per- computed coefficients of permeability on both re-
formed at 50 per cent consolidation. However, the molded and undisturbed clays, that the calculated
coefficients of permeability in non-polar fluids coefficients of permeability are low by only about
were so much higher than in other fluids that a 5-20 per cent provided that the clay is normally
slight downwards adjustment in the data would consolidated at the time of determination. All
have no effect on the interpretation. clays used in this investigation were normally
A question may be raised as to how the coeffi- consolidated. A comparison of measured and com-
cients of permeability calculated using Terzaghi's puted coefficients of permeability, which is typical
theory compare with values measured directly. of numerous other such comparisons, is shown in
Terzaghi (1923) made such comparisons when he Fig. 1.*
first developed the theory; he found satisfactory
agreement. Casagrande and F a d u m (1944) re- EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
ported that they always found satisfactory agree- The coefficients of permeability of kaolinite,
ment provided the logarithmic fitting method was illite, and smectite, are shown as functions of void
used and provided that there was a distinct change ratio in Figs. 2-4, respectively. F o r the cases
in curvature when the primary settlement curve where water was the pore fluid, all data are indi-
merged with the secondary settlement curve. Tay- cated without regard to the electrolyte concentra-
lor (1942) presented comparisons for remolded tion. The scatter in data for the sodium forms of
specimens of Boston Blue clay, based on the square the illite and smectite is mainly caused by the varia-
root fitting method, and showed that the measured tions in electrolyte concentration, a variable that
coefficients of permeability generally exceeded the will be discussed subsequently.
calculated values. H e attributed this difference in
permeabilities to Terzaghi's assumption that the
sole cause of delay in compression is the time re- 5 - 0 Water(No Cl]
quired for the water to be squeezed out, i.e. to the 4 -- t, Water{Ca CI 2)
Q Ethyl Alcohol and
permeability of the clay. Taylor concluded that 3 - Methyl Alcohol vv _
o v Corbontetrachloride v~"
= and Benzene ,.~ .~v
~. 2- ~r ~ -
/ ~ i I /
2'51~ o Measured / ~
& Calculated Using Terzaghi's T h e o ~ /

//I 'ld,e tO-~, L0-1

Permeability, cm/sec

Fig. 2. Coefficients of permeability of kaolinite.


In discussing the data in Figs. 2-4, it is conven-

ient to separate the variables that influence the
coefficients of permeability into two broad and
overlapping groups, viz. mechanical variables and
physico-chemical variables.
o,e/ I I I /
i~ ~ 10-e i0-7
Permeability, crn/sec *The illite used in this comparison came from Fithian,
Illinois, and has slightly different properties from the illite
Fig. 1. Coefficients of permeability of a 0.01 N calcium used in the main series of experiments to be reported in
illite. this paper.
154 G. MESRI and R. E. OLSON

1 I I I I I
-- o Water ( N a C t )
Water (Ca 0 2 ) o/ o .~c --
O E t h y l Alcohol and o o ~ . ~
_ .,..,,oo.o,
V Corbontetrachlorida
L~ ~~, / o f . . -
o~ /


n." o v
o A a v
.'r o & a v
O,a -- _

0,7 --
I ] I I I I , -
k5 m *o" io-e ,o-~ ~6" *o- s 10- 4

Permeability, ern/see
Fig. 3. Coefficients of permeability of illite.

I I i ] 1 I f
0 Water (No CI ) , ~

9~- Water [Co CI z ) f

A 5
-- 0 Ethyl Alcohol ~/v-

e..ze.. /o

"10 7
_ oO ~ ~

-- o % a a o

A &&

J~ 1 l' i t ~ L I
IO-t2 I0-11 to'lO IO-g I0"1~ I0 -? IO-~ 10-8 IO-4

Permeability, cm/sec

Fig. 4. Coefficients of permeability of smectite.

Mechanical variables inite the largest. The coefficients of permeability of

Various mechanical variables may be used but the three clays, in the sodium form and in water are
perhaps the most convenient are the size, shape, shown in Fig. 5. The illite is about 200 times more
and geometrical arrangement of the clay parffcles. pervious than the smectite, and the kaolinite is
These variables in turn determine the geometrical about 200,000 times more pervious, at the same
properties of the pore system. void ratio. Variables other than channel size also
The smaller the particle size the smaller the size contribute to the differences in Fig. 5 as will be
of the individual flow channels, all other variables discussed subsequently.
being constant. The simplest theoretical models of The geometry of the flow channel is a function of
porous media (Lamb, 1932) show that the coeffi- the shape and orientation of the clay particles. F o r
cient of permeability is directly proportional to the the platey clay particles, application of pressure,
second power of the diameter of the flow channel. under fully drained conditions and without lateral
The great range in size of the flow channels is one strain, results in an orientation of the plates normal
reason for the large differences in the coefficient to the direction of maximum principal stress
of permeability of the three clay minerals. The (Lambe, 1953; Norrish, 1954; Emerson, 1956;
smectite has the smallest particle size and the kaol- Mitchell, 1956; Quigley and Thompson, 1966)

4o i i I I ~ i I

30 ~ 0 Srnectite ~
Z~ Illite
20 0 Kaolinite ~ m


o 6

2 - - ^ -

0.9 -- Ll m
o.e- I q'- I r o I I
0'710-12 i0-11 io'lO 10"9 iO-II IO*T I0"6 10-5

Permeobility, cm/sec.

Fig. 5. Coefficient of permeability of all three sodium clays in water.

and leads to an increasingly tortuous flow path in perties of the fluid as dielectric constant, dipole
the direction of the applied pressure. This particle moment, and viscosity. Other variables could be
orientation, or tortuosity effect, is larger for par- chosen and some of the above variables, e.g.
ticles with larger diameter to thickness ratios. The viscosity of the fluid, could just as well be con-
diameter to thickness ratio (Table 1) increases sidered mechanical variables.
from kaolinite to illite to smectite and is another The existence of a net negative charge within the
source of the difference in the coefficients of per- clay particles leads to the adsorption of cations.
meability of the three clays (Fig. 5). Also, particle F o r pore fluids of low dielectric constant, such as
orientation increases with increasing consolidation the alcohols, benzene, and carbon tetrachloride
pressure (decreasing void ratio) causing a reduction used in this study, the cations are held tightly
in permeability with reduction in void ratio. Of against the surface of the particles and have a mini-
course, the coefficient of permeability also de- mal tendency to block the flow channels. Further,
creases with void ratio simply because of the reduc- when nonpolar fluids are used, there is little ten-
tion in total void space. dency for the fluid to be adsorbed by either the
cations or the surface and the flow channels are
Physico-chemical variables almost completely open. Thus, the coefficient of
The data in Figs. 2 - 4 indicate that the coeffi- permeability should be largest for benzene and
cients of permeability are largest for nonpolar carbon tetrachloride (Figs. 2-4). When a fluid
fluids, smaller for polar fluids of low dielectric such as an alcohol is used, the fluid is adsorbed
constant, and lowest for water, which is polar and either by the cations or, more likely, by the forma-
has a high dielectric constant. Further, the coeffi- tion of hydrogen bonds with the surface, and a
cient of permeability is generally lower when the part of the flow channels is likely to be blocked,
adsorbed cations are monovalent rather than di- thus reducing the permeability (Figs. 2-4). How-
valent. Generally, a reduction in electrolyte con- ever, these effects seem clearly inadequate to
centration (Fig. 6) tends to reduce the coefficient explain the very large differences between the
of permeability but the effect of electrolyte con- coefficients of permeability of the smectite and illite
centration diminishes as the valency of the cations in nonpolar pore fluids, in alcohols, and in water.
increases, and is smaller in sequence from smectite Further, these effects do not explain the fact (Fig.
to illite to kaolinite. It is convenient to consider 7) that all of the clays yielded the same void ratio
these effects as physico-chemical. vs. permeability relationship when nonpolar fluids
The physico-chemical variables may be taken were used.
as the surface charge density and distribution, Since there is a negligible adsorption of the non-
valency of the adsorbed cations, and such pro- polar fluids and no formation of diffuse double
156 G. MESRI and R. E. OLSON

*I 0 0 " O 0I 1 N CO CI2
, ' .^1 .0 Sr I
0 0"001 I
N C~ CIz , / /

Z[--& hON C o ~ ~'~ ~1o

IF ~ Koolinite
o, L , o, , , , , I
10-8 i0"7
i0"s i0"8 i0-10 10-9 iO'e i0-? IO-II i0-10 10-9 i0-I i0-7
Permeobility, cm / se c. Permeobi lity, crn/sec. Permeobi lity, c m/sec.

o | o o,O ,N o '

~:~ I- ~ Kaolinite
oliO-B I
10"6 -8 iO-IO 10-9 i0-11 iO-T IO-IZ i0-11 i0-10 10-0 i0.1
Permeobility, cm/sec. Permeobility ,cm / sec. Permeobility ,cm/sec.

Fig. 6. Coefficients of permeability of all three clay minerals in water.

flow channels at a constant void ratio, and reducing

the coefficient of permeability. The existence of
L- 0 Smectite
Iltite g
large aggregates was previously used to explain the
5 ~ swelling characteristics of the same clays (Olson
and Mesri, 1970).
The clay particles in aggregates in nonpolar
fluids are believed to be randomly arranged and
the aggregates are probably more-or-less spherical
in shape. When the pore fluid is water, it is believed
that aggregates of parallel particles, termed dom-
ains (Emerson, 1959; Aylmore and Quirk, 1959),
- J J I
iO-I 40-r iO-e i0-0 10-4 are formed for smectite and possibly for illite as
Permeobility, cm/sec well. In the case of calcium smectite the water is
adsorbed between the layers until the basal spacing
Fig. 7. Coefficients of permeability of all three clay is about 19 ,~ (Norrish, 1954; Senich, Demirel and
minerals in nonpolar fluids. Handy, 1967) and then adsorption stops. Since
the layers cannot swell sufficiently to form diffuse
layers, the mechanisms controlling the coefficients double layers, it is believed that domains of per-
of permeability of the clays in nonpolar fluids haps eight to ten layers form (Blackmore and Miller,
should be mechanical. The existence of essentially 1961) with larger voids between the domains. The
the same permeability for the three minerals fluid trapped within the domains is probably
(Fig. 7)then implies the existence of voids of similar essentially immobile until high pressures are
size and shape. Apparently the particles of illite applied. Thus, the fluid flows mainly through the
and smectite formed stable aggregates, and the larger interdomainal voids. The calcium smectite
main fluid flow took place in the large voids between in water is more dispersed than the smectite in
the aggregates. Thus, for a constant void ratio, alcohol, but because of the presence of domains is
the channels between these aggregates would be less dispersed than the sodium smectite in water,
considerably larger in size than channels between and thus has intermediate coefficients of permea-
evenly spaced particles and the rate of flow would bility. A similar argument apparently may be used
be expected to increase with some power of the with the illite. The kaolinite particles are too large
channel diameters. The main effect of using alcohol and too nearly equidimensional to form domains
or water as a permeant is then to break down the that influence the permeabilities significantly.
aggregates, thus reducing the size of the largest For calcium clays a diffuse double layer probably

forms on the exposed surfaces of clay particles and osmotic swelling in calcium monomorillonite: Soil
(Norrish, 1954) but in the case of kaolinite and Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 25, 169-173.
illite the void spaces are so large that the diffuse Carman, P. D. (1941) Capillary size and capillary move-
double layers do not block the main flow channels ment of moisture in fine sands: Soil Sci. 52, 1-14.
significantly. Thus, changes in double layer thick- Casagrande, A. and Fadum, R. E. (1940) Notes on Soil
Testing for Engineering Purposes: Soil Mech. Series
ness associated with variations in pore water elec- No. 8, Harvard Graduate School of Engineering.
trolyte concentration do not influence the permea- Darcy, H. (1856) Les Fontaines Publiques de la Ville de
bility by measurable amounts (Fig. 6). However, Dijon. Dalmont, Paris.
in the case of calcium smectite with its much smal- Emerson, W. W. (1956) Liquid crystals of sodium mono-
ler void spaces, the apparent double layer thickness morillonite: Nature, Lond. 178, 1248.
influences permeability significantly (Fig. 6). Emerson, W. W. (1959) The structure of soil crumbs: J.
Further, in the case of calcium smectite, it is prob- SoilSci. 10, 234.
able that thicker domains form when the electrolyte Grace, H. P. (1953) Resistance and compressibility of
concentration reaches about 1N so, for a given void filter cakes: Chem. Engng Prog. 49, 303-318,367-377.
Kozeny, J. (1927) Uber Kapillare Leitung des Wassers
ratio, the interdomainal voids are larger and a
im Boden: Akad. Wiss. Wiener Abt. Ila, 136, 271-306.
higher permeability results. Lamb, H. (1932) Hydrodynamics 6th Edn. Cambridge
For a sodium clay in water, diffuse double layers University Press, London.
form and the clay disperses. The lower the electro- Lamb_e, T. W. (1953) The structure of inorganic soil:
lyte concentration the greater is the tendency of Proc. A S C E Separate No. 315.
the clay to disperse uniformly through the avail- Leibenzon, L. S. (1947) Dvizhenie Prirodnykh Zhid-
able space without the occurrence of any larger kostei i Gazov v Poristoi Srede: Gosudarstv. lzdat.
voids. Thus, electrolyte concentration, through its Tekh. - Teoret. Lit. Moscow.
influence on dispersion, influences the coefficient Macey, H. H. (1942) Clay-water relationship and the
internal mechanisms of drying: Trans. Br. Ceram. Soc.
of permeability. 41, 73-121.
Mesri, G. (1969) Engineering Properties of Montmoril-
lonite. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana.
The coefficients of permeability of clays are Michaels, A. S. and Lin, C. S. (1954) The permeability of
controlled by variables that may be classified as kaolinite: Ind. Engng Chem. 46, 1239-1246.
mechanical and physico-chemical. The mechanical Michaels, A. S. and Lin, C. S. (1955) Effects of counter-
variables of main interest are the size, shape, and electroosmosis and sodium ion exchange on permea-
the geometrical arrangement of the clay particles. bility of kaolinite: Ind. Engng. Chem. 47, 1249-1253.
The reduction in the coefficient of permeability, Mitchell, J. K. (1956) The fabric of natural clays and its
relation to engineering properties: Proc. High. Res. Bd.
at constant void ratio, from kaolinite to illite to 35, 693-713.
smectite is largely the result of a reduction in the Norrish, K. (1954) The swelling of montmorillonite:
size of individual flow channels and an increase in Discuss Faraday Soc. 18, 120-134.
the tortuosity of the flow paths. Olsen, H. W. (1960) Hydraulic flow through saturated
Physico-chemical variables exert great influence clays: Clays and Clay Minerals I 1, 131-161.
on the coefficient of permeability by controlling Olson, R. E. and Mesri, G. (1970) Mechanisms control-
the tendency of the clay to disperse or to form agg- ling the compressibility of clays: J. Am. Soc. Civ.
regates. Aggregation leads to the existence of many Engrs. 96, SM6, 1853-1878.
tiny flow channels through which there is likely to Quigley, R. M. and Thompson C. D. (1966) The fabric of
Anisotropically consolidated sensitive marine clay:
be little flow, and a smaller number of relatively Can G eotech. Jl. 3, 61-73.
large channels through which the main flow occurs. Scheidigger, A. E. (1960) The Physics o f Flow Through
Dispersion leads to channels that are all of nearly Porous Media. Macmillan, New York.
the same size, and tend to be nonequidimensional, Senich, D., Demirel, T. and Handy, R. L. (1967) X
and thus reduces fluid flow. ray diffraction and adsorption isotherm studies of the
calcium montmorillonite-H20 system: Highway Res.
Acknowledgments-The experiments reported in this Rec. 209, 23-54.
paper were performed in the soil mechanics laboratories Taylor, D. W. (1942) Research on Consolidation o f
of the University of lllinois at Urbana, during the period Clays, Serial 82, Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
from 1963 through 1969. They represent part of the nology, Department of Civil Engineering, Cambridge.
research performed under grants GP325 and GK531 Taylor, D. W. (1948) Fundamentals o f Soil Mechanics.
from the National Science Foundation. Wiley, New York.
Terzaghi, K. T. (1923), Die Berechnung der Durchlassig-
REFERENCES keitsziffer des Tons aus dem Verlauf der hydrodynamis-
Aylmore, L. A. G. and Quirk, J. P. (1959), Swelling of chen Spannungserscheinungen, Akademie der Wissen-
clay-water systems: Nature, Lond. 183, 1752-1753. schaften in Wien. Sitzungsberichte, Mathematisch-
Blackmore, A. V. and Miller, R. D. (1961) Tactoid size naturwissenschaftliche Klasse - Ila, 132, pp. 125-138.
158 G. M E S R I and R. E. O L S O N

Terzaghi, C. ( 1 9 2 5 ) D e t e r m i n a t i o n o f t h e p e r m e a b i l i t y o f Terzaghi, K, T. (1943) Theoretical Soil Mechanics,

clay: Engng News Rec. 95, 832-836. pp. 510. Wiley, N e w York.

R 6 s u m 6 - L e s coefficients de permeabilit6 calcul6s h l'aide de la th6orie de la consolidation unidimen-

sionelle de Terzaghi sont donn6s pour u n e smectite, une illite et une kaolinite en pr6sence d'eau,
d'alcool m6thylique, d'atcool 6thylique, de benzbne et de t6trachlorure de carbone. L o r s q u e le fluide
remplissant les pores est l'eau, les argiles ont 6t6 rendues homoioniques, soit sous forme sodium, soit
sous forme calcium et l'on a fait varier les concentrations en 61ectrolyte de la solution des pores. L e s
coefficients de perm6abilit6 ont 6t6 6valu6s h la fois en terme de variables m6caniques et physico-
chimiques. I1 apparaSt que les coefficients de perm6abilit6 sont essentiellement influenc6s par les effets
m6caniques, en particulier, la distribution des d i m e n s i o n s des rides et la tortuosit6 des pores. Le
coefficient de perm6abilit6 p a s s e par u n m a x i m u m lorsque les pores a s s u r a n t l'6coulement sont con-
stitu6s par de n o m b r e u x petits canaux et relativement peu de grands, h travers lesquels la plus grande
part du d6bit s'6tablit. L e s variables physico-chimiques exercent u n e grande influence sur le coefficient
de perm6abilit6 par le biais du r61e qu'elles j o u e n t dans la dispersion et l'agr6gation des particules

Kurzreferat-Es wird tiber Permeabilit~itskoeffizienten. b e r e c h n e t u n t e r V e r w e n d u n g der Theorie

von Terzaghi fiber eindimensionale Verdichtung, fiir Smectit, Illit und Kaolinit in W a s s e r , Methyl-
und Athylalkohol, Benzol und Tetrachlorkohlenstoff berichtet. W e n n die Porenflfissigkeit W a s s e r
war w u r d e n die T o n e entweder in die N a t r i u m - o d e r die C a l c i u m f o r m homoionisiert u n d die Elektro-
lytkonzentration des P o r e n w a s s e r s wurde variiert. Die Permeabilit~.tskoeffizienten w u r d e n mit Hilfe
m e c h a n i s c h e r sowie p h y s i k a l i s c h - c h e m i s c h e r Variabler eingesch~itzt. Es scheint, dass die Permeabilit-
~itskoeffizienten in erster Linie durch m e c h a n i s c h e W i r k u n g e n beeinflusst werden, b e s o n d e r s die Ver-
teilung yon H o h l r a u m g r 6 s s e n und die G e w u n d e n h e i t der Kan~ile. D e r Permeabilitatskoeffizient wird
maximiert w e n n die Str6mungskan~ile aus vielen kleinen Kan~ilen u n d verhaltnism~issig wenigen weiten
bestehen, durch welche die HauptstrtJmung stattfindet. Physikalisch-chemische Variable iiben infolge
ihrer Wirkung a u f d i e Dispersion oder Z u s a m m e n b a U u n g der Tonteilchen einen betrachflichen Einfluss
a u f den Permeabilitatskoeffizienten aus.

P e a ~ o M e - Flpaae'aeHbt Koaqbqbnuneaxbt npo,m~aeMocTn ,ann CMeKTnTa, nnnHTa n Kao;lririaTa (no

OTHOHJeHrflO K ao~le, MeTHJ1OBOMyri 3Tl4~qOaOMycnnpTaM, 6eH30.0y rl ~ler1,1pexxnopriCTOMy yrnepo'ay),
no)lcaHxaHHbte B COOTBeTCTBrlrl C Teopnefi O'aHoMepHo~ KoHco.rlrt'aaunn T e p u a r n . B TeX c~y~a~x,
Korea , a n o n m t r e n e M h o p cnyn<~na 80~a, rnH,bi rOMOHOUa3HpoaaJll4Cb ~20 naTpneBo~ a n n KaJIb-
uaeBoft qbopM, H Kortt~erfTpaurla BO'a,OrO 3neKrponHTa h o p ri3MeannacE,. Ko3qbqbnunenx npoHn-
uaeMOCTH oI~eHI4Bas KaK B OTHOI&IeHPIt4 MeXaHFItleCKI4X, TaK /4 B OTHOIUeHI4H di)n3nKo-Xi4Mllqeclci4x
nepeMeHHblX. KaK oKa3anoc6, r~a Kogqbqbnunenx npoHmtaeMocT~t BanaO0T, r.~aBHblM o6pa3oM,
MexaHHaecKHe 3qbqbeKTbL ~ a ocoOeHrlOCrri - - xapaKTep pacupe'aeneHr~a h o p n o pa3MepaM n cTeneHb
n3BnnncTocxr~ KaHanoB. Ko3~dpmme.x nponHttaeMOCTI4 "aocxnraeT MaKCriMyMa a Tex cayaanx, I<or'aa
Kananb[, no KOYOpblM npoxo'aaT nOTOK ~<H'aKOCTH,COCTOnTr~3 MHOYKecTBaMefIKtlX KananoB n cpaBnn-
Te~bHO He6oJlbUlOFO KpynHblX. ~H3rlKO-XHMn,iecKne nepeMenni, ie OKa3bIBarOT BJIHflnI4e Ha
KO3qbdi)I4~rieHT rlpOHnuaeMocxr~ ~amm, B TO~ c~enenn, B Koxopo~ onr~ Bnl4fl~OT n a nacnepcnoo n a n
a r p e r a t m r o rnanncTb~x aacrm~.

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