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 Biography of the elit

 They show how to. Become a good muslim

 They came as the guidance, coz they practice the perfect way of islam after the prophet saw

 Sahabah that end up killing his brother

 One of the tenth that given the glad tidings of paradise

 Rasulullah died when they all still alived. The matyr of badar and uhud are confirmed but
they were dead.

 Qunya: Abu Ubaydah ibnu al-Jarrah

 Malik = Ibnu Waqas, Saad ibnu Waqas/Malik

 Abu Bakar = Abdullah

 Amr Ibnu Abdullah Ibnu Jarrah, from the tribe of Quraisy

 Respected among sahabah

 Muadz Ibnu Jabal- the most 6th learned among the sahabah, said about AUAJ: I never seen
the servant of Allah swt who is less mocking of anybody else, always respectful, his heart
was filled with fullness, goodness for everyone, the only thing he care about is the hereafter,
he is the one will give advice to the people. Always remembered Allah swt on the tounge
and the heart. When dealth with wrongly by people, he will deal with peacefully. Spend not
extravagand or stingy but in the middle way. Mercy with orphan n the poor, those who
dislike the trecherous and errogand

 Early people accepted islam in early days

 From Abu Bakar ra: invited the elit that have goodness in their heart: Uthman bin mazún,
abdul rahman bin auf, ubaydah ibnu harith, abu salamah, dll.... - started accepting islam b4
nabi saw start preaching in arqam bin abi arqam

 Assabiquu nal awwalun - fore front of islam

 Responded to the call of rasulullah to habsyah- he was in the second wave, also made hijrah
to medina

 Muhammad ibnu maslamah- best leader and commander brotherhood in medina

 Asbabunnuzul- people thatreferring to the last ayah of suratul mujadalah (Battle of Badar).
The day of badar is called by Allah yaumul furqan.
 Quraisy has no reason to fight muslim other than to eradicate islam, coz the caravan escaped
to makkah abu jahal and the rest of the leaders bring up the army against muslim. Doa of
nabi that if the muslim army is lost, thats the end of islam- no one will workship Allah.

 Tribal association very important - assobiyyah, must sided ur tribe whether right of wrong.
Ubaydah al Jarrah vs Abdullah al Jarrah, Abu Bakar vs Abd Rahman ibnu Abu Bakar, Musab
ibnu Umair vs Ubaidullah ibnu Umair- fight for the ties of lailahaillahllah/aqidah. That is what
matters. Was taught to ummah about the important ties of islam. Ties between the muslims
is much more important than the ties between the family

 When battle started, abdullah trying to look for his son. Abu ubaydah is avoiding him. Still al
biirribittaqwa, try to deal good to parents. But father is insisted to show how well he is loyal
to his tribe and idol by sacrificing his son. abdullah is following his son his son. Finally he
turned to his father and he killed his father

o Surah Al-Mujadila, Verse 22: Kamu tak akan mendapati kaum yang beriman pada Allah
dan hari akhirat, saling berkasih-sayang dengan orang-orang yang menentang Allah dan
Rasul-Nya, sekalipun orang-orang itu bapak-bapak, atau anak-anak atau saudara-saudara
ataupun keluarga mereka. Mereka itulah orang-orang yang telah menanamkan keimanan
dalam hati mereka dan menguatkan mereka dengan pertolongan yang datang daripada-
Nya. Dan dimasukan-Nya mereka ke dalam surga yang mengalir di bawahnya sungai-
sungai, mereka kekal di dalamnya. Allah ridha terhadap mereka, dan merekapun merasa
puas terhadap (limpahan rahmat)-Nya. Mereka itulah golongan Allah. Ketahuilah, bahwa
sesungguhnya hizbullah itu adalah golongan yang beruntung.

 AUAJ fight at the side of Rasulullah saw, among the people who protect Rasulullah during
the battle or Uhud. Story of 2 metal shield rings stuck in the cheeck of Rasulullah, wanted to
get it out. No twitzer, bend the metals with his teeth and he lost 2 teeth when he took 2
rings. His speech become more beautiful when he lost his 2 teeth.

 Abu Bakar made him leader to as-Syam to fight the byzentines and conquererd the city of
Hims in Syria and became governor of Hims. Then Abu Bakar send khalid ibnu walid to
gather all the army of as-Syams and put them all under the command of general Khalid ibnu
Walid. But once the army has been gathered Abu Bakr died and Umar became Khalifah.
Umar send a letter to Abu Ubaydah al Jarrah

o Letter: "Abu BAkr assiddiq has passed a way, innalillah. Allah swt does what Allah swt
ordains to do. And we have heard the news that you have surrounded damascus. And i
gave you the general command over the army of the muslims. You send the army and u
are in command and u disscuss the affair with the army. " and Khalid al walid has
planned the battle and AUAJ hide the letter and when the prayer, he pray behind Khalid.
o The entire battle of Yarmouk, AUAJ was the soldier. Post battle he heard about the news
and he knows that the true commander was in the army the whole time, while khalid
giving the commands.

o Khalid: May Allah forgive you. Why didn't u tell me that u are the amir, praying behind
me? And why didnt u tell me.

o AUAJ: May Allah forgive u too. I did not tell u this until u heard it from someone else. I
will not disrupt ur battle until this all is over. Then after the battle was over, i had
intention to tell u. it is not the leadership of dunia that i want. And my effort is not for
this. Everything u see will perish/disappear. And we are but brothers and people who
work in the command of allah swt and the commander of allah, doesn't matter who's
the commander is as long as the intention and we all work on the same purpse, that is
to serve Allah swt. Where is the harm that my brother became my commander in this
dunia. That is no harm in that. And then I know, actually the one that are in the
position in leadership and commandership anre closer to anger of Allah swt. They have
more responsibility. Why should I hasten to take thats position from you. This is not a
good deal, more accountable in front of Allah taala. Then he gave the letter of Umar

 Abdullah ibnu Amru said: 3 people of Quraisy with the best manner/akhlak, and they are
people who halots of smile, the people who have the best politeness among people. And
they speak, they never lie, they have politeness that whenever you tell them, they will never
say that you were wrong unless its the affair of the deen/syariah: Abu Bakr, uthman Affan
and Abu Ubaydah al Jarrah

 Prophet said: The best man is Abu Ubaydah al Jarrah

 Hadith by Hudhaifah ibnu Yaman: Rasulullah give the title, Abu Bakr as As-Siddiq, Umar as al-
Faruq, Abu Ubaydah as

o Story- 2 christian leader came from city of najran, to debate with Rasulullah. About the
religion, to do mubahalah : both side pray and ask Allah who ever wrong will get the
Allah wrath. Al-Aqib and Sayid. The prophet answer ought with him, Fatimah, Husin,
Hassan, when these two people became serious they speak to each other that nabi is
the true prophet and if we continue to do this, we will become unsuccessful and our
successor will die. Why don't you send somebody who is trustworthy that can teach us
this religion. And then the prophet said he will send the most honest and trustworthy ie
al-ameen. Sahabah started to show himself to the prophet to be the al ameen. And then
the next day, the prophet said, kum ya ubaidah al jarrah: stand forward AUAJ and then
he said this is the trustworthy of this ummah. Tehn the title from that day on is
Ameenul ummah.

 Umar most respect AUAJ. When He met AUAJ, he took the hand of AUAJ dan kiss the hand
of his people to show respect. And he tell, take me to ur house. I want to be the quest of
Abu Ubaydah. AUAJ: What do u wanna do in my house? Umar: I just wanna come and visit u.
AUAJ: U wanna just cry in my house, break tears in my house. SO Umar went to Abu Ubayd
to his house. He was the governor of Hims, the perrson who defeated berzantiyn. And then
he entered a small house. He didn't see anything. Umar: Where is ur furniture? AUAJ: I don't
see except a saddle, a rod and small place to lie down. That is a house of an amir, a governor
of as-Syam. Umar: Anta amir? U are the governor, u r the commander? AUAJ: said, yes.
Umar: u have anything i can eat. AUAJ went to get a small piece of dried bread to Umar. And
Umar roll in tears. AUAJ: didn't I tell u? U will cry in tears if u come to my place ya amirul
mukminin. Its only enough to take us to a place of rest (al-jannah). Umar: This life change all
of us after the prophet saw except u.

 AUAJ on 18 Hijrah was in Syam. Came the plague. Umar wants him to come to Medinah and
leave his army to safety in Medina. He did not want to leave his army.

o Manakala Abu Ubaidah yang menerima surat itu menulis: ".....aku tidak ingin berpisah
dari mereka (pasukan muslimin) sehingga Allah menetapkan keputusanNya pada diriku
dan pada diri mereka. Jika surat ini telah sampai ke tanganmu maka bebaskanlah aku
dari permintaanmu dan izinkan aku untuk tetap tinggal di tengah pasukanku".

o Begitu jawapannya, Umar Al-Khattab menangis hingga air matanya melewati janggutnya.
Kaum Muslimin di sekitarnya yang melihat beliau menangis teresak-esak berkata:
“Wahai Amirul Mu'miniin, apakah Abu Ubaidah telah wafat?”.

o Umar menjawab: “Belum, namun Beliau sudah hampir dengannya (ajalnya)”.

 Abu Ubaydah will:

o “Aku berwasiat pada kalian, jika kalian menerimanya nescaya kalian sentiasa di atas
kebaikan. Dirikanlah solat, tunaikanlah zakat, berpuasalah di bulan Ramadhan,
bersedaqahlah, laksanakan ibadah haji dan umrah dan hendaknya kalian saling memberi
nasihat, bersikap jujur kepada pemimpin kalian dan jangan menipu mereka. Janganlah
kalian terlalai oleh dunia, sekalipun seseorang berumur seribu tahun, dia akan tetap
menemui apa yang aku temui saat ini. Sesungguhnya Allah telah menetapkan kematian
atas anak-anak Adam, mereka pasti mati dan orang yang paling cerdik dari masalah ini
adalah orang yang paling taat kepada Allah dan paling giat beramal untuk hari
kebangkitan. Wassalaamu'alaikum warahmatullah”.

 Dibury di Palestine

 Bila Abu Bakr nak wafat, beliau terasa berat sebab nak memilih al faruq atau ameenul
ummah. Tapi ditakdirkan Allah Umar menjadi khalifah dan kemudian Abu Ubaydah
meninggal dunia.
 Kata2 Umar, bila setelah dia ditikam, masa nak pilih khalifah, Dia berkata, kalaulah Abu
Ubaydah masih hidup nescaya aku akan lantik the trustworthy of ummah menjadi next

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