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Location Week days Date Sum - TemperatuSum - Orange Sum - Lemon

Beach 1273 1333 1917
Sunday 241 221 331
7/10/2016 82 98 140 40000
7/17/2016 77 76 115 35000
7/31/2016 82 47 76
Monday 159 219 296 30000

7/4/2016 76 99 134 25000

7/11/2016 83 120 162
Tuesday 162 213 289
7/5/2016 78 118 159 15000
7/12/2016 84 95 130 10000
Wednesday 159 144 212
7/6/2016 82 69 103 5000

7/13/2016 77 75 109 0
Thursday 159 186 265
7/7/2016 81 101 143
7/14/2016 78 85 122
Friday 157 148 221
7/8/2016 82 86 123
7/15/2016 75 62 98
Saturday 236 202 303
7/9/2016 80 95 134
7/16/2016 74 50 81
7/30/2016 82 57 88
Park 1172 1158 1697
Sunday 153 159 231
7/3/2016 71 77 110
7/24/2016 82 82 121
Monday 165 205 287
7/18/2016 81 92 131
7/25/2016 84 113 156
Tuesday 161 214 298
7/19/2016 78 85 122
7/26/2016 83 129 176
Wednesday 150 110 175
7/20/2016 70 42 71
7/27/2016 80 68 104
Thursday 159 113 179
7/21/2016 77 50 83
7/28/2016 82 63 96
Friday 231 208 309
7/1/2016 70 67 97
7/22/2016 80 75 112
7/29/2016 81 66 100
Saturday 153 149 218
7/2/2016 72 67 98
7/23/2016 81 82 120
Total Result 2445 2491 3614




25000 Col umn B

Col umn C



Lemon Orange Temperature Leaflets Price

Mean 116.1563 Mean 80 Mean 79.12121 Mean 108.5384 Mean 0.354688

Standard E 4.424473 Standard E 3.745957 Standard E 0.71345 Standard E 3.498527 Standard E 0.02
Median 115 Median 77 Median 81 Median 108 Median 0.35
Mode 98 Mode 67 Mode 82 Mode 90 Mode 0.25
Standard D25.41666 Standard D 21.51889 Standard D4.098457 Standard D 19.79066 Standard D0.113137
Sample Var646.0068 Sample Var463.0625 Sample Var16.79735 Sample Var391.6702 Sample Var 0.0128
Kurtosis -0.13569 Kurtosis -0.19873 Kurtosis -0.00876 Kurtosis -0.0966 Kurtosis -1.7111
Skewness 0.417672 Skewness 0.413231 Skewness -0.96523 Skewness 0.366517 Skewness 0.393042
Range 105 Range 87 Range 14 Range 90 Range 0.25
Minimum 71 Minimum 42 Minimum 70 Minimum 68 Minimum 0.25
Maximum 176 Maximum 129 Maximum 84 Maximum 158 Maximum 0.5
Sum 3833.156 Sum 2640 Sum 2611 Sum 3473.23 Sum 11.35
Count 33 Count 33 Count 33 Count 32 Count 32
sales renvew

Mean 380.4242 Mean 132.1818

Standard E 184.4487 Standard E 64.16467
Median 191 Median 59.5
Mode 172 Mode 43
Standard D1059.577 Standard D 368.5979
Sample Var 1122704 Sample Var135864.4
Kurtosis 32.85832 Kurtosis 32.687
Skewness 5.726639 Skewness 5.705183
Range 6164 Range 2140
Minimum 113 Minimum 41
Maximum 6277 Maximum 2181
Sum 12554 Sum 4362
Count 33 Count 33
Lemon Orange Temperature Leaflets Price sales renvew
Lemon 1
Orange 0.996742 1
Temperatu 0.447636 0.424489 1
Leaflets 0.85931 0.828599 0.259838 1
Price -0.24979 -0.29669 -0.05575 0.058402 1
sales 0.04423 0.044218 0.232846 0.845914 -0.27151 1
renvew 0.031351 0.028615 0.232847 0.613851 0.711513 0.998187 1
t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Lemon Orange
Mean 116.1563 80
Variance 666.8458 478
Observations 32 32
Pooled Variance 572.4229
Hypothesized Mean 0
df 62
t Stat 6.044841
P(T<=t) one-tail 4.67E-08
t Critical one-tail 1.669804
P(T<=t) two-tail 9.35E-08
t Critical two-tail 1.998972

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.929656
R Square 0.864261
Adjusted R Square 0.849718
Standard Error 18.47135
Observations 32

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 3 60826.88 20275.63 59.42607 2.92E-12
Residual 28 9553.342 341.1908
Total 31 70380.22

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%
Lower 95.0%
Upper 95.0%
Intercept -173.344 65.99252 -2.62672 0.013824 -308.524 -38.1644 -308.524 -38.1644
Temperature 2.590141 0.846859 3.058528 0.004858 0.855429 4.324852 0.855429 4.324852
Leaflets 1.941354 0.174093 11.15125 8.24E-12 1.584741 2.297968 1.584741 2.297968
Price -128.991 29.45336 -4.3795 0.000151 -189.323 -68.6585 -189.323 -68.6585


Observation Predicted sales

Standard Residuals
1 150.44 13.56001 0.772437
2 155.6203 9.379729 0.53431 202.2694
3 180.2091 6.790909 0.38684
4 181.5117 51.48833 2.933
5 258.5221 18.47794 1.052584
6 181.5217 -9.52168 -0.5424
7 181.5217 -9.52168 -0.5424
8 266.2925 -22.2925 -1.26988
9 226.1728 -17.1728 -0.97824
10 246.2302 -17.2302 -0.9815
11 261.1172 -23.1172 -1.31686
12 271.4728 10.52724 0.599677
13 204.1741 20.82585 1.186331
14 186.0432 -2.04316 -0.11639
15 215.8123 -8.81226 -0.50198
16 166.0873 -6.08734 -0.34676
17 128.5528 2.447182 0.139402
18 206.212 -15.212 -0.86654
19 208.8071 14.19286 0.808487
20 183.5645 23.43547 1.334987
21 153.5831 -40.5831 -2.31179
22 136.3232 -3.32324 -0.18931
23 179.038 7.961961 0.453548
24 199.1004 2.899632 0.165176
25 201.6905 1.309491 0.074594
26 241.8152 27.18483 1.548566
27 303.2248 1.775183 0.101122
28 180.9145 -8.91449 -0.50781
29 168.6226 -9.62258 -0.54814
30 175.7392 -9.73921 -0.55479
31 151.1504 -6.15039 -0.35035
32 125.9128 -2.91279 -0.16593
Temperature Residual Plot
40 Leaflets Residual Plot

-20 68
70 72
Price Residual Plot
74 76 78 80 82 84 86

-40 60
-20 60
80 100
Temperature Line Fit Plot
120 140 160 180
-40 Temperature
-60 0
-20 0.2 300 0.3
0.25 0.35
Leaflets Line Fit Plot
0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55
-40 sales200Leaflets 400 sales
-60 100 300 Price Line Fit Plot
Predicted sales

0 200 Price 400 sales

68 70 72 Predicted sales
10074 76 78
30080 82 84 86
Upper 95.0% Temperature
0 200 sales

60 80100100 120 140 160 180 Predicted sales

0 Leaflets
0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55
t Plot
Predicted sales
Predicted sales

.5 0.55
Lemon Orange Temperature Leaflets Price

Mean 116.5806 Mean 80.35484 Mean 79.03 Mean 109.13645 Mean 0.69375
Standard E 4.545197 Standard E 3.848583 Standard E 0.70777183 Standard E 3.56 Standard E 0.336264
Median 115.7903 Median 78.67742 Median 80 Median 108 Median 0.35
Mode 98 Mode 67 Mode 82 Mode 90 Mode 0.25
Standard D25.71152 Standard D 21.77087 Standard D4.06583963 Standard D19.821718 Standard D1.902195
Sample Var661.0822 Sample Var473.9709 Sample Var16.5310519 Sample Var392.90052 Sample Var3.618347
Kurtosis -0.20491 Kurtosis -0.26792 Kurtosis -0.0130703 Kurtosis -0.080626 Kurtosis 31.75844
Skewness 0.369109 Skewness 0.36503 Skewness -0.9259751 Skewness 0.3101378 Skewness 5.625847
Range 105 Range 87 Range 14 Range 90 Range 10.85
Minimum 71 Minimum 42 Minimum 70 Minimum 68 Minimum 0.25
Maximum 176 Maximum 129 Maximum 84 Maximum 158 Maximum 11.1
Sum 3730.581 Sum 2571.355 Sum 2607.87097 Sum 3383.23 Sum 22.2
Count 32 Count 32 Count 33 Count 31 Count 32
sales renvew

Mean 381.5625 Mean 133.625

Standard E 184.8174 Standard E 64.79879
Median 196.5 Median 59.85
Mode 187 Mode #N/A
Standard D1045.485 Standard D 366.5573
Sample Var 1093039 Sample Var134364.3
Kurtosis 31.85516 Kurtosis 31.69329
Skewness 5.63826 Skewness 5.617702
Range 5992 Range 2097
Minimum 113 Minimum 41
Maximum 6105 Maximum 2138
Sum 12210 Sum 4276
Count 32 Count 32
Date Week days Location Lemon Orange Temperature Leaflets Price
7/1/2016 Friday Park 97 67 70 90 0.25
7/2/2016 Saturday Park 98 67 72 90 0.25
7/3/2016 Sunday Park 110 77 71 104 0.25
7/4/2016 Monday Beach 134 99 76 98 0.25
7/5/2016 Tuesday Beach 159 118 78 135 0.25
7/6/2016 Wednesday Beach 103 69 82 90 0.25
7/7/2016 Thursday Beach 143 101 81 135 0.25
7/8/2016 Friday Beach 123 86 82 113 0.25
7/9/2016 Saturday Beach 134 95 80 126 0.25
7/10/2016 Sunday Beach 140 98 82 131 0.25
7/11/2016 Monday Beach 162 120 83 135 0.25
7/12/2016 Tuesday Beach 130 95 84 99 0.25
7/13/2016 Wednesday Beach 109 75 77 99 0.25
7/14/2016 Thursday Beach 122 85 78 113 0.25
7/15/2016 Friday Beach 98 62 75 108 0.5
7/16/2016 Saturday Beach 81 50 74 90 0.5
7/17/2016 Sunday Beach 115 76 77 126 0.5
7/18/2016 Monday Park 131 92 81 122 0.5
7/19/2016 Tuesday Park 122 85 78 113 0.5
7/20/2016 Wednesday Park 71 42 70 108.23 0.5
7/21/2016 Thursday Park 83 50 77 90 0.5
7/22/2016 Friday Park 112 75 80 108 0.5
7/23/2016 Saturday Park 120 82 81 117 0.5
7/24/2016 Sunday Park 121 82 82 117 0.5
7/25/2016 Monday Park 156 113 84 135 0.5
7/26/2016 Tuesday Park 176 129 83 158 0.35
7/27/2016 Wednesday Park 104 68 80 99 0.35
7/28/2016 Thursday Park 96 63 82 90 0.35
7/29/2016 Friday Park 100 66 81 95 0.35
7/30/2016 Saturday Beach 88 57 82 81 0.35
7/31/2016 Sunday Beach 76 47 82 68 0.35
31 116.5806 80.354839 84
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