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Introduction to Settlement Geography Sumita Ghosh | leer Ice > Technological U: j 2 EG 1!15-22-03 _ uprspan) CHE 2008 Orient Longman v * . For Sr. Maeve Hughes Former Principal Leto College, Ceeute Neh ‘tecnnatogiod U Mora. Hy Bye" soca. No" i . \ >| 50222 +03 _ueramien} ORIENT LONGMAN LIMITED aja Of 3.6372 Hinayatngan Hyderabad $00 029, AP. ni) inane Coles, Cn Sango, Bhopal, Bansal, Chan “Coen Ean, Gest Head “skin, Mn, New Da, Pas ‘© Ofent Longin Limited 1998. is Pate 1998 ISBN 81 250 1534 Printed in Indi Sapa Pang Works oe. Lt alert 700008 | Paty ‘Ovenc Longman Lest 7c Contents Preface Tradition Settee Gros : Conte: and Approach i The Setienent Geneseo Shean Seaton ‘te eleven ee ‘The Origin and Grom - reli of Setoments “The Rural-Urban Dichotomy Classification of Rural Settlements ¢ Functional Classifications of Villages Classification of Urban Settlements ‘Classification Based on Culture “Ancient Cities Medieval Cities ities ofthe Colonial Pesiod ities of Industral Age Post Independence Planned Cities Classification Based on Stages of Growth and ‘Decay unetional Classification of Urban Centres Punetional Classification of Indian Cities “The 1964 Classification by Ashok Mitra ‘The 1981 Classification by Mitra "Mukherjee and Others Functional Classification Based on 1991 ‘Census Size Classification of Indian Cities “The Setlement System ‘dSettlement Systems Models and Theories “The Rank Size Rule — ‘The Primate City Model — Fonetional Hierarchy and the Settlement Systeme éocon The Central Pace Theory « Q The City and the R 46 a7 a 32 34 PSSRERRPRE ucrounding Lands The Village sn the Farm wv “Introduction fo Settlement Geography ‘The Ciy Region The Census Defined City Planning and Setement Landscape ‘hn Urban Planing Region in ria — “The Calcutta Metopoltan Disict J, Morphology offal Setlement < ‘Deserption of SetlementPateras Factor Affecting Settlement Patterns Vilage Pater n India Village Foe ‘eated Form Necleated Form Rural House Types Ground Pat Share Building Materias 8 Morphology of Urban Settlement Urban Momphology “he Classes! Models The Economic Models ‘iernatve Explanations ‘tye Changing Morphology oa Cis The Cenvtal Business Distics TscernlSeuene te CBD © Datiiting the CRD 9, Urbanization, Uibanism snd the Clty “The Urbanization Process History of Urbanization “The Spread of Uebaization ‘Urbanization in Tada 30, The Gty ands Physical Envonment ‘Urban Climate Urban Hydrology Urban Terrain 11. City and its Socal Environment “Phe Nature of Usban Socal Geography Social Geography ofthe City — “he Developed Cours ‘The Developing Counties — India Bibliography Index 1” 16 7 78 84 85 88 93 94 94 7 9 99 100 101 103, 104 104 10 uu ng. a ns 6 19) 122 te 128 130 136 136 3s. re ut 142 3 a3 150 155 Preface rarer ed seer Soe eae lena faa cea ge ae ee ia ae ce cay Sea heen eel a wt Intraducton t Settler Geography total system, and explain the interreltionship of settlement” tints and taxonomy, They also include the say of setements ee eee tear ecole ee tnd B treat setlements as individual units, Though there are several aspecs of this, nly snoqphology has Been studied In detail, The last thice chapters give a detaed treatment of urban geography explaining the concept of webanization, trbanisy, ther social implications and the physical geography ofthe urban area The curent literature on both rural and urban settlement isextensive. Apart fom the writings by scholars from different disciplines, there is tlevant material im the government publications and statistic, For any serious studen, resource Fhaterials le inal these, Artempe as been made o present this aspect of settlement sty “The purpose ofthis book not to satisfy the intellectual curiosity ofthe reader, but to generate interest that may lad to farther enquiry and wider reading. For this, several {quotations and efcrences have heen included nthe text, and the lst of recommended reading provided at the end of the book. [take this opportunity to pay my respects to Professor Sunil ‘Mansi, [twas through bis Kindness that I had the privilege of ‘writing this book. I am grateful for his guidance and hip. 1 thank the librarians of Loreto College, Mrs. Rama Sengupta ‘and Mis, Maya Das, for thele constant support. Without thele help, I could not have done my basic reading. I thank my colleague Ms. Michelle Lobo, for her numerous suggestions land corrections, and for helping me to write chapters 9 and 10, 1am also grateful to Ms, Doel Mukherjee, research scholar {nJNU, for helping me-writs the chapter on urban morphology: 1 Introduction Since Geography deals with features on the surface of the earth, the study of cites, towns or villages comes under ts purview: These man-made features may be less permanent than ‘many natural ones, but are in some Ways more relevant to hhuman life. They also help to mosld the environment. The generic term for cites, tows, villages, etc. js settlement. A. hhuman settlement can be defined as a collection of man-made structures, put up with the intention: of habitation oF social Economic use, which forms spatial anit for hum: interaction. The word collection, ofcourse, normally rules xt individua/isolated structures, but as will be made cleat later, all such structures actually form part of aeollection, no matter how loose-knit they are TInorderto study any settlement we need to consider several aspects. These include its morphology, network system, vertical view, plan, individual components (or buildings), architecture social studies, economic setting, physical location. «te, Most of these aspects are arguably geographical in natu Dut the study overlaps with several other disciplines such as economics, sociology and architecture, Icis true that synthesis of the total study is the geographers’ domain, but scientific and meaningful study would not be possible without recourse e Introduction 1 Settlement Geograply to these areas of experts aswel. This is made obvious by the tact that models and paradigms used in settlement cography are mosty based on principles of economles and ‘Etidgy he geographer Mower als theese spa Gimenson. For easmpl, a sociologist may ileay ethnic Segregation within ely bux iran for he geographies to imap kc Am economist may tlk about market sit, Rintesand Srarban land values, But itis che geographer ho physically ‘entifes the city mlon. The sudy of stlements alway desnands abasic Knowledge of economic principe, sociology tnd story for thse ae the main areas from which the geographer draw 4 methodological framework. The {iatttve evoltion ofthe 1960s saw teeny of tases IN setoment study. Today no serious research work eat be Ainderken without the appliaton of advanced waited techmigues, The subject of sehitecture too, provides new eres of esearch considering how change takes place and the socoreconomie implication of such chang. Silement feocraphy brings ll hve aspects ogetex, lvays Keeping in hind thee fundamental elatonship to space “The std of setlement geography is comparatively new. “Thvoughout te dase period of atgrphy be. he time of Humbolt and Ritter, emphasis was placed on the sty of hurl phenomena fst an then enly on man's economic Acie, The social organization of man was somewhat nepeced Even when ferences onade to cites oF ilags, there was no attempt co treat them a8 speci estes ‘Acording to Hartshorne! interme of concent, the eighteenth century writers commonly diatinguished thee divisions Mathematical Gcoprphy Physical Geogephy and what was taviously called Historea or Plea Geogrpiy. By the hinetenth centr, geography had ‘akena more dete shape with eins avest of empha. Stiles, however, rere sll conducted on amacr, orth most meso level Ne deal incrolevel tay ether elonal or steal, was undeaken Byabout the begining the wren cemary the Borizons of the dspline had broadened furhes. Deion such 38 ‘Geography ste study of human cology” and ‘Geopapy is the sence of relation’ were formulated. One fins fay detailed teament of settlements in the works of cera Auvhor# of the tne, However, there remained definite Introduction 3 limitations to these studies. The geographer was to direct her attention tovardsfestares tha were realy vistble and whieh ivered greater aes In fac, the geographer was expected t0 tha eemtce ene eae asta tthe sociologist By the frst quarter of this century, Rowever, French and German ters started ving beter shape to the science of Seulement study In Jean Bankes # Hate Gopraphy, there tras one whole section om settlement study although the ‘Shupter was titled "The Unproductive Occupation of Soi In Garmany, W. Chrisller was about to come forth wih is treatise There were many others (00 who wroteon human seulements, Compared to Europe the United States as ate in developing ths discipline Even as late a2 1939, R Harshorne:wtes, The systematic examination ofthe forms of houses and setlement appears inthis country tobe stl in that elementary stage which is marked By... ite Consideration of the question of the significance ofeultural features to peopraphy It noe suprising, therefore, tht mary Students regard house types and weteement forms a8 simply the lates fads in geography. Bus. this atest fad soon found itplace inthe curiclum because in 1959, che same author wres "=. including_urban geography as pat of economic Yeopraphy. we tend to regard # city fe an economic Phetomenon Geographically ets are distinctive a5 acas One lines how important the tady of ees had come to be American geography however, had to wait yet afew more Sears befor the uly of sedements Became a dstinct ranch Bhi demanded tents specally written for them. Bt the rap banization of the western world in the iver petod Tngently demanded a new science and a siemist who could Inonitor and pan the process Te the geographer waited any Tonger the chances wet, that someone else would step into that le ‘Within the discipine of settlement geography emphasis syas placed more on urban rater than on roa stadies, Rar eudements were considered by some as unigue to 4 region an ght warrant only a descriptive study Indeed ic had Bren suggested that there areas man vilage fortsin regan fr thes are villages, and exch one warrants special investigation® The dynamic whan centres however dspayed 4 Introduction to Settlement Geography common features and common processes of growth and decay that could be bound bylaws. The soil processes ofthe day called for specalitsin aban studies The port war pevod Save food titer of setemens espe rb ones Since then has emerge atone ofthe leading eub-epines of geograpiy. ‘il, nerest nthe ty of setdements was st evoked by socal sclentst ding the ery years ofthe century The plonering work of Patrick Geddes stimulated research inthis Feld Publications nthe form of articles n academic journal 4 well as compilation of papers from diferent universities, Showed the growing interest this fild sine the 1930s There also emerged patterns of speciation, For xample, while ena in har and Ucar Pradesh specialized nthe stady of ‘oral setement, in Calcutta, more work was bing done on chan seas. recent yeas, the erature has been enriched Bybodh exe and veacach material btained from al pare of the country. Seitlement geography in Indi, however, sl sues rom cenain academe duadvantages: During the pocest of esac today adequate information and dats are being collected to Toemlate laws concerning sesementpoctee in India, But the theoretical and methodologtcal base se ll dependent fon western model, which have actualy evolved toaly diferent socioeconomic and histone context The teoricdl anu methodological base for geopraphy fn Eatope and the United States had been strengthened by yeas of posophical debate and generations of esearch. The study of setlements hashada ich academic hestage there, iff for Indian {eographers to ignore this academic resource. Batis also tits to study indian setlomentsby means of theories that have thelvootsin totaly diferent socal contexts Inthe past, tveny five year, several sca scents have atemped to ortet th, by formulating dels and paradigms tha ake Into acounc the Indian background and cultural experiences Therefore, a new dimension e being added tothe study of settlement geography in india today Settlement Geography : Content and Approach Settlement Geography has its distinct place within the broader Introduction 5 discipine of geography. Human geography branches into the Studies of economie and socal activites of man, Settlement fconraphy isa part ofthe social aspect of Haman geography: Sing’ ints snd cites bule by men secrente the fivtsnment and aso change the tationaip between the inhabitants and their envionment. Setdemene geography Studies these villages, towne, et. and ao the types of Telaionships they generate arly in the Netty of the study of setements the dichotomy between the Yura and aban was exalted. The item for sah vison wl be cused i 9 ae {fapter We shall now simply say thatthe major trend in the Stody of actements has been favour ofthis dicho. Books have becn writen separately on urban aswell a5 foal sedements Those books that deal with stement feopraphy as whole alo generally divide the contents nto these ov parts “The study of settlements began by being more or less broadly descriptive, Thi was eval when was fc {o cave extensively and collet detailed information. Soon, Nove, cd are for mow ieph ay, Thempha tne locational sept gave way to 8 more comprehensive perspective. Theiceracion of each place mith ts neighbouring Eetments ead to the concept of ttelement systems Ecologia studies began to sssute importance with the sty Of population characteristics and dirtbution. The need for Plehng lsd the way for morphological sta. Here ae the varied acts of settlement say: 1. The setdement as an unit: This isthe study of plan, morphology architecture and relationship of setement ‘with the physical environment, ceonamie and social Structure The setiement is weaved e's regjon with Is oven internal organization. 2, The settlement ae ptt of a sstem : This othe sudy of the cual selene system, the intertelatedness of the varios units an the way in wich change Cakes place ‘This involves tanking’; hierarchy and lassifcaton Settlement are teated points on a map, centres af Tegione rather than regions themselves 3. Saitlement as part ofthe landscape: This deals with the 6 Introduction to Settlement Geography Impact ofthe setlement onthe entire surrounding region: the changing nature of land use beyond the setlement and the way in which i affects the proces of planning Although the subject mater of the discipline is latively

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