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Time: 3Hrs Full Marks: 70

Answer question no.1 and any four from the rest

Question No. 1 (Compulsory) (2+2+4+2)

a) What is modulation? Site certain examples to indicate the requirement of

b) What is the essential difference between amplitude and angle modulation?
c) Site certain advantages of digital communication over analog one.
d) What do you mean by Nyquist frequency? Site its significance in communication.

Question No. 2 (5+5+5)

a) With ω =2πf, show that u(t) <=> πδ(ω) + 1/(jω), where

1, t >0

u(t)= 1/2, t=0

0, t<0

and δ(ω) being the dirac delta function, i.e. δ(ω) = 0 for ω≠ 0 & ∫ δ(ω) dω =1
b) The frequency domain representation of a periodic signal consists of delta
functions occurring at integer multiples of the fundamental frequency f 0 including
the origin and that each delta function is having a weighting factor. Show the
corresponding proof of the above statement.

c) Explain the idea behind Hilbert transforms.

Question No. 3 (2+2+5+3+3)

a) Site out certain differences between coherent and envelope detection.

b) Site out an important usage of heterodyning.
c) The method of envelope detection involves more amount of carrier power in the
context of SSB-SC than DSB-SC. True/False. Explain.
d) Can the underlying flow diagram demodulate the AM signal [A+m(t)]cos ω ct
regardless of the value of A:
e) The AM signal [A+m(t)]cos ωct for periodic triangular signal m(t) with
modulation index μ=0.8 find the amplitude and power of the carrier. Also find the
sideband power and power efficiency η.

Question No. 4 (4+6+5)

a) In the following circuit specify the condition that must

be satisfied by capacitor C for it to charge rapidly and
thereby follow the input voltage upto the positive peak
when the diode is conducting.
Also site out the condition which the load resistor Rl
must satisfy so that capacitor C discharges slowly
between positive peaks of the carrier wave, but not so
long that the capacitor voltage will not discharge at the
maximum rate of change of the modulating wave.

b) Explain the role of PLL used to track the phase and frequency of the carrier
component of an incoming signal. Discuss on lock in and capture range.

c) Consider a superheterodyne receiver designed to receive the frequency band of 1

to 30 MHz with IF frequency 8 MHz. What is the range of frequencies generated
by the local oscillator for this receiver? An incoming signal with carrier frequency
10MHz is received at the 10MHz setting. At this setting of the receiver we also
get interference from a signal with some other carrier frequency if the receiver RF
stage bandpass filter has got poor selectivity. What is the carrier frequency of the
interfering signal?

Question No. 5 (3+6+6)

a) Narrow band angle modulation is almost similar to AM systems. Comment.

b) Derive an expression for wideband FM bandwidth.

c) Given m(t) = Sin2000πt , K f = 200,000π , Kp = 10. Estimate the bandwidths of FM

and PM signals. Repeat the same with message signal (i)amplitude (ii) frequency
doubling. Also comment on the sensitivity of FM and PM bandwidths to the
spectrum of m(t).
Question No. 6 (2+3+5+5)

a) What is the role of bandpass limiters in FM demodulation?

b) An FM signal with a frequency deviation of 10KHz at a modulation frequency of

5KHz is applied to two frequency multipliers connected in cascade. The first one
doubles the frequency and the second triples in the sequence. Determine the
frequency deviation and the modulation index of the FM signal obtained at the
second multiplier output. What is the frequency separation of the adjacent side
frequencies of this FM signal?

c) If P denotes the average message signal power express the output signal to noise
ratio of an uniform quantizer used in the process of digitization.

d) Given a data stream 1100110001101011 sketch the transmitted sequence of pulses

for each of the following line codes
Non-return to zero , Return to zero, Bipolar signaling, Manchester code,
Differential encoding

Question No. 7 (5+5+5)

a) Consider a sine wave of frequency fm and amplitude Am , applied to a delta

modulator of step size ∆. Show that slope overload distortion will occur if
Am > ∆ / ( 2πfmTo) , where To is the sampling period. What is the maximum power
that may be transmitted without slope overload distortion?

b) A PCM system uses a uniform quantizer followed by a 7 bit binary encoder. The
bit rate of the system is equal to 50×10 6 bits/sec. What is the maximum message
bandwidth for which the system operates satisfactorily? Determine the output
signal to quantization noise ratio when a full load sinusoidal modulating wave of
frequency 1 MHz is applied to the input.

c) Show that with a non-uniform quantizer the mean square value of the quantization
error is approximately equal to (1/12) ∑i ∆i 2 pi , where ∆i is the ith step size and p i
is the probability that the input signal amplitude lies within the ith interval.
Assume that the step size ∆i is small compared with the excursion of the input

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