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Tutorial letter 102/1/2016

Accounting Systems in a Computer

Semester 1

Department of
Management Accounting


Dear student

This study letter contains important information about the examination.

Define tomorrow

In this study letter attention will be given to the following aspects:
1. The 2016 examination.
2. Information regarding the May/June 2016 examination paper.
3. Note on previous examination papers and a paper that can serve as an example.
We wish you all the best and every success with your studies.
Mrs. A. McGee Mr. N.J. Booyse
(012) 429 4421 (012) 429 8931

Module e-mail:

1. Examination information
For the purpose of preparing for the examination in May/June 2016 the following
information is available:
 Students need to study topics 1-9 in the MO document for AIN1501. (Or the
learning units on myUnisa)
 Students should make sure that they have worked through the study guide and
ensure that they are able to answer all the self-assessment activities.
 Students will be allowed to answer the paper in either Afrikaans or English in full
not depending on registration preference. Refer to the included old examination
 Duration of paper: 2 hours
 Total marks: 100
 It will be to your advantage to get actively involved in your allocated e-tutor

2. Breakdown of May/June 2016 Examination Paper

Questions Type of question
1 Short
2 Short
3 Explanatory/Discussion
4 Explanatory/Discussion
5 Explanatory/Discussion
6 Explanatory/Discussion
7 Explanatory/Discussion
8 Explanatory/Discussion
9 Explanatory/Discussion
10 Explanatory/Discussion
3 AIN1501/102

3. A previous examination paper as an example

Please note that the syllabus and study material for AIN1501 have changed in 2013.
The provided examination paper is based on the new syllabus.
We enclose a previous examination paper to give you an idea of the type of questions you
can expect. For further examples of questions we refer you again to the self-assessment
activities in your study guide. The answers to the examination paper are not available from
the lecturers. Please use this old examination paper only as an indication of the layout of
an AIN1501 examination paper.
Focus on the self-assessment activities in the study guide to prepare effectively for the
Note: The examination paper provides you with both languages in order to assist the
Afrikaans students with the terminology.
Please note: This examination paper is provided to serve as example of the format
of an AIN1501 examination paper.
Marks: 100 Time: 2 hours

QUESTION 1 / VRAAG 1 (10 marks / 10 punte)

Indicate whether the following statements are “TRUE” or “FALSE”. Only write the word
TRUE or FALSE next to the relevant question number. Each correct answer counts one
(1) mark.
Dui aan of die volgende stelling “WAAR” of “VALS” is. Skryf slegs die woord WAAR of
VALS langs die relevante vraagnommer neer. Elke korrekte antwoord tel een (1) punt.

1.1 Data is the raw material available for processing into information.
Data is die roumateriaal wat beskikbaar is om te verwerk na inligting.

1.2 A closed system is affected by its environment and it, in turn, affects its
ʼn Geslote stelsel word deur sy omgewing beïnvloed en beïnvloed weer sy

1.3 Touch screens can double as both input and output devices.
Aanraakskerms kan gebruik word vir inset- en uitsetapparatuur.

1.4 Most organisations use electronic funds transfer (EFT) to secure sensitive data
transmitted via their website.
Meeste organisasies maak gebruik van elektroniese fondsoordragte “EFT” om
sensitiewe data te beveilig wat via hulle webtuiste gestuur word.

1.5 Expert systems (ES) allow only expert users in the field to benefit from the available
Kundigheidstelsels (KS) laat slegs kundige gebruikers toe om voordeel te trek uit
die beskikbare kennis.

1.6 In changing from an old to a new system, pilot running involves running both the old
and the new systems for a specific period.
As daar van ʼn ou stelsel na ʼn nuwe stelsel oorgeskakel word, behels die
proeflopiemetode die bedryf van beide die ou stelsel en die nuwe stelsel, saam vir ʼn
spesifieke periode.

1.7 Economic feasibility determines whether the hardware, software and other systems
components can be acquired or developed.
Ekonomiese uitvoerbaarheid bepaal of die hardeware, sagteware en ander
stelselkomponente verkry of ontwikkel kan word.

1.8 Intrusion detection systems are an example of preventive controls.

Indringeropsporingstelsels / Indringingopsporingstelsels is ʼn voorbeeld van
voorkomende beheermaatreëls.

1.9 A rootkit is malicious software that grants an attacker continuous full access to a
computer while hiding its presence.
ʼn “Rootkit” is kwaadwillige sagteware wat aan die aanvaller deurlopend volle
toegang verleen tot die rekenaar, terwyl die bestaan hiervan weggesteek word.

1.10 The application layer is the highest layer in the Open Systems Interconnection
framework (OSI).
Die toepassingslaag is die hoogste laag in die Oopstelselinterverbindingsraamwerk

QUESTION 2 / VRAAG 2 (10 marks / 10 punte)

Match column B with column A. Write down A1 to A10 underneath each other and then
write the relevant correct answer from column B next to the corresponding number from
column A. Each correct answer counts one (1) mark.
Pas kolom B by kolom A. Skryf A1 tot A10 ondermekaar neer en skryf die relevante
korrekte antwoord vanuit kolom B daarnaas. Elke korrekte antwoord tel een (1) punt.
Example / Voorbeeld: A1 – B2
A2 – B18
5 AIN1501/102

Column A / Kolom A

A1 Connections are established, managed and terminated between applications.

Verbindings word gemaak, bestuur en beëindig tussen toepassings
A2 Virus, Worm and Trojan horse.
Virus, Wurm en Trojaanse perd.
Technological barriers designed to prevent unauthorised or unwanted
A3 communication between computer networks or hosts.
Tegnologiese hindernisse wat ontwerp is om ongemagtigde en ongevraagde
kommunikasie te keer tussen rekenaarnetwerke en gashere “hosts”.
Consists of two or more components that combine to achieve a common goal.
A4 Bestaan uit een of meer komponente wat saamwerk om ʼn gesamentlike
doelwit te bereik.
Includes all software that utilises the information system to solve the specific
A5 data processing needs of users.
Sluit alle sagteware in wat die inligtingstelsel gebruik om spesifieke
dataverwerkingsbehoeftes van gebruikers te bevredig.
The new system is first used by a small group of users. If the system performs
A6 satisfactorily, a direct changeover can take place.
ʼn Nuwe stelsel wat eers deur ʼn klein groep gebruikers gebruik word. Indien die
stelsel bevredigend werk kan ʼn direkte oorskakeling plaasvind.
A step that aims to determine what to do to solve the identified problem.
A7 ʼn Stap wat ten doel het om vas te stel wat gedoen moet word om die
geïdentifiseerde probleem op te los.
A8 A financial option available for acquiring computer systems.
ʼn Finansiële opsie beskikbaar vir die verkryging van rekenaarstelsels.
A9 A type of solid-state technology.
ʼn Tipe vastetoestand tegnologie.
A device that translates digital signals from a computer into analogue format so
A10 that the information can be transmitted over analogue telephone lines.
ʼn Apparaat wat digitale seine van ʼn rekenaar omskakel in analoogformaat
sodat die inligting oor ʼn analoogtelefoonlyn gestuur kan word.

Column B / Kolom B
Application software
Pilot running
Systems analysis
Biometric readers
Biometriese lesers
Flash memory
Operating system
Data dictionary
Network operating system
Malicious code
Kwaadwillige kode
Local area network
Lokale area netwerk
The King III report
Die King III verslag
Disaster planning
Session layer
7 AIN1501/102

QUESTION 3 / VRAAG 3 (10 marks / 10 punte)

Organisations use highly integrated information systems that influence all aspects of the
business. Without effective and efficient systems, organisations cannot operate, manage
or plan properly to achieve their goals.

Ondernemings maak van hoogs geïntegreerde inligtingstelsels gebruik wat ‘n invloed op

alle aspekte van die besigheid het. Sonder effektiewe en werkende stelsels, kan
ondernemings nie funksioneer nie en kan hulle ook nie behoorlike beplanning doen om
hulle doelwitte te bereik nie.


3.1 List five (5) advantages of an enterprise resource planning system (ERP).
Lys vyf (5) voordele van ‘n ondernemingshulpbronbeplanningstelsel (OHB). (5)

3.2 Mention the five (5) steps in the decision-making process. (The problem-solving
Noem vyf (5) stappe in die besluitnemingsproses. (Die probleemoplossingsproses)


QUESTION 4 / VRAAG 4 (10 marks / 10 punte)

The electronic environment levels the playing field between small and big organisations as
it allows small organisations instant access to the global marketplace in which they can
compete effectively.

Die elektroniese omgewingsvlakke maak die speelveld tussen groot en klein

ondernemings gelyk, omdat dit klein ondernemings in staat stel om onmiddellike toegang
te verkry tot die globale markplek waar hulle dan ook effektief kan meeding.


4.1 Briefly define e-commerce.

Definieer e-handel kortliks. (2)

4.2 List and briefly explain four (4) categories of e-commerce.

Lys die vier (4) kategorieë van e-handel en bespreek elkeen kortliks. (8)


QUESTION 5 / VRAAG 5 (10 marks / 10 punte)

All software consists of a series of instructions (called a program) used to instruct the
hardware of a computer system.

Alle sagteware bestaan uit ʼn reeks instruksies (verwys na as ʼn program), wat instruksies
aan die hardeware van ʼn rekenaarstelsel gee.


5.1 List the three (3) components of the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer
and briefly explain the functions of each of these components.
Lys die drie (3) komponente van die sentrale verwerkingseenheid (SVE) van ‘n
rekenaar en verduidelik kortliks elkeen se funksie. (6)

5.2 List four (4) factors to consider when selecting an operating system.
Lys vier (4) faktore wat oorweeg moet word wanneer ʼn bedryfstelsel gekies moet
word. (4)

QUESTION 6 / VRAAG 6 (10 marks / 10 punte)

The specific technology, policies and manual procedures implemented for protecting
assets as well as to ensure accuracy and reliability of the information systems are called

Die spesifieke tegnologie, beleid en handprosedures wat geïmplementeer word om bates

te beskerm en om akkuraatheid en betroubaarheid te verseker, word na verwys as

6.1 Differentiate by referring to the purpose, between input controls and processing

Onderskei, deur te verwys na oogmerk, tussen invoerbeheermaatreëls en

verwerkingsbeheermaatreëls. (2)

6.2 List the four (4) subdivisions of input controls.

Noem die vier (4) onderafdelings van invoerbeheermaatreëls. (4)

6.3 List four (4) examples of processing controls.

Noem vier (4) voorbeelde van verwerkingsbeheermaatreëls. (4)

9 AIN1501/102

QUESTION 7 / VRAAG 7 (10 marks / 10 punte)

A data communication network is any arrangement that permits a sender to transmit

information to a receiver electronically over a channel consisting of a specific medium.

ʼn Datakommunikasienetwerk is ʼn samestelling wat ʼn afsender toelaat om inligting

elektronies aan ʼn ontvanger te stuur oor ʼn kanaal wat saamgestel is uit ʼn spesifieke

7.1 List the four (4) components of a data communication network.

Noem die vier (4) komponente van ʼn datakommunikasienetwerk. (4)

7.2 List four (4) examples of common wireless media.

Noem vier (4) voorbeelde van algemene draadlose media. (4)

7.3 Differentiate between an intranet and an extranet.

Onderskei tussen ʼn intranet en ekstranet. (2)


QUESTION 8 / VRAAG 8 (10 marks / 10 punte)

An organisation operates in an open environment where it is constantly influenced by

changes that also affect the information produced by the information system.

ʼn Onderneming funksioneer in ʼn oop omgewing waar dit deurlopend beïnvloed word deur
veranderinge wat ook weer ʼn effek het op die inligting wat deur die inligtingstelsel
voortgebring word.

8.1 List six (6) reasons why information systems sometimes need to be replaced.
Noem ses (6) redes waarom inligtingstelsels soms vervang moet word. (6)

8.2 List four (4) alternative methods for the development of an information system.
Noem vier (4) alternatiewe metodes vir die ontwikkeling van ʼn inligtingstelsel. (4)


QUESTION 9 / VRAAG 9 (10 marks / 10 punte)

The internet broadened the information world but also opened the door to new types of
crime and misuse.

Die internet het die inligtingswêreld verbreed, maar het ook deure oopgemaak vir nuwe
tipe misdaad en misbruik.

9.1 Distinguish between vulnerabilities, threats and risks.
Onderskei tussen kwesbaarhede, bedreigings en risiko’s. (6)

9.2 List four (4) examples of malware (malicious code).

Noem vier (4) voorbeelde van kwaadwillige kode. (4)



QUESTION 10 / VRAAG 10 (10 marks / 10 punte)

Most information supplied to internal users is used to assist them to perform their tasks
more effectively.
Die meeste inligting wat aan interne gebruikers verskaf word, word deur hulle gebruik om
hulle te help om hulle take meer effektief uit te voer.

10.1 List three (3) internal users of information and briefly explain their internal
information needs.
Noem drie (3) interne gebruikers van inligting en verduidelik kortliks hulle interne
behoefte aan inligting. (6)

10.2 List four (4) characteristics that determine the value of information for specific users
in specific situations.
Noem vier (4) eienskappe wat die waarde van inligting vir spesifieke gebruikers in
spesifieke omstandighede bepaal. (4)



UNISA 2016

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