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Revisions and Errata Issued by the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes ‘The Change History table that follows describes revisions, errata and editorial updates that apply to the National Building Code of Canada 2010: + Revisions are changes deemed urgent that have been approved by the Canadian ‘Commission on Building and Fire Codes. = Errata are corrections to existing text. + Editosial updates are provided for information purposes only Code pages containing revisions and/or errata are identified with the words “Amended Page” in the footer; pages with editorial updates and index pages with changes are not flagged. Contact your local authority having jurisdiction to find out if these revisions and errata apply in your province or teesitory. ‘Change History — National Building Code of Canada 2010 Code Reference cry Desctpéon of Change ora | fering To apa Saas was Gl ashes Maas ae no EDA binics wa ‘oa 1224 | Ihe lowing ebbreviaions were edie tothe lit es area ofthe edlton cf now Secton }296: HDD, HVAC, K.R, ASI and U-velue 2012-1221 | Sertence was revised to read “Except as provided in Sentence (2) the provisons.° ‘2012-122 | Sertence was added ‘2012-1221 | Retoreno to Appondk Note was added flown Ail We 2012-1221 | Sertence was evised to read “Except as provided in Sentences [2)t0(@) 7 2012-1221 | Sentence was aciod [Objacive OF, Ervkerment, and sub-cbjecves OE, Pesouras, and OE'.1, exmasshe use of enorgy, wero aod 2012-1221 | Sertence was revised to tead “Except as provided in Sentences [2)to (8) 2012-1221 | Sentence was adied 72012-1221 | Functional Stalements F9O-FB3, FO5, FO6 ad Fve-F100 were added 2012-1221 | Append Note was added 2012-1221 [Reference tothe Naional Energy Code for Buiings was add 2012-1221 | Reference tothe Naional Energy Code for Buiings was ailed 72013-1031 | Dato stated in Sentence was vvisodto read “90 June 2012" 2012-1221 | Standards retoerced in row Secton 0:38 wore adces [ASTI 1667-05 wes added es a result ofesions to Serienoos@28.81(), 0252211) 20121224 [and 8.295611), Docunent ebences were updated as applcae elloc move recent editors published as of une 20, 2012 1424) 15.14.01) 15110 242 24.421) 25.4200) 22s.) oei221 31424) 31.124) 324401) 424.1266) Aza) As21A(t) 13440) Tab 13.12. Table 19:12, EE ERATE EE EPAPER? Table 1312. aorsi031 Change History — National Building Cod of Canada 2010 (Continuad) Duiion | ode otranes | Chango | eat) Docertion of Change livia The eling abbreatons and apclcaleadiesses wre aed a a au ol new Secon B | 19260 [update | 22422" a5 ARAM, AHA, CT DOE (CC ECS end NFAG the aes ir TPIG was updated | szaa{i) | eraum [2012-1221 | change tr was ated | 32420(10) | eratum | 2012-221 | Soniono was eorctd io vead. regard Serones 7)" B | 9477(1) | eratum | 2010-1221 | Soionco nes corded tora”. Wiles 246.3 ond 34647 (lass (was core to read or 20 fines te height the bullng, whic sealer Bf 44748) | eramum | 20125221) as (nas const to read.020 mes the height of he buling fem a change n ‘eran condone. B_[ 822112) | raison | 012-1227 | Soience wes ose ead’ Gceptes poviedin Ace 4.618, the stucual ads” B | si011() | eratun [2orraay| Snowe creed ead. Ea es pov Serco) and sews in [ea 1aft) | eratum [2013-103 | Werd-an atte end aus [o) was oplacodwih "oP B_[6221(0) | ermtum [2012-1221 | Seience was modified to arf intnt B[ 6226(1) | eratum | 2015-05 | Selene wes ceded to vad cep as povdadin Subsecbon 6212, gyians | e2ar(e) | eratum [2012-12271 | Change br was aed [Tats [eranum | 2012-1221 | FunctoralSatomont FS was dtd hom atten br Sonierso 6217.2) B[e2tafi) | eratum [2010-221 | Sonienc wes coreced towed. andio sald? mrmore tom pu way,” B04 | erat | ores | Snare ne cored ed one fer acing Tle 4159 sal rot ced 2 [0421 | erat | rasoss| RH Se° Area AT wes Romie ante Serio git otAGe B_[722.[ravison [2012 22 | Soienes i) ] were reared and Seton (10 was adled B_[21087.@) | eratum [2012-1221 | Tem resp syste” was eplced with dined ern Tre sty orang atthe end ofthe Clause (was deleted Bf so sas(e) | eratum | 202122 | setae (0 was Cotsiod trad. corer lo Subeoion 02712. B | 01075(2) | eratum [2010-1227 | Subleue (0) was corected ead. cori lo Subsection 6.27.10" B | e1222(1) | eratun [2012-1221 | Selene wes coreced weal". Eceplaspviedin Seniencs (10 7)” B_[e1e21(1) | ravsion [2012-12 | Seen was vist Sonics 1) was oie B | ozaas | roison | 2121021) & as 3 | ensue zat | eee creed el get Fan 7 rotten 12erte HnD ‘Snircs was carded read" the at ol he angi cf braced wal pan in he | 923107(7) | eratum | 2012-1221 | reqpoxve upper raced nallbandst tho nghct traced wal pan in reduced aro: baced vel band B | 92556512)_[ eratum [2016405 | Word ae alte endl nus a) wos placed wih oP ‘Sibshuse (2 was rbd io ead eel insatoncorforing wo Sibsedion 8252 are Secion 22." Bf 02614.@) | raison | 29124221) Stun (ai) wos rovedto red ‘en abate cordon io Subsctn 625.3. and Section 9.38. Beri) 2OIRA22 | Senin mes evbed To ed =. Sectns 922,039 and 836" B | azsst) 2012-227 | Werdan was added at eer of Subcause 6) | oze2a() 2012122 | Chavo (was aod B_ | ezesait) 2010422 [Cee (was ade B | esun) 2012-1221 | Selene was added e | exin@) or2-227 | Snsence was added National Building Code of Canada 2010 Volume 1 Chango History — National Bullding Code of Canada 2010 (Continued) Code Referenco Date (MD) Descipton of Chango 2oiai221 Cause (6) was added io cay inert 25231114) 2orz221, Sertence was restucured and requirement was added as Clase () ox) oraz Sertence was acied Seaton 0.36. 20121221 Section was added Tbe 9964.2 2011031 Table Note (1) was conected to read“ RN = 9412 Bul” 0985.11,15) 201s1031, [Cease b)was coreced o veatl0.0251 fra oer typos of Tealng systems" 0:25.6.16414) ors031 [Cauee b) was corectd to read "0.0251 fra oor typos of heating estore” Table 997.504 eor221 Atribatons were added for naw Sentonoe 020.2.,(2) and new Section 9.26. Aaa2a(0) aorei22t Appendix Note was comected to read. althe end of Volume 1? Table AA a12() aorzi221 Standards relerenced in new Apperx Noles A-8.361.1 (1) 10 A896 5.158) were added Table Aaa120) 211031 Document reerencos wero updaied ae applcabo to roc mor ooontedons published es of tune 20,2012 FANS. Bos 031 Taxi was coweciedo red. Commerianyeriled ive Loads” 452.2.10210) porai221 Second paragraph was added AOAZA) 20131031 | Appondx Note number was conocido read"A.9.A2.2" £98050) 201221 Ofset shonin top guard protrusion in gure A2.08.6,2)B was conected 9.101840) aorei221 In Figure A-9 10.18.42}, Tele Notes on ‘required end “roncombustbe” were corrected for ining dsarca,oiiteg distros, 91022. 2ora2.21 Word range" was replaced wih “cookep” nie, text and Figure te Aet92.11) 201221 Append Note was added Re2331.2) Boree2t Appendix Note was added ‘Table 92843. aorsi031 Ffxt last to bulls was cometd as blows: + ve loa first floor = 1.9 KPa; sacondfoor= 1.4 KPa + dead load = 15 Pa (0.5 kPa foo +10 a parton) A923. pori221 Yeap wes ec wih ‘confi paasrgh ude ct riled br Ar aaa233(10) ora Append Note was concled lo rea. the use ofa coollop exhaust or Food lan” no...) to 49905.15(6) pori221 Eighty four Append: Notes wore added Tebe 02 ora Value lr S20) br Sau Sie, Mae was coveced Wo read "O01? Tele 1.42. 2orsi031 Document reerencas were updated as applcabe to react more recent edons published as of tno 20, 2012 228. Er Subsection was eded R228) pora221 Appendix Now was aed 2.2083 2ye)] mura Append: Nove was added Lote A pori221 under"h of the National made! was oorecod | Ey ener Aopen, Bulking Code factory made bulge" 1242.21 Ent fr "Fein ade bulings' was corededio vad Facioy-constuted balding Uner ery Fane rangop" was coneetadto ee ‘cakop’ Enty or"Pre bots was added Enty for “Fre stoping” wes cected Enty for" stops’ was coneted 2orei221 Factor to conwert KA io Bluth was added 3412 20131031, Factor to convert KN te Bivh was conccied to road "412"

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