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 "ASHRAE Handbook - HVAC applications SI"

2011 Ed. - autor American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers
 "ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals SI"
2009 Ed. - autor American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers
 "Calculating total power requirements for data centers"
APC White Paper#23 - autor Richard Sawyer
 "Impact of hot and cold aisle containment on data center temperature and efficiency"
APC White Paper#135 - autori John Niemann, Kevin Brown, Victor Avelar
 "The different technologies for cooling data centers"
APC White Paper#59 - autor Tony Evans
 "Economizer modes of data center cooling systems"
APC White Paper#132 - autori John Niemann, John Bean, Victor Avelar
 "Explanation of cooling and air conditioning terminology for IT professionals"
APC White Paper#11 - autor Tony Evans
 "The different types of air distribution for IT environments"
APC White Paper#55 - autor Neil Rasmussen
 "Avoiding costs from oversizing data center and network room infrastructure"
APC White Paper#37 - autor Neil Rasmussen
 "Cooling options for rack equipment with side-to-side airflow"
APC White Paper#50 - autor Neil Rasmussen
 "Fundamental principles of air conditioners for Information Technology"
APC White Paper#57 - autor Tony Evans
 "Choosing between room, row and rack based cooling for data centers"
APC White Paper#130 - autori Neil Rasmussen, Kevin Dunlap
 "Re-examining the suitability of the raised floor for data center applications"
APC White Paper#19 - autor Neil Rasmussen
 "Comparing data center power distribution architectures"
APC White Paper#129 - autori Neil Rasmussen, Wendy Torell
 "High-efficiency indirect air economizer cooling for data centers"
APC White Paper#136 - autor Wendy Torell
 "Guidance for calculation of efficiency (PUE) in datacenters"
APC White Paper#158 - autor Victor Avelar
 "Cooling solutions for IT equipment"
Schneider Electric White Paper - autor Schneider Electric SA
 "PUE - a comprehensive examination of the metric"
The Green Grid White Paper#49 - autori Victor Avelar, Dan Azevedo, Alan French
 "A new approach to industrialized IT"
HP Bussiness Paper - autor HP Development Company
 "Condensers and dry-coolers for top level reliability"
Liebert White Paper - autor EMERSON Network Power
 "Data center power and cooling"
Cisco White Paper - autor Cisco Systems, Inc.
 "Best practices guide for energy-efficient data center design"

NREL - autori John Bruschi, Peter Rumsey, Robin Anlinker, Larry Chu, Stuart Gregson
 "Five strategies for cutting energy costs through enhanced cooling efficiency"
Liebert White Paper - autor EMERSON Network Power
 "Google's green data center - network POP case study - best practices"
Google Study - autor Google Inc.
 "Economizers for data centers"
Rumsey Engineers Presentation- autor Peter Rumsey
 "Energy efficient cooling solutions for data centers"
Liebert White Paper - autor EMERSON Network Power
 "Energy logic - reducing data center energy consumption"
Liebert White Paper - autor EMERSON Network Power
 "HVAC features and applications guide"
Evapco Bulletin - autor Evapco Inc.
 "Relative humidity in data centers"
SEAI IRELAND Bulletin - autor SEAI
 "ASHRAE class changes expand the use of chillerless data centers"
The Green Grid Presentation - autori The Green Grid
 "The hidden costs of free-cooling and what you can do"
ABB White Paper - autor Richard Ungar - ABB Inc.
 "Qualitative analysis of cooling architectures for data centers"
The Green Grid White Paper#30 - autor Bob Blough
 "Principles of evaporative cooling systems"
PHD Center - autor A. Bhatia
 "Ten cooling solutions to support high-density server deployment"
APC White Paper#42 - autor Peter Hannford




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