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Rowin, parang ang panget ng gawa ko sorry, eto lang kaya ko hahaha.

Di ako magaling sa
English English, okay lang iedit mo kung kailangan. Salamat po.


People with phones have this attitude of finger tapping the back case or any side of their phone.
They don’t know that they are wasting such energy from the vibrations they made. What if that
wasted becomes a useful one? The researchers now come up with the study of Design of
Piezoelectric Mobile Case as an Alternative Way of Charging Phone’s Battery and this chapter
gives details on the designing procedures of the whole study. The researchers will use
experimental design because the researchers will study in the future on what will happen when
variables are carefully controlled and manipulated. The researchers used flow chart diagrams for
well visualizations. The use of schematic diagrams for electric circuits is also done on the study,
for the discussion of the circuit design itself used in the study. And for materials to use when the
study made it to the real life, list of prices is also shown. And also, calculations are used, so the
researchers show each details of this calculation. Piezoelectric effect and things about it may new
to others, therefore the researchers decided to discuss some of things here in order to explain
details about piezoelectric effect to the future researchers especially to non-mechanical or
electrical engineering ones.

Keywords: Piezoelectric effect, Piezoelectric sensor

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