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Naadira Fernandez

Activity 1
Activity Title: Skit-Tell Us About Yourself Ice Breaker Game

Connell, G. (2016, August 18). 10 Fun Back-to-School Activities and Icebreakers.
Retrieved February 05, 2018, from

Asperger Syndrome. (2013, December 09). Retrieved February 05, 2018, from

Equipment needed: Poster board, multi-colored markers, & a bag of skittles

Activity Description: The objective of this activity is social interaction and developing
friendship skills.
1.Everyone will sit in a circle.

2.A bag of skittles will be passed around the circle.

3. Everyone will pick two different colored skittles from the bag.

4. After everyone has their skittles, the leader of the group will turn the poster board around to
reveal the Skit-Tell Us about yourself questions.

5. Going around the circle, participants will share information about themselves based on the
color candy they have selected.

6. The participants will go around the circle twice, answering one question based on the color of
one selected candy, then go back around the circle to answer the other question.

Primary interaction pattern(s) (activity analysis): The primary interaction pattern for this
activity is Intragroup. I chose this pattern because the nature of this group is cooperative in
nature between multiple people with the intent upon reaching the mutual goal of getting to know
one another better using positive verbal interaction.

Adaptation: This activity can be adapted for people with Asperger syndrome because people
with this subtype of autism have difficulty with appropriate social interactions. Some behaviors
associated with Asperger syndrome are lack of eye contact and challenges with nonverbal
communication. One way I would adapt this activity is by having the participants pair up and
ask each other the questions on the poster board based on the color candy they selected instead of
answering the questions in a large circle format. I would encourage the participants to make eye
contact with each other while answering the questions. I believe pairing the participants together
will allow for them to make eye contact with one another instead of trying to look at every
participant in a larger group, which may be overwhelming. I would also ask the participants to
describe an emotion that comes to mind when answering one of the Skit-Tell Us questions, and
to show the emotion via a facial expression. This may help the participant learn nonverbal
communication by the use of facial expressions.

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