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1. The Sacco and Vanzetti case illustrated what perception of immigrants during the 1920’s?
2. African Americans tended to vote for which political party following the Civil War and throughout the
3. What ideas did Marcus Garvey popularize within the African American community?
4. The Emergency Quota Act made immigration to the U.S. based upon what?
5. What was the purpose of the Butler Act? What did John T. Scopes do to oppose the act?
6. What was the new morality of the 1920’s? What did it glorify?
7. What was the purpose of the Volstead Act?
8. What group was somewhat exempted from the National Origins Act due to a need for farm laborers?
9. What caused the KKK to decline in membership in the late 1920’s?
10. What was the Harlem Renaissance? Who were some leading African American entertainers, authors, and
poets? How did it affect race relations?
11. What was the NAACP successful in doing during the 1920’s?
12. What were some effects of Prohibition?
13. How did scientific management affect industry during the 1920’s?
14. What problem existed directly after WWI in the labor industry?
15. What was the Teapot Dome Scandal?
16. What effect did radio have on advertising during the 1920’s?
17. Terms:
a. Bootlegging b. eugenics c. evolution d. flapper
e. Bohemian f. Negro Nationalism g. Louie Armstrong
h. Langston Hughes

According to the National Origins Act of 1924, the United States would accept the most new immigrants from
which nation shown in the graph? From which nation would the least new immigrants be accepted? Explain how the
National Origins Act favored immigrants from some regions of Europe over others.

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